Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

[quote name='Nealocus123']This is a word for word account of what happened about a year and a half ago when I worked at Gamestop.

*Customer walks in*

Me: Hey how you doin' man? *noticeing he has a copy of GTA: San Andreas in hand* Looks like you've got a trade in.
Customer: No this heres mine, I'm returning it.
Me: Oh alright cool.

I take the game then start the transaction.

Me: So is it broke or you just weren't diggin' it?
Customer: This game has too many nig*ers runnin' around shootin' us white people. Un-realism.
Me: ...Oh.
Customer: Have you played it yet?
Me: Yeah I own it for Xbox.
Customer: You like it?
Me: One of the best games I've ever played *smiles*
Customer: You must have bad taste.
Me: Oh and you must have bad luck, this recipet is past the cut off date.

Probably one of the best days of my life. Stupid racist hick.[/quote]

Wow that's just bad. I think the worst I've had at target are the guests that ask for wii game as in the system and just say do you have wii game? Its like do you mean the system or games for the system. I'm sick of all the calls about GH 3 for the wii/xbox 360/ PS2 we are out of them and no I don't know when we will be getting them back in. I'm not psychic nor manager of the store x_x.
[quote name='Nealocus123']This is a word for word account of what happened about a year and a half ago when I worked at Gamestop.

*Customer walks in*

Me: Hey how you doin' man? *noticeing he has a copy of GTA: San Andreas in hand* Looks like you've got a trade in.
Customer: No this heres mine, I'm returning it.
Me: Oh alright cool.

I take the game then start the transaction.

Me: So is it broke or you just weren't diggin' it?
Customer: This game has too many nig*ers runnin' around shootin' us white people. Un-realism.
Me: ...Oh.
Customer: Have you played it yet?
Me: Yeah I own it for Xbox.
Customer: You like it?
Me: One of the best games I've ever played *smiles*
Customer: You must have bad taste.
Me: Oh and you must have bad luck, this recipet is past the cut off date.

Probably one of the best days of my life. Stupid racist hick.[/quote]

A few years ago I was delivering a pizza. It was in one of the more affluent neighborhoods in our area, so I was a bit surprised when I saw four police cruisers parked outside the house. As I exited my car I hear a child inside screaming: "Don't take my mama! Don't take my mama!" I didn't think anyone was buying the pizza, but I walked up anyway. Before I got to the door a woman was escorted out in cuffs. She looks at me and says: "You best take that pizza back 'cuz I'm goin' to jail."

Yeah, it was a lost sale (and as such a wasted trip), but it was the most enjoyable trip I had ever made. No idea what she was arrested for...
[quote name='Allnatural']A few years ago I was delivering a pizza. It was in one of the more affluent neighborhoods in our area, so I was a bit surprised when I saw four police cruisers parked outside the house. As I exited my car I hear a child inside screaming: "Don't take my mama! Don't take my mama!" I didn't think anyone was buying the pizza, but I walked up anyway. Before I got to the door a woman was escorted out in cuffs. She looks at me and says: "You best take that pizza back 'cuz I'm goin' to jail."

Yeah, it was a lost sale (and as such a wasted trip), but it was the most enjoyable trip I had ever made. No idea what she was arrested for...[/QUOTE]

That reminds me. I used to work at a Chick-fil-a, and there was a similar incident in the drive-thru.

This guy pulled up, and was ordering like normal. Next thing we know, police and FBI agents start pulling up and asking him questions in the middle of his order. Turns out he was on their wanted list and he got arrested before he could finish his order.
"Do you have any Wiis?"
"No, we're sold out."
"Do you know when you're going to get any?"
"Hopefully this week."
"Do you know what day?"
"We don't get shipments on weekends, but other than that, it's fair game."
"So what day should I call?"
"I don't know."
"What about tomorrow?"
"I really don't know, ma'am/sir."
"So when do you usually get shipments?"
"Anywhere between 11 and 4."
"So when would be the best time to call?"
"Let's go with 3."
"So what day do you normally get them?"
"We've gotten them every day of the week."
"Target gets theirs on Tuesday."

This is every day. For the past year. The best part is if one of these is added on to the end. I feel like I've won a lottery or something.

"Gee, why is everywhere sold out?"
"You've probably heard this a hundred times today."
Made a grown man cry because I told him I was only able to hold his Wii until 5pm and it goes right on the floor, and he said he'll be there at 4:30pm. Once 5:00pm hit he was not here so I put it back on the floor. 5:05pm the customer arrives at the store and was told that we put his Wii back on the floor and of course he was furious. Basically we tried to help him out since we felt so bad for him and we remembered that we were holding some for customer exchanges, but one of them was probably not going to show up so we decided to give him that one. When we went to tell the customer that we have sold his Wii but.....and didn't even get to finish and the guy starts to tear up then starts to cry as he runs out of the store. The power of the Wii. @_@
Kinda sick that in other countries people have to line up for food and here in America we line up for video game consoles.

