Entire Japanese population rebuys Wiis and DSes for the 6th month in a row!!!



according to this, yes:

1. DS Observation Training (NDS)
2. Trusty Bell - Chopin's Dream (360)
3. Ninja Gaiden Sigma (PS3)
4. Wii Sports (Wii)
5. More Brain Training (NDS)
6. More English Training (NDS)
7. Wii Play (Wii)
8. New Super Mario Bros. (NDS)
9. Brain Training (NDS)
10. Hisshou - Vol. 10: CR Neon Geneses Evangelion (PS2)

Specific Famtisu data for Ninja Gaiden and Trust Bell:

Trusty Bell - 43,592
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - 40,886

And Famitsu data for next-gen consoles:

Wii - 70,356
PS3 - 11,012
360 - 7,654

Famitsu data is usually higher than the more accurate Media Create data. Here are rumored Media create numbers:

Trusty Bell - 40k
Ninja Gaiden Sigma - 40k
Seems X360 did not reach PS3 but came close with ~8000 units, PS3 didn't move from last week number
Call of Duty 3 - 15k
Dead Rising budget re-release- 3k

saw it on gamefaqs while checking out the NGS board. if it's fake, sorry.
I've already played Ninja Gaiden through six times. Seriously, I counted.

So yeah, I'd buy Trusty Bell too... too bad I won't get that option here in the states.
[quote name='PyroGamer']I've already played Ninja Gaiden through six times. Seriously, I counted.

So yeah, I'd buy Trusty Bell too... too bad I won't get that option here in the states.[/quote]I'm pretty sure Eternal Sonata is coming to the US...
[quote name='VanillaGorilla']I'm pretty sure Eternal Sonata is coming to the US...[/QUOTE]
srsly? Awesome. Can't wait.
New anticipated RPG outsells a game that has been remade twice now? I don't really see how that's a big deal.

Look at the DS, clobbering everything in it's path. That's more exciting news to me, but I guess it's old news.
I'm going to have to echo the sentiments that a new, good RPG outselling a game that's been done to death shouldn't be so much of a surprise.
[quote name='Apossum']I'm not in shock and awe, but it is interesting.[/QUOTE]
No it isn't. The Japanese are RPG whores, and it's not like this is news to anyone.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']No it isn't. The Japanese are RPG whores, and it's not like this is news to anyone.[/QUOTE]

nuh uh

edit: fixed. it's now 300% more exciting.
Boo, I will still comment on the original title. Data is accurate, for the record.

It should be somewhat surprising, considering that even with horrible sales of both, the 360 install base is pretty tiny compared to the PS3. And the PS3 has been more starved for new games in Japan than in the US. And we all know how many people had an Xbox in Japan, so that they care if this is the third time the NG has been released.

Unfortunately, it didn't outsell it by enough to cause 360 to outsell PS3... it would have been a sign of the apocalypse.
I really thought 360 could've pulled ahead on the Trusty Bell Core Bundle preorders, but I guess there were fewer than I thought?

I was all ready for hell to freeze over.
MS just needs to keep releasing these Japanese titles, and getting that market share. Perhaps Japs will start warming up to titles like Gears of War.

Honestly, just a bit more than 3,000 consoles different there... not too bad IMO.
[quote name='PyroGamer']MS just needs to keep releasing these Japanese titles, and getting that market share. Perhaps Japs will start warming up to titles like Gears of War.

Honestly, just a bit more than 3,000 consoles different there... not too bad IMO.[/quote]Halo 3 was in Famitsu's most wanted list not long ago (may still be there). Problem is, I'm guessing just about everyone who wants Halo 3 in Japan already has a 360.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Not gonna work. The momentum is too much. You could put both MGS4 and FF13 exclusively on 360 and it wouldnt save them.[/QUOTE]I'll agree about MGS4, but you definitely underestimate the power of FF13.

Seriously, though, what do you mean "not gonna work". Not gonna work for what? Obviously it's not going to be the winning console, but that doesn't matter, America (and the rest of the world, for that matter) can more than make up for losses in Japan.

Microsoft is not dead in Japan, they even have a shot at being relatively healthy.

(I'll tell you something else: FF13 exclusive on 360 would put Xbox 360 sales here in America above PS3 sales comparible to how Wii sales are above 360 sales now)
Well, since its a fictional scenario, you have to make up things to explain away the inconsistencies, like how those would become 360 exclusives in the first place.

