Earthworm Jim PSP: join me in disgust :P


5 (100%)
Earthworm Jim 1991 Super Nintendo:


Earthworm Jim 2006 ( 15 YEARS LATER ) PSP:


.....what in the damn hell is going on, here?!?!?

:mad: There is just NO excuse for this at all.

Wow... that looks pretty badass. I thought going into this thread it would be another 3D abomination, but it's one of those 3D games that plays 2D, and that's ok with me.
The art direction has gone to shit, that's the problem. Whoever's responsible for this should have opted for richly textured, hi-res sprites instead of the pseudo 3D look.

All the character from the series is gone in the PSP version.
it's less colorful, but the gameplay looks better. sweet!

I was worried he would get Bomberman: Act Zero'd
[quote name='cochesecochese']The art direction has gone to shit, that's the problem. Whoever's responsible for this should have opted for richly textured, hi-res sprites instead of the pseudo 3D look.

All the character from the series is gone in the PSP version.[/QUOTE]
The video wasn't the entire length of the game.
Shiny was recently hinting that they were going to ressurrect EWJ... I can only hope they usher him into next-gen consoles, into the 3-D realm. (Not counting the terrible EWJ64.)
[quote name='Apossum']it's less colorful, but the gameplay looks better. sweet!

I was worried he would get Bomberman: Act Zero'd[/QUOTE]

Yea, that level design was pretty awesome... he still seems to have plenty of character from the one lines he spouted off.
That video looks badass!!

I would rather them go with a tried-and-true formula than try something completely new. When I get a PSP, I will definately be getting this!!

As MC said.. Groovy!!
[quote name='Brak']The video wasn't the entire length of the game.[/quote]
Aye, I'll give you that. Sorry if I'm coming off angry but it's been a while since I've gotten good sleep.

I think that a lot of the appeal of the original series is/was the distinct personality given to the characters and the EWJ world itself. Yes, it appears as though the gameplay has carried over but that was never the appeal in the first place.

The PSP version just looks like another generic platformer to me and I think it would to everyone if it didn't have the Earthworm Jim title tacked onto it. It's just an opinion and I'm too tired to defend it. If you're cool with the new art direction then I can't complain.
[quote name='cochesecochese']Aye, I'll give you that. Sorry if I'm coming off angry but it's been a while since I've gotten good sleep.

I think that a lot of the appeal of the original series is/was the distinct personality given to the characters and the EWJ world itself. Yes, it appears as though the gameplay has carried over but that was never the appeal in the first place.

The PSP version just looks like another generic platformer to me and I think it would to everyone if it didn't have the Earthworm Jim title tacked onto it.[/QUOTE]
Well, I actually agree with you, on numerous points.

I'd prefer if they used polygonal sprites (like Guilty Gear X2), and I don't see the initial charm that the older titles had... but this is at a glance.

I can only hope for the best, though.
evilmax17 and cochesecochese see exactly what the problem is.

As technology advances, animation and design SHOULD (( in theory )) progress along with it. This new EWJ game now looks like any other generic and horribly bland "2D-though-3D" platformer. There are tons of out of work character animators; a talented and dying breed and cheaper to hire than your average 3D modeler. This is why i say there's just no excuse.

Look at how this character moves now: forget gravity! It doesn't exist in this game. Forget the flow from one pose to the next; EWJ is STIFF as a board!

The animators of the original were extremely skilled.

For those missing my point: you've either never experienced the awesomeness that is the original EWJ or you're lowering your alot. :( :(

[quote name='Lieutenant Dan']I don't think it looks that good. There are a couple of cool parts but it looks a little below average overall.[/QUOTE]

Which? SNES or PSP? ....
I can definitely see the difference in animation and sound, but the PSP version still looks like something I'll enjoy even if it doesn't approach the greatness of the originals.
knowing how big into animation and art similar to the original EWJ vgamergirl is, I can see why you don't like it. Yes, the anmation is horrible in the new one, but the gameplay might be great.