My job is a bunch of running gags it seems. I should make a cat-themed "Do U Has This Adapt3r?" jpeg just for it. If you need a battery or some kind of cable/adapter atleast please know SOMETHING about it.

It's like a blackhole for whatever brains the clientele might have. I wonder how some of these people make it through life. People try and return stuff WAY after the fact and after it's been used to death. It's become so hard to determine who has a legit return request. They try and bully us into adding prepaid airtime for them because they "can't figure out how".

I have to post this as an excuse for plenty of the stupid customers though. One thing in particular ALWAYS happens. For some reason RadioShack decided to make 8 different kinds of splitters for various purposes that look exactly the same, only in gold and silver varieties. The only true cable splitters only come in gold. As such, people think we're trying to upsell them because of the company's marvelous reputation and thus it's a headache EVERY time.
[quote name='davo1224']Kinda sick that in other countries people have to line up for food and here in America we line up for video game consoles.

My job is a bunch of running gags it seems. I should make a cat-themed "Do U Has This Adapt3r?" jpeg just for it. If you need a battery or some kind of cable/adapter atleast please know SOMETHING about it.

It's like a blackhole for whatever brains the clientele might have. I wonder how some of these people make it through life. People try and return stuff WAY after the fact and after it's been used to death. It's become so hard to determine who has a legit return request. They try and bully us into adding prepaid airtime for them because they "can't figure out how".

I have to post this as an excuse for plenty of the stupid customers though. One thing in particular ALWAYS happens. For some reason RadioShack decided to make 8 different kinds of splitters for various purposes that look exactly the same, only in gold and silver varieties. The only true cable splitters only come in gold. As such, people think we're trying to upsell them because of the company's marvelous reputation and thus it's a headache EVERY time.[/quote]

Communist Much (J/k Lol)?
This lady walk in with a bag:

Me: Hi. Do you need help with anything?
Her: Yes, I would like to help me with this.
Me: Okay, what's wrong with it?
Her: It won't work anymore.

I open the bag and it's a portable CD player. I take a look at it and I notice that the CD is upside down.

Me: Maam, the CD is upside down.

I flip the CD over and it still doesn't work.

Me: Yeah, it still isn't working.
Her: Okay, I would like return it.

I turn the CD player over and notice the date.

Me: Yeahhhhh, this was made in June of 1996. I can't do that.

[quote name='Squarehard']Made a grown man cry because I told him I was only able to hold his Wii until 5pm and it goes right on the floor, and he said he'll be there at 4:30pm. Once 5:00pm hit he was not here so I put it back on the floor. 5:05pm the customer arrives at the store and was told that we put his Wii back on the floor and of course he was furious. Basically we tried to help him out since we felt so bad for him and we remembered that we were holding some for customer exchanges, but one of them was probably not going to show up so we decided to give him that one. When we went to tell the customer that we have sold his Wii but.....and didn't even get to finish and the guy starts to tear up then starts to cry as he runs out of the store. The power of the Wii. @_@[/QUOTE]

The jackass in me says guess he cried Wii Wii Wii all the way home.

Course if there was a deeper meaning in it like if he had been expecting to give it to his kid for his birthday or there was another meaning than just him using it for himself, then I guess the frustration of trying to get one could get to you.
[quote name='mitch079']The jackass in me says guess he cried Wii Wii Wii all the way home.

Course if there was a deeper meaning in it like if he had been expecting to give it to his kid for his birthday or there was another meaning than just him using it for himself, then I guess the frustration of trying to get one could get to you.[/quote]

Almost feel bad for him until you think about how he screwed up. He didn't buy it right when he saw it, even had it held till 4:30, then shows up 1/2 hour late. Nobody's fault but his own really.
A day at Gamestop:

Customer: (hands me a used copy of Assassin's Creed and the receipt) I would like to return this, it is just to repetetive.

Me: I am sorry, it is too what?

Customer: Repetetive

Me: it is too what?

Customer: Repetetive

Me: too what?

Customer: Repeta... haha, you got me there. Seriously though, you just keep doing the same things over and over again and the cities are all pretty much the same.

Me: Yeah I couldn't help it, did you want to pick out something else?

Customer: Yeah

Customer brings up a copy of College Hoops 2k8

Me: So.... you don't think this one will be repetative?
[quote name='srad1968']A day at Gamestop:

Customer: (hands me a used copy of Assassin's Creed and the receipt) I would like to return this, it is just to repetetive.

Me: I am sorry, it is too what?

Customer: Repetetive

Me: it is too what?

Customer: Repetetive

Me: too what?

