Employees Of All Stores - Post Your Stupid And Funny Customer Stories - Part Cinco

Wow. You poor people!

*hugs you all*

I've been addicted to all these threads (as well as other sites regarding crappy customers and stuff) for the past several days. It has provided much entertainment, several disbelieving shakes of the head and provoked much contemplation on my part about myself, my friends, employees I encounter and the human race in general.

I don't know where these sucky customers get the idea that they have any right to behave in such inappropriate ways when they get all up themselves and mad and throw fits over nothing, or try to get something for free. I mean, the ones who just ask stupid questions are often times kind of cute, you know, and it's a laugh. But, then there are those other ones.

I mean, everyone who I know or have encountered who works in retail is utterly awesome and has treated me really nicely. And I treat them the same. It blows my mind when other people are incapable of exhibiting good behaviour. Especially around kids, when they're fully grown.

Anyhow, enough from me for now. Keep the stories coming! These threads are awesome to read!:applause:


EDIT: Oh, by the way, once when I was in an Apple store, this guy (who obviously worked there and was stopping in to greet his friends with a gag) came in and got a handful of MnM's from the machine they had there, you know, the type with a glass bubble that normally sells bubblegum? Yeah. I have no idea why they had one either. :lol: Anyway, he got some, and he went up to his friends and, jokingly, said, "Hey. I got 11 candies from the machine you have here. Last time I came in, I only got ten. What are you trying to do to me? You're ripping me off!" and he asked for his ten cents back.

It was funny to watch. They must have had someone come in and act like that before though.
[quote name='Fanboy']Yeah, but did you smile sheepishly and say "thank you" after assistance, or did you start off with a expletive-filled rant about how they never have this fucking movie and every other fucking store has it for 17 cents cheaper and then just snatch the game from the clerks hand while storming off in a huff all while simultaneously misparenting your child?

One of these is a stupid customer, and one of these is a temporary brain fart.[/QUOTE]

I apologized about 5 times for bothering him. :(
Where I work, there is an automated response that says "Please press 1 for English" so the call can be properly directed to the appropriate person. This is quite common, I'm sure just about all of you have come across this.

Anyway, this older woman called in and the first thing she does is shout "THIS IS AMERICA! I LIVE IN AMERICA! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PRESS A NUMBER FOR ENGLISH." Followed by slamming the phone down. :roll:

I hate the elderly.
[quote name='yukine']Where I work, there is an automated response that says "Please press 1 for English" so the call can be properly directed to the appropriate person. This is quite common, I'm sure just about all of you have come across this.

Anyway, this older woman called in and the first thing she does is shout "THIS IS AMERICA! I LIVE IN AMERICA! I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO PRESS A NUMBER FOR ENGLISH." Followed by slamming the phone down. :roll:

I hate the elderly.[/quote]Oh man, brought back a rush or memories of people doing stuff like that.

One guy was going to rent a movie called "A Day Without A Mexican". He asks me, "Is this in Mexican? Cause I only speak American." Geez.

Tonight I had a pretty great night at work though; I even had a lady trying to return movies to their proper areas. I told her I could do it for her since I was already running movies, but told her I was really appreciative of the effort. It's not so bad when movies are brought to the counter, but most times they will get left half-way around the store and it's a nuisance. Heck, anyone that's worked retail knows how annoying it is when people pick things up and leave them wherever! One of my biggest pet-peeves.
Okay, I've got a story for you guys. I can't remember exactly how this went, because it was sometime last year, but this is essentially what happened.

I was in EB games, browsing because I'd recently bought my 360 and basically only had Oblivion for it, and I was checking out the cases for SmackDown vs. RAW 2007, which wasn't out yet, just checking out the details and seeing if it was worth buying. I'd gotten 2006 and it hadn't worked, but I think that was because my PS2 was broken and I hadn't figured it out yet. But I digress.

Anyhow, I'd only just picked up the case and started to read the back, when this boy of about thirteen or fourteen, short and pudgy and not yet going through puberty, it seemed, appears next to me and barks, "It's not out yet, you know."

I just stared at him for a second, because, as a matter of fact, I did know, and I was a bit taken aback, but I thanked him, smiled and put the case down and went to look at the 360 games. I generally browse everything in the store, so I was probably there for a while longer before I approached the counter.

Who should I find myself behind, but the aspiring gamestore worker.

Again, I don't remember precisely what he started arguing with the clerk about, but I remember something about memory cards. I think he wanted to buy used memory cards, or these display memory cards for something that wouldn't work on his system. Maybe they were PS3 ones that wouldn't work on old consoles, but I don't think that's right. Something pretty similar, though. And he wanted them cheaper than they were sold for too, or for free with some other game...a price around $100 (AU) came up at some point though. But anyway, I found it kind of neat and ironic that this kid who had pretty much gone around telling all these other customers stuff about video games and consoles for the past half an hour (I could hear him doing so) wound up not knowing anything about these memory cards and games he wanted.

