Essay Question Time!!!!


13 (100%)
"What is" the colonizer, and the colonized. "What should be" 'the Slave'; the colonized should be free from 'the Master', the colonizer.

Whats the difference between the colonizer and the Master, and the colonized, the Slave; using Hegel Dialectical Consciousness explain the possiblities of the colonized from "What is Real is Ratoinal" to "What is Rational is Real".

Most of you are probably gonna think "What the hell", because when he gave this to us today I was like "....".
2 pages of theories, not facts. Cool yea.

Dont complain about Grammer errors since this is taken directly from the paper he gave us. This is due next wednesday too, imma probably and ask for help.
I barely understand what this is talking about.
If anyone watched Ghandi the moviethen you may understand what Ghandi was trying to do.
Ok, it's been ye. .a. . r. . s since I've seen this stuff, so I am wildly inaccurate. But before the idea escapes me, I'll use this as a notepad. There is some correlation to the slave/master colonized/colonizer relationship, but scale plays its part. As in, if I am your master, I can impose my beliefs, thoughts, ideas upon you through deprivation, torture, etc. However, it's peanuts. All I've got is you and maybe if I'm lucky a couple of other slaves. To truly impact society, and thereby spread my message, I must colonize a society. This can be done by sending out my best slaves, who are now so with the program they are my generals (think Hitler and nazis) and they will happily go out spreading my peace, love and harmony through torture of their own. It essentially has to do with changing the thought process of a nation. An extremely barbarically successful method is the conquering hoarde raping the women and girls. They go around raping, hoping to make the women pregnant, thereby changing the genetic structure of the country for all time, and also causing the women hideous internal turmoil (hate rapist/care for innocent child inside of me). And that's where I forget all the Hegel stuff with exact parameters.

Although hopefully this gives you some thoughts to chew on. Go in peace and knowledge.
Try to differentiate between the mere subordinate and an actual slave. Might actually give your teacher something to think about.
bread's done