Customer: Repeta... haha, you got me there. Seriously though, you just keep doing the same things over and over again and the cities are all pretty much the same.

Me: Yeah I couldn't help it, did you want to pick out something else?

Customer: Yeah

Customer brings up a copy of College Hoops 2k8

Me: So.... you don't think this one will be repetative?[/QUOTE]
At least you used some variety in your constant misspelling of the word "repetitive" ;)
Working at GameStop over the past 3 and a half years, I have endless stories to share...but seriously, the customers I've dealt with over the past month have almost put me over the edge. I'm usually a nice and courteous cashier, but man, I almost lost it dealing with these idiots. Here's a fine example:

This incident happened a couple of weeks ago:

Some jackass calls my store, asking us to put the last copy of a Wii game on hold for him (forgot what it was, I know it was one of those crappy sports titles for $19.99). I bring him his game, and since it's GameStop, it was the last "open" copy. He gets all angry with me, saying it's a present for his nephew. I then explain to him how we have to "gut" the last copy of every game at my store. I said it in a very friendly tone, mind you. He says that's bullshit, and proceeds to throw a bunch of obscenities at me. I say it's GameStop's rules, not mine...and I wish it was different. I even tried to express my displeasure with the "gutting" system.

He then glares at me, asking if I have a shrinkwrapping machine in the back. I tell him no, but as long as I put a seal on it, he can return it with no questions asked. Then he gets upset, saying he has to take off the price tags himself, and I tell him "Um, I could have done that for you..." Then he opens the case, and starts screaming at me, saying there's no game inside. I tell him that the disc is sleeved, and was tucked into the left pocket of the case, and point it out to him. He then gives me a cold stare, angrily takes the disc out, and throws the sleeve back at me, and says "Do I fucking have to do everything?" First off, I never asked him to take off the price tag, NOR did I ask him to take the disc out...I could have done those myself. I was just trying to ring up the damn game.

At this point, I should have done something, but I dunno...I guess I was in such shock of how idiotic this guy was, I didn't even know what to do. In the state of Washington, we have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. I should have told him leave the store and not sell the game to him at this point, but I still proceeded with the transaction. After he snatches the game from me, he has the courage to mutter "thanks..." and walks off. I responded back in a very sarcastic tone, and said "YOU HAVE A NICE DAY SIR". God I hate retail. -_-; You have no idea how much I wanted to powerbomb him through my counter. Usually, I offer a 10% discount if the customer is courteous. As much as I fucking hate the gutting system, it's a rule I have to abide by while working at GameStop.

This one just happened yesterday, actually:

So this stupid fucking dad comes up to the counter with a bunch of DVD trade-in's. I should mention that he was being ANNOYING as hell by constantly leaving the counter while I was processing his trades, choosing to play the Wii with his kids. This is especially annoying to cashiers because other customers think your register is open, and when you tell them you're processing trades for another customer, they get all pissed off.

Alright, well I tell him the amount, and return one movie back to him, saying we can't take it because it's a foreign movie. He then glares at me, asking why the shrinkwrap was taken off. I tell him it was already falling off...he gives me a disgusted look. He then says he had credit on his "account" from a couple of trade-in's that he did weeks ago. I told him that's not how GameStop does it, and customers are given a store credit card. I asked, "Perhaps you traded them in at Game Crazy, because that's how they do it over there?" I was still really friendly about it at this point, but then he starts yelling at me about how he's been a long time customer at MY store. First off, if you've been coming to my store for a couple of years, then you should be pretty familiar with how it works, you fucking piece of shit. I didn't say that to him, of course...just thoughts that were going through my head.

He claims the cashier told him that credit is saved onto their "accounts". He then says he doesn't appreciate the attitude I'm giving him, and the fact that I'm "ACCUSING" him of a fraudulent trade. Seriously...you've got to be kidding me. He was the one giving me the nasty attitude and dirty looks, while I remained calm and tried to find out WTF was going on. I spend about 10 mins looking for his transaction...the idiot only remembers ONE game he traded in out of 10+. He gets angry with me, asking why I can't find his transaction if he were to give me his license or Edge number. I say the systems don't work that way, and I need more than one trade-in to get to the specifics. Anyhow, I finally manage to find his transaction, and check for the employee number. The employees' been around for over 2 years, so there's no way in hell he could have told the customer about this "account balance" bullshit.

It was then I remembered someone left their trade-in's and never claimed their credit a couple of weeks back...it looks like the transaction was suspended, and the customer never redeemed his credit. So I included those trade-in's along with his DVD trade-in's. He was fairly courteous at this point, and left the store still somewhat disgruntled. Isn't it amazing how people get angry at you for their own stupidity? I wanted to jump over the counter and beat the crap out of this idiot.