The problem is that you're not going to find enough Japanese developers who want their software to sell IN JAPAN to support the console. Thats basically the bottom line.
[quote name='PyroGamer']I'll agree about MGS4, but you definitely underestimate the power of FF13.

Seriously, though, what do you mean "not gonna work". Not gonna work for what? Obviously it's not going to be the winning console, but that doesn't matter, America (and the rest of the world, for that matter) can more than make up for losses in Japan.

Microsoft is not dead in Japan, they even have a shot at being relatively healthy.

(I'll tell you something else: FF13 exclusive on 360 would put Xbox 360 sales here in America above PS3 sales comparible to how Wii sales are above 360 sales now)[/QUOTE]

"relatively healthy" for MS in Japan is about how they're doing right now.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Hell, they're not even really behind the PS3 right now. For the time being, next-gen is DOOMED in Japan.[/QUOTE]
If you don't consider Wii to be next-gen, maybe.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Hell, they're not even really behind the PS3 right now. For the time being, next-gen is DOOMED in Japan.[/QUOTE]

what are the cumulative numbers for both? yeah, Nintendo is owning Japan. and once a trend in Japan gets on a roll, they usually don't give it up too easily.
MC numbers are out tonight.

Word is getting out that Trusty Bell is an average/below average RPG so it will probably almost drop dead in sales after this week. Ninja Gaiden will probably surpass it soon.

PS3 is at 920k and 360 is at 369k, Apossum (not including the numbers you just posted). Both are failing miserably. Wii is at 2.6 mil.
[quote name='Foolman']MC numbers are out tonight.

Word is getting out that Trusty Bell is an average/below average RPG so it will probably almost drop dead in sales after this week. Ninja Gaiden will probably surpass it soon.[/QUOTE]

not surprising. seems like the only good developer of RPGs these days is R+D (Atlus....the guys who make SMT games.)
These threads always devolve into the same shit by the end of the first page.

It's like deja vu every week / month / whenever these things come out.
[quote name='PyroGamer']If you don't consider Wii to be next-gen, maybe.[/quote]I actually don't mind their designation being completely out of that category. Or "new" rather than "next", if you like that particular piece of marketing. Its said so much, "This isn't next-gen". To that I say, "OK, So?"
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']I actually don't mind their designation being completely out of that category. Or "new" rather than "next", if you like that particular piece of marketing. Its said so much, "This isn't next-gen". To that I say, "OK, So?"[/QUOTE]
I agree with putting them in a much different category.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']Not gonna work. The momentum is too much. You could put both MGS4 and FF13 exclusively on 360 and it wouldnt save them.[/QUOTE]

Against Sony or Nintendo? Sony is losing momentum far greater than M$ is gaining. If this keeps up, 360 will easily surpass the PS3 by holiday 08, at which point MGS4 & FF13 won't make a difference (that's if they manage to even arrive by that point). If it's against Nintendo, then I agree -- the Wii & NDS have built up so much momentum that Nintendo could stop selling them altogether for several months and still claim top spot.

Also, don't take the numbers lite; NGS was a big name titles for PS3 and the fact that it failed to outsell a game that's exclusive to a system that's dead last in Japan tells a very clear story; Japan exclusives on 360 CAN work. They might even be a better bet than putting them on PS3.

For example, lets say that Eternal Sonata continues to do good, then lets also say Ace Combat 6 does good. In this case, don't be so surprised if Namco drops / limits support for Sony altogether.

This isn't something to shrug off and make excuses, all the while clutching your system of choice. This is indication that things are still going bad for Camp Sony, and that they could get exponentially worse. I'm not willing to seal the deal and predict Sony's demise, but things aren't looking up.
Trusty Bell wouldve sold better as an exclusive PS3 game. This based only on the marketshare alone. Barely outselling a 3rd iteration of a game isnt that impressive.

The 360 DOESNT HAVE MOMENTUM. Its a flat line. The PS3 has lost a lot but it is also leveling off into a similarly flat but also higher line.
So Gears, DOA, Riiiiiiiidge Racer 5 or whatever, Trusty Bell/Eternal Sonata and Blue Dragon all sold well in Japan... this is good news for MS. Granted Ridge Racer and DOA were both launch titles.

I think with the original XBox it was just DOA that sold well, and Halo actually sold a few copies but not much. MS is picking up steam but It's so little not many people will notice.
DS 118,684
Wii 65,521
PSP 33,359
PS2 11,974
PS3 9,481
Xbox360 7,583
GBM 371
GC 223
GBA 24
DS 0

Bump for MC numbers.

