Ea bashing pics


/possible inside joke
Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.
[quote name='vrs1650']Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.[/quote]

Yeah Monopolys are exactly the business type everyone should strive for.
EA is not good for the videogame industry PERIOD
[quote name='vrs1650']Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.[/quote]

How did SEGA get outclassed? Outclassed would be EA's games are above and beyond the bar (which they are not). SEGA simply got out-muscled by EA's large pocketbook. If SEGA had as much dough as EA, they could essentially do the same and take the cheap way out and buy all-exclusive rights to a sport franchise.
[quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='roland13x']

/possible inside joke[/quote]

that is shaq-fuin awesome.Nice way to say shaq-fu you to your old employer[/quote]

I'm not getting this for some reason.
[quote name='vrs1650']Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.[/quote]

"Find some way to put yourself ahead of your competition". Let's see, Sega makes quality sports games that are superior to EA's and sells them for $30 less. What part of this does not meet the criteria of your quote? EA has become Galactus in the video game universe (Marvel geek reference).
[quote name='moe11888'][
I'm not getting this for some reason.[/quote]

Hint: Check the top of the building. ;) Call of Duty is made by Activision
[quote name='moe11888'][quote name='CaseyRyback'][quote name='roland13x']

/possible inside joke[/quote]

that is shaq-fuin awesome.Nice way to say shaq-fu you to your old employer[/quote]

I'm not getting this for some reason.[/quote]

Call of Duty was developed by a lot of the people who made Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. I bet they made sure that a sign was put there just to stick it to EA

EDIT: I do not see the whole Activision vs. EA thing.
Ok, maybe not outclassed, outsmarted. Maybe they should have tried to get an "exclusive" deal with a sport or league. But I know, EA is just some large corporation and SEGA is small time. I also wouldn't call it a monopoly. Other companies can still make sports games, just not with certain things in them.
You wouldn't call it a monopoly? What would you call it then? The majority of american football fans want to see NFL teams, logos, players and stadiums.
^That is the consumers choice. EA does not have a monopoly on football games, or games in general or anything for that matter.

They have a license which many other companies do as well.

When the Matrix was licensed (by whoever, I forgot) did people complain "OMG leik teh MATRIX has been monopili$ed". Of course not.

If Sega makes a better football game, and EA makes crap but they have the official names and logos then it is up to the consumer to decide what they want. If the consumer does not want a supperior game because of names used in the game, then that is their choice (and the wrong one imo).
We all know that the casual gamer will pick up Madden and see NFL logos and not even take a 2nd glance at 2K6 with nothing but generic whatever on the box. You think the store brand of soda sells as well as PEPSI? EA has a monopoly on all NFL titles for the next 5 years. Now, they're trying to do the same with the NBA. They own the rights to Nascar, FIFA, PGA and now the NFL. The Matrix can't be compared really. That deal wasn't for five years. THQ has a monopoly with wrestling games(WWE anyway). I for one wouldn't mind seeing that deal come to a close as well.

EA is the #1 game maker, and as big as they are, they seem to want to get bigger, and at the cost of consumers, their workers and their competition.
Well of course they want to get bigger. They can never make enough money, they will always want more. Same with other companies.

Just curious, is anyone pissed at the NFL for selling the rights to one company? I mean EA could try to get the license exclusive, and make a very generous offer, but the NFL was the one that sold the license.

And isn't EA dominating the football genra anyways? This may be the death blow to the competition, but they were already hurting.

Unfortunately casual gamers dominate the consumer base. So they go for name brands, pretty graphics, and big ass guns or any game where you can blow up a lot of ****. But that is the market and EA knows what they want.
[quote name='RaekwonThaChef']funny pictures?
well, i think my sig is kinda funny


didnt nixon stop monopolies and like cut up the companies ? or maybe reagen he passed something that split up monopolies for the meantime

maybe that should happen a-gain
[quote name='SupremeNumNuts'][quote name='vrs1650']Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.[/quote]

Yeah Monopolys are exactly the business type everyone should strive for.
EA is not good for the videogame industry PERIOD[/quote]

It's not a monopoly, for the last time. Anybody can make a football game still...EA is the only one you won't have to type official player names in and the only one that'll have the actual team names.

Big deal. Gameplay is what's important.

SEGA would have done the same thing.

You play Burnout 3 and tell me again EA is not good for the industry.

Sorry guys, this is one bandwagon I'm gonna pass on.
I swear people, hate EA if you want. That's your prerogative. But for the love of god or whatever you hold holy, don't call it a monopoly when IT IS NOT A MONOPOLY. You toss that buzzword around like it's a shiny new toy or something.

Yes, I'm aware this move is bad for SEGA. But, y'know, the people who buy SEGA instead of EA are the ones who are more concerned with gameplay and price point than name recognition anyway. This is nothing new; I suspect sales will change little.

