Edible stinkbombs


82 (100%)
Sometimes, Greatness is stumbled into.

On the way to work, I bought breakfast: a bag of microwave broccoli, a red pepper and some balsamic vingearette. Once there, I tore apart the red pepper, stuffed it into the bag and microwaved it based on the instructions on the bag and entered the bathroom.

When I walked out with an empty bladder and clean hands, I was transported to Giant Pussy Land. I opened the microwave. Immediately, somebody curled his nose and asked, "What is that smell?" A passing elderly worker who made more bad decisions than me asked, "Did you cook fucking broccoli in there?"

Ignoring those two, I walked upstairs with my breakfast. I sat down and started eating a pleasant and healthy meal. Of course, I was interrupted by a dozen people retching, several people asking what had died, the person behind me stated with relief "I thought I had brought my cat's litter box.", the martial arts master over the cubicle wall asked if someone had burned garbage and my supervisor came by 20 minutes later to announce he had found the biohazard and checked the microwaveable bag for burned hobo parts.

At first, I was embarassed. Then, I thought, "fuck these pommes!"

I spend my entire day talking to assholes they piss off. If I want to eat something other than the fast food sludge that lines the trashcans, mice and keyboards of the cube farm and it smells half as bad as a smoker, so be it.

Furthermore and where you fine people come in, I need more recipes. As some point in time, I'll get bored with broccoli and cauliflower.

What do you eat that smells horrible, tastes good and is healthy?
Tell them to fuck off. If it tastes good to you, then they can shove it.

Personally, I eat oatmeal at work. But what bothers me is when the other oatmeal eater(s) leave their remnants in the sink, which then dry like cement. The receptionist (who normally cleans the sinks in the kitchen because it costs our company extra to pay the housekeeping staff to do it for us) better not even try to blame me for leaving that shit in the sink.

Food smells don't usually bother me at work. I only get annoyed when people don't clean up after themselves.
[quote name='shieryda']Tell them to fuck off. If it tastes good to you, then they can shove it.[/QUOTE]

It goes beyond that. I want them to suffer. I can't be fired for properly cooking food. However, I can let my superiors know I would have to cook in a different building or I might be able to afford a cooked lunch if I was promoted.
Can always get you some limburger cheese and crackers as a snack for after your breakfast. Course I dont know if that shit is healthy or not.
I eat egg whites every day and people are always telling me it smells and I'm always telling them to lose weight, fatties.
[quote name='Anexanhume']Microwave fish. Then burn the shit out of some popcorn. That stuff starts to smell like burnt hair if you cook it enough.[/QUOTE]

Indeed. Perhaps the most potent 1-2 combination that could possibly be used in the workplace. Either (and certainly both, if cooked in sequence) is sure to set off a chain-reaction of negative comments, bitching and moaning throughout the hallways of any office building.
If you really want to get some noise pollution going from your co-workers, just bring in jug of sluice from old chewing tobacco that has been fermenting for a few days. Apply a generous layer of the noxious liquid in the bottom of a garbage bag (make sure you poke a hole in the bottom of the bag so that it leaks slowly into the container).
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Popcorn is a definite go. Fish is expensive.[/QUOTE]

The cheaper, the better. Hell, just open a can of anchovies and toss them on a paper plate and run. Forcing yourself to eat it afterward may be worth it.
Damn. Now my co-worker (I share an office with her) is eating stinky hard-boiled eggs.:D Suppose it's better than my previous co-worker (she used to drop ultra-wicked S.B.D.s every time she'd eat Chicago stuffed crust pizza).
Dear God,
I am so very thankful that I have never worked an office job, thus far. Being able to eat whatever you want and rip one as much as you want in a well ventilated FedEx truck was definitely a freedom that I took for granted.

Keep rocking the broccoli brotha!

fuck you! fuck you! fuck you! You're cool. fuck youuuuu!
I don't know how delicious they are, but my vegetarian room mate cooked some portobello mushrooms on the grill the other day, and the smell made me want to gag. If you have a taste for mushrooms, you could try that. :/
[quote name='berzirk']Kim chee![/QUOTE]

i second this kimchee is very damn smelly but very very good. takuan is another pickled veggie that smells very very very bad. theres a smelly fruit you could eat too its called durian.
Oh god, have fun in your office but don't bring that shit into a Movie theater. Why people love eating gross ass shit in movies is beyond me...
Something tells me that broccoli and cauliflower smelled worse coming out that going in. I pity your cube mates, FOC.

