DVD/Blu-Ray Special Features Comparison Website?


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Hey guys
I figured with all the DVD/blu-enthusiasts here, people must have some grip on a good DVD/BluRay-Special-Features-Comparison website.
I just saw that the SAW films seem to be missing some special features on blu-ray (which REALLY pisses me off - especially because it seems to be really miniscule things here and there) and as much as I try to check every title I buy for the best version, little things occasionally get by me.
There MUST be a website that directly compares each specific release - like comparing "Evil Dead", "Evil Dead: Special Edition", "Evil Dead: Book of the Dead Edition", and "Evil Dead: Ultimate Edition" in terms of examining EXACTLY what's on the discs and which is the best to buy.
What I usually do is search Google, and often times end up on Amazon, which rarely lists the full special features. And if it doesn't do it ALL the time - then how can you be sure when you go check?

But yeah - just wondering if people have a website for that. I've checked and haven't found one. Thanks!
[quote name='thenutman69321']This took literally a 10 second search, maybe you shoulda tried harder. Every review of a bluray seems to list what special features are included. Some of them compare them to the dvd features.


The reason for the dickiness of my response post to you because you acted like such a cockhead in yours:

1. I wanted to find a a comparison of ALL editions of a release. This is not that, whatsoever. Yeah, clearly not at all what I'm looking for. I don't want to have to find a DVD title, go look it up on Amazon to see how much different releases there are, then look up each release, and compare it to the blu-ray here on this site.
2. OH - on top of that - this is blu-ray only. Really? You actually thought this was helpful? I gave the ONE specific example of four seperate "Evil Dead" releases that are ALL DVD, and a quick scan of this page shows that it doesn't have that. A five second look down the page you suggested SHOULD have made you say - "Wow, this doesn't even have the ONE example he provided that he wished he had help with."
3. "Every review of a bluray seems to list what special features are included. Some of them compare them to the dvd features." I already said I DON'T want a website that "SOMETIMES" compares the special features. If I wanted that, I could look on Amazon, which I already mentioned is NOT helpful because it's not a complete listing.

Thanks a lot for striking out three times in one post, and trying to pretend I didn't do the work of searching when the truth is that YOU didn't even do the work of paying attention to what I was goddamn looking for. Holy Hell!

NOTE: If your response had not been dick-ish, and you just said "Hey, I found this site that completely lists all blu-ray features (provides link)," then my response would have been "Thanks very much! This will help me with some blu-ray titles but I'm really looking for blu ray AND DVD comparisons. But thanks!"
bread's done