Turns out 360 and PS3 were only 2k apart.
HD gaming makes it's quarterly bob to the surface for air in japan..
[quote name='H.Cornerstone']Wasn't Etneral Sonota that one game that ESRB leaked out as coming to the PS3?[/QUOTE]
I don't know about it being leaked, but it is being released on the PS3.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Against Sony or Nintendo? Sony is losing momentum far greater than M$ is gaining. If this keeps up, 360 will easily surpass the PS3 by holiday 08, at which point MGS4 & FF13 won't make a difference (that's if they manage to even arrive by that point). If it's against Nintendo, then I agree -- the Wii & NDS have built up so much momentum that Nintendo could stop selling them altogether for several months and still claim top spot.

Also, don't take the numbers lite; NGS was a big name titles for PS3 and the fact that it failed to outsell a game that's exclusive to a system that's dead last in Japan tells a very clear story; Japan exclusives on 360 CAN work. They might even be a better bet than putting them on PS3.

For example, lets say that Eternal Sonata continues to do good, then lets also say Ace Combat 6 does good. In this case, don't be so surprised if Namco drops / limits support for Sony altogether.

This isn't something to shrug off and make excuses, all the while clutching your system of choice. This is indication that things are still going bad for Camp Sony, and that they could get exponentially worse. I'm not willing to seal the deal and predict Sony's demise, but things aren't looking up.[/quote]
Seriously? You're pretty much predicting the demise of the PS3 because the 360 got within 1 or 2 thousand sales of the PS3 during one week? If you could provide proof of this trend that you're claiming is out there, I could possibly understand your point, but the last time I checked, you cannot pass another console in sales if you fail to outsell it every week.

I wouldn't put much stock in NGS's numbers in Japan. This game is the third rerelease of a game that has only ever appeared on the Xbox, a system the Japanese weren't exactly enthused about.
I love that a $250 system is outselling systems twice its price everywhere in the world. As a true cheapass, I'm waiting for price drops on everything, and according to these numbers it looks like there are a lot of us CAGs in the world.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Seriously? You're pretty much predicting the demise of the PS3 because the 360 got within 1 or 2 thousand sales of the PS3 during one week? If you could provide proof of this trend that you're claiming is out there, I could possibly understand your point, but the last time I checked, you cannot pass another console in sales if you fail to outsell it every week.

I wouldn't put much stock in NGS's numbers in Japan. This game is the third rerelease of a game that has only ever appeared on the Xbox, a system the Japanese weren't exactly enthused about.[/QUOTE]

Wait, you're saying that Sigma should have sold LESS because it was only previously available on a system they didn't care about? Doesn't that mean Japan should be an untapped market?
Will be somewhat interesting to see how Folklore does this week (I read on another board it's out in Japan this week). It's not a huge RPG, granted, but afaik it's the first JRPG out on the PS3 (not counting the Enchanted Arms port).
This is what Neogaf is throwing around regarding day 1 for the following software:

NDS Itadaki Street DS - 70k
PS2 Growlanser VI - ~30k
PS2 Mana Khemia -
I would definitely say the 360 is failing miserably looking at how long that system has been available there.

I wouldn't say that about about the PS3, but it isn't a Wii obviously.
[quote name='jer7583']Wait, you're saying that Sigma should have sold LESS because it was only previously available on a system they didn't care about? Doesn't that mean Japan should be an untapped market?[/quote]
No, I'm saying that there's probably not much of a market for Ninja Gaiden remakes like there is for Final Fantasy remakes, so there shouldn't be much doom and gloom about a 360 game outselling it barely for one week.
[quote name='jer7583']Wait, you're saying that Sigma should have sold LESS because it was only previously available on a system they didn't care about? Doesn't that mean Japan should be an untapped market?[/QUOTE]

not really. pretty much everyone who wanted to play the game in Japan played it on the Xbox-- it sold well for an Xbox game.

It's also not the kind of game that's a dead ringer for success in the Japanese market.

NDS Itadaki Street DS - 70k
PS2 Growlanser VI - ~30k
PS2 Mana Khemia -
[quote name='botticus']Itadaki Street is not-unexpectedly going to sell lots. Was that Wii boxing game supposed to be any good?[/QUOTE]

I heard kind of meh things about it. I love Hajime no Ippo, but releasing an Ippo game in Japan would be equivalent to releasing a new Batman Beyond game today. The iron has cooled so to speak.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']
The 360 DOESNT HAVE MOMENTUM. Its a flat line. The PS3 has lost a lot but it is also leveling off into a similarly flat but also higher line.[/QUOTE]

Where are you gathering this from? I see M$ selling MORE, Sony selling LESS. Granted, it's not a whole lot more or less, but it's been steady since a month or two after the PS3s launch. And how would it being a PS3 exclusive help, when 360 games are outselling PS3 games anyhow? By past projections it looks like it would have done WORSE on PS3.