Mmm. As I said, I can't really recall exactly what happened, but I also think he tried using the EB discount card on these new things he wanted, when the card is only for new games, which of course meant he didn't have enough money and had to go ask his mother for cash. I remember he came back in with his parents a few minutes later, whined to them for more money, then asked the clerks if they were hiring and told them he wanted to work there.

:lol: It isn't much, I'm sorry, but I just wanted to keep the thread moving, and it's the only incident that stands out to me at the moment.

I've had stupid customer moments myself, including in EB, where I've grabbed a game off of a 'Coming Soon' shelf, walked up to the counter, and gotten out my wallet and prepared to buy it, and been told that it wasn't out yet. I laughed and apologised and bought a different game. :). Blind/stupid days are pretty embarrassing.
I love these threads, they let me share the jackassery of many of the people I meet at work.

I work in the pharmacy at a walgreens. We always get people who come through the drive thru who want over the counter medication or just random things from the store. Its always fun to get their reactions when you tell them they have to come in, people get so pissed.

Today one of these people wants to buy Sudafed. I tell him he needs to come in, he comes up with some excuse and i tell him to hold on. I make him wait while I grab the box. I tell him that its I can't sell it to him through the drive thru because its illegal (due to the pseudoephedrine) and he has to show ID and sign for it. He gets super pissed and starts screaming about its not illegal to sell it to him its just store policy and I was bullsh*ting him. I tell him that regardless if its illegal or store policy he has to come in if he wants it. The screams some more and I reiterate that if he wants it he has to come in and walk about. Then he comes in and is wanting to complain to corporate that we are "making laws" and how since we have a drive thru we should expect people to use it and its so inconvenient to come inside to buy medication. The guy wants my full name, which I have no problem giving him my first name, but not my last name b/c I don't want this psycho to have my information.
I can't wait to see what ends up happening with this b/c he's so convinced I'm gonna get fired. I just can't wait until the next time he comes in.

Hopefully someone can make enough sense out of my story to get a kick out of it.
[quote name='badgersprite']Cheers.

I've had stupid customer moments myself, including in EB, where I've grabbed a game off of a 'Coming Soon' shelf, walked up to the counter, and gotten out my wallet and prepared to buy it, and been told that it wasn't out yet. I laughed and apologised and bought a different game. :). Blind/stupid days are pretty embarrassing.[/quote]Oh man... when I worked at GS that was one of the worst things. Sorry to say it dude, but it's a major faux pas ;) But everyone has one of those things happen at some point. Oh another one: DON'T ask if the store has such-and-such game; the employees use most of their time working organizing, straightening, and placing games on the shelves. Just look for it first, at least. :D

Alright I have a short story from tonight. Had a customer come in to rent some movies and a 360 game. To rent a 360 game, because they are so expensive, we must secure the account with a credit card (so if it's stolen or the person decides to keep it, we aren't out $60). When I told the customer this, he told me he didn't want to do it on the account he had given me to pull up; he wanted his own account. This was fine by me, although sort of annoying since he was being pretty rude about it all.
So I ask for his ID and credit card to fill out the app, and he flops his wallet on the table in front of me. NEVER do this. It's annoying. If I just need to see your ID, then looking through the visor is fine, but when I need basically every piece of info from it, have the curtosey to remove it so I can see it clearly. I don't know, just seems like common sense. And never mind you'll need to get that credit card out later anyway.
So I am going through the app pretty quick (we're supposed to have customers fill them out but if it's slow enough I do it since I can do it really fast. Most people don't fill it all out anyway). But as I am going through it all, he's being rude and acting like I'm not quick enough or something. I get that all done, scan his movies to his new account, and this is the best part:

Me: Your movies are due next Sunday and your game is due wednesday."
Him: "I bet they tell you to say that huh"
Me: "Well, how else would you know when they're due?"
Him: "I get them a month!" (with 'the end of late fees', he could keep them a month before having to buy them, but whatever)

I really wanted to ask him when he had gone to a job which didn't tell him what to do or say; of course I was told to tell him the due dates! And although the dates are on the receipt, I think most people like to know.

I hope this jackas keeps his movies for a month+1 day so he has to buy everything, including the 60 dollar game. Although I'd hate to be the one to tell him, since I know he'd be the biggest dick in the world.

Oh, and jah_warrior28, can you put a sign at the window or something that says "Drive-Thru for Prescription Pickups only"? (or whatever it's for, I've barely been inside a wal-greens much less a drive-thru).
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']

Oh, and jah_warrior28, can you put a sign at the window or something that says "Drive-Thru for Prescription Pickups only"? (or whatever it's for, I've barely been inside a wal-greens much less a drive-thru).

C'mon working in retail you should know that customers rarely read signs unless they are to their direct benefit (i.e. cheaper prices), otherwise they make me repeat what is clearly denoted on the signs to them aloud.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']C'mon working in retail you should know that customers rarely read signs unless they are to their direct benefit (i.e. cheaper prices), otherwise they make me repeat what is clearly denoted on the signs to them aloud.[/quote]haha you're right. And even if the signs were huge, flashing, and proclaiming the Second Coming, I believe we would still get questions...

