EB Games/Gamestop, the WORST company to work for!


So recently I just got a part-time job at EB Games over here in Jersey. I am 17 years old and this is not my first job. The starting pay was $6.41-a joke in my opinion. Gamestop is the company to whom I realy worked for, but it is a joke of a company. The starting pay was extremely low, something around $7.50 or higher would have been appreciated. Quite a lot is expected from you when you work at an EB Games. You must dress casual with your shirt tucked into your pants, you are mandated to sell used games, get trades, and get customers to reserve games. My number one problem with this is as an employee, you get absolutely ZERO commission or a bonus of some type. Honestly, on average I was selling $500 or more worth of merchandise, most in which I helped the customers pick out and offered knowledge on the floor of the store. I did my job swaying them to buy Pre-Owned and get the Game Play Warranty. But seriously, I am hard worker, but when I feel I am paid unfairly for my work, it agitates me to a degree. There is absolutely zero incentive to work for Gamestop/EB Games. Now this is the thing that pissed me off the most, they had the nerve to search me, as they do with all employees, for stolen merchandise. Gamestop installs zero trust in their employees, and expects them to perform to a quota, but refused to pay accordingly. Gamestop is the biggest joke of a company and they can shove their $6.41 a hour up their asses after I quit their on Monday after the three short weeks that I have work their. Gamestop is a laughing stock of a company, and how the treat their employees is ridiculous. I can not see how anyone would work for such a bad company.
yeah, gamestop has turned EB into a miserable place too. thank god i was on the EB payscale, which is much less insulting. anyhow, i no longer work there.
The reason they get away with treating their employees like shit is because they can. There are dozens of high school/college kids that think that working at a video game store would be the coolest job ever. I know this because I used to work there and we had a huge stack of applications that people turned in to us. If one doesn't work out, there's plenty more to choose from.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']yeah, gamestop has turned EB into a miserable place too. thank god i was on the EB payscale, which is much less insulting. anyhow, i no longer work there.[/QUOTE]
Same here. I managed and EB for 2 years. I left in Nov of 2005 just when Gamestop started implementing all there rules. Most of the people i knew from th EB company left as well. EB treated there employees better and paid more. Still expected you to sell but had commission and incentives. I was making $200 extra a week just on the commisiion and incentives.
That's why I think if you have a joy (ie. video games) don't choose a career/job that involves that, chances are you'll stop enjoying it. Others would probably tell you different. That's just my opinion.
[quote name='rodeojones903']I miss working at Gamestop. That job is so easy its not funny.[/QUOTE]

thats what im saying, this job is cake. youre sad because you have to tuck your shirt in and dont get commission? lame, good luck finding a job this care free.
[quote name='MrFriday18']Quite a lot is expected from you when you work at an EB Games. You must dress casual with your shirt tucked into your pants[/quote]
[quote name='iheartmetal']thats what im saying, this job is cake. youre sad because you have to tuck your shirt in and dont get commission? lame, good luck finding a job this care free.[/QUOTE]
I could care less about dressing nice, I work also at a up-scale resteraunt where I dress 100 times better than at EB Games. Im just making a point that they want you took dress nice,look professional and make them money up the ass but pay only $6.41 a hour. Ya i could sit on a street corner and beg for change and make more than $6.41 in a hour. The job is pretty easy given, but the pay and no incentives is absolute bull.
[quote name='chakan']Don't forget to kick over the magazines on your way out.[/quote]MAGAZPWNED! Seriously... GS changed EB for the worst. I mean whatever, their bottom line is all that matters. Employee job satisfaction? Hah! As if they care..
Thanks for the laugh. Good luck spitting in rude people's food at the restaurant. Let us know when you quit because you didn't get commission on the cheese sticks you sold.
I miss the website. I haven't seen or felt any effects from the merger aside from the death of the best preowned game website ever.
Well I worked at CC when they had commission, but you never made it on games, dvd's, cd's, or game systems. Most entry level positions are going to pay shit, while at the same time they expect you to meet goals. And if you are going to have a low paying pt job, you can do something you are intrested in, or you can go flip burgers (or in my case, it was KFC). I have worked at GS for a year now as a store manager (after doing 5 years at CC, 3 as a sales manager), and i love it, i work 10-15 hrs less a week, and bring home the same amount (bonuses are less, but my quality of life has gone up), yeah there are somethings i do not like, but there were a lot more at CC, and I have friends that are managers at CC, BB, CVS, Walgreens, Zales, OfficeDepot, Journeys, and several other retailers, and every one of them could bitch about something in there job.

