Dreamcast read problems


CAG Veteran
Got a Dreamcast that won't read most games, and we're not sure what exactly to do. Majority of the time it just takes us to the menu screen and asks to insert a disc, while few instances we'll load and freeze {usually with a black or white screen.} We're looking for a "new" one, but until then, we'd like to see if there's anyway to salvage the dear old thing. The only games that it'll read are Sonic Adventures and one or two demo discs, and none of our games are scratched. Help?..
Those games that are having issues wouldn't be by Midway by any chance would they? The first batch of midway games (MK, Hydro thunder, NFL Blitz) as well as some Sonic Adventures had issues reading on some systems especially those that were made in China. Midway re-released those with a green sticker saying 'new & improved' that did not have the issue.
[quote name='vid3985']ha ha
you still play dreamcast.....mine just sits on the shelf lol[/quote]

Not exactly helping me here, but okay. Whatever floats.
[quote name='CappyCobra']Those games that are having issues wouldn't be by Midway by any chance would they? The first batch of midway games (MK, Hydro thunder, NFL Blitz) as well as some Sonic Adventures had issues reading on some systems especially those that were made in China. Midway re-released those with a green sticker saying 'new & improved' that did not have the issue.[/quote]

I'm not exactly sure, but these games used to work before. The dreamcast IS old, and that might be the reason why, but considering we've taken care of it {no dropping, no spilling drinks, etc.}, it should work.. I don't know. :|
Have you tried re-adjusting the laser? My Dreamcast started having lots of problems reading discs, so I re-adjusted the laser and it worked a lot better. You should be able to find through Google how to open up your DC and adjust your laser.
I tried adjusting my laser once. Screwed it up even more and it was very difficult to get it working again.

I found out the problem though. My Dreamcast can't play pressed retail discs. It only plays burned CDs. True story.
[quote name='Z-Saber']I tried adjusting my laser once. Screwed it up even more and it was very difficult to get it working again.

I found out the problem though. My Dreamcast can't play pressed retail discs. It only plays burned CDs. True story.[/QUOTE]

Did the system play alot of bootlegs/emulator discs? Playing CD-R and RW's degrade the system read laser over time, and it's a fairly common problem. The only way to fix it is to replace the CD drive. It's a similiar problem to the PS2's DVD-Rom laser.. the earlier models had poor calibration. It's some difference between the DC's GD-Rom (I think that's what they're called, it slips my mind right now) discs and CD-Rom discs, where using CD's constantly will throw off the calibration/degrade the lens.

Big warning to everybody.. if you run alot of CD-R/RW's in your DC, get a backup console and use it for those only. Messing with the laser is dangerous to the console if you don't know what you're doing.

[quote name='vid3985']ha ha
you still play dreamcast.....mine just sits on the shelf lol[/QUOTE]

Those who truly enjoy the hobby of gaming do not limit themselves to one console.. and in a thread requesting technical expertise, fanboys who know only how to turn their hardware on instead of understanding how it functions have no usefulness on a topic like this. If anybody should be made fun of here, it's ignorant person bashing someone seeking help on a truly technical issue. Go to Gamefaqs or Gamespot and post your opinions.
Try using a q-tip to clean the laser, it worked for me when Crazy Taxi 2 wouldn't load (it was a brand new copy I had just bought from Sears)
I got the Dreamcast from EB one day during the morning update era. No idea what it played originally, but it woudn't play single GD-ROM when I got it. Adjusting the laser did nothing. It only plays burned CD-ROMs.
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