Who here hates when people ask a price on something when it's clearly marked? *raises hand* And I don't think it's price-checking, it's just them not looking at the freaking front of the box.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']haha you're right. And even if the signs were huge, flashing, and proclaiming the Second Coming, I believe we would still get questions...

Who here hates when people ask a price on something when it's clearly marked? *raises hand* And I don't think it's price-checking, it's just them not looking at the freaking front of the box.[/QUOTE]

Hey some times I will do that if i know it just dropped, if I have seen it cheaper, if the one behind it was marked lower.......ect
[quote name='Dragonsbane']Hey some times I will do that if i know it just dropped, if I have seen it cheaper, if the one behind it was marked lower.......ect[/quote]I would just take the cheaper one and argue that that's what it's priced, that's how much I should pay ;) And I didn't mean people that have suspicion to believe something is priced wrong, it's people that I *know* just didn't look for a price. They usually say they didn't see a price on it, until I point it out. Oh well, everyone at times misses the easiest of things.
Man, most of them kicked ass. Some of them though, say for example, DV8's story in PART II appeared to be a bit embellished upon, out of blind desperation for attention or something.
Now this one is an old one, but lately it has been in my mind. I used to work at Gamestop as a GA, and I was hired specifically to work on the register computer systems and help customers with PC purchases. So this one evening I get a call after class to see if I want to cover some extra hours, and I say yes because I am a poor college kid. So there I am working with the manager and these three kids come in. I ask if they need any help, and of course they reply no. So I go back to working on some of the store stuff.

So about twenty minutes pass by and they come back up to the register, with a copy of Far Cry, which at the time was brand new. So, remembering that I was hired to literally help with the stores computer business (to raise customer sat because alot of complaints about buying none working software), I ask what computer system they are looking to run this on. They reply, a homemade P4 system, running Windows XP, a 512 of 133, and a Geforce 4 MX. "Oh" I reply, " Well you know that you can not return PC software after it is opened, and the best the store would be able to do is an exchange for the same title, if the disks are defective." I continue, "And you know that a Geforce 4 MX will not run this game."

I swear you would have thought I called their mother a whore; these kids started yelling and stuff. Saying I was "playa hating" on their machine, and I just kind of stared at them. So finally after they calm down some, I go another route because
a) I do not want to see them buy the game and then come back all mad because it did not work
b) If they come back I am not returning the game.

So since Far Cry was M rated, I tell them they need a parent. So one of them goes and gets their mother and brings her down from Franklin Mills or something. I explain the same thing that this came will not run on the system. She looks at the kids and says that they know more about computer then I do and that they can buy the game.

At that point, I decided it was not worth it anymore, I just packed up the game and I told them have a nice night, a little dumbstruck at her comment, but it takes alot more to hurt my pride so whatever.

2 hours later, guess who comes back into the store and with a game stop bag no less. Yeah it is them, said the game would install fine, but would only run the intro (the Ubisoft compressed video) and then crash. I stared intently at them and asked would they like to exchange it for another copy, to see if that is the problem. They say yes, and we exchange copies, I open the new copy, since store policy has the exchange must be for the same product (also to prevent returning at the mall GS) and send them on their way. We close down for the night after that.

So I do not work until the following weekend, but I get a call from my manager two nights later. "Hey Tiny, remember those kids that were in here the other night buying Far Cry, and you talked to them for like 20 minutes trying to help them out, they are back, and they say you gave them two sets of bad disks on purpose." I can hear Fred smiling. "Oh really?" I said, "Yeah, they asked to exchange again, I told them this would be the last time though, they would have to stick with this set", "Ok" I replied. and the call ended.

So the weekend comes and I am in the store, talking with someone about Unreal 2004 (I remember because I loved that game) and in walks the same three kids. They walk up to the counter and after I get done with the other customer I walk up to help them. "Can I help you?" I ask, they reply "It did not work" shoving the game at me and I am thinking I could go so many ways with this but I felt bad because they generally wanted to play the game, even if they went about it the wrong way. So I asked my manager to defect the game out, and return it for them, so they could go next door to the Comp Warehouse and look at buying a better video card.
[quote name='dwhelan']

So the weekend comes and I am in the store, talking with someone about Unreal 2004 (I remember because I loved that game) and in walks the same three kids. They walk up to the counter and after I get done with the other customer I walk up to help them. "Can I help you?" I ask, they reply "It did not work" shoving the game at me and I am thinking I could go so many ways with this but I felt bad because they generally wanted to play the game, even if they went about it the wrong way. So I asked my manager to defect the game out, and return it for them, so they could go next door to the Comp Warehouse and look at buying a better video card.[/QUOTE]

You are a far beeter man than I sir especally if they had shoved the game at me. I would have gently pushed it back and said that you had paid for it got 3 exchanges and that I had warned them that it would not work, crappy system or not you had given fair warning.
Damn. You were really nice to those people. If it were my I would have remembered the insult, done one exchange to satisfy store policy, then forget about them. But I am a stickler for policy.

