Ea bashing pics

[quote name='joevan07']Personally, I think this could end up being bad for EA. Not only have they spend mucho dinero acquiring the exclusive license (less money to actually put into making games) they may think they have the market completely cornered and stop putting out quality games - which would end up leading people over to a non-NFL ESPN line. Personally, I dont care what teams are in a game is the game is total garbage - so as long as EPSN keeps the quality up they could use, I don't know - the Japanese Girls Flag Football league and still outsell Madden 2006 or whatever it'll be called if the gameplay's there.[/quote]

if only everyone thought like that. Most of the masses of gamers will not even pick up a football game if there are no "real" NFL teams in it. Which is why EA will continue to profit. :(
So many intelligent arguments from both sides. And no flame wars. Fantastic. And tons of funny pics to view. All that still doesn't do anything to make me feel better about the fact that I won't be able to play "NFL" 2K6 this year. SIGH. And, McDonald's has a monopoly on McDonald's fries because they make them. EA didn't make the NFL. The NFL made the NFL.
[quote name='joevan07']Personally, I think this could end up being bad for EA. Not only have they spend mucho dinero acquiring the exclusive license (less money to actually put into making games) they may think they have the market completely cornered and stop putting out quality games - which would end up leading people over to a non-NFL ESPN line. Personally, I dont care what teams are in a game is the game is total garbage - so as long as EPSN keeps the quality up they could use, I don't know - the Japanese Girls Flag Football league and still outsell Madden 2006 or whatever it'll be called if the gameplay's there.[/quote]

This theory has been offered offten but doesn't stand up to scrutiny. It doesn't matter if EA is the only company on the planet to produce American Football video games from here on out, they still have a major challenge to meet if the investment is to pay off. The EA football franchise (which may drop the Madden connection) depends heavily on repeat business. Only a fraction of the market is so stat crazed they'll buy an otherwise identical upgrade for that alone. EA is betting strongly they'll be able to deliver some real upgrades to their current game, especially on the next generation of consoles. It is no coincidence that when EA recently offered some images of what they expect realtime gameplay to look like on next-gen consoles that one of them was for a football game.

EA is entering territory where Microsoft has operated for a long time. The market is only so large. Even if you have 90% of a given market you need to best your past work to keep selling into the market or you will have a serious cashflow problem when you've achieved saturation and your latest isn't winning over those who bought previous versions. Unlike Microsoft, EA doesn't have to deal with the mammoth hassles of large corporate customers running 15 year custom apps with horrible code that must run on any new OS or there is no sale.
[quote name='TheRaven']This is just the perfect oppurtunity for someone to rehash a Mutant League Football type game. Since you can't be a legit game anymore, go to the opposite extreme. Do things that EA won't be able to do in their games because they have to be restricted by what the NFL wants their league portrayed as.[/quote]
As cool as a new Mutant League football game would be, EA developed it and will most likely put a stop to anything too similar.

I'm still playing Tecmo Super Bowl as my football game of choice, with QB Bills leading the way.
Forgive me, but I think I'm the only person who thinks the deal was a good thing.
You guys are sour because there won't be any Sega NFL games and I can respect that.
But to blame EA for thinking of something before Sega did makes no sense. If you saw a company making great strides each year with their franchises and then cut into your profit share by offering their titles at $20, you would look for a way to counterattack also.
Furthermore, when a company reaches its goals, it sets new ones to create more growth. Why shouldn't EA buy these other companies? They want the best developers on their side.
Now, for one paragraph, I'm gonna be the EA fanboy you love to hate. I bought each title from EA and Sega and to be truthful, Sega's titles are fun, but it's too arcadey (easy), robbing it of each sport's realism, which is EA's strong point and probably the reason I favor their brand of titles.
And the bottom line is all the whinin' in the world isn't going to change the truth. So keep making your little EA-bashing sigs and threads - When the 2005 season rolls around, you'll still be saying the same thing I have been all along - MAKE MINE MADDEN.
EDIT: Let me also be truthful about EA. Their games also have flaws they need to clean up. I am by no means saying their titles are perfect.
[quote name='dafoomie']