Think of it. Why weren't you screaming MONOPOLY when EA bought the rights to John Madden's name, voice, and likeness? His name alone made EA Sports' football game, and thus all their sports games, #1 in sales in the first place.
This is just the perfect oppurtunity for someone to rehash a Mutant League Football type game. Since you can't be a legit game anymore, go to the opposite extreme. Do things that EA won't be able to do in their games because they have to be restricted by what the NFL wants their league portrayed as.

Just as long as Sega doesn't try to make the same game, but with fake players and teams. That's a battle they will lose. It's time to try something radical and fresh now.
Burnout 3 wasn't even developed by EA. EA bought the company that made Burnout 3. That's all they did. As far as Madden's bloated self goes, I don't know why anyone likes the man. His commentary sucks. And telling me that the 2K6, 2K7, 2K8, 2K9 and 2K10 versions of ESPN Football can't have any teams, logo's or players from the NFL is a monopoly to me. Buying 20% of Ubisoft, and trying to buy DICE, and buying up Maxis, etc. doesn't scream monopoly?
Agreed a mutant league football game would rule! How bout lord of the rings football? Or star wars football! Hell im up for somtin new!
[quote name='Death2Sanity']I swear people, hate EA if you want. That's your prerogative. But for the love of god or whatever you hold holy, don't call it a monopoly when IT IS NOT A MONOPOLY. You toss that buzzword around like it's a shiny new toy or something.

Yes, I'm aware this move is bad for SEGA. But, y'know, the people who buy SEGA instead of EA are the ones who are more concerned with gameplay and price point than name recognition anyway. This is nothing new; I suspect sales will change little.

Think of it. Why weren't you screaming MONOPOLY when EA bought the rights to John Madden's name, voice, and likeness? His name alone made EA Sports' football game, and thus all their sports games, #1 in sales in the first place.[/quote]

Thank you. I am so sick of hearing people throw around the word Monopoly because they heard it in high school economics. If people are still allowed to make football games, then it is not a monopoly. I am sure I can go to the store in 2006 and see other football games. Speaking of "football" games, look at soccer. Winning Eleven series does not have any sort of official liscences, but many people think that series is way better than FIFA. I don't love EA, but I am sick of this being the trendy company to bash on.
[quote name='vrs1650']Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.[/quote]

Where the hell did you get whining from? I havent been on cag in a few days and popped in and saw some and was humored so i started a thread for these pics to anyone that wanted to post them vs digging through other threads that had nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Dont worry about the thread crap, if you didnt do it, someone else wouldve pulled their head out of their ass for 5 secs to breathe oxygen and do it themselves.
Good point on Burnout 3 not being developed by EA, I forgot that. Regardless, it got a nice EA polish, and was selling at the same price as the original developer's previous offerings. And, for the record, just because you define 'monopoly' a certain way doesn't mean it's the RIGHT way. Say they're geting a disconcertinly large share of the market; say they've got a huge leg up on the competition. But don't call it what, by DEFINITION, it is not.

It's not a monopoly as long as competition exists and is healthy. And yes, while EA is large and getting its hands on other companies, it is still far from controlling the video game industry. It's something to keep a wary eye on, but not something to start screaming bloody murder over.

As was said above, EA is simply the trendy company to crap on. I'm surprised the comparisons to Microsoft (or M$, as people so cleverly put it) aren't more prevalent.

I'm not saying I support EA's endeavors, nor am I saying it's NECESSARILY the healthiest thing for the industry. What I'm saying is that they're doing what any other business would do, they've yet to do anything illegal, and there is still a perfectly viable chance that this will spark EA's competitors to come out with some new and creative stuff in order to fight back EA.
[quote name='gmzone']Burnout 3 wasn't even developed by EA. EA bought the company that made Burnout 3. That's all they did. As far as Madden's bloated self goes, I don't know why anyone likes the man. His commentary sucks. And telling me that the 2K6, 2K7, 2K8, 2K9 and 2K10 versions of ESPN Football can't have any teams, logo's or players from the NFL is a monopoly to me. Buying 20% of Ubisoft, and trying to buy DICE, and buying up Maxis, etc. doesn't scream monopoly?[/quote]

EA also added all the cool Tiger woods & need for speed ads. And don't forget EA added the awsome EA TRAX.
[quote name='gmzone']Yep. And Burger King ads in NFS Underground 2 is what the world needs more of.[/quote]

Dont forget Best Buy.
[quote name='vrs1650']Oh joy another whining about EA topic. Sorry to thread crap, but it is getting old already. Hate to say it, but SEGA got outclassed again. Yes it is bad for the consumer, but its basic business 101. Find someway to put yourself ahead of your competition.[/quote]

[quote name='DRJ555']And isn't EA dominating the football genra anyways? This may be the death blow to the competition, but they were already hurting[/quote]
They were until this year, when ESPN took 40% marketshare.