At Target we try to make first contact with the guests by asking every guest "Can I help you find something?" Now around once or more a day they respond "Yes... MY WIFE!" HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA! Really, I appreciate the jovial spirit this response is a part of, but I am out of responses to it. I've thought about saying "A38" (feminine hygiene), but that's probably in bad taste. I guess I could start laughing maniacally (which I do well), as above. My one victory responding to this was saying "Over there," when I was right.
[quote name='CokeCola']

At Target we try to make first contact with the guests by asking every guest "Can I help you find something?" Now around once or more a day they respond "Yes... MY WIFE!" HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! HAHA! Really, I appreciate the jovial spirit this response is a part of, but I am out of responses to it. I've thought about saying "A38" (feminine hygiene), but that's probably in bad taste. I guess I could start laughing maniacally (which I do well), as above. My one victory responding to this was saying "Over there," when I was right.[/QUOTE]

I do alot of smiling and nodding to this garbage. On one hand, I like that the customer is friendly and not an asshole, but on somedays the customers who do nothing but make lame jokes can wear you out almist as quick as a rude ass customer can.

The one thing I hate as a CC employee is all the damn commenting on the size of the reciepts. This just in people... I don't give a crap if you think they're too big, it's not like I'm responsible for creating the company's point of sale system.
I always hated installing new computers in someones cube. "Hurrrr, they aren't here, but I'll take it!" or "Durrr, that's actually mine, you can just leave it here!"


[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I do alot of smiling and nodding to this garbage. On one hand, I like that the customer is friendly and not an asshole, but on somedays the customers who do nothing but make lame jokes can wear you out almist as quick as a rude ass customer can.

The one thing I hate as a CC employee is all the damn commenting on the size of the reciepts. This just in people... I don't give a crap if you think they're too big, it's not like I'm responsible for creating the company's point of sale system.[/quote]
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']The one thing I hate as a CC employee is all the damn commenting on the size of the reciepts. This just in people... I don't give a crap if you think they're too big, it's not like I'm responsible for creating the company's point of sale system.[/quote]

I admit that I've done that, commented on the size. I wasn't trying to be annoying as hell and the employee seemed to humor me so it couldn't've been that bad.
[quote name='Kayden']I always hated installing new computers in someones cube. "Hurrrr, they aren't here, but I'll take it!" or "Durrr, that's actually mine, you can just leave it here!"

Such comments are about a million times more common in the pizza business. Worse still, every dope acts as if he's the first to make that joke...
[quote name='sonderiaom']I admit that I've done that, commented on the size. I wasn't trying to be annoying as hell and the employee seemed to humor me so it couldn't've been that bad.[/QUOTE]

I usually smile and nod to humor them too, but believe me when I say it's pretty annoying considering you hear what's basically the exact same comment 3 or more times a day.
Okay got a new one. Blockbuster, as most know, has an online rental service (called total access). So this old guy comes in and starts sorta-complaining (he wasn't rude but still complaining) that he had received disc 1 and 2 of Pearl Harbor, and Disc 1 of Da Vinci Code. He was confused as to why this constituted 3 discs from his queue since Pearl Harbor was one movie, just two discs; he was also wondering why his Da Vinci Code said Disc 1 on the disc itself but the mailer said Disc 1 of 1 (indicating there was not a second disc).
I explained that (to the best of my knowledge) the movies are probably mailed separately because of packaging constraints and it's just overall easier to split discs, especially with tv series. I then explained that Da Vinci Code is a 2 disc set, but it seemed the online service was only sending out the first disc (the movie), so unless he cared about special features it didn't matter.
So then he wanted to know why he was only receiving half a movie.
I explained A FEW MORE times that most 2 discs movies are the movie on disc one, special features on disc two. He still asked why he was only receiving half a movie. Maybe he reallllly wants those special features, but I think he really thought the movie was split onto two discs, even though I explained it was not. I could tell this guy was going to have a hell of a time with the entire program since he couldn't get this simple concept. Old People+technology=frustration.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Old People+technology=frustration.[/quote]
At least he didn't argue about the difference between Full Screen and Wide Screen.
Actually GrilledWitOnions I can see his frustration with "Pearl Harbor" at least since that movie is split across both DVDs.

... not that disc 1 is worth watching. Disc 2 is at least salvageable with the Doo Little raid.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']I usually smile and nod to humor them too, but believe me when I say it's pretty annoying considering you hear what's basically the exact same comment 3 or more times a day.[/QUOTE]

I tend to just ignore whatever lame joke of the day about the reciept is and move onto anything BUT that. Works 99% of the time.*

*Except the 1% that thinks because I no-sold their lame joke means that I'm a horrible human and that I should burn in hell for not laughing at their pathetic joke.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Actually GrilledWitOnions I can see his frustration with "Pearl Harbor" at least since that movie is split across both DVDs.

... not that disc 1 is worth watching. Disc 2 is at least salvageable with the Doo Little raid.[/quote]Crap it's split across both discs? I've never seen it (on dvd), so I was basically guessing. Most times studios don't do that because it's annoying to change discs, but I guess it must have a high transfer.
Great, so now I basically "lied" to him about it (or at least I'm sure he thinks I did... if he was listening). I don't think he had watched Pearl Harbor yet so he was also guessing that it was split, while I was guessing it was not. But most movies I know of don't do that.