I did not say its an illegal monopoly, because its not. Its perfectly legal. But its a monopoly. McDonalds has a monopoly on the McDonalds trademark, because they own it. No one else can use it. EA has a monopoly on NFL football games. Not illegal. But they're the only ones that can.[/quote]

Weird, so according to you are Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Konami, Treasure, etc...all monopolies?
I would also like to add, aside from my opinion, that funny pics still kick shaq-fu'in ace! The ones of the EArth and "Purchase Everything" are very well done.
I won't be saying make mine Madden. I'll be saying where's the new rosters for NFL 2K5? NBA 2K5 arcadey?!? WTF!?! NHL 2K5 arcadey?!? Those 2(and I only used those 2 as an example) are both more realistic then Live and NHL.



The one thing I dont get from people here.

Is this cheap ass business man?

Is it cheapass corporation?

No its Cheap Ass Gamer. GAMER.

As a game player I want options. I personally havent understood the importance of jumping out and buying a new sports game for $50 every year it makes no sense at all to me.

Ea goes farther than sports though as they buyut companies and then limit the innovation in favor of the safe...

I personally dont like one company buying everything then destroying the minds that thought the stuff up.

Thats actually why I dont prefer Sony. I have had both their systems and played on them but I dont prefer them as I feel they mainstreamed the games and brought down the quality level. Or at least made a low quality level game acceptable to sell millions.

EA is headed the same way. One day its going to bite them as Nintendo is the #1 video game publisher (contrary to what some said in this discussion) EA is going to face problems in the future with outdoing themselves each time or they will stand to get negatives for not innvoating or updating... Doesnt mean it wont sell just that it will eventually level off for them or maybe even take a slight dip.
[quote name='Snake2715']The one thing I dont get from people here.

Is this cheap ass business man?

Is it cheapass corporation?

No its Cheap Ass Gamer. GAMER.

As a game player I want options. I personally havent understood the importance of jumping out and buying a new sports game for $50 every year it makes no sense at all to me.

Ea goes farther than sports though as they buyut companies and then limit the innovation in favor of the safe...

I personally dont like one company buying everything then destroying the minds that thought the stuff up.

Thats actually why I dont prefer Sony. I have had both their systems and played on them but I dont prefer them as I feel they mainstreamed the games and brought down the quality level. Or at least made a low quality level game acceptable to sell millions.

EA is headed the same way. One day its going to bite them as Nintendo is the #1 video game publisher (contrary to what some said in this discussion) EA is going to face problems in the future with outdoing themselves each time or they will stand to get negatives for not innvoating or updating... Doesnt mean it wont sell just that it will eventually level off for them or maybe even take a slight dip.[/quote]
In Japan, and not for long. The latest installments in the Mario and Zelda franchises on their home console have yet to sell a million copies respectively in Japan. To put things in perspective, Super Mario Bros. on the NES sold over 6 million copies. Nintendo's popularity is waning in their home country and across the globe.
[quote name='starman9000'][quote name='dafoomie']

I did not say its an illegal monopoly, because its not. Its perfectly legal. But its a monopoly. McDonalds has a monopoly on the McDonalds trademark, because they own it. No one else can use it. EA has a monopoly on NFL football games. Not illegal. But they're the only ones that can.[/quote]

Weird, so according to you are Nintendo, Sega, Sony, Konami, Treasure, etc...all monopolies?[/quote]
No, but you have a monopoly on stupid.

Everyone has a monopoly on their own trademarks and IP. Can anyone besides Nintendo call themselves Nintendo? No. Nintendo has a monopoly on the Nintendo brand. EA is not a monopoly, but they have a monopoly on NFL football games. Do you see what I'm trying to say here?