And it is a monopoly, not on football games, but NFL games. Sports licensing is an area which is generally not exclusive to one company.
mo·nop·o·ly Audio pronunciation of "monopoly" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (m-np-l)
n. pl. mo·nop·o·lies

1. Exclusive control by one group of the means of producing or selling a commodity or service: “Monopoly frequently... arises from government support or from collusive agreements among individuals” (Milton Friedman).
2. Law. A right granted by a government giving exclusive control over a specified commercial activity to a single party.
1. A company or group having exclusive control over a commercial activity.
2. A commodity or service so controlled.
1. Exclusive possession or control: arrogantly claims to have a monopoly on the truth.
2. Something that is exclusively possessed or controlled: showed that scientific achievement is not a male monopoly.
[quote name='dafoomie']And it is a monopoly, not on football games, but NFL games. Sports licensing is an area which is generally not exclusive to one company.[/quote]

Just because it's not generally exclusive does not mean that making it exclusive is a monopoly. Please, I assure you I am aware of the definition of monopoly. But, in this case, we are talking an economic monopoly; something that is illegal in this country.

Do you seriously think that such an accusation will hold up in a court of law?

The NFL owns its names, images, players' names, likenesses, etc. It is their commodity to sell to the highest bidder if they so desire. That is not monopolistic, that is business. You cannot monopolize the NFL's product, that's like saying McDonald's is guilty of monopolizing McDonald's style french fries.
and for the record, I liked the songs EA added to Burnout 3. Typically I dispise the EA Trax, but come on...Fall Out Boy! Fall Out Boy was in a video game! That's just awesome.

This has nothing to do with the current argument, though. I'm just a Fall Out Boy fan. *grins*
[quote name='Death2Sanity'][quote name='dafoomie']And it is a monopoly, not on football games, but NFL games. Sports licensing is an area which is generally not exclusive to one company.[/quote]

Just because it's not generally exclusive does not mean that making it exclusive is a monopoly. Please, I assure you I am aware of the definition of monopoly. But, in this case, we are talking an economic monopoly; something that is illegal in this country.

Do you seriously think that such an accusation will hold up in a court of law?

The NFL owns its names, images, players' names, likenesses, etc. It is their commodity to sell to the highest bidder if they so desire. That is not monopolistic, that is business. You cannot monopolize the NFL's product, that's like saying McDonald's is guilty of monopolizing McDonald's style french fries.[/quote]
I did not say its an illegal monopoly, because its not. Its perfectly legal. But its a monopoly. McDonalds has a monopoly on the McDonalds trademark, because they own it. No one else can use it. EA has a monopoly on NFL football games. Not illegal. But they're the only ones that can.
i'd hate to see you people run a large corporation.

I'm no business man, but i'm sure its not a pretty thing. You do what you can to get the edge on your competition.

Maybe in a perfect world each company will put out their games and then at the end of the day divide the money up equally and then the leaders of the companies will sit by a fireplace drinking hot chocolate.
"Maybe in a perfect world each company will put out their games and then at the end of the day divide the money up equally and then the leaders of the companies will sit by a fireplace drinking hot chocolate. "

Yay! Thats the day when we all hail the mighty corporation of Soncrosoftendo!
[quote name='vrs1650']Ok, maybe not outclassed, outsmarted. Maybe they should have tried to get an "exclusive" deal with a sport or league. But I know, EA is just some large corporation and SEGA is small time. I also wouldn't call it a monopoly. Other companies can still make sports games, just not with certain things in them.[/quote]

Outsmarted? How so? EA has an enormous war chest were as SEGA has gone through several restructuring projects to make them profitable(which is helping). You're missing the point entirely. It's not a question of smarts. It's a question of Dollars. If SEGA had EA's cash flow, SEGA could AFFORD to jump at the chance of getting exclusive NFL rights. But SEGA is based from a Japanese culture. A culture where HONOR is more important than DISHONESTY & TRICKERY.

It's plain and simple:

1) EA has been scared out of thier wits since the announcement that SEGA was going to be a 3rd party developer.

2) EA's fear of SEGA Sports was even more justified when the sales numbers come back year after year and show SEGA gaining ground since becoming a 3rd party.

To basically sum it up: EA got beaten from a programming and artisitic angle. Thier backs were pinned against the wall. So the only angle they had was a financial one.
o yea i'd like to add that while i dont think what they did was wrong, i still came to see funny pics like everyone else :p
Personally, I think this could end up being bad for EA. Not only have they spend mucho dinero acquiring the exclusive license (less money to actually put into making games) they may think they have the market completely cornered and stop putting out quality games - which would end up leading people over to a non-NFL ESPN line. Personally, I dont care what teams are in a game is the game is total garbage - so as long as EPSN keeps the quality up they could use, I don't know - the Japanese Girls Flag Football league and still outsell Madden 2006 or whatever it'll be called if the gameplay's there.
ea, do you see what happend when you piss off people that have photoshop?!!?


ill post my stuff later, just thought id chime in
bread's done