I think the mai problem here is that transitioning afrom 2d to 3d can't always be pretty. If this were on the PS3 or 360, there'd be no excuse, but on a portable it's understandable.

it's like I say: "Five taste buds equal more than three mangled children in tartar sauce"...?
Does this video represent the final game: No.

If you're suggesting that this game will get a complete make-over including re-animating the main character / villian characters, and elevating the art direction before it's release.... well, that's a happy thought, isn't it?

'Realistically,(( financially )); it's just not too likely.

[quote name='gizmogc']Is the game out yet? Oh, its not? So that video does not represent the final game then, right?[/QUOTE]

Does this video represent the final game: No.

If you're suggesting that this game will get a complete make-over including re-animating the main character / villian characters, and elevating the art direction before it's release.... well, that's a happy thought, isn't it?

'Realistically,(( financially )); it's just not too likely.

[quote name='vgamergirl']evilmax17 and cochesecochese see exactly what the problem is.

As technology advances, animation and design SHOULD (( in theory )) progress along with it. This new EWJ game now looks like any other generic and horribly bland "2D-though-3D" platformer. There are tons of out of work character animators; a talented and dying breed and cheaper to hire than your average 3D modeler. This is why i say there's just no excuse.

Look at how this character moves now: forget gravity! It doesn't exist in this game. Forget the flow from one pose to the next; EWJ is STIFF as a board!

The animators of the original were extremely skilled.

For those missing my point: you've either never experienced the awesomeness that is the original EWJ or you're lowering your alot. :( :(


Ugh, just another holier-than-thou character. :puke:

Comparing both videos yields the same fact that everyone is quite aware of: 3-D animation is no where near as fluid as 2-D (at it's best). That's just how both formats are. No amount of "creativity" will change that. Couple that with the rapid outcry for 3-D on a system that can only sell 3-D games (for a significant profit), and you'll get something that's along the lines of what this new EWJ is.

That's not to say that New EWJ will great or anything. AFAIK, no one hear has had the chance to put the game through it's pacings.
[quote name='RelentlessRolento']knowing how big into animation and art similar to the original EWJ vgamergirl is, I can see why you don't like it. Yes, the anmation is horrible in the new one, but the gameplay might be great.

I think the mai problem here is that transitioning afrom 2d to 3d can't always be pretty. If this were on the PS3 or 360, there'd be no excuse, but on a portable it's understandable.

it's like I say: "Five taste buds equal more than three mangled children in tartar sauce"...?[/QUOTE]

Hi RR! 'How've you been?? :)

'Thing is, the problem is not with the hardware at all. PSP is totally capable of handling some impressive visuals whether it be 2D or 3D. It's up to the developers to create the look and feel of their games. I'm having a hard time understanding why Shiny would abandon exactly what made their original game so popular amongst the animation community.

This is the video-game equivalent of Disney re-animating Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 3D.....poorly.

[quote name='vgamergirl']Hi RR! 'How've you been?? :)

'Thing is, the problem is not with the hardware at all. PSP is totally capable of handling some impressive visuals whether it be 2D or 3D. It's up to the developers to create the look and feel of their games. I'm having a hard time understanding why Shiny would abandon exactly what made their original game so popular amongst the animation community.

This is the video-game equivalent of Disney re-animating Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in 3D.....poorly.


Didn't Dave Perry leave Shiny years ago?

That being said, I'm certain whoever is in charge of this is trying REALLY HARD to capture the essense of the original EWJ. We all know you can't replace an original work of art. So come on, cut the newcomers some slack people.
[quote name='daphatty']Didn't Dave Perry leave Shiny years ago?

That being said, I'm certain whoever is in charge of this is trying REALLY HARD to capture the essense of the original EWJ. We all know you can't replace an original work of art. So come on, cut the newcomers some slack people.[/quote]
I gotta agree with him there. I think it would be hella hard (and not worth the time to some degree) to have animation that matches the original's quality. That shit was bananas. Everything Jim did back in the day made him twist and bend and squish in some of the zaniest ways. However, this game does offer an advance in the EWJ style gameplay and I look forward to that.

