DS Pre-order Deals: Black Sigil($27.50), Knights in the Nightmare($32) + more!

Nights in the Nightmare is getting some awesome previews... this is a great price, especially considering the pre-order bonuses.
Great price on Black Sigil... if that ever comes out. But good for me, I already have Black Sigil with a Goldbox discount so that'll be nice but Sands of Destruction has been that price for a while I think and I ordered Knights of the Nightmare at full price.

Hopefully Amazon will update my orders for Black Sigil and KitN automatically, never had an issue in the past but I know some CAGs have.
Already had Knights of the Nightmare preordered. Good to see Amazon offering a discount! :D

Also decided to set up an order for Black Sigil. It looks like an interesting 16-bit RPG throwback, and I like to support indie studio efforts.
I have had Black Sigil on my amazon shopping list for a long long time... However, I can't seem to remember what appealed to me back then to put it on my list... must be something but I can't recall a thing about this game and wiki it didn't help me much.
[quote name='wasabi5858']I have had Black Sigil on my amazon shopping list for a long long time... However, I can't seem to remember what appealed to me back then to put it on my list... must be something but I can't recall a thing about this game and wiki it didn't help me much.[/QUOTE]

There's a 4 minute long video for it on the Amazon page.
[quote name='rainking187']There's a 4 minute long video for it on the Amazon page.[/quote]

yeah, I already watch it before I post. I still don't remember what prompted me to add it way back then...

Anyway, I've already been to the developer's site, read some of their forum, about their effort to get more large retailer to order it (such as 14,000 commitment for black sigil) etc etc... I've already pre-order :)
I preordered Sands of Destruction and Black Sigil. Was going to just goozex Black Sigil, but sounds like they need the support, so I am down.
I pre-ordered Black Sigil for $30 back in November when it was supposed to release in December. Now that it's below $25, is my FSSS discount still safe? I'd hate to have to cancel my order just to re-order + $2 filler. Amazon's FAQ pages on pre-order price guarantee and FSSS don't mention anything about how this kind of thing resolves itself, so I'm hoping that someone here knows. Thanks for any info.

Also, pre-ordered Knights in the Knightmare. That's such an awesome price.
[quote name='fwbweux']I pre-ordered Black Sigil for $30 back in November when it was supposed to release in December. Now that it's below $25, is my FSSS discount still safe? I'd hate to have to cancel my order just to re-order + $2 filler. Amazon's FAQ pages on pre-order price guarantee and FSSS don't mention anything about how this kind of thing resolves itself, so I'm hoping that someone here knows. Thanks for any info.

Also, pre-ordered Knights in the Knightmare. That's such an awesome price.[/QUOTE]

I've had that happen before where the price drops to below FSSS after I pre-ordered and Amazon still honored the lower price and gave me the FSSS.
[quote name='bojay1997']I've had that happen before where the price drops to below FSSS after I pre-ordered and Amazon still honored the lower price and gave me the FSSS.[/quote]

Thanks, that's good to know. I was really hoping that would be their policy.
Amazon keeps preventing me from spending gift cards at GS for full price games. Guess I'll be switching my KitN preorder to something else.
in 4 1 . I snagged the Luminous Arc 2 on the cheap before and the artbook was a nice bonus. So I'm really looking forward to this game.
Already had Knights and SRTOMGWTFBBQ preordered, but nice to see their price dropped a little! Updated my order and also grabbed Black Sigil. Thanks OP!! :)
Nice! Yesterday I caught the price drop for Knights of the Nightmare, so I cancelled my first pre-order and put in a new one at the lower price. The reason I did this, is because Amazon has required me to contact Customer Service in the past in order to get the price difference for the drop -- which I thought was totally lame.

This time, thankfully, they've updated all of my pre-orders to the new, lower price.

I thought I'd share this for anyone else who has had issues getting price drops applied to existing pre-orders.
Pre-ordered KitN for $27.89 2-day shipped with a 10% code generated from my nice 'n fresh ECA account and thanks to Prime of course. :D Thanks OP! :)
KitN will probably be like Persona 4, Eternal Poison, and Luminous Arc 2, in that it you'll still be able to get the artbook with it months after it releases. But I pre-ordered it anyway since it looks awesome.
OK, I ordered Knights in the Nightmare cause I love Strategy and RPG. Now here is my issue - I really want to order Super Robot Taisen but I basically suck at fighting games and from what I gather the battle mode is pretty much a fighting game set up. Opinions welcome...
[quote name='doodofdoods']KitN will probably be like Persona 4, Eternal Poison, and Luminous Arc 2, in that it you'll still be able to get the artbook with it months after it releases. But I pre-ordered it anyway since it looks awesome.[/quote]

I had the same thought. I preordered it anyway, since I enjoyed Sting's other US releases.
[quote name='DaddySasquatch']OK, I ordered Knights in the Nightmare cause I love Strategy and RPG. Now here is my issue - I really want to order Super Robot Taisen but I basically suck at fighting games and from what I gather the battle mode is pretty much a fighting game set up. Opinions welcome...[/quote]

Its not really a fighting game. Its more like Xenogears where you enter combinations of buttons to link your attacks, so you should be alright.
[quote name='Squarehard']Its not really a fighting game. Its more like Xenogears where you enter combinations of buttons to link your attacks, so you should be alright.[/quote]

Thanks for clearing that up. I think I can handle that type system. I'm in. :)
[quote name='Purkeynator']price increased on Black Sigil. boooooourns[/quote]

Yeah, I JUST got this in my Gold Box with the new price. I was going to pre-order it then, but of course it was in my Gold Box today for like $26.

Oh, and nice Simpsons reference.
bread's done