More stories of customer stupidity:

Every customer who asks about GHIII bundles or Wii's:

Soccer mom: Any Wii's/GHIII's?
Me: No, we're all sold out
Soccer mom: WHY!? WHY ARE YOU SOLD OUT!?
Me: .......supply and demand? o_O

and I love the ones who FAIL at math:

Customer: *calls the store* Yeah, how much would I get for XX XX?
Me: About $40 in store credit.
Customer: How much for cash?
Me: 20% less of that, so about $8 less.
Customer: Uh, so how much is that?
Me: o_O ....Um, $32.

Do I have to hold their hands and do all the math for them? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people.

I'm sure you're all wondering why I'm still with the company. Well, I'm a full time college student, and the flexible schedule works well with my school schedule. Thankfully I'll get my bachelors in June, so I won't be with this company for much longer. Only about 5 more months until I'm out of this shithole! Consumers beware, I'm not gonna put up with your crap for much longer.
[quote name='Squarehard']Made a grown man cry because I told him I was only able to hold his Wii until 5pm and it goes right on the floor, and he said he'll be there at 4:30pm. Once 5:00pm hit he was not here so I put it back on the floor. 5:05pm the customer arrives at the store and was told that we put his Wii back on the floor and of course he was furious. Basically we tried to help him out since we felt so bad for him and we remembered that we were holding some for customer exchanges, but one of them was probably not going to show up so we decided to give him that one. When we went to tell the customer that we have sold his Wii but.....and didn't even get to finish and the guy starts to tear up then starts to cry as he runs out of the store. The power of the Wii. @_@[/quote]

What A biznatch :/
Man with an accent comes up to me
Man: Do you have a 'v'? It's a video game system.
Me: No, we don't have any, and we have no idea when we're getting any more in.
Man: Where are they?
Me: Well, we don't have any right now but we should be getting in a new bundle soon.
Man: Good, where is it?
Me: It's not here yet, but it'll be over in the video games when we do get it.

And right at closing a man calls on my phone.
Man: I'm having trouble trying to hook up my sony dvd recorder. I'm on step 3 right now, how do I do it?
Me: I don't have the instruction manual, read it off to me.
Man: It says I'm supposed to connect my satellite to the back, how do I do that?
Me: well, it's color coded, so just match the colors and plug it in.
Man: But it says to plug the red, green, and blue in and I don't have that, can I just use the red,yellow,white?
Me: Yeah, just plug it into the input on the back.
Man: so the red goes to red, and the yellow goes to the green one that has a Y next to it right, y stands for yellow.
Me: No, you don't have the red, green, blue connections, just use the red, white, yellow to the left of the red, green, blue.
Man: I could've done that!
[quote name='PyroGamer']At least you used some variety in your constant misspelling of the word "repetitive" ;)[/quote]
The story put a smile on my face, but THIS had me bursting out in laughter.

Great thread guys, keep it up!
[quote name='y2kenjination']So this stupid fucking dad comes up to the counter with a bunch of DVD trade-in's. I should mention that he was being ANNOYING as hell by constantly leaving the counter while I was processing his trades, choosing to play the Wii with his kids. This is especially annoying to cashiers because other customers think your register is open, and when you tell them you're processing trades for another customer, they get all pissed off.[/quote]I have always hoped that someday if I'm ever in a GS store again and someone is trading games/dvd's and pulls that crap, I would get up the nerve to tell them to get the fuck back to the counter. This is probably one of the most annoying (not to mention rude) things someone can do when they are in a store. Worse than a cell phoner since, at least then they usually keep the space occupied so others don't try to crowd in. When I was at GS I had people simply walk in and throw crap on the counter and just walk away. I would have to yell at them across the store, trying to get some participation in their own damn transaction.

Hey, and don't worry, we all sell ourselves in retail at some point; you'll be out soon and I can tell you've got a good head on your shoulders (at least good enough to write legibly).

Oh, almost forgot, I've got a little story...

So, you know how when you see a customer you can almost always size them up right away? Like, this guys a dick, this lady's a bitch, this person is gonna be chatty and annoying, this person smells (well, that's not from sight but whatever). Had one in particular, could tell right away, this won't be quick like it should be. He starts by saying something about a DVD not working in his player, and that his player lately has been giving him lots of trouble. I recommend trying a lens cleaning disc, and he says that doesn't work. And then continues the conversation, telling me that he bought this Sanyo at Wal-Mart and it's breaking already and blah blah blah. I was trying to discern what it was he wanted me to do. I tried just sort of listening and doing the whole, "yeah, that sucks" bit, but he seemed to want something from me without directly telling me. The conversation sort of ended with him saying that he tried to take it back to WM and they told him to contact the manufacturer, which he feels is unacceptable.

