Dusty's Muffler vs Brock Lesnar's Wang Sword Wrestling Thread

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I see Cena losing to Lesnar because let's face it, Brock needs this win or else his return will fall flat on it's face. Afterwards my money is on Cena coming out with a speech about how he needs to walk away for awhile and have some time for himself, similar to Shawn's "I need to find my smile" speech.

Cena leaves for a few months and makes a huge return at a PPV down the road. I think WWE has finally gotten the hint that crowds are getting sick of him and it's not like they can't still shill/sell his merch without him on television. Guy probably needs a break anyway.
I hate to bring it up again, but dammit, WWEShop screwed me again. They put me back down to standard shipping despite me picking Next Day Air. I even have screenshots of before and after I made the order to show them where it says "One Day Business Air". Estimated delivery date is May 1st, which is after Extreme Rules. I called, but their customer service lines close at 5PM. I've also sent a total of three emails now between the past week and have not once received anything back. I gave them a second chance, but I'll never be ordering from them again now.

Guess I will finally just take the advice I should've taken from the start and just buy it at the damn show.
Beth did a good job of selling that. If it weren't for the timing of it (both from a point-in-the-match perspective and a Kharma's-coming-back perspective) I would have not doubted it at all. It was a perfect way to get the belt off her while not making her seem dumb or weak.

Makes sense to give the Bellas the belt and have Kharma come back for revenge on them. Shortly after that point I'd hope they'd make Kharma be a heel, leading to Beth coming back as the good guy savior for the girls once Kharma runs through everyone else.

Sort of echo what Venkman said about Cena too. He needs to lose to Brock and have at least some character progression here. Doesn't even need to be a heel, but just fucking do SOMETHING different. Only thing I'd be concerned about is the idea that they are going to have him lose a bunch of matches this year and then have him redeem himself by beating Undertaker next year at 'Mania. Ugh.
Slow day. I'm guessing everyone just doesn't care lately.

Superstars spoilers

WWE Superstars Taping

* Kelly Kelly defeated Maxine. Kelly used her leg drop finisher.

* The Miz defeated Alex Riley. The Miz won with a Skull Crushing Finale.

* Hunico & Camacho defeated The Usos.

SmackDown spoilers (These feel like the same results every week, minus ADR being on the show)

SmackDown, Airing Friday:

* Daniel Bryan opens the show and is interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio talks about winning the World Heavyweight Title after Extreme Rules until Big Show interrupts and cleans house. Show chokeslams Ricardo Rodriguez.

* Alberto Del Rio beat Big Show in a non-title match when Cody Rhodes interfered.

* Damien Sandow vignette aired on the big screen.

* WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella beat Alicia Fox.

* Darren Young & Titus O'Neil beat Yoshi Tatsu & Ezekiel Jackson.

* Michael Cole conducts his exclusive interview with Randy Orton. Orton talks about what he will do to Kane at Extreme Rules. Jinder Mahal interrupted and Orton left him laying after a RKO.

* Antonio Cesaro has a tryout match arranged from John Laurinaitis. He defeats Tyson Kidd in a solid match.

* The same Brock Lesnar hype video from Raw aired.

* The Great Khali beat Cody Rhodes.

* Ryback squashed local wrestler Jacob Kay.

* They recapped A.J. attacking Natalya last week after D-Bryan dumped her.

* Brock Lesnar promo aired.

* They recapped the AJ vs. Natalya match from last week.

* Sheamus beat Mark Henry in a non-title match.
[quote name='KaneRobot']Beth did a good job of selling that. If it weren't for the timing of it (both from a point-in-the-match perspective and a Kharma's-coming-back perspective) I would have not doubted it at all. It was a perfect way to get the belt off her while not making her seem dumb or weak.

Makes sense to give the Bellas the belt and have Kharma come back for revenge on them. Shortly after that point I'd hope they'd make Kharma be a heel, leading to Beth coming back as the good guy savior for the girls once Kharma runs through everyone else.

