duke nukem forever $10 xbox & PS3

I think thats about what this games worth.. I usually will play mediocre games but this game felt sub mediocre. The demo left a bad taste in my mouth, it just felt way off.

Still for 10 bucks i suppose i'll bite later today. Gotta find more for FSSS though
So Amazon matched Gamestop's price on this? Not bad. Too bad I already bought this from AWD a couple months ago...for about $1-2 more I think.#-o

Oh well. But it really isn't THAT bad of a game. I have definitely played worse(E.T. for the 2600:puke:). But yeah, if you're going in looking for shiny shiny pretty pretty and expecting a COD/MW clone, then you're gonna be disappointed. For what it is I enjoyed it.:razz:
If you do get it, be sure to read everything that has readable sized print on it, especially the cans/bottles on the shelves when he's shrunk down in the one level.;)
There was so much hype behind this game that it was in the works for more than a decade. Sad to see that it didnt live up to the hype. I really liked the very first Duke Nukem on P.C with the shitty graphics.
I always preferred the third person ones on PS1 over the first person ones. But I just got a chuckle out of the humor in this game. Then again, I laugh at Beavis & Butthead now that they're back too.
Im buying this at gs. With some left over credit after i get heavy rain there i figure ah heck why not. Ill be in and out of gs with the game which beats waiting for it to ship
[quote name='IAmTheCheapestGamer']I have definitely played worse(E.T. for the 2600:puke:).[/QUOTE]

Thanks OP. I´ll save it for later.
bread's done