It was a great waste of about 10 minutes, since I don't sell DVD players, am not affiliated with Sanyo, and do not work at WM. People seem to think all we ever do in retail is stand around waiting for them to need something, and even if they don't, they wanna chat. I've got much better things to do.
It happened again- I had a guy buy some velcro, then come back to return it becuase he 'got the wrong kind- it's not sticking.' I ask for the package, pull out the two sides, and explain you put the plastic piece to fuzzy piece- then it sticks. He seems a little embarassed, takes his velcro and goes.

My BF was there this time... I don't think he really believed me the first time I told him about explaining velcro to someone. He does now. :D
[quote name='YoshiFan1']A customer comes up to the counter holding merchandise, stands there for 30 seconds and then asks me if I am open even though I thought it was obvious I was there to ring. That actually happens at least a few times a month[/quote]

An ice breaker perhaps, especially if you just looked at them and didn't say anything.
[quote name='DuelLadyS']It happened again- I had a guy buy some velcro, then come back to return it becuase he 'got the wrong kind- it's not sticking.' I ask for the package, pull out the two sides, and explain you put the plastic piece to fuzzy piece- then it sticks. He seems a little embarassed, takes his velcro and goes.

My BF was there this time... I don't think he really believed me the first time I told him about explaining velcro to someone. He does now. :D[/QUOTE]
That's hilarious.
So I had a lady ask for powdered lemonade. I show her the Crystal Light and store brand powdered lemonade. After she stares at it for a good 15 seconds without saying a word, I point to the individual containers. She tells me, "that's not lemonade, it's Crystal Light."
Someone asked me today if we had some item I never heard of, it was a strange name. I said no, then she said do I know what it was. I said no. I mean, if I never heard of it, we don't have it (I am at the store everyday and basically know every item we sell).

She then says, "Jesus Christ! They are mothballs, do you have mothballs?!"

We have them and I showed her where they were. Why didn't she just as for mothballs in the first place?

Yesterday, someone brings up some boxed snack cakes up to the register and tells me they are 50 cents a piece. I tell him no they are a dollar each (pre-priced at $3.xx). They have been a dollar for years (and have never been 50 cents). He tells me I am wrong and wants to keep the receipt to show he was overcharged. The sign even says a dollar each. He kept insisting I was wrong even after I showed him the sign.
Had one lady today call us up and ask if we were the nearby store that closed down. Unfortunately, that wasn't the dumbest part. She then described her security camera setup to me and asked my opinion on what was wrong. I told her the setup was fine and asked what problem she encountered. She told me that it just stopped working. I asked if it was physically powered on but there was just no recording/picture. She said that the monitor's screen would fade to black after a while. I told her it might be the tube on the monitor and she said, "No I think it's just a short circuit." My bad. If you're the technician with insightful diagnostic advice like that, why consult me?

I have to help this lady that has the most annoying voice in the world and always comes in with some problem that she takes no responsibility for. This time she wants me to cancel her cell phone contract without a termination fee on the basis of it not working. I'm starting to hate Sprint but this lady was ridiculous. You don't say that AFTER two months. She didn't remember her account password either which meant I had to go digging.
Yesterday I had some woman come in and start with, "Is there a complaint department?"

Yeah, the small blockbuster store with normally 2 people working at any given time has some extra person just sitting around waiting to have you yell at them. (I wish, actually... instead she gets me. I prepare for the worst).

"Every time I've been in here in the last few months and rent a martial arts movie it turns out to not be in English, and I don't think that's fair to rent out these foreign movies! There should be some sort of disclaimer!"

I tried to politely show her that if you look at the back of the box, it normally will tell you if the movie has a different audio language than English.

I wish people knew how to read, but I guess the most obvious solution is to simply demand that all movies be in English, even when it's dubbed and looks like crap and is distracting. I mean, if I wanted to read I wouldn't have dropped out of middle school! :roll:
[quote name='sonderiaom']And right at closing a man calls on my phone.
Man: I'm having trouble trying to hook up my sony dvd recorder. I'm on step 3 right now, how do I do it?
Me: I don't have the instruction manual, read it off to me.
Man: It says I'm supposed to connect my satellite to the back, how do I do that?
Me: well, it's color coded, so just match the colors and plug it in.
Man: But it says to plug the red, green, and blue in and I don't have that, can I just use the red,yellow,white?
Me: Yeah, just plug it into the input on the back.
Man: so the red goes to red, and the yellow goes to the green one that has a Y next to it right, y stands for yellow.
Me: No, you don't have the red, green, blue connections, just use the red, white, yellow to the left of the red, green, blue.
Man: I could've done that![/QUOTE]

