[eBay] Godzilla: Save the Earth (20% to Hands on Tokyo)


6 (100%)
I know its not much, but every little bit helps: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=160562277755&ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT

Godzilla is best known for his path of destruction over Tokyo, Japan and offers rampaging with over 15 different monsters in this title. Due to the devastating events in Japan, Godzilla has temporarily forsaken his destructive path and seeking to assist with relief efforts in Japan. He has authorized me to donate at least 20% to the Hands On Tokyo charity and reserves the right to increase that percentage.

If I run across my other Godzilla stuff (Godzilla 2000 cup holder, Gamara Kit, etc) I will try to list them as well.

bread's done