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[quote name='henry00x']epic fail for pc only[/QUOTE]

If you have a good comp, the only epic fail involved here would be playing these titles on a console instead...
Ah man i waste hoping it would be like that epic 50 percent off deal they had earlier this year. I would have Probibly gotten crysis 2 and bulletstorm.those are the only ea published games i want right now
My Bad. I actually thought it was for all systems. PC Only does kind of suck.

The one they had the previous year was awesome! I got DA:Ultimate Edition for $25 bucks!
[quote name='Sparticane']If you have a good comp, the only epic fail involved here would be playing these titles on a console instead...[/QUOTE]

Ones who don't have a good comp to run these games, it'll cost them $600+ for an average gaming comp, or $200 for a gaming console. Plus, most PC games have SecuRom RDM which is pain in the ass. Not to mention most PC games are console ports these day where they are not very well optimized. Some games run worse than on console unless you have a very beefy PC. Also, console games have decent resale value or trade in value where as PC games (especially download versions) have zero. I have both worlds and can state this fact. Even with a medium gaming PC, I buy most games on consoles because of the above stated.

This deal is not epic fail for either platform, but OP does need to add PC in the title.
[quote name='KansasFF']Pretty sure this is only PC Digital Download on like 10 titles :whistle2:\[/QUOTE]

Wrong. It's on 93 PC downloadable games.
Console gaming is for the lazy and uninformed. And I own a damn PS3 but would never even CONSIDER buying a game on that which is also out on PC. PC Gaming is superior, ten-fold. And it's nowhere near opinion, it's just fact.
That was a ridiculous post, and totally opinion.
Preference doesn't equal fact.
I don't really enjoy pc gaming, never have but I would never say ps3 or xbox is superior to pc, its just my preference, and for me its easier.
I am neither lazy or uninformed. You sir are insulting.
[quote name='onetthero']that was a ridiculous post, and totally opinion.
Preference doesn't equal fact.
I don't really enjoy pc gaming, never have but i would never say ps3 or xbox is superior to pc, its just my preference, and for me its easier.
I am neither lazy or uninformed. You sir are insulting.[/quote]

[quote name='mva5580']Console gaming is for the lazy and uninformed. And I own a damn PS3 but would never even CONSIDER buying a game on that which is also out on PC. PC Gaming is superior, ten-fold. And it's nowhere near opinion, it's just fact.[/QUOTE]

I'm sorry, you must be mistaken. This isn't HardForum.

Nobody gives a shit about your elitist attitude towards PC gaming.
Im supposed to be getting my gaming PC in today.... (my luck...we'll see) but I have wanted to scoop up on some Bethesda games and Bioware games which I have already played the **** out of. Anyway, DA:Origins would be AWESOME to get the GOTY for $20 but I don't see anything else on there really worth it.

For the PC naysayers, console gaming is more popular but thats it. Gaming on a PC with heavy mod support is where its at. I own a 360, PS3, Wii, DS, and PSP, and I grew bored to tears. Hell, the only exclusives on my 360 that make me keep it are Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, and my XBLA games. Otherwise Bethesda titles and Bioware titles are being rebought on PC.
[quote name='Cpt.Jeff']Im supposed to be getting my gaming PC in today.... (my luck...we'll see) but I have wanted to scoop up on some Bethesda games and Bioware games which I have already played the **** out of. Anyway, DA:Origins would be AWESOME to get the GOTY for $20 but I don't see anything else on there really worth it.

