Dumbass woman kills her baby for interrupting her Farmville session.



A 22 year-old woman from Jacksonsville, Florida has pleaded guilty to killing her baby son over a game of...Farmville.

Alexandra V. Tobias says her three-month old child, Dylan Lee Edmondson, had been crying while she was trying to play the popular Facebook casual game. This angered Tobias, who told authorities that she shook the baby, had a cigarette to calm herself down, then shook him again. It's believed he "may have hit his head during the shaking".

Dylan's death was classified as second-degree murder, a charge that carries the possibility of a life sentence in prison.


What needs to be done.

Im not quite sure why this is in the gaming section, it has nothing to do with gaming. Is it because she was playing a game? Lots of people who play games do bad stuff and good stuff and lots of people who dont play games do bad stuff and good stuff.

[quote name='Seventh']Put the kid up for adoption... don't have to kill the thing.[/QUOTE]

Not trying to defend her but it doesnt sound like she killed it on purpose like thinking "I want to play farmville but the baby wont shut so I will kill it". I dont think she killed it on purpose. It sounds like she is just really really really stupid and very apathetic.

I had to watch a video in peds class in nursing school about this guy who went to prison for life because he shook his baby too much and killed it because it wouldnt stop crying. He just lost his control and didnt realize you could kill a baby by doing it because he just freaked out. He wasnt mad at the baby itself, he was just not really mentally stable enough for anything and snapped, taking his frustration out on the baby because it was immeditately near him and annoying him.

But what he or that woman did was no excuse and should not go unpunished. Because its a very terrible thing she did, intended or not. Its one thing to hurt adults because atleast they have the ability to understand, control the situation somewhat or be able to defend themselves. But babies are completely different they cant do anything or understand. They are just utterly helpless. No baby deserves to be mistreated or killed for any reason.

I was in the ER one day and this lady walks up to me and I turn around, she puts her baby in my hands and then leaves. It was about 2 months old Id guess. At first I thought something was wrong with her and she was afraid of holding the kid or needed to lay down but she got back in her car and left. Yeah it was sad but atleast she put her kid in our care instead of doing something horrible to it or neglecting it.
i hate these kinds of headlines. Not only does it imply causation (and I know many people, if not most, are stupid enough to buy into it), but she's given an excuse that she'll probably use as a defense to her actions.

"I'm just a young white mother overburdened with a crippling addiction to a facebook game"
eww she is ugly as fuck, her kid would have been abused/bullied in highschool anyways if it looked anything like her.....just saying

but seriously thats fucked up, just not as fucked up as my statement above
[quote name='Paco']

What needs to be done.


Jacksonville ain't that bad, it's the south Florida idiots that make me hate living here. Sometimes I feel like I live in a 3rd world country.
[quote name='gargus']Im not quite sure why this is in the gaming section, it has nothing to do with gaming. Is it because she was playing a game? Lots of people who play games do bad stuff and good stuff and lots of people who dont play games do bad stuff and good stuff.

Not trying to defend her but it doesnt sound like she killed it on purpose like thinking "I want to play farmville but the baby wont shut so I will kill it". I dont think she killed it on purpose. It sounds like she is just really really really stupid and very apathetic.

I had to watch a video in peds class in nursing school about this guy who went to prison for life because he shook his baby too much and killed it because it wouldnt stop crying. He just lost his control and didnt realize you could kill a baby by doing it because he just freaked out. He wasnt mad at the baby itself, he was just not really mentally stable enough for anything and snapped, taking his frustration out on the baby because it was immeditately near him and annoying him.

But what he or that woman did was no excuse and should not go unpunished. Because its a very terrible thing she did, intended or not. Its one thing to hurt adults because atleast they have the ability to understand, control the situation somewhat or be able to defend themselves. But babies are completely different they cant do anything or understand. They are just utterly helpless. No baby deserves to be mistreated or killed for any reason.

I was in the ER one day and this lady walks up to me and I turn around, she puts her baby in my hands and then leaves. It was about 2 months old Id guess. At first I thought something was wrong with her and she was afraid of holding the kid or needed to lay down but she got back in her car and left. Yeah it was sad but atleast she put her kid in our care instead of doing something horrible to it or neglecting it.[/QUOTE]

damn that is some fucked up shit but youre right at least that person had sense enough to take her kid somewhere where it could get help but even then to just give up your child like that is cold.
bread's done