Really unique controller! I bet it's a lot of fun to use.
WhipSmartBanky CAGiversary! Feedback 8 (100%) Jan 5, 2011 #201 Really unique controller! I bet it's a lot of fun to use.
D DeskLaser CAGiversary! Feedback 43 (100%) Jan 5, 2011 #212 This would be great to be able to try out.
Fell Open Ian CAGiversary! Jan 5, 2011 #215 Definitely an interesting design for a racing controller.
O oregonjon Guest Jan 5, 2011 #228 I want this, but I don't know how many people will follow that link. I'm guessing none.
F fritter CAGiversary! Jan 5, 2011 #230 Just read a review for this controller, it seems pretty cool. Thanks for the contest!
T thewarprodigy CAGiversary! Jan 5, 2011 #234 wow, this actually seems like a worthwhile specialty controller
Redeema CAGiversary! Feedback 66 (100%) Jan 5, 2011 #246 That is a sweet red. Go great next to the red Wii remote.
M murphyspub CAGiversary! Feedback 5 (100%) Jan 5, 2011 #248 I would love one these. Moreso on the Xbox 360, but I'll take what I can get.