As for me, it wasn't so much annoying eating habits that used to irk me when I worked the one office job as it was that the one lady who smoked in my office would hack up a lung every other minute.

My other co-workers had access to their computer's CD/DVD drives so they could listen to their CD's during work, but since I was the newbie I wasn't as privileged and got to listen to her audio pleasantries for the whole eight hours every day.:roll:

its smellls awful , it taste awful , and you could clear out a room if you smash one of these on the floor. Or better yet, buy one and cut it open at the office and see what happens.

As for Kim chee , it does smell awful, but it taste good.
It looks like fetuses.

[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh god, have fun in your office but don't bring that shit into a Movie theater. Why people love eating gross ass shit in movies is beyond me...[/QUOTE]

Because we aren't going to spend 10 dollars on a small popcorn and small soda..duh! ;)

[quote name='shieryda']Mmmmmmmmm. Spikey uterus.:drool::drool::drool:[/QUOTE]

This reminds me of last year when some fucktard put popcorn in the microwave and left it in the teachers lounge because she forgot about it.
Given the fact that my lab was 10 feet away from that location, we were the first to get bombed by the smell. It was so bad that it was like an invisible death cloud that floated to the rest of the building towards the main entrance...within minutes other classes were affected. Our custodian guy had to bring in one of those huge fans and vent the place out. That's an experience I will never forget.

Outside of popcorn I have never seen anyone bring anything fowl to lunch. Most of everyone's foods consists of yogurt, crackers, cheese bits (meant for mice) and very little meat. It's like all the teachers I have worked with and sat down rather starve and look good than to have a decent meal. I remembered last year all this lady brought for lunch every freaking day was hummus and pita bread.... yuck!
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Hummus is great. You get to use the word "chickpeaness" to describe the taste.[/QUOTE]

This is the ONLY time that you should be able to use that word to describe anything.
[quote name='shieryda']This is the ONLY time that you should be able to use that word to describe anything.[/QUOTE]

Some people have some crazy fetishes, man.

"Why are you eating that?"

"Tastes like chick pee, dawg."
See I can't eat the same thing every freaking day. There were times I was tempted to say, "Hummus and Pita bread AGAIN!?!?!?!?!" but she was kinda hot.
[quote name='VipFREAK']U found ur rage... ?[/QUOTE]


I got passed over for a promotion for somebody with less education, experience, certifications and ambition.

I released a chemical weapon that disrupted business for 20 minutes.

Today, I got that promotion.

Rewarding Bad Behavior: It's the American Way.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Absolutely.

I got passed over for a promotion for somebody with less education, experience, certifications and ambition.

I released a chemical weapon that disrupted business for 20 minutes.

Today, I got that promotion.

Rewarding Bad Behavior: It's the American Way.[/QUOTE]

Careful now, as DHS/FBI might be coming your way.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Who eats broccoli for breakfast?[/QUOTE]

A tired, bitter man at the end of his rope. A sleeping warrior in the guise of a weakling vegan.
[quote name='fatherofcaitlyn']Hummus is great. You get to use the word "chickpeaness" to describe the taste.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='shieryda']This is the ONLY time that you should be able to use that word to describe anything.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='AlphaPanda']Some people have some crazy fetishes, man.[/QUOTE]

You know why I love trannies? One word: Chickpeaness. :cold:

On a serious(er?) note, I'd be one of the people complaining about the broccoli. Thats just foul. Also, since when is microwaving vegetables healthy? I'm pretty sure it draws out a lot of nutritents.
[quote name='Chronis'] Also, since when is microwaving vegetables healthy? I'm pretty sure it draws out a lot of nutritents.[/QUOTE]

Probably better than boiling them.
[quote name='DarkNessBear']Oh god, have fun in your office but don't bring that shit into a Movie theater. Why people love eating gross ass shit in movies is beyond me...[/QUOTE]
That's why I prefer to go to drive-in movies instead. That way you can bring in whatever you want from outside and don't get nailed with the high priced crap there.
bread's done