EB Games and Gamestop have recieved another shipments of PS3's!


I was just at Gamestop and they had both models, the 60GB and 20GB. They had 4-60GB PS3's, and 3-20GB PS3's. Hurry!
Um it's getting a lot of Japanese exclusives like MGS4, DMC4, White Knight Story, and FFXIII. Then you have Resistance, MotorStorm, Lair, Heavenly Sword. I also have a 360 and a Wii, but I couldn't pass the PS3 up because of the Linux OS, and you can use SATA Notebook HDD's in it, so there are no expensive ass HDD's like for the 360.
[quote name='born2win413']hrms....should i buy a ps3, i already got a wii and a 360....what exclusives is the ps3 getting?[/QUOTE]

you probably shouldn't buy a $600 system without knowing why beforehand.
God dammit, I would probably get a PS3 and completel my holy trinity, but I need the money more than I need to "futureproof" my gaming lifestyle.
[quote name='born2win413']hrms....should i buy a ps3, i already got a wii and a 360....what exclusives is the ps3 getting?[/quote]

Eventually, MGS4, DMC4, and the rest will be on the 360. Exclusivity is dead this Gen.
[quote name='Wolve22']uhm......YMMV?[/quote]

Most of the East Coast is recieving, or has recieved a shipment today.
Unbelievable! I just got me a 60gb PS3. Walked into Eb just for kicks and giggles. My man behind the counter busts out "So you want a PS3?" I'm like hells yeah fucker. I got the last 60gb

He said that hes trying to hold em for store regulars. AWESOME! Now, do I keep or sell. ROFL!?

EDIT: BTW South Florida: Boynton Beach
[quote name='RockmanPET']dmc will never be on 360[/quote]

Do you really think that with the sales of Dead Rising and the interest in Lost Planet that Capcom wouldn't bring DMC4 to the 360? Now it might be a timed exclusive for the PS3, but IMO, it will eventually be released on the 360.
[quote name='chetofvern']Mgs4 is not a ps3 only anymore[/quote]

It still is PS3 Exclusive. But if it goes to 360 then that is better for everyone. I hate the MGS series though. It's boring stealth gameplay isn't appealing to me.
[quote name='Number83']Eventually, MGS4, DMC4, and the rest will be on the 360. Exclusivity is dead this Gen.[/quote]

Umm no its not. You'll never see Mario or Halo go multiplatform...
It isn't really exclusivity when you're talking about first-party titles. Exclusivity usually refers to third-parties that have contracts with a particular hardware company.
Dammit... I really want one of these badboys, but I don't NEED one! My Wii60 combo is so sweet... but the Ps3... I mean... just LOOK at that thing.
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']Umm no its not. You'll never see Mario or Halo go multiplatform...[/quote]

I specificaly refering to 3rd Party Titles (Capcom, Sega, Konami, Etc.), not 1st party (Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft). Sorry, I should have stated that. :)
[quote name='jeremy517']It isn't really exclusivity when you're talking about first-party titles. Exclusivity usually refers to third-parties that have contracts with a particular hardware company.[/quote]

To me exculsivity is when I have to buy another system if I want to play a game...

and even third party... dead rising, gears of war, resistance, the very nature of the wii makes most titles exclusive...
[quote name='CheapLikeAFox']To me exculsivity is when I have to buy another system if I want to play a game...

and even third party... dead rising, gears of war, resistance, the very nature of the wii makes most titles exclusive...[/quote]

All games for the Wii will be mainly exclusive titles. Thank god for originality.
I just went to Gamestop and just missed getting a ps3, but I found out they still had Castlevania preorders with the bonus so I went ahead and paid for that
[quote name='bballplaya210']I just went to Gamestop and just missed getting a ps3, but I found out they still had Castlevania preorders with the bonus so I went ahead and paid for that[/quote]

Yeah that Castlevania Preorder is amazing. You get so much free stuff.
I can confirm they have them. I could've bought one at gamestop today, but I really thought about it, and there's nothing, except for Resistance (don't care for FPS) that I would want to play. So, I passed on the $600 expense now, and will think about it next Spring.

There was something ugly, though, which increased my hate for hoarders and ebay. There was a guy who walked in and asked if he could buy a ps3. The guy behind the counter told him yes, but you must buy a game with it. The guy thought about it and walked out. 10 seconds later, he walks by the front of the store with two ToysRus bags (with a ps3 in each of them). Hoarding bastard!!!!!!!!!! I bet if he could've bought one at gamestop without the game, he would've gotten one more for EBAY!! A__hole.
Hm, you can just walk in and buy a PS3, but people are still waiting in line for the Wii. Yikes. Just think if the system was $399 or less, would folks still be passing them up?
Can anyone from NYC confirm which GB/Gamestop has the PS3? I just call six stores and none of them have it. Any help is much appreciated.
Well, I doubt any store will answer yes to your question. Assume they have a small shipment of 4, so they won't tell you 'yes' over the phone, at the risk of selling them before you get to the store. I was in the Manhattan mall store, and as of 2:30 p.m. they had them in stock. Of course with the traffic that store gets, and everyone coming by asking for either a 'wii' or a 'ps3', they are probably already sold out.
confirmed here in larg/st pete florida called around to local shops some still have 20 gb models in stock if i wasnt lazy id go get one or 2
I picked a 60GB up in Brentwood, PA at EB about 1:00pm right after the UPS truck pulled away from dropping them off.
I went in to GS today and just as I walked in, I saw a lady with 4 big bags at the counter. I asked if that was the PS3 and the employee said yeah they got some in today. She had bought 4 of these things and asked for help carrying them out of the store. I asked if I could get a 60GB one and he said sure. I AM SO HAPPY! There was only 1 left after I bought mine. I still cant believe I went in to browse the store and walked out with a 60GB PS3. It is a good day.
called eb around 2, and they told me that only had 20gigs in. i was just like meh alright i guess ill get the 20gig and get a wireless adapter. so i go to the store, and they had a 60gig in. so ya i am a new proud owner of a ps3 thanks to this thread! oh ya i live near seattle, wa.
resistance is the only good game for ps3 right now...dam if i was to buy a ps3, its for ebaying, word is born, yes i am a bad person, lol.

1st place - Wii
2nd place - 360
3rd place - PS3
Shit, now I'm tempted to go ask if they've got any... but whatever, I'll just hold on to my 20 for a while longer (until I don't have to drive around from store to store to find a 60). :\
Okay, so I just called for the hell of it and the guy tells me they're getting another shipment sometime this week... so I guess it won't hurt to stop by tomorrow on the way back from school.
Any word for those of us on the west coast? I just called but the girl said they didn't have any and that they were shipping at random intervals. The ol' runaround.
bread's done