But if you make $x.xx an hr. you may or maynot still be in school, it's one of your first jobs/new to the work force, you get to talk games all day long, you can check out games, you have a few goals you have to meet, but you have to dress casual and tuck in your shirt, well shit i would quit too and go to mcd's. they have bad ass uniforms, and like you can eat bigmac's and maybe even have your shirt untucked, that would be awsome.

I can tell you from interviewing probally well over 150 people, peoples work ethics suck these days (now not all of them, but more than not). I had this one guy that was hired seasonal who was like i have open availibility, i am a hard worker (of course everyone is), this and that. Next thing you know he can't work this day, or he can't work that day, he is one of the least productive people I hired, and is like where is my raise after 3 weeks of being there, so i told him peace out we don't need you anymore (he was a temp fighting for a spot to stay on). I had another associate though, who showed ambition, did his job, understood sales, yet still could talk the talk on games (in lies the fine art of balancing sales and being true to the gamers), he was there the same amount of time, not only did I keep him I promoted him to managment (yes and i know and sga is not going to be the king of bling), but it paid him enough to quit his other pt job he didn't like as much,
Surpringsly, Best Buy offers a decent entry level pay scale. My girlfriend just got a job there, and they want to start her out at $8.25 for a cashier, which is pretty damn decent as most retail jobs around here won't even break the $7 mark, espically for cashiering.

You know what the real kick in the ass is? I was the Electronics Manager at K-Mart, and those fuckers only paid me $8.50 an hour.
[quote name='Michaellvortega']Thanks for the laugh. Good luck spitting in rude people's food at the restaurant. Let us know when you quit because you didn't get commission on the cheese sticks you sold.[/QUOTE]
actually, I’ve worked there for 3 years, and I probably make more money than you. I only got a job at EB so I can save $1,000 so I could put a new clutch in my Mustang GT, without going into my savings. By the way, we don't serve cheesy sticks where I work, we are an upscale restaurant, one which you have never encountered because your loser poor ass can not afford to eat where I work. Also I would never spit in anyone’s food, maybe the redneck trailer shit of an ass places that you dine at may. Continue to live your life as a senseless prick and it will eventually bite you in the ass.
I dont know what youre complianing about OP, sounds like laziness. This here porno store I work at, now thats a shitty job. been here about a year and a half, make 7 an hour, and I run the fucking the store. Do all the ordering, all the stocking, shit, I make the damn schedule. Dont forget the bullshit 2% commission, woohoo. I do about 4000 a week profit on average and I get paid shit. Wait till you have to support yourself, when you cant quit cause your job sucks.
[quote name='MrFriday18']actually, I’ve worked there for 3 years, and I probably make more money than you.[/QUOTE]

WOW that's funny as hell, Well what can you expect from some one who has worked at a restaurant for 3 years. Don't come posting observations (low end jobs suck) that everyone knew already and expect sympathy kid.
Ya expect fair pay, not insulting pay....Im going to attend college get a degree in Criminal Justice and being a Police Officer, theres my goal in life.
[quote name='MrFriday18']actually, I’ve worked there for 3 years, and I probably make more money than you. I only got a job at EB so I can save $1,000 so I could put a new clutch in my Mustang GT, without going into my savings. By the way, we don't serve cheesy sticks where I work, we are an upscale restaurant, one which you have never encountered because your loser poor ass can not afford to eat where I work. Also I would never spit in anyone’s food, maybe the redneck trailer shit of an ass places that you dine at may. Continue to live your life as a senseless prick and it will eventually bite you in the ass.[/QUOTE]

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
[quote name='MrFriday18']Ya expect fair pay, not insulting pay....Im going to attend college get a degree in Criminal Justice and being a Police Officer, theres my goal in life.[/quote]

