EB 4-for-1 or 5-for-1 ?!?!


1 (100%)
Sorry i couldnt find the old thread, so here is a new one. But i dont know where you guys got the five for 1 thing b/c i just went in and trade 4-for-1 Ninja Gaiden. In EB's monthly 'magazine' they have a huge layout to get a bunch of games free with 4 trade ins... halo 2, ninja gaiden, MGS:Twin Snakes, FF:CC, Sonic Heroes, and a bunch more. They can't just recind that, so as far as 4-for-1 is concerned, its good until the end of this month.

On a side note, my EB wouldnt accept Defender (GC), Eve of Extinction PS@, Oni PS2, or Herdy Gerdy PS2. Anyone else have an EB accept these. If not i am just going to try and return them to CC for my money back, or if anyone here wants them i'll sell for $3.33 plu shipping ($2).

yeah i think the 5 for 1 is only on-line not in-stores. They may not be able to change it to 5 for 1 in-stores becuade of all those fliers. Unless they wanna be big assholes about it.
Also, you may try those games for towards the 5-for-1 online deal. So far, I;ve only traded in twice online but I had EOE, Onimusha, and Oni when I sent them and they took them.
The online 5 for 1 deal is still pretty useful because I think they accept more games. I haven't done it myself, but at my eb, the majority of games people come in with are excluded titles.

The B&M stores were never told to change it to 5 for 1, its still 4 for 1.
I think what WSB was tactfully trying to say is that this thread is in the wrong forum and that it should be in the "Game Deal Discussion & Bragging Rights" Forum.

Anyways, like some others have mentioned, they have tons of fliers stating the 4 for 1 trade-in and basically the change was done cause too many people were sending all their games online, including POX titles. At the B&M stores they can turn you down immediatly and not accept your offer. Online is just a different story, they have certain rules, but still some can take advantage by sending in their crap games...so that is most likely why they changed it up to 5, so they could try to get something extra instead of just 4 games. It's dumb if you ask me, but whatever.
Learn to post in the right place, not to mention try and look for threads that are already about what you have to say instead of creating new ones, and maybe nobody will complain.
as my first post says, i did look.

Dear Moderator,

If you feel this is in the wrong place, please move it to the correct place. My apologies.

Thank you

Also, the manager said they are running a deal where they give an extra $5 for each game if you trade in four ... so she offered me $25 for the four she didnt take.
See this always happens. That extra $5 deal for 4 games traded in is just a way of them trying wiggle out of the 4 old for 1 new deal at half the cost to them.
i just traded 4 for ff:cc last night and they took my oni (and metal gear solid, zone of the enders, fantavision).
I've heard instances where people have used the $50 coupon code they get from trading in 5 games online, then went ahead and used the coupon code for anything. So, if you happen to have 20 extra gmaes lying around you could try doing that to get steel Battalion. But I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.
bread's done