Edit - GONE



Sorry fellas...
Pen is gone!
thank you for you're offers.. but its found a good deal to be on its way outta here.

[quote name='joystickz']Prototype Stylus Pen for the Nintendo DS. You wantie?

so yes... nintendo gave out tons of free flashing promo stylus pens at E3....
but what they weren't giving away were the pens from the prototype systems on the floor... one of which happened to leave with me...

did i steal it? not really... (it fell on the floor... then... went into my pocket!)

i'm sure they had plenty... but this is s prototype.

question is...
who would want it?
and how much would i get for it?[/quote]
Any sale of stolen goods is on its face false, and thus worthless.
Unless you did a clandestine trade via email or in person, any venue that would post a listing for the sale (Ebay, for example) would have to pull the listing because of the obviously illicit nature of the product.
[quote name='JSweeney']Any sale of stolen goods is on its face false, and thus worthless.
Unless you did a clandestine trade via email or in person, any venue that would post a listing for the sale (Ebay, for example) would have to pull the listing because of the obviously illicit nature of the product.[/quote]

shut the hell up for one minute.

*sorry dude... but i'm not in the mood today... sue me*
pictures.... give me a bit... i'm at work.

i will say its heavy. metallic siver witha black tip.
nothing printed on it as it is thin... and a prototype.

will make pics later.
I wouldnt say its stolen, cuz if it was on the ground, and chances are, the janitor would find it and throw it away, or some other guy would find it and keep it. As they say, finders keepers. (And Im sure they had many extras, am I right?)
[quote name='Acrylic']I wouldnt say its stolen, cuz if it was on the ground, and chances are, the janitor would find it and throw it away, or some other guy would find it and keep it. As they say, finders keepers. (And Im sure they had many extras, am I right?)[/quote]

If its not yours, and you take it... its stolen. It's not really a tough concept.
[quote name='Cornfedwb'][quote name='Acrylic']I wouldnt say its stolen, cuz if it was on the ground, and chances are, the janitor would find it and throw it away, or some other guy would find it and keep it. As they say, finders keepers. (And Im sure they had many extras, am I right?)[/quote]

If its not yours, and you take it... its stolen. It's not really a tough concept.[/quote]

Well, though if they were giving them out to people, then wouldnt it be not stealing? Or were you supposed to give em back after using the DS?
[quote name='Acrylic']I wouldnt say its stolen, cuz if it was on the ground, and chances are, the janitor would find it and throw it away, or some other guy would find it and keep it. As they say, finders keepers. (And Im sure they had many extras, am I right?)[/quote]

well the situation was... when you got the the DS room... behind the giant mario head presentation... they shoved the free glow pens in you're face...
told you they were free and to use them on the system...

they must've assumed since everyone had a pen to use before they got to the system...eveyone would forget to check out the real ones.

Me? i wanted to see the real thing... and wasn't mezmerized by the free pen... and looked behind of the unit with metroid on it... saw a nub...
pressed it in... and the pen came shootin' out.

fell on the floor..
then. yes.
into my pocket.

i'm a huge nintendo fanboy. and i didnt want anyone hunting my down in black suits later... so i was sure to ask (clearing my concsience? you bet!)
"all the pens are free right?"

they assured me "all the pens are free. exit this way!"

don't lie. you'd take it too.... and i'm sure i'm not the only one with a prototype pen.
I think the most interesting thing is that it shot out. Was it like one of those spring loaded rockets they put on toys?
[quote name='joystickz']
Me? i wanted to see the real thing... and wasn't mezmerized by the free pen... and looked behind of the unit with metroid on it... saw a nub...
pressed it in... and the pen came shootin' out.

fell on the floor..
then. yes.
into my pocket.[/quote]

So you made it fall on the floor?? um ooooooooooooookaaaaaay.


I'm patient enough to wait the five and a half months for the real thing.
Yea, there's nothing borderline about this.. you found a partially hidden button that made a stylus come out and pop on the floor.

And we all know when asking them whether the pens were free, they assumed you meant the pens they gave you.

Its stolen merchandise, no grey area, no borderline, nothing.
[quote name='joystickz']
don't lie. you'd take it too.... and i'm sure i'm not the only one with a prototype pen.[/quote]

Nope. I can't say that I would.
Of course, things like this is exactly why E3 is an industry only show.
People in the media are supposed to have at least a modicum of ethics.

