Dual Core Laptops?


14 (100%)
I'm going to be buying a new laptop in the next 2-5 months, and I'm wanting to get something very "top of the line" and something that will last for a few years. So I'm looking more towards getting something with a dual core processor. Can anyone give me some info/advice on this? I was interested in the new Macs with the Intel processors, but I have heard some negative remarks about how they handle the non-native programs, so I'm a little unsure on those now. Anyone's two cents are more than welcome; thank you everyone!
dual core processors will most likely use up a lot more power than a processor that was designed for a laptop (such as Pentium and Celeron M processors). They will also be a lot hotter than processors built for laptops. I don't know if these will disuade you, or not, but they certainly are important factors to consider. Especially, since they're factors that may disuade you from taking your laptop from your home, nullifying the laptop's main use: Portability.
Uh, the Core Duos are made for laptops. That's why Apple could use one for the Macbook. They're dual-core Pentium M's if you want to think of them that way.

I totally understand wanting to wait until Apple gets the software issues figured out, but once they do, any existing intel Mac would get the same speed boost. So if you wanted to buy one now it wouldn't be a permanent liability.
For the most part, I will be doing schoolwork on here, with the usual stuff (internet, music, maybe a little bit of downloading) mixed in as well. I know that I won't "NEED" a lot of power for that necessarily, but I figure if I have the money (which I will in this case), I want to go pretty much all out on this thing. The limit would be around $3,000. I don't really plan on playing games too much on this, as I already have a pretty decent desktop system for that, but the option wouldn't be bad. I guess my concern with the MacBook Pro is that the current issues might be fixed in something like a hardware upgrade, and that I'll miss out on that and have an "inferior" product if I get one now instead of holding off. I looked at that one that was linked to earlier, but I'm not familiar with the company. Are they well-known/respected? Sorry for all the questions, but I've never spent any time looking for a laptop before.
If your not going to be playing games, I would be more so in looking into getting something extremely light and portable. And as I do with my gf's laptop, keep it as clean as possible software wise so you get the full use, I've seen way to many good laptops go to the shit gutter with random ass programs that run on startup. Vice versa, I have seen semi-decent laptops that perform awesome because of how clean they've been kept.
[quote name='Xevious']If you are going to get a top of the line Laptop, I would wait till Windows Vista comes out.[/QUOTE]

Well, if I end up getting a Mac, I won't need to worry about Vista. And I need to have a laptop before I start school in the fall. Isn't Vista "hopeful" for a release by the end of the year? I could be wrong, of course, but I thought that was what I read. I figure if I get something amazing in the middle of this year, it'll be pretty compatible with Vista, but who knows.
[quote name='hopesfall']Well, if I end up getting a Mac, I won't need to worry about Vista. And I need to have a laptop before I start school in the fall. Isn't Vista "hopeful" for a release by the end of the year? I could be wrong, of course, but I thought that was what I read. I figure if I get something amazing in the middle of this year, it'll be pretty compatible with Vista, but who knows.[/QUOTE]

Well, first off you should make sure you've used a Mac to see if it's really for you. Also, don't plan on having many games to play on it.

As far as Vista goes...well considering that the core duos are not 64-bit, it's likely that there will be a Mac OS update as well that the core duos aren't suited to handle. If you don't need a laptop till the fall, I'd say wait until mid summer to buy because more will be available and prices will be down.
The only games that would "matter" to me would be like Civ IV, which I've heard they are working on putting out the Mac version, if I'm not mistaken. I know what you mean though, about trying out a Mac first. My girlfriend absolutely hates them, but I don't seem to have any problems, and friends and co-workers have never had anything bad to say about them. My range for buying would be sometime between the first week of April through the first week of August, so I do still have some time to see how everything shakes out. I just want to start getting an idea of what to get, in advance =).
I'm thinking about getting a macbook myself (depend on the grant we'll get :) for our project ) ....anyone know what is the best (coolest) looking laptop bag for the macbook (same size as powerbook 15" i guess).. oh cheapass laptop bag would be cool too
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