EGM December 05: Next gen blowout, 360 questions answered, Soul Calibur 3 to XB360!

the arrogance in this thread is overwhelming. Im going to take a nap.

And IMHO.. Dynasty Warriors is crap. I've never understood the appeal of the series.
[quote name='jer7583']the arrogance in this thread is overwhelming. Im going to take a nap.

And IMHO.. Dynasty Warriors is crap. I've never understood the appeal of the series.[/QUOTE]
You don't understand the appeal of riding on a horse into battle, lifting up your weapon, and chopping into 5-10 guys with a single strike?
[quote name='Purkeynator']Yeah it basically means every game will be "Live Aware" at a minimum. I am just glad I won't have to play it with crappy Playstation graphics.[/QUOTE]

Right, because Soul Calibur 3 on Playstation 2 looks like total shit :roll:
[quote name='jer7583']And IMHO.. Dynasty Warriors is crap. I've never understood the appeal of the series.[/QUOTE]

Don't you own a PSP? 'Nuff said.
[quote name='Rozz']You're a total moron. I've played the Dynasty Warriors games and Samurai Warriors and they both suck complete ass. They're incredibly boring, repetetive hack n' slashes. Also, Koei likes to release at least one main DW a year and at least 300 XL versions to follow it up.[/QUOTE]

Sorry, who are you? More bad exaggerations, because we all know 1 = 300.
[quote name='Apossum']sounds like you need live. as lame as that would be, that's a great way to sell subscriptions.[/QUOTE]
Live Silver is free for all 360 owners... Which is all you need to download updates.

[quote name='"Jerichoedge"']Well, Microsoft, congratulations for screwing those of us without high speed internet.[/QUOTE]
Well, you are in the minority. You can just bring your console to a friends house that has broadband and download your updates there.

Besides, Verizon DSL's base package is only $14.95 a month. Unless you're out in the sticks, theres no excuse anymore, especially if you're spending $400 on the console. I don't think any of the next gen consoles are going to support dialup, anyway.
[quote name='Apossum']oh right, I always forget about that.[/QUOTE]
I keep forgetting myself... At first, I was surprised about backwards compatibility and thought the same thing. I'm glad they decided to structure Live the way they did, though.
Sweet now I've got Soul Calibur 3 to look forward to once I get my 360. I'm glad I waited. Now if only they announced a version for te GameCube or Revolution ^_^
I don't see the point in all the DW games. They were good up until 3 and then they just went into overkill, producing more and more.
[quote name='Jerichoedge']Well, Microsoft, congratulations for screwing those of us without high speed internet.[/QUOTE]
I can see you sitting in by your computer with a fax machine and a pager.
[quote name='Roufuss']Ugh... looks like another failure for the series.

The first two games were so great, why can't they capture that again?

Guess I'll be picking this up for $20, just like Suikoden 3 and 4.[/QUOTE]

I would not jump to conculsion on a failure of a series especial a turn-based stratergy RPG on magazines reviews. Why don't you wait for reviews from people who actually like have and played several SRPG.
[quote name='danny-o']EGM cant review games anymore. Theyre always giving games 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5

I remember when Castlevania for ps2 got a 7.0 and space channel 5 got a 9.0. Rediculous.[/QUOTE]
What is the point to your bitching here? Two games got different scores and one got higher than the other and that's bad? What's wrong with giving a game a 7.5?

[quote name='growlanser']I would not jump to conculsion on a failure of a series especial a turn-based stratergy RPG on magazines reviews. Why don't you wait for reviews from people who actually like have and played several SRPG.[/QUOTE]
How do you know they haven't?
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']What is the point to your bitching here? Two games got different scores and one got higher than the other and that's bad? What's wrong with giving a game a 7.5?

How do you know they haven't?[/QUOTE]


I meant to say " people who actually like and have played several SRPGs".
Meaning wait for reviews from SRPG fans.
Scorch, you left out the 360 FAQ question dealing with if the 360 wireless controllers will be susceptible to interferance from cordless phones and other devices. The answer was a very confident 'no way, no how, nuh uh' Given Wal-Mart having to take their kiosks offline due to problems with interferance from the controllers that made me chuckle. Granted a Wal-Mart store probably has all kinds of stuff and way more stuff than the typical home, but it still doesn't make me feel terribly warm and fuzzy.

Also I was mildly suprised to see the high scores for Blitz. EGM seems to often give lower than average scores, so it was intriguing to see them go (barely) the other way with this game.

And they LOVED GTA: Liberty City Stories. One reviewer said something along the lines that this game will forever change your expectations for a portable game and that it puts to shame most other developers efforts for the PSP.
[quote name='wubb']Scorch, you left out the 360 FAQ question dealing with if the 360 wireless controllers will be susceptible to interferance from cordless phones and other devices. The answer was a very confident 'no way, no how, nuh uh' Given Wal-Mart having to take their kiosks offline due to problems with interferance from the controllers that made me chuckle. Granted a Wal-Mart store probably has all kinds of stuff and way more stuff than the typical home, but it still doesn't make me feel terribly warm and fuzzy.

Also I was mildly suprised to see the high scores for Blitz. EGM seems to often give lower than normal scores, so it was intriguing to see them go (barely) the other way with this game.[/QUOTE]

The interference was a problem with the wireless handheld scanners that Wal-Mart uses. Apparently the scanners were not designed to cooperate when other wireless devices were used, so that was what was causing the problems. The 360 shouldn't have any interference with commercial grade devices that you would use in your home.
[quote name='dafoomie']Live Silver is free for all 360 owners... Which is all you need to download updates.

Well, you are in the minority. You can just bring your console to a friends house that has broadband and download your updates there.

Besides, Verizon DSL's base package is only $14.95 a month. Unless you're out in the sticks, theres no excuse anymore, especially if you're spending $400 on the console. I don't think any of the next gen consoles are going to support dialup, anyway.[/QUOTE]

Unfortunately, I'm "out in the sticks." At first, I thought dial-up wouldn't be minority, but I found this article--

Guess dial-up is in the minority. Meh. That's what I get for living in northern Michigan.

Ah, well. One day I'm sure I'll move into a home with one of those fancy push-button phones and that picture tube thing everyone is watching. And what are these "cars" I keep hearing about?
[quote name='Jerichoedge']Unfortunately, I'm "out in the sticks." At first, I thought dial-up wouldn't be minority, but I found this article--

Guess dial-up is in the minority. Meh. That's what I get for living in northern Michigan.

Ah, well. One day I'm sure I'll move into a home with one of those fancy push-button phones and that picture tube thing everyone is watching. And what are these "cars" I keep hearing about?[/QUOTE]
Nielsen recently came out and said that 50% of American homes have broadband... So I don't know whos numbers to take. But, I would say that at least half of people that are willing to spend $400 on a console, either have, or could easily afford, broadband. I don't think any of the other 3 next gen consoles support dialup either, so I don't really know what your point is by calling out 360. Its simply not practical to support dialup, its much too limited. Its not Microsoft's, Sony's, or Nintendo's fault if you don't have access to broadband. Maybe its your cable company, phone company, satellite company, or wireless internet provider thats "screwing" you.

If you just wanted to download patches and whatever you need for backwards compatibility, you could hook up the Xbox through an ethernet card in your PC, bridge that connection with your dialup, and connect. It would just be too slow for games, though.
bread's done