EA Sucks!! If you buy a used EA game you can not play multiplayer unless...........

[quote name='maximumzero']Simple answer. Don't buy used.[/QUOTE]

Simple answer. Do not buy new games for full price. Almost every game goes on sale within a month for 10-20 off plus coupons, gaming credit, gift cards, etc etc etc.
Gotta love the PR response from EA:

The recent trend of EA's "Project 10 Dollar" has been widely interpreted as a shot across the bow of GameStop's used game business. The company, however, is denying that the move is to spite used sales, instead claiming it is merely in the player's best interest. "It's all about the customer, about improving their experience," said EA U.K. head Keith Ramsdale in an MCV interview. "It's not a defensive measure against pre-owned or piracy."
Though the statement may sound driven by corporate politics, GameStop seems to agree. The company recently remarked in an investor's meeting that it doesn't perceive aggressive moves from EA, such as the Online Pass coming to sports franchises like Tiger Woods PGA Tour, to be much of a threat to its bottom line. Time will tell if their plans to profit from downloadable content work out.

As for improving customer experience, most consumers don't seem to mind. Players have a small added incentive to pick up a new copy, and we haven't seen many complaints for a few free goodies to new purchasers. The outcry might grow once the Online Pass model hits retail, but in the meantime the trend is starting to spread to other publishers' games, like Alan Wake.

Seems like whenever I get around to playing an EA sports game, the online service for it is already disconnected.
All Gamestop and Amazon (or anyone that sales used EA games) has to do is drop the value of EA's used games and include the price of the 10 dollar code. so if right now NCAA 11 Football is 39.99 used.. just drop the game to 29.99 and include the code. The best thing to do, is to not buy their games.
While this may seem like bullshit, it's just business. If I owned a video game company, I rather want people to buy new copies of my games so I can make more profit. I think this is a great move by EA as they can hope to survive in the video game business
EA is my favorite publisher this year, right next to Sony. Probably because we can't play multiplayer out here, but I would have probably bought all the games new anyway.
I can't entirely fault EA for something like this, but I do wish they would add something extra (like the Cerberus network) for people that buy it new rather than take away established features from people who buy used.

As long as EA keeps supporting new IPs and great games though, I'll still be a fan of their turnaround from last gen.
[quote name='Zygote']I've boycotted EA games since this online pass was implemented simply because the trade in value of each EA game stinks. Take Dead Space 2 - it only trades for $22 from Gamestop and it just came out!!

This reporter represents us 360 gamers that are fed up paying twice for multiplayer:

http://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/story/2011/02/25/f-pirating-video-games.html [/QUOTE]
Gamestop is NOT the be all end all for game trades. Blockbuster, Toys R' Us, Amazon and even Best Buy take game trades now.;)

Amazon is giving between $34.50-36.75 for the normal edition of Dead Space 2, TRU is offering $29.80-29.85 and Best Buy is offering $30 for the PS3 version.

Then there's also the CAG game trading forum, where you can likely find someone who will want DS2 and you might be able to grab a title for the system of your choice that you've always wanted to play in exchange for it.

So you definitely have options besides Gamestop.:D
[quote name='HaLLuZiNaTiOnZ']How are you paying twice for multiplayer?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that argument makes no sense. If you buy the game used from someone, you know going in that online multiplayer is not part of the package. You are not paying for online MP, because it's not there. You're basically buying a single player game. Don't like that? Don't buy it used. It's really that simple.

[quote name='Cheddahz']While this may seem like bullshit, it's just business. If I owned a video game company, I rather want people to buy new copies of my games so I can make more profit. I think this is a great move by EA as they can hope to survive in the video game business[/QUOTE]

All true, but unfortunately, people don't often think about things from the other party's viewpoint. For instance, try to appeal to a software pirate by asking them how they would feel if we stole his work, and you'll find find deaf ears. Same thing here. People don't seem to realize that the used game market just keeps growing and growing, and publishers see nothing at all from it. Again, it's real simple: if you don't want to pay for the online pass, buy the game new.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']and publishers see nothing at all from it[/QUOTE]

Tough crap. It's called the first-sale doctrine, and it's been part of US copyright law for over 100 years.

Maybe instead of thinking up ways to dick over people who buy games they should think up ways to make their games have more value and lasting appeal.

I hear absolutely no other industry---books, movies, music, even automobiles--whining about people buying used products. This whole thing is a scam to get people to pay more money, and I feel no sympathy at all for game publishers. They aren't looking out for their employees, or hoping to fund radical new IPs, they only care about their bottom line.
[quote name='ElwoodCuse']Tough crap. It's called the first-sale doctrine, and it's been part of US copyright law for over 100 years.[/QUOTE]

Um...yeah...and your point is? No one mentioned anything AT ALL about legal aspects of this. But hey, a good strawman argument is generally a good crutch to lean on, so run with it.

This whole thing is a scam to get people to pay more money
Learn what a scam is and then please explain how this is a scam.

and I feel no sympathy at all for game publishers.
Again, because you aren't one.

They aren't looking out for their employees
Yeah, I'm sure people who work at EA have really shitty jobs. I bet they wish they were a greater at Walmart instead.

or hoping to fund radical new IPs
Yeah, because EA hasn't had some of the best new IPs of the last few years, like Dead Space and Bulletstorm. Oh...wait...

they only care about their bottom line.
Yeah, I know. I hate businesses that want to make money and be successful. Silliness, I tell you. I prefer the ones that completely fail and leave people without jobs.

Now, run along.
bread's done