Time will tell... And to the person that mentioned polygonal 2d graphics for GGX2... The game you are probably thinking of is the import only Rumble Fish, GGX2 uses traditional hand drawn sprites. Keep it groovy people.

(PS. I just hope they bring back "What The Heck." That was one of my most favorite stages in any game.)
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Ugh, just another holier-than-thou character. :puke:

Comparing both videos yields the same fact that everyone is quite aware of: 3-D animation is no where near as fluid as 2-D (at it's best). That's just how both formats are. No amount of "creativity" will change that. Couple that with the rapid outcry for 3-D on a system that can only sell 3-D games (for a significant profit), and you'll get something that's along the lines of what this new EWJ is.

That's not to say that New EWJ will great or anything. AFAIK, no one hear has had the chance to put the game through it's pacings.[/QUOTE] that really what you think? I'm not an elitist at all. I work in animation...i contribute to this craft, this is why i'm bothered by this. It's not the medium i have a problem with (( 2D vs 3D )); it's about the animation itself. The original EWJ had some of the greatest character animation of ALL TIME; many animators acknowlege this.

You said: "3-D animation is no where near as fluid as 2-D (at it's best). That's just how both formats are. No amount of "creativity" will change that."

But that is not true at all. o.0 They could have animated Jim just as well, if not BETTER in 3D if they hired traditional artists to map out his movements and acting. I can give you specific examples if you want:

-PSP Jim:

-EWJ jumps....lingers in air...floats down...then lightly touches the ground. This looks like a kleenex being blown around in the wind. There is absolutely NO sense of weight in this character. Do you see this? 'Laws of gravity have been thrown out.

-The poses have been watered down. 'ALOT less dynamic this time around. Can you see the difference? Again this has absolutely NOTHING to do with whether it's 2D or 3D... this has everything to do with creativity and skill.

-Jim's transitions from pose to pose "snap" distrupting the flow of animation. Being so familiar with the original, this irritates me. It's sheer laziness.

GREAT character animation can be achieved using a computer....if the animator is experienced.

Moving on...

You say: "Couple that with the rapid outcry for 3-D on a system that can only sell 3-D games (for a significant profit), and you'll get something that's along the lines of what this new EWJ is."

3D is fine. But 3D doesn't have to look like THIS. Do you want me to get into design theory? ... or am i boring you?

unfortunately, this is just a cash in on a franchise, so I think most of us are just happy the gameplay looks good and that they didn't fit him with a new "angsty 2000 Xtreme" attitude.

and are you sure it's laziness? or is it that the time spent on animation is cut short to save a few bucks?

it's a shame, developers are forced to suck at the publishers teat and have little hope of ever freely developing their art at the caliber it deserves to be developed at! Hey, as long as a couple hundred thousand little kids get their parents to buy this plastic, who cares about anyone else. cheers!
I'm pretty familiar with this game. I had the SNES version and still have the Saturn version. I don't see much cause for excitement over a very early demo.

First, this game is so far off it doesn't have a release date less vague than 2007. It could have a year or more before going to manufacturing. I've seen plenty of games go from horrible placeholder animation to far better in just a few months. A lot of the issues OP complains about fall into that category.

Second, the disparity in video quality between the clips supplied is huge. An NES game would look good compared to that clip. Even viewing it at large size at YouTube is still badly artifacted.

This IGN page provides a better view of the same clip at a size more comparable to what a PSP user will see, depending on how close they hold their PSP:

Yes, the animation has problems but it's early. It's also evident they've put in a lot of artistic touches I like quite a lot. It isn't unusual for the processing load created by the perspective shifts and other animated items to be finalized before the character animation is given fine tuning.

At the very least, I'll give this one the benefit of the doubt until the release date is near enough for the company to be putting promotional demos on the PSP home site. If they're really good about it, they'll have a playable demo for download that will let us see the game inits native environment.
bread's done