Sort of echo what Venkman said about Cena too. He needs to lose to Brock and have at least some character progression here. Doesn't even need to be a heel, but just fucking do SOMETHING different. Only thing I'd be concerned about is the idea that they are going to have him lose a bunch of matches this year and then have him redeem himself by beating Undertaker next year at 'Mania. Ugh.[/QUOTE]

I'd be very dissapointed in WWE if they wasted Brocks run by not having him lose to Taker at WM29

Cena Vs Rock 2 needs to happen.
[quote name='Scorch']Buff's in ICU[/QUOTE]

The Observer reports that Buff Bagwell's accident happened last night. His jeep flipped over a reported eight or nine times in the accident, and he has a broken neck as well as his jaw wired shut for at least the next six months.

Man, that's twice now he's broken his neck. Prayers for a full recovery

I also read on some sites that he was allegedly detoxing as his painkiller addiction had gotten so bad, he was known to injure himself on purpose to score more pills. And people wouldn't be surprised if he did this on purpose. Just internet rumors but that would be crazy if true.
[quote name='Tsel']I hate to bring it up again, but dammit, WWEShop screwed me again. They put me back down to standard shipping despite me picking Next Day Air. I even have screenshots of before and after I made the order to show them where it says "One Day Business Air". Estimated delivery date is May 1st, which is after Extreme Rules. I called, but their customer service lines close at 5PM. I've also sent a total of three emails now between the past week and have not once received anything back. I gave them a second chance, but I'll never be ordering from them again now.

Guess I will finally just take the advice I should've taken from the start and just buy it at the damn show.[/QUOTE]
You mean you...GASP...got what you paid for?!? You paid for standard, you got standard.
[quote name='JJSP']You mean you...GASP...got what you paid for?!? You paid for standard, you got standard.[/QUOTE]

That's not my fault. I CHOSE the fastest shipping available and that's what my delivery date reflected. I even have screens telling me what shipping I chose and what the estimated delivery date is. It's not MY fault that the site glitched and gave it to me for cheaper than it was. It shows next day air, so that's what I should be entitled to.

I wouldn't have paid for next day air had it not glitched, but I would've paid for the second fastest shipping available, but even that glitched and said $6.99. So, no matter what I chose, I would've been getting the standard shipping. I should get what I chose, regardless of what I paid for.
[quote name='Tsel']I should get what I chose, regardless of what I paid for.[/QUOTE]

LOL. I chose next day air; it's not my fault it didn't reflect that in the price. I would've willingly paid for the second fastest shipping, but the glitch prevented that from happening despite changing the estimated delivery date.
[quote name='Tsel']LOL. I chose next day air; it's not my fault it didn't reflect that in the price. I would've willingly paid for the second fastest shipping, but the glitch prevented that from happening despite changing the estimated delivery date.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I was bored and tried to keep it going.
As seen on Monday night, WWE did an injury angle with Beth Phoenix that appeared to be legit. Expect to see more of this as WWE is trying to do more "plausible" injuries where they initially don't reveal that it's a work and report it on their website like they would a real injury. The idea is for the talents to use Facebook and Twitter to help get the injuries over.

Ha. So CWMonkey makes 'em and posts them on both Reddit and SA, Matt Fowler from IGN steals them for his little weekly wrestling article on IGN, then Masked Lemon gets them from the IGN article and posts them here. It's the internet circle of life! :rofl:

Apparently a few redditors have ripped into Matt for stealing CWMonkey's gifs and he's going on a Twitter rampage about it http://twitter.com/#!/mattign

First off, I got them from Tumblr. So already they were stolen from whoever it was you think I stole them from. Secondly, watermarks wouldn't matter. I never claim to do the .gifs. The credit though, for any .gif of a TV show, goes to the makers of the TV show. Not the person who took a clip and turned it into a .gif. So ALL the credit goes to the WWE. When YouTube clips of RAW go online, do we credit the person who uploaded the segment? The credit still goes to the WWE.

Monkey's site is here for those that want to see more. I posted a few a little while back in this thread. They're hilarious.
[quote name='masked lemon']Does it really matter where I got the gif from? Really?