Oh well, in a perfect world, perhaps.

sorry guys... but this has to be done.

seriously, call somebody that cares.

here: 1-800-255-3700 call this number... explain the situation... tell them that some crazed mad man has walked away from their expo with a tiny piece of plastic and metal that will likely be free in stores in six months.

explain how much it infuriates you and that you want someone to call the police and/or put a halt on any transaction involving it. as it is morally wrong and/or illegal. then they will thank you personally by magically inviting you on a four week all expenses paid trip to redmond washington where you'll be treated with a behind closed doors exclusive VIP demo of the Nintendo "Revolution" as a personal thanks from the company... Additionally, for you're endevors... you'll be treated evey hour on the hour to a happy ending massage by the hands or Mr. Miyamoto himself as he relaxes your every muscle and asks you for your personal input on which dungeon should be filled with what on the next Zelda adventure. you'll be the hero. you'll be the single most important factor in the enitre process of round the clock business and development of their most important financial endeavor of the year by halting the public ownership of an official Protoype DS Stylus. They'll be cheeriing you're name... chanting... even putting you in the next Smash Bros as a hidden character just because you cared so freaking much about the lack of restraint from one Industry Attendee to leave the room with something cool.

lighten up guys. its a freakin' pen.

i know its not right to steal free pens...
but what's done is done. i'll post pix later... but if anyone is seriously interested...

PM me.
Just ignore him and maybe once of these days he'll give it a rest...

[quote name='joystickz'][quote name='JSweeney']Any sale of stolen goods is on its face false, and thus worthless.
Unless you did a clandestine trade via email or in person, any venue that would post a listing for the sale (Ebay, for example) would have to pull the listing because of the obviously illicit nature of the product.[/quote]

shut the hell up for one minute.

*sorry dude... but i'm not in the mood today... sue me*[/quote]
[quote name='joystickz']
Me? i wanted to see the real thing... and wasn't mezmerized by the free pen... and looked behind of the unit with metroid on it... saw a nub...
pressed it in... and the pen came shootin' out.

fell on the floor..
then. yes.
into my pocket.

i'm a huge nintendo fanboy. and i didnt want anyone hunting my down in black suits later... so i was sure to ask (clearing my concsience? you bet!)
"all the pens are free right?"

they assured me "all the pens are free. exit this way!"

don't lie. you'd take it too.... and i'm sure i'm not the only one with a prototype pen.[/quote]

In your initial post, you mentioned that it had fallen on the floor, but did not tell us that it did so because of your actions. If one asks to see someone else's watch, and then drops it on the ground, it does not become "fair game".

Your conscience seems too easily appeased. Clearly they assumed you meant all the pens that were given away, not the one's that were stolen. And, also clearly, you were trying (in vain) to clear yourself of liability, not guilt.

I'm not lying when I state that I would not have taken it. There is a good chance they don't really care all that much (I don't expect there is any proprietary technology in the stylus), and probably even expect some people to steal them, but that doesn't make it right.
What's silly about all this is that you said you are a huge Nintendo fanboy and just had to have the real pen, not the fake free one, now 1 month later, you're on here trying to profit from it instead of just having it as a part of your collection. I could care less if you stole it or however you obtained it, but to try to profit from it or get a trade for games out of it is whats wrong about the whole deal. Whatever though.
My favorite part is how he calls himself a Nintendo Fan Boy(tm) and yet wants to sell his Precious.

Edit - You beat me to the punch line!
yes. i'm a fanboy... and its precious...
but i would in fact be able to sleep at night without it.

i saw it on the shelf leaving this morning and seriously considered... jeeeesus. how much would this thing fetch?

i don't need it. nintendo don't need it back.

no one cares that it was taken except for some spiceless, lifeless finger waving androids.

and i don't care that they care that i took it.

i do care if someone wants it more than i do... and can give me money or a creative trade.

thats it.

and yes... i instigated the drop to the floor... looked... thought... then said.. yes. i'm taking it. it mine! and it could be yours!
joystickz your were given special access and you steal something sure Nintendo would be real happy. In fact if you work in the industry tell your company about it and I'm sure they will send you to the next E3.
I'm going to Wal-Mart tonight and bump into things. Anything that falls on the floor is mine to take I guess according to this theory. How pathetic. The tough guy attitude is great. I wish I could be that cool.
Well joystickz, considering how honest and truthful this thread has made you appear to everyone at CAG, I'm sure people will be lining up to trade with you.
[quote name='scsg75']Well joystickz, considering how honest and truthful this thread has made you appear to everyone at CAG, I'm sure people will be lining up to trade with you.[/quote]


please i invite everyone to continue to sit here and consider my questionable actions.....