And even though it's split, he happened to get both at once, just one Da Vinci Code disc (and I don't think the second is coming since I added it to my queue and it didn't say two discs, and the mailer says 1 of 1).

I think overall I wish people could just figure stuff out on the their own, I don't think much of it's very hard to guess at.

[quote name='Demolition Man']I tend to just ignore whatever lame joke of the day about the reciept is and move onto anything BUT that. Works 99% of the time.*

*Except the 1% that thinks because I no-sold their lame joke means that I'm a horrible human and that I should burn in hell for not laughing at their pathetic joke.
[/quote] I hate when people try to be funny, cause they never are. Then I always get, "You don't have much of a sense of humor do you? Lighten up!" ARG.

And when people ask if I've seen a particular movie...
Customer: "Have you seen The Covenent?"
Me: "No, I didn't"
Cust: Aren't you supposed to watch ALL the movies? Why don't you watch movies all the time?"
Me: "Because I have other interests and a life outside of mind-numbing entertainment, and with that particular movie I decided when I saw the trailer that I was going to pass cause it looks like crap."

Yah I don't really say the last part... someday, when I no longer need the job maybe...
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Crap it's split across both discs? I've never seen it (on dvd), so I was basically guessing. Most times studios don't do that because it's annoying to change discs, but I guess it must have a high transfer.[/quote]

The VHS release was split across two tapes. Needless to say the pan and scam transfer is simply unwatchable. I saw a bit of it once. You literaly had two talking noses in one scene. That is ALL you saw. Two fucking talking noses.

And people wonder why I fucking hate "full screen."

Great, so now I basically "lied" to him about it (or at least I'm sure he thinks I did... if he was listening). I don't think he had watched Pearl Harbor yet so he was also guessing that it was split, while I was guessing it was not. But most movies I know of don't do that.

Exactly. Its an easy mistake to make. Very few movies I own on DVD are split across two DVDs. Out of my collection the only ones I can think of are the "Lord Of The Rings" extended editions and both versions of "Lawrence Of Arabia" I own... yeah, I own both the original 2 disc special edition and the 2 disc Superbit edition.

I think overall I wish people could just figure stuff out on the their own, I don't think much of it's very hard to guess at.

Much like the woman I had yesterday...

*flops Casino Royal on the counter*
Her: What format is this in?
*me looks at cover*
*me points to obnoxiously large "FULL SCREEN" banner on top of front cover*
Her: Well I could read that. *huffs and puffs away*

I hate when people try to be funny, cause they never are. Then I always get, "You don't have much of a sense of humor do you? Lighten up!" ARG.

And when people ask if I've seen a particular movie...
Customer: "Have you seen The Covenent?"
Me: "No, I didn't"
Cust: Aren't you supposed to watch ALL the movies? Why don't you watch movies all the time?"
Me: "Because I have other interests and a life outside of mind-numbing entertainment, and with that particular movie I decided when I saw the trailer that I was going to pass cause it looks like crap."

Yah I don't really say the last part... someday, when I no longer need the job maybe...

Heh... I normally just say "there's not enough hours in my day to watch every movie that comes out... sorry." Works 99% of the time.... read the previous post on that 1% it does not work on for more details.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']I hate when people try to be funny, cause they never are. Then I always get, "You don't have much of a sense of humor do you? Lighten up!" ARG.[/quote]

If you really want to get them worked up just respond with "Sorry but my sense of humor is well-refined." You'd think that someone just insulted their mother with the possible reaction you'll get, assuming they even get it.
Alright so here's some more!

Had one guy come in after my shift today (my shift was awesome, nobody renting cause it's sunny). My managers told me about him, and that made me remember some more, so lets start with at the beginning...

There is a certain customer that is never sober. I can't recall a time when he was not drunk. And he has slicked back blonde hair, which I think looks terrible. So lets call him Slick.

So one day he came into the store and began applying for a job. Drunk.
People can apply online, or at a little phone machine, but there are no paper apps, so we couldn't just make him leave with that. He had lots of trouble with it (of course), which was annoying cause it was Saturday night and a little busy if I recall correctly. At the end he started asking if we thought he'd get the job... I simply said "Blockbuster is an equal opportunity employeer". I didn't know how to put it nicely that he applied drunk; he had no chance in hell.

So Slick hadn't been much trouble again until recently. He came in and asked another employee (Jen) to use the phone, which we never mind if it's local. The phones are wired and just behind the little raised counter, which has lots of stuff on it. Of course he managed to knock down the popcorn display when he tried to hang up.
He then started apologizing profusely as Jen started picking them up; it wasn't a big deal. But then Slick starts picking them up himself, saying it's no problem why is it a problem, look you can just pick them up; he started getting mad for some reason. All the while I'm at my register right next to them, helping someone else. I was getting the feeling he was leaving so I just let this play out a second; I didn't want some crazy confrontation for no reason if he was going to leave.
But as he left, I got one anyway. Slick starts talking to me as I'm working, asking me if I had a PS3. I said no, he asks why. I tell him they're too expensive, he suddenly gets mad and starts asking what's wrong with them. So now I'm thinking I want to get rid of this guy, I was hoping he would simply leave if I just went along with his game, but no he seems mad and maybe wants to fight me for no reason. Luckily, he left right then. I didn't want to have to throw him out and possibly get him hitting me, but I figured after that I'm going to have to just have him leave first sign of trouble.