Snake makes a great point. Yes, this is a good move for EA. But its not a good move for ME, or for consumers. As a large mega corporation, I'm sure EA would absolutely love to be the only video game company in existance. But as a consumer, that would be the worst thing that could ever happen. You can make the point that its a good move for EA, but you can't tell me its a good thing for ME or that it will benefit any of us.
[quote name='Firebrand']Nintendo's popularity is waning in their home country and across the globe.[/quote]

I'll have to remember to stop enjoying their games so much then.
[quote name='oneirotekt'][quote name='Firebrand']Nintendo's popularity is waning in their home country and across the globe.[/quote]

I'll have to remember to stop enjoying their games so much then.[/quote]
There's nothing wrong with the product. As good as it has ever been. Gamers are fickle.
There seems to be some confusion as to what a monopoly (and thus, EA's attempt at monopolization) is. Monopolization is an intentional monopoly (what everyone seems be trying to prove EA did) and is, in fact, illegal.

Webster's Handy College Dictionary (Third Edition) defines a monopoly as:
1. exclusive control of a commodity
2. an exclusive privilege to carry on a traffic or a service
3. the subject of, or a company having, a monopoly

EA has exclusive rights to the NFL and NFLPA license. Giving them a monoply over competition regarding those licenses.

As to whether or not what they did was illegal I looked to Roger LeRoy Miller and Frank B. Cross' The Legal and E-Commerce Environment Today (Fourth Edition).

In the case of United States v. Grinnell Corp., the United States Supreme Court claimed monopolization has two elements:

1. "the possession of monopoly power in the relevant market"

2. "the willful acquisition or maintenance of the power as distinguished from growth or development as a consequence of a superior product, business acumen, or historic accident."

In simple terms, monopoly power and an intent to monopolize must be established.

Monopoly power is the ability to control prices and exclude competition. An intent to monopolize is exactly what it sounds like.

EA did aquire the rights to the NFL and NFLPA, thus giving them a monopoly on video games regarding those licenses. Monopoly power is established regarding any games including the NFL and/or NFLPA, but not the market of football games in general (the "relevant market" that Madden falls into).

The next issue to determine if this is a case on monopolization is if the purchase was to intentionally drive off competition. Remember that the NFL has the right to sell their license and decided to do so. When EA purchased the rights they did nothing wrong and could claim to have done so to keep their consumers happy (they would lose quite a bit of sales without a NFL and NFLPA license) to counter any claims that they wanted to "screw" Sega and others. It becomes a case of "he said, she said." Being that the NFL chose to sell its license exclusively and taking into account EA's potential reasons it's not enough to prove harmful intent and therefore not enough to prove monopolization.

EA does hold a monopoly on all NFL and NFLPA licensed games. However, what they did would not be considered a monopolization.
[quote name='captainfrizo']There seems to be some confusion as to what a monopoly (and thus, EA's attempt at monopolization) is. Monopolization is an intentional monopoly (what everyone seems be trying to prove EA did) and is, in fact, illegal.

Webster's Handy College Dictionary (Third Edition) defines a monopoly as:
1. exclusive control of a commodity
2. an exclusive privilege to carry on a traffic or a service
3. the subject of, or a company having, a monopoly

EA has exclusive rights to the NFL and NFLPA license. Giving them a monoply over competition regarding those licenses.

As to whether or not what they did was illegal I looked to Roger LeRoy Miller and Frank B. Cross' The Legal and E-Commerce Environment Today (Fourth Edition).

In the case of United States v. Grinnell Corp., the United States Supreme Court claimed monopolization has two elements:

1. "the possession of monopoly power in the relevant market"

2. "the willful acquisition or maintenance of the power as distinguished from growth or development as a consequence of a superior product, business acumen, or historic accident."

In simple terms, monopoly power and an intent to monopolize must be established.

Monopoly power is the ability to control prices and exclude competition. An intent to monopolize is exactly what it sounds like.

EA did aquire the rights to the NFL and NFLPA, thus giving them a monopoly on video games regarding those licenses. Monopoly power is established regarding any games including the NFL and/or NFLPA, but not the market of football games in general (the "relevant market" that Madden falls into).