i do officially declare, however, that i'm done here. i'm moving on.

have fun with yourselves! (shouldn't be a problem for you guys.... :wink: )
[quote name='joystickz'][quote name='scsg75']Well joystickz, considering how honest and truthful this thread has made you appear to everyone at CAG, I'm sure people will be lining up to trade with you.[/quote]


please i invite everyone to continue to sit here and consider my questionable actions.....

i do officially declare, however, that i'm done here. i'm moving on.

have fun with yourselves! (shouldn't be a problem for you guys.... :wink: )[/quote]

Aw. He's had enough... he's gonna take his ball and go home.
I agree with the ebay idea...just sell it there. THat way you dont have to hear everyones little comments on the matter.
Whatever joystickz, move on, but don't get all upset when people get pissed at threads like this when you say you took something by questionable means then come on here with dollar signs in your eyes looking to see what you can get for it. You know what this place is like, you know how people react to this kind of thing, you have to know that this is the reaction you will recieve. I'm glad someone traded with you, so that this topic will die, I hope you got what you were looking to get out of it. Next time you steal items from a tradeshow, just put it on ebay and spare all of us this kind of thread again.
Give this guy a break. It's just a stupid trinket. Some of the best collector's items were never meant to be possessed by the public, and at some point were likely obtained through illicit means. What about that competition-only NES cart that's worth some ungodly amount? Should the owner immediately surrender it to appease the CAG Morality Police? The mock indignation in this thread is just pathetic. Lighten up.
[quote name='cozydean']Give this guy a break. It's just a stupid trinket. Some of the best collector's items were never meant to be possessed by the public, and at some point were likely obtained through illicit means. What about that competition-only NES cart that's worth some ungodly amount? Should the owner immediately surrender it to appease the CAG Morality Police? The mock indignation in this thread is just pathetic. Lighten up.[/quote]

Is the person that stole that on here trying to see how much he can get for it and then copping an attitude and being an a--hole when people say it was wrong to take something that wasn't his? No. This is how people react on here when other people try to profit from things obtained through questionable means. Why is this so suprising?
As a purely legal matter, allowing the transaction of stolen goods (such as this pen) is tantamount to aiding and abetting. If any mods are around, I'd highly recommend closing and deleting any similar threads in the future.

Even if the pen is only worth $1 at retail, theft is theft. And I'm sure NOA wouldn't take this sort of "pre-sale" very lightly.
Damn!, it's just a plastic STYLUS! It's not like he stole the Half-Life 2 Code. Some people just have sticks up their asses, I guess.
[quote name='kaji7p56']Damn!, it's just a plastic STYLUS! It's not like he stole the Half-Life 2 Code. Some people just have sticks up their asses, I guess.[/quote]

Well, it is obviously something that he felt was worth stealing, but that isn't really the point. Do you believe it is alright to steal as long as it is something that isn't very valuable?
Ive stolen things before in my life and have sold them to FRIENDS...I never went out and tried to get abunch of money for them on websites...I now realize I was an idiot to steal and could have gotten in serious trouble...I know you are over 18 because you went to E3 and I would expect that by now you would learn what morality is and that stealing is wrong...
[quote name='kaji7p56']Damn!, it's just a plastic STYLUS! It's not like he stole the Half-Life 2 Code. Some people just have sticks up their asses, I guess.[/quote]

Oh yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

C'mon, don't arrest for shoplifting! It was just a comic/candy bar/package of ramen!

I might have a stick up my ass, but at least I don't operate on a half-assed relativistic system of morality.
Clearly there needs to be some bumper-stickers made up for people here. Maybe:

My Other Car Is My High Horse



Honk If You're Jesus (Like Me)
[quote name='jmcc']Clearly there needs to be some bumper-stickers made up for people here. Maybe:

My Other Car Is My High Horse



Honk If You're Jesus (Like Me)



(Bumper sticker was stolen, but that is ok, because after removing it, the thief put it on the ground and then picked it up. Besides, it wasn't the Half-Life 2 Code)
I'm not saying that it's okay to steal things. I would NOT have taken it, but that's just me. I'm just saying that he is a grown-up who can make his own decisions, and I'm not going to preach to him after the theft took place. Everyone has to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. Basically, I'm saying that if I had the power to arrest this guy, I wouldn't because it's just not that serious.
bread's done