Being a cop is shit pay too.
[quote name='MrFriday18']actually, I’ve worked there for 3 years, and I probably make more money than you. I only got a job at EB so I can save $1,000 so I could put a new clutch in my Mustang GT, without going into my savings. By the way, we don't serve cheesy sticks where I work, we are an upscale restaurant, one which you have never encountered because your loser poor ass can not afford to eat where I work. Also I would never spit in anyone’s food, maybe the redneck trailer shit of an ass places that you dine at may. Continue to live your life as a senseless prick and it will eventually bite you in the ass.[/QUOTE]
Vanity levels critical!
[quote name='MrFriday18']Ya expect fair pay, not insulting pay....Im going to attend college get a degree in Criminal Justice and being a Police Officer, theres my goal in life.[/QUOTE]Oh good. Someone with a sense of entitlement getting a job in law enforcement.
[quote name='MrFriday18']So recently I just got a part-time job at EB Games over here in Jersey. I am 17 years old and this is not my first job. [/QUOTE]

actually, I’ve worked there for 3 years, and I probably make more money than you. I only got a job at EB so I can save $1,000 so I could put a new clutch in my Mustang GT, without going into my savings.

I don't know alot of upscale restaurants that would hire 14 year olds?
[quote name='MrFriday18']Ya expect fair pay, not insulting pay....Im going to attend college get a degree in Criminal Justice and being a Police Officer, theres my goal in life.[/QUOTE]

Back to being serous, from some one who has gone for criminal justice. Have you done a ride out or maybe have a family member that's a cop? The police job kinda sucks too. In my area the pay for a police officer is pretty low compared to other jobs that don't put your life in danger or make you work weird hours. I was better off making a decision to sit at a help desk and help some newb police office put a ink cart in a printer for $20 a hour then do his/her job. NOT that I don't respect Police because they do a great service to the community, BUT if you don't have the right mentality you wont last long.
Yeah first i am not saying that being a police officer is a crap job, because it is not there is a lot of personal sacrifice and dedication too it, just like when i was in the USAF. I have 3 friends that worked for me at CC and they are now cops. But I get paid more than them, so if you are in it for the money, you have a lot of work and promotions ahead of you.
Let's not start online cat fighting.

I've worked many retail jobs and it's something you just put up with. Put in your time till you're able to get a decent job. Other than that, just expect crap from time to time and don't let it bother you that much. If you're young, quit that day, go next door and apply there. It's not like you're pulling in $60k and will have a harder time finding a replacement job.
[quote name='Roufuss']I don't know alot of upscale restaurants that would hire 14 year olds?[/quote]

Very interesting, I didnt even notice the age and supposed 3 yrs at the "upscale restaurant"
I demand an explanation.
[quote name='MrFriday18']Ya expect fair pay, not insulting pay....Im going to attend college get a degree in Criminal Justice and being a Police Officer, theres my goal in life.[/QUOTE]

Your criminal justice degree is going to be worthless. Unless you're willing to expand into a master's and later a PhD in criminology (Which I'm doing).

If being a street cop is your ambition, you'd be better off taking your high school diploma and either joining the military for two years or working an entry level job within the police station (Usually, they'll hire civil service workers to answer phones, etc.). The degree is in no way a substitute for actual experience. Many departments are offering to send officers back to school (usually for a 2 year program at the community college) because it looks good and "real progressive like" to have all your active officers with a college education. But they're not going to promote because you can recite the differences between Anomie theory and radical conflict theory.
$6.41 an HOUR??!?!? If they offered me that pay, I would have snatched my resume/application out of there hand and said fuck THAT and gone over to best buy.
Yeah, the funniest part is that you actually took this job knowing you were getting $6.41/hour. And then you come on here and bitch about it? You're an idiot. You'd be better off opening a fucking lemonade stand
[quote name='terribledeli']Your criminal justice degree is going to be worthless. Unless you're willing to expand into a master's and later a PhD in criminology (Which I'm doing).

