Electroplankton worth it?

Guy Mockingdale

The Skinny: found copy, $ 29.99 used...should i buy, to trade or sell later?

I found a copy of this game sale used at an EB? It was $29.99 ... I buy games to play games, but at the same time if this thing is one day going to be worth it to trade or sell for a game i want to PLAY but cant get ... is it worth it getting? Is it that desired or rare?

I know maybe I'm going to get some of these "Decisions need to be made by you.", but ...if you do give advice I always appreciate it...but I'm sure it'll be gone by the time I go back...because thats always what happens when I don't get something right away...

What's with Golden Sun being everywhere suddenly, I heard something about a funky battery? can that be fixed...I picked up a copy because I always wanted to play it...am i screwed?
Electroplankton is rare, you could sell it on eBay and make about $15-$20 bucks, or you could help a fellow CAG and sell it at cost + shipping + extra. Oh, did I mention I need Electroplankton?
Yeah, I'd say to go for it and pick it up. It's worth playing around with for a while, then you can sell it and make a little money. Why not?
I had the same predicament not that long ago. I ended up passing on it because I don't want to be one of those guys that's more of a collector than a player. I just didn't think that I would end up playing Electroplankton more than a little bit.
The game sounded incomplete and not even really a game, per se. Really old CAGCasts have Cheapy talking about it, and the lack of anything that makes it more than a time-waster, including the inability to save what you've created.

The main reason why it's rare now is due to the fact that it barely even released in the US at all, and probably shouldn't have.
Electroplankton is in no way a game. It is much better categorized as a music toy. It just happens to be done on a gaming platform. If you are musically inclined, there is probably enough to play around with to make it a worthwhile purchase. The lack of a save feature isn't that big of a deal. It is much more about just playing around with the different toys and seeing what cool melodies and rhythms you can come up with. This improvisational feel never made me feel the need to record what I was doing. If one really felt the need to save something, it just costs a couple bucks for the audio cable and a free download of audacity to record. However, if you aren't really the type to play music, this will just come across as a tech demo that you'll play once or twice and be done with.
This video made me take the plunge.

I'm not a music [SIZE=-1]connisseour by any means, but creating your own funky beats seems fun as heck. I love the way the game keeps memorizing the patterns that you throw at it.[/SIZE]
Yup a musical toy, not a game, but what a toy! It's really really neat and lots of interesting music can be created, and lots of soothing sounds and things to watch and enjoy.

I say get it, and play with it, and if it isn't your cup of tea, sell it and make a few bucks.

It is completely unique so it won't likely be somehow obsolete in the future, unless some 'electroplankton 2' comes out ...
With some nice headphones or hooked up to some speakers this game really shines.

Luminaria FTW.
I finally got to see what it was about. Looks like Music-Doodling to me.

Kind of cool - not for me, though.

Thanks for the video.
[quote name='Kendro']This video made me take the plunge.

I'm not a music [SIZE=-1]connisseour by any means, but creating your own funky beats seems fun as heck. I love the way the game keeps memorizing the patterns that you throw at it.[/SIZE][/quote]
Damn dude, that makes me question my decision not to get it. Perhaps it's still there...
It is a "game" that is not for everyone. I bought it because I enjoy playing around with little things to make a change in something big.

I would suggest this game if you enjoy music, rhythm games, tinkering, etc.

You should not get this game if you need levels and objectives for games or do not like any of the thing I mentioned above.
just got a copy at EB. Only thing missing is the manual. I already have a sealed copy so I am debating rather to keep it.
The manual is actually really cool.

I ordered this when it first came to the US and still don't regret it. Really cool little toy.

I would've imported it, but the domestic release made it even easier.

Go buy it.
I would definitely recommend picking this game up. It's unique and like nothing else out there for the DS. At the very least you will get to see something new and different, and there's a good chance you'll enjoy it too. On the off chance that you don't, well as it's already been said, it's not going to be too hard to find someone interested in taking it off your hands.
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