It's all the same cable actually. As long as you match the jacks, composite / RCA cables work fine. (Well, fine enough, those are usually of a lower quality than component cables.)
From yesterday
"Do you sell graffiti?"
I don't know how to answer that so I hesitated for a second
Another employee asks what she means
It was an old woman so I didn't think she really wanted spray paint or anything like that to go tagging
"You know, the shiny stuff you throw in the air at parties"

She meant confetti
So I get a call on the phone and the lady says that she can't open up her laptop. I have her describe which one, and what she's doing to open it up. As she's doing this, I go over to the laptop she bought so I can walk her through it. She says that no matter how hard she pushes the 2 buttons, they won't open. I look at the laptop and I only see one button. I look at the left side and the right side, and the only other button I see is the button for the dvd drive. I have her describe how she has it in front of her, and she says that HP is in the lower right and the two buttons are an inch in on either side. I look at the laptop in front of me and realize that she has it backwards, she was pressing the hinges. I tell her to turn it around and push the single button and she's amazed that it was that easy.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']From yesterday
"Do you sell graffiti?"
I don't know how to answer that so I hesitated for a second
Another employee asks what she means
It was an old woman so I didn't think she really wanted spray paint or anything like that to go tagging
"You know, the shiny stuff you throw in the air at parties"

She meant confetti[/QUOTE]

We close at 5:00 on Sunday, it was 5:10, I was letting out the last customer (who knew we were closed and didn't care and kept shopping), when someone comes up the locked door and tries to get in. I ignore them and they stand there for a minute. I open the door to see what they want and ask if they can get balloons. I asked how many, they said, only 8 - 10. That would take close to 10 minutes (figure around a minute each to inflate and tie each balloon not to mention the time it takes for them to pick them out as there are 100+ to choose from), so I refused to let them in. They kept begging me and said they really needed them and got very upset when I wouldn't let them in.

We are open 70+ hours a week and I already had 1 employee staying until 15 minutes after closing as it was, due to the other customers in the store and didn't think it was fair to ask him to stay (and I wanted to get home as well). I knew if I let them in they would probably start shopping for party supplies as well and probably be in there for a half hour.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']From yesterday
"Do you sell graffiti?"
I don't know how to answer that so I hesitated for a second
Another employee asks what she means
It was an old woman so I didn't think she really wanted spray paint or anything like that to go tagging
"You know, the shiny stuff you throw in the air at parties"

She meant confetti[/quote]

Wow. :dunce:
[quote name='Nealocus123']This is a word for word account of what happened about a year and a half ago when I worked at Gamestop.

*Customer walks in*

Me: Hey how you doin' man? *noticeing he has a copy of GTA: San Andreas in hand* Looks like you've got a trade in.
Customer: No this heres mine, I'm returning it.
Me: Oh alright cool.

I take the game then start the transaction.

Me: So is it broke or you just weren't diggin' it?
Customer: This game has too many nig*ers runnin' around shootin' us white people. Un-realism.
Me: ...Oh.
Customer: Have you played it yet?
Me: Yeah I own it for Xbox.
Customer: You like it?
Me: One of the best games I've ever played *smiles*
Customer: You must have bad taste.
Me: Oh and you must have bad luck, this recipet is past the cut off date.

Probably one of the best days of my life. Stupid racist hick.[/quote]

I'm happy to know there's still people like you around! Excellent story!
[quote name='YoshiFan1']We close at 5:00 on Sunday, it was 5:10, I was letting out the last customer (who knew we were closed and didn't care and kept shopping), when someone comes up the locked door and tries to get in. I ignore them and they stand there for a minute. I open the door to see what they want and ask if they can get balloons. I asked how many, they said, only 8 - 10. That would take close to 10 minutes (figure around a minute each to inflate and tie each balloon not to mention the time it takes for them to pick them out as there are 100+ to choose from), so I refused to let them in. They kept begging me and said they really needed them and got very upset when I wouldn't let them in.

We are open 70+ hours a week and I already had 1 employee staying until 15 minutes after closing as it was, due to the other customers in the store and didn't think it was fair to ask him to stay (and I wanted to get home as well). I knew if I let them in they would probably start shopping for party supplies as well and probably be in there for a half hour.[/quote]I wouldn't have gone as far as opening the door. Once I'm closed, I'm closed, and it's against policy to open back up for any reason. 8-10 balloons could turn into a robbery. And, like you said, with all the time you are actually open, they can find the time to stop in during business hours. Once my key turns the lock, you are SOL.
[quote name='srad1968']A day at Gamestop:
Customer: (hands me a used copy of Assassin's Creed and the receipt) I would like to return this, it is just to repetetive.

Me: I am sorry, it is too what?

Customer: Repetetive

Me: it is too what?

Customer: Repetetive

Me: too what?

