Enter to win an Agetec Anti-Booth-Babes tshirt


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Agetec is apparently gearing up for E3 by trying to focus more on the games and less on chesty females. Their efforts include deliberately hiring 10 unattractive women to staff their booth, and offering a website where you can try to score a free tshirt from them promoting, err rather protesting boothbabes.

Stolen shameslessly from slashdot.
From another thread on another site:

"I feel sorry for the people who have do the hiring, and those who will be hired to do it. First, having to decide if someone is really that ugly, and, being told that you are ugly enough to do it. People these days are so superficial..."

Employing booth babes is a classic marketing strategy used to draw attention to your booth.

This news isn't about sticking up for women or not treating them as objects, it's just a twist on the strategy. They're in fact still treating women as objects to further their own advancement. How is this any better?

Their claim of "putting the focus back on the games" is bullshit. If that were the case, they would have just not hired "ugly women" (their quote, not mine) and not made mention of their anti-booth-babes stance.

All this is is a press stunt to get some extra attention apart from all the other vendors using booth babes.
"One could argue that this Agetec is doing the exact same thing: treating women as objects, and drawing attention away from games. If they want to protest boothbabes, this is not the way to do it.

Let's not forget that this is very likely a marketing ploy. Just think, a company that normally might not get much if any coverage or press, suddenly is the centre of attention due to their, and let's call this what it is, their marketing campaign.

Oh, let's not forget that they're being particularly demeaning to women by hiring them on the sole basis of how ugly they are. What a wonderful boost of self-confidence for these women.

"Congradulations! You are one of the ten ugliest people out of the thousands that applied!"

I notice how it's still women that they are hiring. If they really wanted to make a statement, they'd have a mixture of men and women.

But I suspect this is just a "look at us, we're controversial!" publicity stunt."
This promotion has my full endorsement.

Edit: Hrm, they're explicityly hiring ugly girls? Maybe not full endorsement then, but I agree with the message. It seems as if their execution might be a bit off though.
Totally mean-spirited. I mean, what kind of awful company forces women to fill out job applications for position of "unattractive girl at vendor booth", then marches them in at gunpoint to be interviewed for the position, and THEN, for the unlucky few who get hired, forces them to go to work, hang out at an industry conference that's predominantly male, where they will NOT be ogled, groped, or asked by drooling males to take photographs with their arms around them?

And worst of all? Agetec is apparently going to FORCE these women to accept monetary payment for enduring all of the not-groping, the not-showing-off-their-breasts, the npt-having-to-dress-in-skimpy-outfits. They expect these women to just go to the conference, be pleasant and helpful with showing off the product, and then have to take their dirty, filthy money.

For shame, agetec. For shame.
For a second, I thought this was the best thing I'd ever heard. No more stupid "booth babes"? Sounds great! Then I got to the part about deliberately hiring "unattractive" women, and it instantly went to one of the worst.
Yeah, all credibilty was lost with the hiring ugly babes thing.

Maybe next year they ll do "no more focus on good graphics" so they can pump out garbage.
[quote name='62t']Just go ahead and release Wild Arms remake. That game has been delayed for almost a year now...[/QUOTE]
They should just hire women who know something about video games and actually play them. There are plenty of female gamers out there who would be qualified for the job!

Some of those booth babes sometimes look like they seriously do NOT want to be there.
The original article about it says the women are hired because they play games, not because of their looks (good or bad). This just got distorted from one site to another until it became "dood, they're totally hiring fat chicks!"
Word, word. Where does Agetec say anything about hiring ugly women? They're just hiring "real people" for "real games" as far as the website is concerned...
Nothing in anything I read claims that ugly women will be there.

I applaud Agetec for getting serious about their PR -- now if only they would drop their distributor Tommo who can't get their games out on time, or to anyone other than a specialty shop. I mean, who shops at Walmart or Target anymore...?!?!?
[quote name='Backlash']Next year they'll be hiring dwarfs or something. Totally shameless. :([/QUOTE]

LOL. In this industry? Are you kidding?

How about a tradeshow that once a year hires all of the strippers in LA to stand around in skimpy outfits and grin at geeks -- now that is shameless. Where do you think all the booth babes come from? Catholic School?

"Hi, we're Agetec and we don't have any scantily clad strippers in our booth."

The industry's reaction? "WHAT!?!?! Are you perverts or something?!?!?!"
OK everyone who responded, I hope you are kidding about being angry at them for hiring ugly booth babes. Not sure though. I'm going to bump this thread like crazy to make sure you all go to the website and check out their ugly booth babes. Remember, what's ugly to you may be hot to me. But they certainly are not. Anyways, go to the website, then smack yourself in the head. And granny panties are hot.
Haha, that was really unexpected.... I guess those really are exactly anti-booth-babes... Weird.

Foxxy ladies.
That is fuckin hilarious!!!!!!!!!! Go Agetec GO!!!!!!

Can u imagine them wandering around on the E3 show floor -- that must truely be hilarious!!!
[quote name='abcme']I don't get what this shirt means.[/QUOTE]
"Booth Babes" are the pretty girls with large boobs that get paid to show up at industry conferences, not wear very much, act nice, smile pretty, take pictures with lonely male attendees and hopefully attract more attention to the booth that they're working at.

They also have little or nothing to do with the product they are trying to help sell.

"Anti Booth Babes" is exactly what it says. It's trying to say, "Hey, these hot pieces of ass have nothing to do with videogames. Stop paying attention to all those other vendors just because they have smiling pretty girls at their booths, with large breasts, whose nipples are wrestling with the fabric of their costumes, and winning. Pay attention to us instead, because we're dressing up a bunch of grizzly guys with wigs and granny panties, and that's funny. Look, a monkey! Buy Agetec games! Look, another monkey, it's got an Agetec tshirt on, he knows quality games when he sees them. Anti Booth Babes!"
Lol, everyone getting all serious about this must feel rather silly right about now. Never pass judgement until you see the evidence for yourself. Heh, thems some hot boothbabes!
bread's done