Effity effer mothereffers!

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Ok....so I got my 5 free HD DVDS.....HOWEVER, there was a note saying (along the lines of) "Unfortunately, some of the DVDs you requested aren't available. We gave you other DVDs and hope you enjoy them." I was like WTF! I just gotten 2 of the 5 movies i've requested!!!!! I'm extremely mad because I REALLY REALLY wanted to see The Thing (one of the movies they didn't have). I'm also effing made they gave me The Departed which I already have!!!! And then they gave us like 4 more war movies! Gosh, I'm tired of war movies. I really wanted to see The Thing. At least I got Aeon Flux...anyone else having this problem?!
....because of my original post...and yes, I got free HD DVDs so there's nothing I should be complaining about,...but I was soooo looking forward to this moment it was like broken into a million pieces. Oh well....life goes on. I might buy the ones I don't have on Blu-Ray if I buy the DVD player later.
inb4 "Best. Deal. Ever."

Also, it's a shame you didn't get The Thing, it's one of my personal favorite movies and I think it looks great in HD especially for an older movie.
That's on you for not getting the HD-DVD player quicker. It says right there supplies are limited so why the bitching?

I mailed out the free Blu-Ray offer out on February and I expect worse. Whatever, it's free.
i wish my movies would come so I could see if I got my copy of the Thing or i'll buy it from deep discount for 9.99
[quote name='moviewizguy']Ok....so I got my 5 free HD DVDS.....HOWEVER, there was a note saying (along the lines of) "Unfortunately, some of the DVDs you requested aren't available. We gave you other DVDs and hope you enjoy them." I was like WTF! I just gotten 2 of the 5 movies i've requested!!!!! I'm extremely mad because I REALLY REALLY wanted to see The Thing (one of the movies they didn't have). I'm also effing made they gave me The Departed which I already have!!!! And then they gave us like 4 more war movies! Gosh, I'm tired of war movies. I really wanted to see The Thing. At least I got Aeon Flux...anyone else having this problem?![/quote]

Dude, one of your selections was Aeon Flux...how good could your other selections that you didn't get have been? :lol:
I was going to mail out my rebate form yesterday, but I didn't want my food to get cold, so I decided to eat my lunch instead. No free movies for me.
Same thing happened to me for Blu-Ray. I sent the offer in October. Didnt get them until two weeks ago. And only like 2 of what I wanted.
Well, the others were Troy, The Thing, and the Frighteners replaced from Alexander, Born on the 4th of July, and The Departed....
well that makes me kinda excited because I really didn't like the choices I made even though I already have the departed.
[quote name='moviewizguy']Well, the others were Troy, The Thing, and the Frighteners replaced from Alexander, Born on the 4th of July, and The Departed....[/QUOTE]

Well, shoot. I chose those same three. Looks like I better brace myself for disappointment... assuming my movies come at all. :roll:
Not bad, I got 4 out of 5 choices. Pitch Black was subbed with Streets of Fire. 2 of 5 had the UPC and case appeared to be "dremel'ed": Frighteners and Streets. Took exactly 3 months.

Be curious to see what I get from my second player, sent in on 3/28.
I always just expect to not receive my mail in offers period, since that seems to happen half the time. If I get any of my 5 free HD DVDs I'll call it good.
I got all five of my choices, unfortunately the selection was weak. I got:
Full Metal Jacket (tired of it)
The Thing
Babel (never seen it, hate Pitt)
Honestly, HD-DVD is dead so what did you expect ... it's not like anyone doesn't know that going in now. Odds are people who ask for their free blu-ray discs will get the ones they want given blu-ray is, well, the winner.
[quote name='romeogbs19']Honestly, HD-DVD is dead so what did you expect ... it's not like anyone doesn't know that going in now. Odds are people who ask for their free blu-ray discs will get the ones they want given blu-ray is, well, the winner.[/quote]

Did you honestly think this made any sense when you posted it? Seriously?
This was definitely the most compelling titles to a post I have ever seen.

Hope you don't mind too much that I find humor in your frustration. That's definitely the type of response I have towards my rebellious laptop (which never seems to want to do what I tell it to) on a weekly basis. :)
I mailed in for my free HD DVDs Jan 7th, April 5th they arrive with only 1 out of 5 HD DVD selected arriving, I got 2 duplicates from ones I purchased on sale.

I am hoping that I get my 2nd 5 movies some time this year,
who knows what may show up. but free movies are free movies.
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