If being a street cop is your ambition, you'd be better off taking your high school diploma and either joining the military for two years or working an entry level job within the police station (Usually, they'll hire civil service workers to answer phones, etc.). The degree is in no way a substitute for actual experience. Many departments are offering to send officers back to school (usually for a 2 year program at the community college) because it looks good and "real progressive like" to have all your active officers with a college education. But they're not going to promote because you can recite the differences between Anomie theory and radical conflict theory.[/quote]

I agree. Unless you know you are going to pursue at least a Master's, traditional college/university has become more about the life experience --expecially if you go away to school and don't stay local.
$6.41 an hour, dude, I would kill to get paid $6.41 an hour. Try getting paid $5 bucks an hour and be required to climb into a dumpster once a week.
[quote name='d00k']$6.41 an hour, dude, I would kill to get paid $6.41 an hour. Try getting paid $5 bucks an hour and be required to climb into a dumpster once a week.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Michaellvortega']WTF?[/QUOTE]
Hobo. Picking up bottles, 'n' stuff.
My other favorite part of this quote was that he was saving for a clutch for his Mustang GT? How many 17 year olds did you know that had a mustang? As said before Gamestop does it because they can, it is a process of taking a large number of people and trying to find a few decent ones to work managment. If you stay and can look past the so called "insulting wages" well then you might be able to become mangament, but obviously you don't. so don't expect a bunch of sympathy when you mouth off and insult all of us.
[quote name='NeoFrank1']Yeah, the funniest part is that you actually took this job knowing you were getting $6.41/hour. And then you come on here and bitch about it? You're an idiot. You'd be better off opening a fucking lemonade stand[/QUOTE]

lmao, i just pictured some guy just chillin at the side of the road w/ a lemonade stand with the cliche backwards L or E at the end of the sign.

If you picture it, not only is it funny.. but.. it's kinda disturbing.

ANYway. All retail jobs are the same. I've done it for 5 years. Went from job to job to job.. ugh. they are all different in their own way..but all the same bullshit. Low paying, and expect a lot out of you. Now I got a job downtown in which I'm just putting paper in a machine and hitting OK and gettin $9.25 an hour for.. lol instead of making $7 and working all kinds of unstable hours (morning, night, night, morning, morning, night, etc, ugh) and working WAY too hard.

Getting a job somewhere else you will JUST be as unhappy. The only thing I enjoyed about working in retail were the stories I had to tell my friends. "Fat lady came to work today..." and plus I don't have much people skills and wound up yelling at too many fat bitches.

Go get a job sitting at a desk. Seriously. You'll get paid better and not deal with TOO much bullshit.
[quote name='NeoFrank1']Yeah, the funniest part is that you actually took this job knowing you were getting $6.41/hour. And then you come on here and bitch about it? You're an idiot. You'd be better off opening a fucking lemonade stand[/quote]

[quote name='thespillcanvas']Being a cop is shit pay too.[/QUOTE]

YEA but the trade off is the power you get!! Get to write people up, slam drunk drivers on to there hood and cuff them , spook people with your lights, SPEED!!!

but then the trade off is that you have to chase the bad guys on foot (not good if you have a beer gut) and you have to have a good memory.
Did they not tell you how much you were going to be paid before you accepted the job? I presume you knew you'd be paid $6.41 per hour before you took the job so you should have told em to fuck off before and went to a job at Target or Best Buy or something where you'd get paid 8+ dollars per hour.

I'd gladly take a job at EB for minimum wage ($6.75 here) even though I have a job now that pays 8 dollars an hour at Target. Of course I don't have to worry about supporting myself but I would enjoy working at EB much more than I would at Target, it would easily be worth the pay decrease if I enjoyed working there.

BTW does anyone know how old you have to be to work at EB?
[quote name='evanft']People like the OP remind me how awesome it is that I get to go to college for free.[/QUOTE]

Spoiled scholarship punk!!!
Hell, if you want a discount on tuition, go work for the university. I have a part time office job at ASU with full benefits. I can take as many classes as I want each semester for $38. I also get 10% off books at their bookstore. Of course I try to get the stuff off Amazon. If you can, I'd say that's the way to go.
bread's done