Early Killer 7 impressions.



Okay, so I went to the usual places and got my hands on a Japanese version for the PS2 and just played for about an hour and a half.(disclaimer: yes, I'm still buying it the day it comes out or soon after.)

First, the gameplay. I'll try to demystify this as much as possible. as you know by now, you hold a button to walk and when you see an NPC or have a split path, choices pop up, you point with the analog stick, and press a button to go. It's not intrusive at all, it takes a second. so you're walking down a hall and you hear "the laugh." you'll hold R1 to go into First person mode and you'll see outlines of enemies. You press L1 to scan and the enemies will materialize so you can shoot them. The skill lies in aiming for weak points so you can power up your special shots and there are some parts where you'll have to switch back and forth with L1 to kill various enemies. It's really simple, but it's a lot of fun. "Rail shooter" is a pretty bad way to describe it, because it doesn't feel like Operation Wolf or House of the Dead or anything like that. There are also some special shots and items to collect, but I don't know how to do any of that yet-- all the text is in japanese! I think there is also some sort of power up system for collecting blood.

So you have to take a few hits before you die, depending on which persona you use. I haven't seen an enemy use a projectile yet. most of them just attack by walking to you and blowing up. When you die, you drop where you are and turn into a lunch bag filled with blood. After that it switches to the TV, where you choose personas, and you have the option of using the Cleaner, who is the only character that can recover the lunch bag from the spot where your other character died(afaik.) It switches back to the TV and you can resurrect your character by rapidly pressing a button to raise their life meter(ala track and field.)

I haven't run into any boss fights yet, but according to the GI review, they are excellent.

Graphics/ sound: To do it justice, it has to be seen in motion and heard. It's weirder than you think, trust me! The cel-shading looks awesome and the character designs fit the mood perfectly. The music is mostly suspenseful, dark and ambient, with spooky melodies and echoed hip hop-esque beats. NPCs have fucked up voices for the most part and are quite hard to understand and since the subs are in japanese, I have no idea what is happening in the game. The few NPCs I have met so far are like characters straight out of a David Lynch movie. Overall, the game is oozing with artistic flair and is quite possibly the most refreshing design I have seen in years.

Story: The monsters I'm shooting are part of the Heaven smile...and I have no idea what else is happening because the subs are in japanese and the NPCs voices have some weird filters on them. All I can say is that I am really really intrigued and cannot wait to get my hands on the Gamecube version.

Overall: Can't wait to get home from work and play some more tonight. Even though I have no clue what's going on, it's a lot of fun to play. I cantell this is going to be one of those games that people will either love or hate and it probably won't sell that well. It's highly stylized and extremely bizarre and is really unlike anything I have experienced(games or otherwise.) The whole time i was thinking that it was similar to a David Lynch movie(directed Blue Velvet, Mullholland Drive, the Twin Peaks series.) so if that means anything to you, then you have a decent idea of what to expect.

If anyone has any questions, I'll do my best to answer them.
I'm interested in it, but like you said, it probably won't sell very well... I can't imagine Capcom keeping it at $40 for very long.

Good impressions, too.
Excellent. I was beggining to have my doubts when I started hearing bad previews about it. It seems like something I would like though. I have it pre-ordered at GR at the moment.
now I'm stuck at a puzzle because of the language barrier-- but I absolutely cannot wait to pick this game up. I can't recommend it for it's gameplay alone, but it seems like there is a lot to the story-- there's a bunch of text and the NPCs give long winded speeches often. fans of bizarre, psychological and somewhat artsy stuff will definitely dig it, as it seems like it leaves a lot to the imagination.

I also figured out that you can level up 4 different attributes for each character, and learn various special abilities, by turning in blood to the blood channel on TV. it seems like it just enhances some basic stuff-- more powerful shots, a quicker aim cursor, how much damage you can take and how much kick the gun has, since each shot makes you lose your aim a bit.
thanks for the impressions. still deciding on whether or not to pick it up. might have to just wait until street date to see if there is any special deal going on.
... been killing to play this game for over 2 years now... geeze...