So tonight, he came in (while I wasn't there) and was speaking with the store manager, Ehren. Slick explained that his dad or friend or someone had mailed in some movies to the store to return them (wtf?) but that they had auto-sold and now he had a balance. Ehren started to say something, when they guy cut him off with "LET ME FINISH." He then said he didn't know what he was talking about and walked out.

We get some crazy people in this stupid town.
Had a kid and guardian come in and got into in arguement bout that, kid admitted using the strap wrong and busted their tv. Guardians trying to sue Nintendo because "they didn't take the proper precautions and safety measures when making the system, and should have had more warnings."

I responded, so when I break into your house, steal your Wii, and on the way out accidently bash my knee into your coffee table, rendering it useless, I can sue you for not taking the proper safety precautions since you should have had lights on in the house?

He said "well thats different," grabbed the kid and left. came back two days later and bought a new wii game.

If anything I see the strap as an added bonus, regardless of how thick it is or not, it's still better than nothing for those accidents.
So I was digging around the old mind and I pulled up a gem from my best buy days. I worked media back in the day and I was covering DVDs so I was making my usual rounds weaving in and out of the sections and I go to the anime section partially to look and also to help a gentleman..........my mistake. So I ask if I can help and he says yes and I quote "Do you guys have any anime with tentacle raping in them?" I was stunned to say the least and stared at him for a few heartbeats, then replied "Im not sure you would want to read the back of the movies for that information" after that retort I gave him a wary look and marched a hasty retreat, He stayed in the aisle for a while......I avoided him of course.
I went to ebgamesand bought 4 ps2 games, one of the employee's was really stoned and put a new copy of GTA: Vice City in my bag even though I didn't buy it.
[quote name='reibeatall']I'll just sum up my frustrations at two years at a video store in one line.

"But I don't have a widescreen TV."[/quote]I laughed out loud at this. Well at least chuckled. It sums it up exactly. And then sometimes I have people come in saying they want a widescreen movie since they just bought a widescreen tv... I guess the ends justify the means (does that saying even work here?), but I always want to ask why it ever would have mattered before if it's the OAR. Unless you have a 15 inch B&W TV, I can't imagine the 'black bars' making the movie that hard to watch.
[quote name='Dragonsbane'] So I was digging around the old mind and I pulled up a gem from my best buy days. I worked media back in the day and I was covering DVDs so I was making my usual rounds weaving in and out of the sections and I go to the anime section partially to look and also to help a gentleman..........my mistake. So I ask if I can help and he says yes and I quote "Do you guys have any anime with tentacle raping in them?" I was stunned to say the least and stared at him for a few heartbeats, then replied "Im not sure you would want to read the back of the movies for that information" after that retort I gave him a wary look and marched a hasty retreat, He stayed in the aisle for a while......I avoided him of course.[/quote] I see you use the term 'gentlemen' very loosely here ;) And for some reason I imagined him to be elderly from the onset so that made it even more disturbing.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']
I see you use the term 'gentlemen' very loosely here ;) And for some reason I imagined him to be elderly from the onset so that made it even more disturbing.[/QUOTE]

Actually the guy was around his mid 30s, you know the no window van age.....
[quote name='Dragonsbane']So I was digging around the old mind and I pulled up a gem from my best buy days. I worked media back in the day and I was covering DVDs so I was making my usual rounds weaving in and out of the sections and I go to the anime section partially to look and also to help a gentleman..........my mistake. So I ask if I can help and he says yes and I quote "Do you guys have any anime with tentacle raping in them?" I was stunned to say the least and stared at him for a few heartbeats, then replied "Im not sure you would want to read the back of the movies for that information" after that retort I gave him a wary look and marched a hasty retreat, He stayed in the aisle for a while......I avoided him of course.[/quote]

That's weird. One time, I went to best buy looking for tentacle rape hentai and the employee was alarmed by me.

Must be BB policy to be disturbed by "true" art.
I have some stories from the past few days

1. A customer was annoyed a can of soda is 60 cents in our store. They said they could get it for 50 cents a can downtown (30 minutes away) and didn't want it. If you are thirsty is 10 cents really a big difference to stop you from getting it? Plus the gas and time spent to go downtown would be way more than 10 cents.

2. The total for a sale ended in 6 cents. The customer paid and got some odd amount of dollar bills and 94 cents back in change. They complained to me that they didn't want any pennies. They knew the total and paid with a bill and not the exact amount so what do they expect? Worse of all she is a cashier at a supermarket in the same shopping center and should know better.