The next issue to determine if this is a case on monopolization is if the purchase was to intentionally drive off competition. Remember that the NFL has the right to sell their license and decided to do so. When EA purchased the rights they did nothing wrong and could claim to have done so to keep their consumers happy (they would lose quite a bit of sales without a NFL and NFLPA license) to counter any claims that they wanted to "screw" Sega and others. It becomes a case of "he said, she said." Being that the NFL chose to sell its license exclusively and taking into account EA's potential reasons it's not enough to prove harmful intent and therefore not enough to prove monopolization.

EA does hold a monopoly on all NFL and NFLPA licensed games. However, what they did would not be considered a monopolization.[/quote]

Hey enuf with the big wurds! I dont ned no book lurnin :x !
[quote name='dafoomie']
No, but you have a monopoly on stupid.[/quote]

oooooooohhh someone get starman a bandage, for that BUUURRRNN
[quote name='joevan07']Personally, I dont care what teams are in a game is the game is total garbage - so as long as EPSN keeps the quality up they could use, I don't know - the Japanese Girls Flag Football league and still outsell Madden 2006 or whatever it'll be called if the gameplay's there.[/quote]
I am the only one who thought this would be hot?
Japanese Girls Flag Football 2K6 is slated for an August 27th release date. Expect more news from Visual Concepts as the release gets closer.
[quote name='taiidanx'][quote name='joevan07']Personally, I dont care what teams are in a game is the game is total garbage - so as long as EPSN keeps the quality up they could use, I don't know - the Japanese Girls Flag Football league and still outsell Madden 2006 or whatever it'll be called if the gameplay's there.[/quote]
I am the only one who thought this would be hot?[/quote]

It is certainly... interesting. :shock: :lol:
[quote name='Medium_Pimpin']I don't get why they would post the crappy console version of call of duty. It wasnt breathtaking at all.[/quote]

Ok.. Medal of Honor was written by this group. After that, they all quit due to hatred of EA for reasons.

They formed a new studio and made the vastly superior game called Call of Duty.

EA then took the MoH name and kept churning out successively crappier games (...Breakthrough)
[quote name='spyhunterk19']made this one:


I like it but in your avatar the words are a bit blurred.

Perhaps if it was a bit larger, possibly a Sig it would be easier to read.
I just heard a commercial that advised all goobers to run to the nearest mall and shell out 50 bones for the latest Madden - putting the tab on their Visa.

I can just imagine the fat idiots who will go right out and do this, right after they buy $150 worth of music from itunes, purchase the latest Windows release from Micro$oft, and send a $100 donation to the RNC .
Watch out for the Burger King ads in the next Prince of Persia game. And, Sam Fisher will now use a cell phone to communicate.

I think some of you seem to be forgetting that there have been ads in some games since the NES days. EA definitely didn't start this trend.
EA is afraid of competition so they buy everything......i hate their games because they are poorly done, i played THUG2, the graphics looked like a 4 year old did them. My ass could have produced something better........They bought the rights to NFL logo's and teams, so people like me (who like simulating and doing drafts, which would be tough to use fake teams and names with) are stuck spending 50$ for a product that is probably going to go downhill because now those MONOPOLIZING BASTARDS can do whatever they want.....................

remember back to 1750's or around then, England MONOPOLIZED the Tea business, because it was illegal to get tea from anyone else, so they taxed it like crazy and did whatever they wanted because if you wanted tea, then that was all you could get.........................................................................................................................................................NOW, EA can do whatever they want with their Madden games because you cant get an NFL game now unless you get it from them. It's a monopoly.

Ea owns Park Place and Sega is stuck on Baltic Avenue with Tony Danza and Whitney Houston......................
[quote name='stocker08']EA is afraid of competition so they buy everything......i hate their games because they are poorly done, i played THUG2, the graphics looked like a 4 year old did them. My ass could have produced something better........They bought the rights to NFL logo's and teams, so people like me (who like simulating and doing drafts, which would be tough to use fake teams and names with) are stuck spending 50$ for a product that is probably going to go downhill because now those MONOPOLIZING BASTARDS can do whatever they want.....................

remember back to 1750's or around then, England MONOPOLIZED the Tea business, because it was illegal to get tea from anyone else, so they taxed it like crazy and did whatever they wanted because if you wanted tea, then that was all you could get.........................................................................................................................................................NOW, EA can do whatever they want with their Madden games because you cant get an NFL game now unless you get it from them. It's a monopoly.