Like I said earlier, you guys take this shit way too seriously.[/QUOTE]

No, I just thought it was funny how quickly it was making its way around the net.
Fair enough. I don't go to Reddit or SA, and I don't check out the dirt sheets either.

I think we need another random wrestling gifs thread, everybody has been super bitchy lately, myself included.
I just read that Buff Bagwell link, and while the man and his fam is in my prayers...I find it pretty dumb of him that he didn't just pull over...he had the sense to call his wife and let her know he was about to have a seizure, you would think that he would also pull over and call 911 or something instead of risking his life and the other drivers around him...
[quote name='Skooba81']I just read that Buff Bagwell link, and while the man and his fam is in my prayers...I find it pretty dumb of him that he didn't just pull over...he had the sense to call his wife and let her know he was about to have a seizure, you would think that he would also pull over and call 911 or something instead of risking his life and the other drivers around him...[/QUOTE]

Yeah that was super reckless. If he was physically able to call he was physically able to pull over and shut off his vehicle since the seizure wasn't immediate. He probably should have pulled over to call in the first place.
Regarding the Superstars and Smackdown spoilers...

The Miz is on Superstars while Black Cena, Titus O'Neil, Yoshi Tatsu, and Tyson Kidd all get to be on Smackdown? And Miz is in a Youtube curtain jerker with Santino? Seriously, who's cheerios did Miz piss in? I really don't get why the dramatic depush on him. He was a great heel, and he's excellent at public appearances. In the year or so he was champ, he must have done more appearances than everyone else outside of possibly Cena. Unless there is some kind of crazy idea to have Abraham Washington become his manager and bring him back to the top, i really don't know what they have planned with him? I mean, it's that, or he's going to join Swagger in the Completely Overlooked Club
[quote name='Brak']Who is that in the ring with Shitswaggle?[/QUOTE]
Ethnic Stereo Type #2, Camacho (actually Haku's kid).
[quote name='TheRock88']It's actually Sin Cara Negro (Hunico). Camacho is the one in the black outside the ring.[/QUOTE]
Cheater. You actually watched SD, didn't you?
CWMonkey is a gifmaster.

[quote name='Scorch']Ha. So CWMonkey makes 'em and posts them on both Reddit and SA, Matt Fowler from IGN steals them for his little weekly wrestling article on IGN, then Masked Lemon gets them from the IGN article and posts them here. It's the internet circle of life! :rofl:[/QUOTE]

Does that make him a regifter? Hi-oooooooooo!!!
Remember all of that weight that Viscera lost?

Ahmed Johnson found it. Man. (Yes, this is Lesnar fan.. from his FB profile.. which is posted below)


Also, Lesnar fan's doing an AMA on Reddit, here's his FB profile (he posted it publicly).. lots of cool shots of him with wrestlers. He really is just a super fan.
Haha, someone asked him that, he said he owns more than one.. but he's wearing that same shirt in meeting a lot of those wrestlers.

Also, wanted to find a funny Youtube video of his reaction.. stumbled upon a video from a fan in the crowd when Lesnar returned.. solid gold. Very loud, turn your volume way down.

I was flipping through channels the other day, and ROH was on. I don't have cable, so it was on a local channel. It was Saturday, during the evening. You guys might want to check your listings to see if it was on in your area. I only got to see a Jay Lethal match before it was over, but it was still cool.
[quote name='Scorch']Not sure if this is legit, but apparently this is the (amazing) No Way Out poster. The event is in June.


Beats the hell out of their usual "frontal shot of random main eventing Sooperstar holding something while stand against a dark/post-apocalyptic background" shit they've been doing for years now.
[quote name='masked lemon']I was flipping through channels the other day, and ROH was on. I don't have cable, so it was on a local channel. It was Saturday, during the evening. You guys might want to check your listings to see if it was on in your area. I only got to see a Jay Lethal match before it was over, but it was still cool.[/QUOTE]

I understand you may have been fucking Alicia Fox at the time, but it was stated last year that ROH would be shown on most CW affiliates throughout the country.
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