3. I am walking down the middle aisle of the store and I see about 20 wicker baskets all over the floor and the aisle. A customer took them down from the top shelf looked through them and took apart the stack and just left them on the floor.
[quote name='YoshiFan1']I have some stories from the past few days

1. A customer was annoyed a can of soda is 60 cents in our store. They said they could get it for 50 cents a can downtown (30 minutes away) and didn't want it. If you are thirsty is 10 cents really a big difference to stop you from getting it? Plus the gas and time spent to go downtown would be way more than 10 cents.[/quote]60 cents? Is that expensive? Seems pretty reasonable to me. I really hate the "I can get this cheaper elsewhere" line...

Had a customer today that was a total jerk. He had come in last Friday and I signed him up for Blockbusters Online service and he bought a movie on the site as well. The entire time he acted like a little kid, always interupting me and saying stuff like, "I want that! I want it right now!" He had called earlier and pissed off another employee, so I sorta knew he would be trouble, but I was able to help him pretty well and he seemed happy. He ordered his movie with 2 day ground shipping.

So he comes in today and he's mad because his movie hasn't arrived and it's been 5 days since he ordered it. I tried to explain that it most likely didn't ship Friday, and 2 day shipping may only mean business days, so the weekend doesn't count. So it had been more like 2 and a half days, but he was still really mad. He said that it was Blockbuster's fault for advertising it as 2 day shipping and not delivering on their word. I told him that if the package had shipped it's really out of Blockbusters hands, and he would need to be angry with the shipping service, to which he replied, "Since Blockbuster signed a contract with the shipping service it's Blockbuster's fault". I had never heard such backwards logic. So, I asked if he had received an email about it, if it had shipped, and he said he had not. So I thought that maybe we had entered his email in wrong (it was a crazy email address and really made me wonder if it was right), and then he said he had only checked the blockbuster site and not his email. I just about swore at that point, cause the guy hadn't done ANYTHING to follow up on the order, not even check his email. I told him to email customer support and they could work it out.

I think what makes me the maddest is that people don't get how the mail works. I get calls at work all the time from people that say they just checked their movie in and then got a letter about it being late. It's annoying and I wish they could figure it out that the mail is not instantaneous. I myself never really care when things are getting to me. I ordered Patch Adams from deepdiscount like a week ago and when it came yesterday I had totally forgotten about it. People need some damn patience!
I work at a comic book store and here's a funny little story. Guy calls up right around the release of the Ghost Rider Movie, conversation goes like this:

Me: Comic-Madness (name of the store)

Guy: Hey, I was looking for an issue, not sure if you have it.

Me: Alright, well what are you lookin' for?

Guy: It's a 1970's issue of Ghost Rider.

Me: Ok, do you know which issue?

Guy: The one where he's on the motorcycle.

Me: Do you know what issue number?

Guy: No, it's the one, and he's on a motorcycle.

Me: Yeah well that motorcycle has been on a lot of covers, you need to be more specific.

Guy: Oh...ok I guess I'll try and think of it.
[quote name='Lobsterjohnson']I work at a comic book store and here's a funny little story. Guy calls up right around the release of the Ghost Rider Movie, conversation goes like this:

Me: Comic-Madness (name of the store)

Guy: Hey, I was looking for an issue, not sure if you have it.

Me: Alright, well what are you lookin' for?

Guy: It's a 1970's issue of Ghost Rider.

Me: Ok, do you know which issue?

Guy: The one where he's on the motorcycle.

Me: Do you know what issue number?

Guy: No, it's the one, and he's on a motorcycle.

Me: Yeah well that motorcycle has been on a lot of covers, you need to be more specific.

Guy: Oh...ok I guess I'll try and think of it.[/quote]

Hey, btw, does your store have that issue where Superman is flying on the cover? Or maybe Spider-Man swinging on a web.

This happens a lot with movies too, it's sometimes fun to try to guess what they're thinking of, but usually they have so little info it's just annoying.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']This happens a lot with movies too, it's sometimes fun to try to guess what they're thinking of, but usually they have so little info it's just annoying.[/quote]

I used to work at a Blockbuster too, I know exactly what you're talking about.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']60 cents? Is that expensive? Seems pretty reasonable to me. I really hate the "I can get this cheaper elsewhere" line...

It's not expensive for a cold can of soda since the vending machines are usually around $0.65 - $0.75 in the area. I think it's reasonable too.

2 more from today-

A customer was annoyed that the $5 bill I handed her for her change was wrinkled. She said it was too wrinkled and asked for a new bill. That's what happens with paper money.

Someone else got annoyed that there was sales tax on their purchase. This was also soda related since they said drinks and food aren't taxable. According to the state, soda is not a neccessary item so it's taxable.
Alright so I had a GREAT one today!

A woman walked in and this is the conversation:
Me: "Do you have a question?"
Her: "Do you have the Robots for sale on VHS?" (Sidenote: I totally hate when people add articles to movies that don't have them)
"I'm sorry, we don't carry VHS anymore, only DVD".
"You don't have VHS?"
"No, not anymore"
"Only DVD?"
"Yes, no VHS, just DVD"
"When did that happen?"
"About a year ago."
"I thought I just saw VHS for sale in here a couple months ago"
"Well, about a year ago we clearanced it all out. We no longer carry it"
"So you don't have VHS?"