Ea owns Park Place and Sega is stuck on Baltic Avenue with Tony Danza and Whitney Houston......................[/quote]

Umm...EA didn't make THUG2.
[quote name='Kain Vincent'][quote name='stocker08']EA is afraid of competition so they buy everything......i hate their games because they are poorly done, i played THUG2, the graphics looked like a 4 year old did them. My ass could have produced something better........They bought the rights to NFL logo's and teams, so people like me (who like simulating and doing drafts, which would be tough to use fake teams and names with) are stuck spending 50$ for a product that is probably going to go downhill because now those MONOPOLIZING BASTARDS can do whatever they want.....................

remember back to 1750's or around then, England MONOPOLIZED the Tea business, because it was illegal to get tea from anyone else, so they taxed it like crazy and did whatever they wanted because if you wanted tea, then that was all you could get.........................................................................................................................................................NOW, EA can do whatever they want with their Madden games because you cant get an NFL game now unless you get it from them. It's a monopoly.

Ea owns Park Place and Sega is stuck on Baltic Avenue with Tony Danza and Whitney Houston......................[/quote]

Umm...EA didn't make THUG2.[/quote]

Yeah well X-Men Legends was just something produced by a 4 year old girl too!
[quote name='Kain Vincent'][quote name='stocker08']EA is afraid of competition so they buy everything......i hate their games because they are poorly done, i played THUG2, the graphics looked like a 4 year old did them. My ass could have produced something better........They bought the rights to NFL logo's and teams, so people like me (who like simulating and doing drafts, which would be tough to use fake teams and names with) are stuck spending 50$ for a product that is probably going to go downhill because now those MONOPOLIZING BASTARDS can do whatever they want.....................

remember back to 1750's or around then, England MONOPOLIZED the Tea business, because it was illegal to get tea from anyone else, so they taxed it like crazy and did whatever they wanted because if you wanted tea, then that was all you could get.........................................................................................................................................................NOW, EA can do whatever they want with their Madden games because you cant get an NFL game now unless you get it from them. It's a monopoly.

Ea owns Park Place and Sega is stuck on Baltic Avenue with Tony Danza and Whitney Houston......................[/quote]

Umm...EA didn't make THUG2.[/quote]

good point...........but what about Goldeneye: Rouge Agent......another reason why they are bastards. Pasting the Goldeneye name on one of their cheap piece of shit products......
[quote name='stocker08']...remember back to 1750's or around then, England MONOPOLIZED the Tea business, because it was illegal to get tea from anyone else, so they taxed it like crazy and did whatever they wanted because if you wanted tea, then that was all you could get.........................................................................................................................................................NOW, EA can do whatever they want with their Madden games because you cant get an NFL game now unless you get it from them. It's a monopoly.

Ea owns Park Place and Sega is stuck on Baltic Avenue with Tony Danza and Whitney Houston......................[/quote]

Dammit. When will EA understand that Americans want CHEAP TEA.

I say we dress up as indians and raid EA headquarters. Anyone know where I can get some cheap saris and bindis?
Anyone read that article in GameInformer about the lawsuit initiated by EA employess that was trying to gain class-action status? It was in the January edition...page 18.

Ironically, I do have a subscription to GameInformer but I do not buy from GameStop anymore (DICKS!) I haven't bought a game from there in over a year, I just bought the subscription for cheap reading ($24 for 2 years). Anyone have a good anti-Gamestop website? I know there used to be a decent anti-Funcoland one. Any anti-Gamestop pictures would be cool too. Sorry to thread crap.
[quote name='Darkside Hazuki']OMFG...I fell out of my chair when I saw that Splinter Cell image. :rofl:
I can just hear the sound of necks snappin' in time with the music.[/quote]

Made me laugh just as hard.
bread's done