No I know it was EBA, though I may be wrong on the price. I have played Rhythm Heaven and found it rather dull honestly. With very few exceptions I found the soundtrack rather disappointing and the game wasn't responsive enough for the level of precision required to even get a passing grade, let alone a perfect. Of course it could just be me..... but that doesn't change the fact that I didn't like it and probably could've done much better with buttons over the wonky control scheme they used.
I really wish Nintendo would learn that there is value in customization and control options. They need to stop forcing broken control schemes onto games like Skyward Sword (swordplay was fine but swimming/soaring/skydiving were abysmal), Phantom Hourglass/Spirit Tracks, Rhythm Heaven, ect. when the buttons/D-Pad/Joystick is sitting there unused, it reeks of laziness and frankly gives the impression that they just don't give a damn. I'm hoping I don't run into that problem on EBA, but for $6 I guess it's worth the risk lol