[quote name='FriskyTanuki']Seriously? You're pretty much predicting the demise of the PS3 because the 360 got within 1 or 2 thousand sales of the PS3 during one week? If you could provide proof of this trend that you're claiming is out there, I could possibly understand your point, but the last time I checked, you cannot pass another console in sales if you fail to outsell it every week.

I wouldn't put much stock in NGS's numbers in Japan. This game is the third re-release of a game that has only ever appeared on the Xbox, a system the Japanese weren't exactly enthused about.[/QUOTE]

I can pinpoint the exact point where you stopped reading my post :lol: I'm not predicting the PS3s demise, no it's going to have a nice 5 year life (if not longer). I'm predicting that things aren't going good for Sony and that based on all the numbers since Japan's launch, it might end up in third place over in Japan. It went from an impossibility, to a slight chance. At this rate it'll go from slight chance; to could happen; to might happen; to probably going to happen; to most likely is going to happen; to finally: happened. Of course, anything could happen, but the TGS & E3 are more important to Sony than ever.

And again NG's two prior releases were a moot point; they were on a sytsem no one in Japan cared about.

[quote name='Apossum']

meh, Japan hates next gen :)[/QUOTE]

or maybe they have a different take on "next-gen". Maybe a slight bump-up in graphics and a heavy reliance on HDTV doesn't necessarily mean "next-gen". Both PS3 & 360 are more of a shuffle to the side, then a step foward.
[quote name='Foolman']Why not?[/QUOTE]

It hasn't been out long enough. You need a year for a system to be out to really be able to say how its going to do. The PS3 needs a little more time to have a substantial enough library to really make that judgment call.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']Where are you gathering this from? I see M$ selling MORE, Sony selling LESS. Granted, it's not a whole lot more or less, but it's been steady since a month or two after the PS3s launch. And how would it being a PS3 exclusive help, when a 360 game outsold a PS3 game anyhow? By past projections it looks like it would have done WORSE on PS3.


I can pinpoint the exact point where you stopped reading my post :lol: I'm not predicting the PS3s demise, no it's going to have a nice 5 year life (if not longer). I'm predicting that things aren't going good for Sony and that based on all the numbers since Japan's launch, it might end up in third place over in Japan. It went from an impossibility, to a slight chance. At this rate it'll go from slight chance; to could happen; to might happen; to probably going to happen; to most likely is going to happen; to finally: happened. Of course, anything could happen, but the TGS & E3 are more important to Sony than ever.

:lol: no, it didn't go anywhere. there was a spike in sales when Blue Dragon came out (a larger spike, maybe? i forget) and there will be a spike when the next j-rpg with generic anime characters comes out as well. your whole theory is screwed because your basing the outcome of an entire gen on one occurrence that was meant to happen anyway.

And again NG's two prior releases were a moot point; they were on a sytsem no one in Japan cared about.

From the wiki on NGS: "First week sales of Ninja Gaiden Sigma in Japan sold a total of 46,307 units for 928,642+ PS3 units, compared to the original Ninja Gaiden sold on the Xbox in its first week, 42,686 units for 369,213+ XBox units sold at that point of time."

there are a bunch of cites in that sentence which give the sources for the numbers, in case you want to look that up. Like I said before, Ninja Gaiden Sigma wasn't supposed to be a huge smash in Japan. It's a little bit more than a niche title, like the rest of the TN games over there.

or maybe they have a different take on "next-gen". Maybe a slight bump-up in graphics and a heavy reliance on HDTV doesn't necessarily mean "next-gen". Both PS3 & 360 are more of a shuffle to the side, then a step foward.

yeah and I think it's a really dumb fallacy that pointing and clicking with a remote or waggling is next gen. you might as well lump the wii in there with your little theory, because about all it's good for right now are mini games. but hey, it's all subjective anyway. I feel the PS3 is next gen and as more features are revealed, it's going to be more obvious. (the 360, not so much, since I did everything that the 360 does on a modded original xbox--and the mod-box did it better. except no achievements or vid marketplace.) not going to make a laundry list of things in store for the system, you can go check that out for yourself.
bread's done