Customer: Repeta... haha, you got me there.[/quote]

Thanks for posting this, I used it today! I had to say "too what?" like six times before he got it, though.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions'](snip)
So, you know how when you see a customer you can almost always size them up right away? Like, this guys a dick, this lady's a bitch, this person is gonna be chatty and annoying, this person smells (well, that's not from sight but whatever). Had one in particular, could tell right away, this won't be quick like it should be. He starts by saying something about a DVD not working in his player, and that his player lately has been giving him lots of trouble. I recommend trying a lens cleaning disc, and he says that doesn't work. And then continues the conversation, telling me that he bought this Sanyo at Wal-Mart and it's breaking already and blah blah blah. I was trying to discern what it was he wanted me to do. I tried just sort of listening and doing the whole, "yeah, that sucks" bit, but he seemed to want something from me without directly telling me. The conversation sort of ended with him saying that he tried to take it back to WM and they told him to contact the manufacturer, which he feels is unacceptable.

It was a great waste of about 10 minutes, since I don't sell DVD players, am not affiliated with Sanyo, and do not work at WM. People seem to think all we ever do in retail is stand around waiting for them to need something, and even if they don't, they wanna chat. I've got much better things to do.[/quote]

Pretty much. I was working at the other day, and a woman comes in. I ask her if there's anything I can help her with, she says their 360 failed and they had to send it into Microsoft. I ask her to go on, and she spends the next twenty minutes complaining to me that they sent her back a 203 watt 360 but a 175 watt power supply. Which I can understand--I'd be pissed too--but what the fuck would possess you to come in solely to complain for twenty minutes about something I have no power over (and when you bought it at GameCrazy)?
[quote name='YoshiFan1']We close at 5:00 on Sunday, it was 5:10, I was letting out the last customer (who knew we were closed and didn't care and kept shopping), when someone comes up the locked door and tries to get in. I ignore them and they stand there for a minute. I open the door to see what they want and ask if they can get balloons. I asked how many, they said, only 8 - 10. That would take close to 10 minutes (figure around a minute each to inflate and tie each balloon not to mention the time it takes for them to pick them out as there are 100+ to choose from), so I refused to let them in. They kept begging me and said they really needed them and got very upset when I wouldn't let them in.

We are open 70+ hours a week and I already had 1 employee staying until 15 minutes after closing as it was, due to the other customers in the store and didn't think it was fair to ask him to stay (and I wanted to get home as well). I knew if I let them in they would probably start shopping for party supplies as well and probably be in there for a half hour.[/quote]

You have a really great business sense. It's obvious you were thinking about the customer, but knew when to draw the line. If the guy was begging for baby medicine it would be one thing, but balloons, it's hard to see why that couldn't wait.

Also - as the poster above said - this could also be dangerous.
I remember one of the electronics dept guys at wal-mart explaining the psp to a mother looking to buy one for her son, and he referred to it as the "playstation personal".

I was playing "shadow of the colossus" the other day and my friend passed by and said "oh, are you playing "colossal"? I just wanted to gouge one of his eyes. Subtle stupidity is so annoying.
[quote name='redroversk']

I was playing "shadow of the colossus" the other day and my friend passed by and said "oh, are you playing "colossal"? I just wanted to gouge one of his eyes. Subtle stupidity is so annoying.[/quote]

were you playing on a tv in the middle of the street? in your dorm room? what could have made it impossible for you to gouge his eyes out or at least correct him?

by the way your story was tremendous.
[quote name='davo1224']Why does everyone think that prepaid service would automatically come with free nights & weekends?[/QUOTE]

I feel your pain man, or the fact that everyone expects cell companies to notify them when they go over their minutes. There has to be some level of responsibility to the customer.
[quote name='redroversk']I remember one of the electronics dept guys at wal-mart explaining the psp to a mother looking to buy one for her son, and he referred to it as the "playstation personal".

I was playing "shadow of the colossus" the other day and my friend passed by and said "oh, are you playing "colossal"? I just wanted to gouge one of his eyes. Subtle stupidity is so annoying.[/quote]I really hate when people get things *slightly* wrong. (Or usually, very wrong). Couple movie examples:
Georgia Rule != Georgia Rules
Premonition != Preposition, Population, whatever P word you think of
King of California != California King
Hidalgo != The Horse Movie, Hidaglo, or Geraldo (yes, just like the talk show host; when that movie came out NO ONE could pronounce the title; I thought it was pretty easy)
1408 != Room 1408 != Room 23 != The Number 1408
Mr. WoodCOCK != Mr. WoodCHUCK

I know it's little but it bothers me.
Should be an interesting day today. We are out of almost all the boxed Valentine's Day cards for kids and all heart decorated napkins and plates. We don't have much Valentine's Day stuff left at all and I heard about it last night from way too many people. Hey, the items have been here for 6+ weeks, if you wait until the day before or the day of the holiday what do you expect?