I SWEAR, this was exactly how it went down. I'm pretty tired but I don't think I embellished or added anything; she kept repeating what I had said. I was about ready to swear at her towards the end. It's just hard to make it any more clear than we don't have that at all.
[quote name='GrilledWitOnions']Alright so I had a GREAT one today!

A woman walked in and this is the conversation:
Me: "Do you have a question?"
Her: "Do you have the Robots for sale on VHS?" (Sidenote: I totally hate when people add articles to movies that don't have them)
"I'm sorry, we don't carry VHS anymore, only DVD".
"You don't have VHS?"
"No, not anymore"
"Only DVD?"
"Yes, no VHS, just DVD"
"When did that happen?"
"About a year ago."
"I thought I just saw VHS for sale in here a couple months ago"
"Well, about a year ago we clearanced it all out. We no longer carry it"
"So you don't have VHS?"

I SWEAR, this was exactly how it went down. I'm pretty tired but I don't think I embellished or added anything; she kept repeating what I had said. I was about ready to swear at her towards the end. It's just hard to make it any more clear than we don't have that at all.[/quote]

She was hoping that between questions, all of a sudden you may have vhs.
Customer - Give me a box for my groceries.

Me - Sorry all of our boxes are destroyed right after opening so i'm 100% sure we dont have any left.

Customer - I need a box so that my dogs wont get into my groceries.

Me - I'm sorry but we dont have any spare boxes.

Customer - I'm a Vietnam Vet and should be treated better than this.

Me - Sorry, but I cant give you boxes that we dont have.

Customer proceeds to walk out the door while muttering to himself.

Me - That'll be $20.74 (or something around that)

Customer - *digs through his wallet* I only have $20 on me.

Me - Would you like for me to void something off?

Customer - No, I need everything. Cant you just take the $20?

Me - No, I need the full amount for the purchase.

Customer - Its only 74 cents, its nothing big.

Me - Sorry, but if my register shows up short I can lose my job.

Customer - This is fucking crazy, its 74 fucking cents. You wont get in trouble for it.

Me - Sorry, but I cant do that.

Customer - FINE void the baking soda off.

Me - Have a nice day.

Me - Sorry, this line is for 15 items or less, she can help you on Three.

Customer - Racist bitch

Keep in mind, this customer had a cart filled to the brim with stuff and there are about 4 "15 Items or Less" signs posted near my register.
at the michael's arts store today.
1) customer complained to me that her ads are sent too her too late and therefore her coupons expire before she can get to the store. she starts muttering that i should "pass this on" to my manager...

then she mumbles "i have a pretty good feeling you're not going to do it, you don't even know what i'm talking about, yadayadayadayada..."
at that moment, my manager is at the register next to me, and i tell her you can ask him CUZ He's THE MANAGER! she then proceeds to mumble on for 5 more minutes trying to make me feel guilty about it or something while i'm ringing her up. AND THEN....here's the kicker...she doesn't even mention a word of it to my MANAGER WHO IS STANDING RIGHT THERE!!! i guess she thinks complaining to a lowly cashier will do something.

real crazy lady. we get these people all the time who mumble about not getting their ads in the mail and they complain to us about it. from what i know the management doesn't have any control over it so i was just wasting my breath.

2) It's easter yay! (yes holidays suck). anyhoo, a second customer was being rung up when the store is absolutely chockfull of people and things are mad hectic. suddenly, i'm ringing her up and i see that she's getting impatient. i hand her the change and she yells at me ,
"You're SO SLOOOOOW!" silly lady. Then she was crushed by a women's magazine rack. haha
Not necessarily a "stupid customer story" but a fun one nonetheless.

My brother and I worked in a particular store at one point. Despite the fact that I'm nearly 7 years his senior and whatnot, we still look mostly similar which sometimes causes a tiny bit of confusion. Once, while I was stocking items, a customer strolled up to me to ask me why I wasn't in the back looking for a particular item. Having never seen the customer since I just came back from break and I never encountered her earlier, I inquired if she had happened to ask my brother about the item beforehand, since last I saw he was heading to the back.

Before she gave me a standard "What sort of stupid question is that?" response she looked towards the back and saw him heading her way with the item. I particularly enjoyed the shocked double-take she did before she started laughing. At least she had a sense of humor, though. She particularly enjoyed it!
[quote name='mentos888']"You're SO SLOOOOOW!" stupid lady. Then she was crushed by a women's magazine rack. haha[/quote]

Please tell me you then threw glitter on her!
[quote name='mentos888']at the michael's arts store today.
1) customer complained to me that her ads are sent too her too late and therefore her coupons expire before she can get to the store. [/quote]I know exactly how you feel. My store has nothing to do with automated phone calls, letters, or coupons. Which is why it is automated. If you receive something late, there was either an error that I have no control over, or the mail is too slow. Whatever the reason, I can't do anything about it, and I don't know WHY it makes people so angry. It seems like it always leads to the whole, "Well I just don't know if I ever want to shop here again" thing, to which I am usually thinking about how great that would be to not have to deal with them any more. Not sure where it became receiving coupons late=worst customer experience EVER.
bread's done