I think this game has the most artistic flair to show up in the gaming world over the past years (and may possability be the last with PS3 possibly diminishing artistic developers). Awsome to hear how well it plays, even though no matter how bad it would be I would have still gottent his game and will.


does the S&M gimp suit guy put up his middle fingers in game (wondering if this was censored or not)?

does Mask de Smith have multiple masks?

how easily can you die from the Heaven Smiles?

Are th puzzles more like "shoot the wall down" or more like the Resident Evil series... or none of the above?
does the S&M gimp suit guy put up his middle fingers in game (wondering if this was censored or not)?

does Mask de Smith have multiple masks?

how easily can you die from the Heaven Smiles?

Are th puzzles more like "shoot the wall down" or more like the Resident Evil series... or none of the above?

1. I haven't noticed it, but Dan smith(i think that's his name) says something like "You're fucking dead" when you hit an enemy in a weak spot, so Iwazaru(the gimp guy) probably still flips the bird.

2. Haven't played as him yet.

3. Depends on the character...Kaede has a tiny health meter and dies in 2 hits, Mask has a huge health meter and probably takes like 8 hits. At the begining of the game, they are pretty easy, but at the part I got to before I got stuck, they started appearing 3 at a time and there are some that charge you real fast.

4. Not sure, I can't understand the english voices and the text is in japanese, so I haven't really tried the puzzles. they don't seem to be as simple as shooting the wall down.

I think this game has the most artistic flair to show up in the gaming world over the past years

Yeah, it really is...proabably the most experimentally artistic game ever created(though I haven't spent a whole lot of time with PC titles, which seem to have more leeway with that aspect of gaming.) It's done in a post-modern style, like the kinda stuff you would see at abstract galleries in NYC.
bunch of reviews are in, no surprises here:

38/40- Famitsu :shock:
Play- 9/10
GI- 7.5 and 8/10
EGM-- 5.5, 6.5. 5.5 (IIRC, somewhere around those numbers)
Gamepro- 1.5/5 :lol:

Scores all over the place, but good scores in the right places, imo.
I really can't wait to see IGN and Gamespot's reviews.
[quote name='Apossum']bunch of reviews are in, no surprises here:

38/40- Famitsu :shock:
Play- 9/10
GI- 7.5 and 8/10
EGM-- 5.5, 6.5. 5.5 (IIRC, somewhere around those numbers)
Gamepro- 1.5/5 :lol:

Scores all over the place, but good scores in the right places, imo.
I really can't wait to see IGN and Gamespot's reviews.[/QUOTE]

I'm not sure what to believe. I want to buy this game, but the reviews are discouraging, I mean a 1.5 from Gamepro.
[quote name='scdoanintendo']I'm not sure what to believe. I want to buy this game, but the reviews are discouraging, I mean a 1.5 from Gamepro.[/QUOTE]

:lol: I was like "cool, a 1.5 from gamepro and 38/40 from Famitsu, it's gonna kick ass." ...but i know my tastes are more in line with the first three, rather than EGM and Gamepro...if the scores were reversed, I'd be worried.
I think I'm gonna like it. PLus the cultyness will make the price go down like... something that goes down really fast!!

(A hooker?)
(A Canadian space shuttle?)
for some reason I always tend to agree with famitsu... I think they are the few review mags without their heads up their ass about how the game industry can/should be .
I played the demo at E3, and it barely escaped besting (worsting? I know that's not a word) E.T. as the most horrible piece of software I have ever had the displeasure of playing.