[quote name='camoor']You have a really great business sense. It's obvious you were thinking about the customer, but knew when to draw the line. If the guy was begging for baby medicine it would be one thing, but balloons, it's hard to see why that couldn't wait.

Also - as the poster above said - this could also be dangerous.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I try not to disappoint anyone but there are limits
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I really hate when people get things *slightly* wrong. (Or usually, very wrong). Couple movie examples:
Georgia Rule != Georgia Rules
Premonition != Preposition, Population, whatever P word you think of
King of California != California King
Hidalgo != The Horse Movie, Hidaglo, or Geraldo (yes, just like the talk show host; when that movie came out NO ONE could pronounce the title; I thought it was pretty easy)
1408 != Room 1408 != Room 23 != The Number 1408
Mr. WoodCOCK != Mr. WoodCHUCK

I know it's little but it bothers me.[/quote]

This seems like a fine place to chime in with something that has always bothered me, since I'm a little neurotic and OCD.

It's the same thing, movie titles, but it's when they put 'The' on the front where there isn't one.

As in... 'Gladiator' becomes 'The Gladiator'.

That's always bugged the hell out of me, yet when I bring it up, I'M the one with the problem. ;)
[quote name='007']This seems like a fine place to chime in with something that has always bothered me, since I'm a little neurotic and OCD.

It's the same thing, movie titles, but it's when they put 'The' on the front where there isn't one.

As in... 'Gladiator' becomes 'The Gladiator'.

That's always bugged the hell out of me, yet when I bring it up, I'M the one with the problem. ;)[/quote]

This has nothing to do with customers but I'm going to piggyback on your post. It bugs me when people alphabetize using "The". "A, An & The" are not used in alphabetizing since they are common adjectives. I learned this in elementary school. Why don't all people over the age of 12 know this?
Glad i found this thread and can share a few stories!!
i work at a gas station here and i always wear shorts to work no matter how cold it is outside, the store has to be 80+ degrees at all times... so one can imagine the #1 question i get "Why are you wearing shorts?" so about a month or so ago when we got about 6 to 8 inches of snow i'm working a nice 10 hour shift and after about the 20th person to ask me about my shorts i get this exchange from a very kind man.

C: Why the fuck are you wearing shorts? it's x degrees outside and its snowing! Are you fucking blind?
M: No sir, I'm not blind i can see it's snowing
C: Then why the fuck are you wearing shorts?
M: Its extremely hot in here at all times...
C: That doesn't make any sense, you're fucking crazy
M: Can i ask you a question?
C: What!
M: Why the fuck are you wearing an ugly flannel shirt and sweat pants?
C: I don't know
M: My guess is that when you woke up today thats what you chose to wear, and you've got to be fucking crazy to wear that no matter how cold it is!
C: You're an A**hole
M: Well that makes 2 of us, lol

Note: I work at a very ghetto store downtown where most things are purchased with food stamps after 6pm, and having a customer call the office and complain is highly unlikely

And another classic from dealing with a drunk guy on a cell phone while working the overnight shift
C: How much are these flowers?
M: they're 5.xx
C: okay I'll take them
C: (while on phone to gf or wife) I just bought you flowers are you gonna suck my d*** tonight?
[quote name='xpacdos']C: (while on phone to gf or wife) I just bought you flowers are you gonna suck my d*** tonight?[/quote]


Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I really hate when people get things *slightly* wrong. (Or usually, very wrong). Couple movie examples:
Georgia Rule != Georgia Rules
Premonition != Preposition, Population, whatever P word you think of
King of California != California King
Hidalgo != The Horse Movie, Hidaglo, or Geraldo (yes, just like the talk show host; when that movie came out NO ONE could pronounce the title; I thought it was pretty easy)
1408 != Room 1408 != Room 23 != The Number 1408
Mr. WoodCOCK != Mr. WoodCHUCK

I know it's little but it bothers me.[/QUOTE]

A few that I have witnessed.....

Munich = Munch
Idiocracy = Idiotcrockzy
Capote = Chipotle, Chapotle
Blu-ray = Blue Disc, Blue Chip, HD-Ray, Blue Thang, Playstation 3 Movie
[quote name='007']This seems like a fine place to chime in with something that has always bothered me, since I'm a little neurotic and OCD.

It's the same thing, movie titles, but it's when they put 'The' on the front where there isn't one.

As in... 'Gladiator' becomes 'The Gladiator'.

That's always bugged the hell out of me, yet when I bring it up, I'M the one with the problem. ;)[/quote]

Ha, you think that's bad, I work at a shitty gas station that sells a cheap brand of vodka called "Aristocrat". I can't tell you how many times people have come up to me and said, "...and give me a bottle of the Aristocat vodka". Doesn't piss me off, but it does make me think of rich cats, which always brings a smile to one's face.
bread's done