DS deals/help?

Specter Fate

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I can't think of where it would be a better fit so sorry in advance if it's in the wrong place!

Anyway, I'm wondering if I could get some help from you guys for a birthday present for my boyfriend.. He's turning 23 and he's as much of a gamer as I am, though he rarely strays from his 360. The only handheld console he's owned outside of a Gameboy Color is the Star Wars PSP and he was not much of a fan, so I've been considering nabbing him a 3DS or a DS Lite (owning a DSi currently I see no reason to get one over a 3DS as it has the same capabilities plus more, and the DSL is on my radar purely because of the backwards compatibility.) So, CAG:

What option would you go with, and what games do you recommend?

He likes Zelda, FPS games, JRPG-like games, and sidescrollers. Unless they're really cool niche games he tends to avoid fighters (the only one that he's played recently he decided he "liked" was BlazBlue, though I've heard bad things about the port.) I'm sure there are other genres that he likes I'm not thinking of.. one of his favorite games is the Mass Effect series (I've never played) if that helps. He also likes Halo, Sonic and Phantasy Star.

I'd like to keep the tab for this under 200$ if possible, under 180$ preferably. I'm aiming for a console and at least 2 games. Links to thinks would be awesome, and thanks in advance guys!
that's a pretty good deal i would get the red one with street fighter personally but i heard ghost recon was pretty good
Ghost recon is RTS, right? Am thinking of grabbing that with the bundle. I haven't played with one of these yet, so how bad is the quality of DS games if they're played on the 3DS? If I buy say, Dragon Quest IX for him as well, would it play? Or would the resolution (probably the wrong term.. hope you guys understand what I'm trying to say) be all whacky?
[quote name='Specter Fate']Figured as much, though if there is a significant reason to buy the 3DS over the DSL I'd find a way to pony up the difference.


A good reason would be the only upcoming games are shovelware for DS, while 3DS will be getting new games for years. It really depends if you are interest in the GBA games.
[quote name='62t']A good reason would be the only upcoming games are shovelware for DS, while 3DS will be getting new games for years. It really depends if you are interest in the GBA games.[/QUOTE]

I would have to agree. Although with the inevitable 3dslite with dual sticks, I'd go for the dslite. Mostly because of the huge backlog between ds and gba. I myself am in the market for a dsi due to my dslite shoulder buttons crapping out and still owning a gbasp I have no need for the backwards compatability
[quote name='62t']A good reason would be the only upcoming games are shovelware for DS, while 3DS will be getting new games for years. It really depends if you are interest in the GBA games.[/QUOTE]
Beyond that.. I'm looking really at what would be the better one to get someone who has no DS or really portable game experience. With what I've found looking around on Amazon and random other websites the price does not seem too much higher than that of a DS Lite, so I think I'm going to bite on the 3DS anyway.
bread's done