For the PC naysayers, console gaming is more popular but thats it. Gaming on a PC with heavy mod support is where its at. I own a 360, PS3, Wii, DS, and PSP, and I grew bored to tears. Hell, the only exclusives on my 360 that make me keep it are Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, and my XBLA games. Otherwise Bethesda titles and Bioware titles are being rebought on PC.[/QUOTE]That's good and all, but that's all opinions. All my friends hate pc gaming. Frankly because they come home after a hard day work or study and all they want to do is blow of some steam. In other words, a 200 dollar console suits their need. They don't care about "the latest tech" or if a game has more textures or not. They just want to play a fun game and that's it. That and the fact that pc gaming is sort of a hermit style of gaming.
I love pc gaming and all, but I also love handheld and consoles. Because I'm a gamer, and every system has there highs and low's.
It's just the pc elitist attitude that can get on anyone's nerves. We get it you were the joke of console gamers for years... blah blah blah. Suck it up, really. The past is past.
[quote name='LogitechMouse']That's good and all, but that's all opinions. All my friends hate pc gaming. Frankly because they come home after a hard day work or study and all they want to do is blow of some steam. In other words, a 200 dollar console suits their need. They don't care about "the latest tech" or if a game has more textures or not. They just want to play a fun game and that's it. That and the fact that pc gaming is sort of a hermit style of gaming.
I love pc gaming and all, but I also love handheld and consoles. Because I'm a gamer, and every system has there highs and low's.
It's just the pc elitist attitude that can get on anyone's nerves. We get it you were the joke of console gamers for years... blah blah blah. Suck it up, really. The past is past.[/QUOTE]

I understand about chilling after work believe me. Nothing like kicking back on the sofa with sticks and playing for 2-3 hours relaxing. Much more relaxing than propped up in a computer chair.

A hermit style of gaming isn't attributed to PC gaming. You take ANYTHING and put a true MMO on it and watch the hermits. I had a friend who was hooked on FF11 for over a year on PS2. MMO's tend to flock to PC gaming and that makes it seem more like a hermit style of gaming. Higher textures aren't the only reason to play PC games. If it was I wouldn't have got back in.

As far as having the latest tech, I would say the 360 has that tbh. Kinect on a technical level surpasses anything out (despite having a POOR software library)

Im sorry if I came off with a PC elitist attitude. Im just saying that I am growing bored of the consoles. Having mod support for some of my favorite games is something very simple yet VERY effective. Im actually not an elitist, just really excited. The consoles have been very good to me, especially last gen, but I need something a little more involving. I agree everything has its highs and lows. They all do something well the others don't.
Let's not turn this into a PC vs console war. Those only happen about everywhere and everyday. There are arguments for both sides in terms of costs, quality of games, and which one is "better."
[quote name='mva5580']Console gaming is for the lazy and uninformed. And I own a damn PS3 but would never even CONSIDER buying a game on that which is also out on PC. PC Gaming is superior, ten-fold. And it's nowhere near opinion, it's just fact.[/QUOTE]

I'm a PC gamer and even I have to say this may be the stupidest comment of all time.
I prefer PC games; however, if the game isn't available for PC, or a bad console port, or because of something else then I would rather get it on PS3/360. But games like Assassins Creed, Mafia II, Crysis, GTA 4, etc...are a definite must have for PC! Even both if really good (I own Mirror's Edge on PC, PS3, and 360) :) Bottom line: I love both PC and console. Each has its own redeeming value. But this is just my opinion.
Why does every thread involving a PC-only sale get filled with comments like "Booooo, PC versions only, epic fail!"?

You don't see this sentiment in sale threads where it's only the console versions on sale.

And PC gamers are the ones who have an elitist reputation... Hmmmm
[quote name='supermanram']People still play on the pc?[/QUOTE]

lots of people acually.personally i cant stand pc gaming. For one there are more games getting crappy drms (why the f**k are studios like ubisoft forcing you to be online to play a SINGLE PLAYER GAME ?) Oh and the graphics cards that costs more Than a ps3. that card will be good for a few months and voala a new and more expencive one that isnt that much better (it at all ) Than the one you had and some games will force you to get it to get optimal performence. alot of pc games now are consle ports anyway. i dont see the point in having a gaming pc right now,though bf3 look Awsome.
How about everyone just keeps their uninformed opinions out of this topic, mmkay?

Protip: If your opinion is about why someone's subjective preference is worse than yours, it's probably uninformed.
bread's done