ESPN 2K5 Football League - It's on!

[quote name='sj41'][quote name='Pootie Thang']Wow! They're actually playing their game now! Here comes week 2![/quote]I played a game? That was no game. I don't know what that was. All I know is, that wasn't a shut-out. :wink:

I'll try to practice some, but I haven't played this game in a few weeks until tonight. The final was like 49 to 3 or something like that. I have now won, last place. 8)[/quote]

LoL It happens, but good job
[quote name='WildWop']24 yards of total offense. Good show SJ, good show.[/quote] :lol: Starting in the 3rd quarter, I started running around in circles when I was on defense before the ball was snapped. It was fun. :p I lost so many yards from sacks that it was scary.

However, my defense got 3 or 4 interceptions and I forced 1 fumble that I didn't pick up. I think I made him punt the ball away 1 time so it wasn't horrible for my defense. :)

I'm ready to get my ass kicked but I probally won't be able to play until Friday unless we can start playing today.
451 yards with Allstot? Damn and I thought _I_ had a tough time stopping him. Wow. Just simply WOW.
Hahaha...seriously. My secondary was just ridiculous. He was bouncing off of them. My LBs didn't fare much better. I don't know how he does it, but it's amazing. I know Edge isn't the same type of runner, but you'd think I'd be able to bust some like Allstot did.

He's fast, too. Kept running away from my whole secondary. I seriously don't know how he does it. What other teams have an Allstot-like back? I should just hand those teams the win.
[quote name='zewone']Sorry about the triple post but sj41 I sent you a trade offer. Let me know what you think of it.[/quote]Alright, I'll check it out tonight. :) Please god, let it help me. :(
The only people on my team that could tackle Allstot one on one were my D-Linemen. Everyone else required at least one other person there at the same time. Did I mention that Allstot is somehow faster then most cornerbacks? How does THAT work exactly?
[quote name='WildWop']The only people on my team that could tackle Allstot one on one were my D-Linemen. Everyone else required at least one other person there at the same time. Did I mention that Allstot is somehow faster then most cornerbacks? How does THAT work exactly?[/quote]

Yeah, exactly. Even some of my D-Linemen were getting obliterated. I call the Bucs next time. :wink:
Who am I suppose to play? I'm ready whenever he is. I'm in the XBL dashboard right now but I'll probally play some Burnout 3 until he's ready.
Alright, thanks.


***EDIT- Alright, this is bullshit. It seems that it was the Vikings that is ready to play and not the team that I'm suppose to play. Apparantly, Tennessee has been talking with Raven every night, but doesn't feel like talking to me. Where the fuck is he? In his own magical world, where only Raven is invited? Come on. :roll:

I was on ESPN NFL 2K5 for about an hour and a half last night, and I was on Burnout 3 for over an hour and a half, Crimson Skies for 2 hours, and ESPN NHL 2K5 for about 40 minutes. What the hell is wrong?

Raven, if you're talking to him every night, tell him I'm ready to fuckin play. I don't have a clue why we aren't able to play our game, but I don't even know his email address, and I'm not sure if he's on my friends list or not. I'm starting to get really pissed. :evil:

What happened hellfire? I just sent my ready to play and then you went offline. You were on ESPN NFL 2K5, and now it says that you're offline. please get back on so we can finally play our game. I'll be in the lobby waiting for you for the next 5 minutes. If you don't get back on by then, I'm just going to go play another game.

I posted that on the ESPN message board about half an hour ago and he still hasn't responded or gotten back online. I'm going to go play Burnout 3 or something now. hellfire, send me a game invite if you get back on.
Shit. Alright, this was entirely my fault tonight. I forgot about this league and just never looked at this thread or the ESPN boards. If someone else can join the league and wants to take my place, they can go right ahead and take it. This league has been really screwed up for me and it's been really frustrating.

Or hellfire can win by the fault and I can have a 0-2 record and then we can start week 3. It's up to you guys.
sj I know someone who really wants in this league. But its cool if you want to stay. its up to you. I just dont want week 3 like this if your going to be always busy.
EDIT: We are at week 3 now people. Week 2 is behind us. If anyone has any questions about it, feel free to contact me directly. Otherwise, let's just move on and get back into having an awesome league on our hands.
[quote name='zewone']Reminder to talk to your opponent to set up a time to play.[/quote]

i've been trying, but my first attempt was thwarted by his faulty xbl connection, and my second attempt was thwarted because he wanted to play pandora tomorrow instead.

i think we have until the 14th, so we should be done by then.
Aw, freakin' connection. I got the loss and I was winning, too. What the crap? Now I'm near the bottom of the league. Get your week 3 games played folks, so Ican get this sour taste out of my mouth.

By the by, does anyone else have a certain problem with their controller port not being recognized? It seems as though when I have a communicator plugged in and I accept a challenge, when I get to the control select screen, the controller port won't be recognized no matter how many times I try to plug it back in. I have to wait for it to time out and i have to send my own challenge.
I just started a new XBL account and I'm about to end my old one. Do I just quit the league with my old name, and sign into the league with my new name? Also, will I lose my stats when I do this?

new XBL gamertag: STICKY WAFFLES

old XBL gamertag: sj41
[quote name='Gojtron']I'm disappointed. Only ~150 yards with Portis. Rushing title looks out of reach.[/quote]You're really starting to piss me off now. :evil: :wink:
[quote name='zewone'][quote name='Gojtron']I'm disappointed. Only ~150 yards with Portis. Rushing title looks out of reach.[/quote]

KC is right on my ass. I'm barely in the lead with rushing. Hoping for a big game next week to make the gap farther.[/quote]I may have had something to do with that. :oops: But I swear he didn't bribe me into letting him score all those points.

*hint hint*
*wink wink*
since it looks like we've advanced to week 5, hellfire666 is my next opponent. could someone tell me what his CAG user name is so i can send him a PM (i'll also send a friend request and a PM on the ESPN site, but i'd like to cover my bases).
I never logged in with my new name, but I'll try to tonight. When's the deadling that our games have to be played?
How am I suppose to join? I did a search and it said "Could not retrieve a list of open leagues starting with "CAG". Did you send an invite for me to join? If so, I don't see anything for me to accept.
bread's done