I had been really looking forward to the game, so I am hoping that the final version is decent. I'm not holding my breath, however.
I think this game might be a love it/hate it title. I have played it as well and I absolutely hate it. With a passion. I dont think the graphics are arty or ground breaking, to me it looks like someone didnt want to make textures. I dont care for the rail movement either. The camera position is awkward; be prepared to have your view partially obscured by your characters crotch when not in FP view. Again, I hate it. My roommate also does not care for it. We may be in the minority, I don't want to discourage anyone who may be really looking forward to it.
E3 is the last place I'd want to play any game. people were saying Shadow of the Colossus sucked at E3 too..in Killer 7, you need to hear it to play it and a quick 15 minute demo isn't the best intro.

Ships 1 week from today! Got my copy paid!

My roommate also does not care for it. We may be in the minority

I don't think so...from what I can tell from playing it for a few hours, I think most people will hate it.
Omg OWNED by Gamepro.. just got the new magazine.. Killer 7:

Graphics - 2.0/5.0
Sound - 2.5/5.0
Control - 1.5/5.0
Fun Factor - 1.5/5.0

[quote name='Scorch']Omg OWNED by Gamepro.. just got the new magazine.. Killer 7:

Graphics - 2.0/5.0
Sound - 2.5/5.0
Control - 1.5/5.0
Fun Factor - 1.5/5.0


I'd say Gamepro got owned by Killer 7 ;-)
[quote name='Scorch']Omg OWNED by Gamepro.. just got the new magazine.. Killer 7:

Graphics - 2.0/5.0
Sound - 2.5/5.0
Control - 1.5/5.0
Fun Factor - 1.5/5.0


Then games like Narc they give all 4's?
[quote name='Roufuss']Then games like Narc they give all 4's?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Roufuss']Then games like Narc they give all 4's?[/QUOTE]

And have you played Narc? It's not bad.

Don't get me wrong - I hate Gamepro's reviews.. but damn, that's low.
My friend and I are playing the Japanese version right now. Its a bit hard to figure out, but at least having the dialog in English helps. We havn't gotten too far, but we're both pretty impressed by the style/creativity. Its looking pretty good.
[quote name='Scorch']And have you played Narc? It's not bad.

Don't get me wrong - I hate Gamepro's reviews.. but damn, that's low.[/QUOTE]

I've played Narc...that's a pretty sorry excuse for a game. everything about it shouts "me too!" It's nice that they give you an extra large life bar to make up for the horrible aiming system, though. I really couldn't get into it. then again, I don't really like GTA/Max Payne knock offs that don't even try to improve the aspects of the games they are ripping off. but I'm not much of a fan of GTA style games to begin with.

My friend and I are playing the Japanese version right now. Its a bit hard to figure out, but at least having the dialog in English helps. We havn't gotten too far, but we're both pretty impressed by the style/creativity. Its looking pretty good.

I got stuck at the door with the lock on it. I found a candelabra puzzle, a broken steam pipe, a toilet puzzle and a head in a washing machine...but none of them help me open the door :lol:
OPM gave it a 2.5 out of 5.
Pros - Awesome Style, crazy story.
Cons - Weak puzzles and action, long load times.

There are not many great reviews on this game, though I've never been interested in it anyways. Just posting it for those interested.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']well gamepro is good for something... to scoop up my dogs poop with... can't think of anything else.[/QUOTE]

Magazines really arent good for that, not big enough to crumple up. You should have said line my bird cage. Or use as a jizz rag.
[quote name='Apossum']The whole time i was thinking that it was similar to a David Lynch movie(directed Blue Velvet, Mullholland Drive, the Twin Peaks series.) so if that means anything to you, then you have a decent idea of what to expect.[/QUOTE]

I previewed the game for my school paper and I described it as, "The most David Lynchesque game you are likely to ever see."
[quote name='smalien1']PSM says 7.5, but says points were taken off for slow loading times which won't be a problem in the 'good' version[/QUOTE]

... well, it's been proven that people either loved or hated this game... so really, now since we got all the reviews/ers out of the way, it's all up to the gamers to decide how meniacle this game is in a good or bad way.
bread's done