DS/GBA games w/ a 90's MS-DOS feel?

how does any of that stuff have a ms-dos feel?

legit question here, because i'd like to recommend you some games, but I have no idea what you're talking about.

you mean adventure games?
Contact, perhaps?

Bit Generation titles?

You do realize MS-DOS is technically all text and ASCII code pictures, right? On the flipside, a DOS game could just as easily be classified as Dark Forces, it required a bootup from DOS.

Also: (D)Orcs & Elves. That was a great 7 hours spent in what felt like old-school PC gaming, almost a Stonekeep Lite.
I guess I should ask it like this "Any DS games that would be near and dear to someone who grew up in the 90s playing FPS and Adventure games on the PC". IE Doom/Dark Forces as mentioned, Monkey Island, The 7th Guest, Full Throttle, etc etc :) I guess more of the rudimentary adventure games is what I'm after, the 'find the pixel' games such as Harvester, Under a Killing Moon, etc.

I have Trace Memory but can't get into it... too slow :(

Also have Orcs and love it. I need to re-play that one.

I'll check out the recommendations in this thread after I finish watching Duke win the ACC :)
2 DS games I have that I haven't gotten around to playing yet might fit:

Mazes of Fate DS (seems similar to Orcs but with more depth)
Touch Detective 2 1/2 (2nd one is better than the 1st)

Theresia (I'm 1st in line at Goozex, still waiting for the first person to offer it up)
the Phoenix Wright series. It has the humor that's missing from Hotel Dusk and Trace Memory.
Possibly: Time Hollow (I'm on the fence about getting this one)

for FPS:

Dementium: The Ward (not a doom-FPS, closer to Half-Life style)
and for on-rail shooting fun: Touch The Dead.

N+ is also highly recommended. I enjoyed it to the very end (and wanted more levels, but couldn't connect to the online community). I used to play Jumpman and Jumpman Jr. all the time when I was little, so it was a natural fit for me (oddly, I find the free PC version unplayable).
My last post got me in the mood for nostalgia so I've been playing gba Rebelstar. What a game! anyone who played turn-based tactical games in the early 90's will love this. It's just like lazer squad on the c64 & x-com on the pc but updated to include destructible enviroments, streamlined controls & superfast AI turns.

Really good for on the go play.


[quote name='greescom']My last post got me in the mood for nostalgia so I've been playing gba Rebelstar. What a game! anyone who played turn-based tactical games in the early 90's will love this. It's just like lazer squad on the c64 & x-com on the pc but updated to include destructible enviroments, streamlined controls & superfast AI turns.

Really good for on the go play.

Oh man, I'm going to have to find this! Thank you.

And that reminds me, Jagged Alliance DS is coming out pretty soon, could be good.
bread's done