DS Download Station Vol. 6


1 (100%)
Looks like I'm doing Nintendo's job for them again since they haven't updated their page since last Christmas! This edition includes demos of Planet Puzzle League, Picross DS, and Custom Robo Arena, plus "bonus content" for Chocobo Tales (not sure how that's supposed to work.) There's other demos too; maybe someone in the loop can post a full list. This was found at Best Buy today.
It's 3 of 5 promo cards for the card battling system. I got mine from a download station in Wal-Mart, and they're pretty neat (the Chocobo Bash card is definitely the most useful)
Picross DS demo? Man, I'm gonna be all over that! I can't wait for the game to come out at the end of this month!
I just bought Chocobo Tales, but I'm in the middle of some other games, so I hadn't planned on playing it right now; I don't want to miss the bonus content, though. Do I have to be at a certain point in the game to download the bonus content, or can I just start the game, download the bonus content, then pick up the game later after I finish some other games?
I really want to download the demo of Picross DS as well. I think both my wife and I will really like this game. I have the same problem as anyone else, I doubt any stores around me will update their demo for months to come.

I hope that Nintendo announces a DS Demo channel for the Wii at E3. Since it has been announced that the Wii version of Geometry Wars can send a demo of the game to the DS, this is definitely possible.
They need to just go ahead and offer demos through the Wii. I wanna try these demos but I don't ever have my DS on me when I go to stores.
The Picross demo is great. Downloaded it yesterday from Wal-mart and brought it home. After going through the tutorial, I played the four puzzles included in the demo. I'd never played Picross before, and now I'm totally stoked for the game, coming at the end of this month. I can only think of it as Minesweeper...with a purpose!
Also included was a demo of Cookie & Cream. It was quite a challenging little demo, making you steer one rabbit through environments and obstacles on the upper screen while performing coordinated activies on the bottom. Challenging, but perhaps not terribly interesting. The demo did leave me proud of my finishing the two included puzzles and left me wanting more.
I'd love the Chocobo Tales content, and I'd also like to try out Custom Robo Arena and Picross. Can you only have one demo in your system at a time?

I hope somewhere around here actually has this.
[quote name='utopianmachine']Yeah, only one demo at a time.[/quote]

Thought so. I wasn't sure if it was one program with all those demos, or you dl each seperately.

I've never used a download station before, since I've always owned the games in them or not cared. :lol:
The download station concept is good. I downloaded True Swing Golf like a year ago and it convinced me I wanted it. I kept the demo on there for like 3 days and played it a lot.

I wonder if the stores have to actually buy the demos from nintendo (I assume they do).
[quote name='Judge Groovyman']I wonder if the stores have to actually buy the demos from nintendo (I assume they do).[/quote]

I doubt it. Charging for demos would just give the stores a reason not to have them, and that would just hurt Nintendo in the long run (not by much, but still).
I went to Fry's, Best Buy, & Target this morning hoping to download some demos. Fry's had a DS download station sign but i didn't pick up any signals there. Best Buy had nothing. Target had a DS Lite hooked up and had 3 of the crappiest games I could imagine: Shrek the 3rd, Transformers, & Spiderman.

Waste of my time...
[quote name='Rockgamer']I doubt it. Charging for demos would just give the stores a reason not to have them, and that would just hurt Nintendo in the long run (not by much, but still).[/quote]

Ya that makes perfect sense, and I would agree, but then why doesn't literally every single store always have the latest download station in it. If they are free ... well maybe the store is just too darn lazy to request it?
I'm going to come out in defense of the stores here...

Some stores don't get the demo discs in. In fact, I've been Fighting with the powers that be to get a DS Download Station in my Wal*Mart - where I work, mind you - for so long that I finally broke down and bought DS Download Station carts off eBay and am working on creating my own Download Station. Unfortunatly, the only carts I've been able to snag are Volumes 2 and 3. :(

There are many reasons why a store might not have a current (or any) Download Station - and not just because the store is "too damn lazy" (although that could be the case, typically stores don't "request" them, either they are mailed in or the reps bring them in automatically.)
Yay! I went to CC today, and I just happened to have my DS with me, and I saw the sign that said DS Download Station, so I figure why not give it a try. I turned on my DS and did the download play, and to my surprise, DS Download Station Vol. 6 came up! Score! I just happened to have Chocobo Tales with me as well, so I was able to get the extra cards, and after that I downloaded the Picross DS demo (I was thinking about trying out Cookie & Cream instead, but I'm just too excited about Picross to pass it up). It was pretty cool, but it was way too short and easy (I beat all four puzzles in less than ten minutes).
I know that these are used to get people in the stores to buy the games, but it would be great if you could just download the demos offline . . .
I tried the Cookie & Cream, Picross, and Planet Puzzle League demos. Picross and Planet Puzzle League were awesome and way to short, but hey, it's a demo. I didn't like Cookie & Cream as much as the PS2 game. The puzzles seem simpler and there's no co-operative play in it. Controlling with the D-pad also made it harder to make jumps than with an analog stick. I might pick it up someday, but I've got better games to play in the meanwhile.
bread's done