Evansville, IN - PS3/Wii Camping


Anyone on here from the Evansville area? Wondering if anybody has specific plans as to camping for either of the console launches. I know last fall for 360 things seemed to be pretty wild over at Best Buy, and I would like to recapture that type of fun environment. I don't like the whole waiting inside Walmart thing, so I figure the main options are Best Buy, Circuit City, Target, and Toys r Us (or do they do preorders?). Anybody out there?
E-ville here too. No plans for PS3 camping. Maybe Wii, but I'm possibly just going to wait a month since they shouldn't be too hard to find (especially after Xmas), and I only want Zelda right now.
Good to see some Evansville people on here! I would like a Wii, but don't plan on camping out to get one. I too will probably wait until after Christmas. I recently bought a 360 and can't see spending $1200 for systems within 6 months! I know...what a cheap ass!
lol camping out to get buggy systems. if you ask me they should take down the people names who buys these systems. I know with the xbox 360 tmy cousin said there was this couple here who

1. didnt have a job
2. sold food stamp coupons for extra money so they could have the 360

they said they dont care how much a system cost cause the goverment is buying it for them. THey walked out of the store with 2 systems

that is total BS. THey dont have jobs yet they can spend 1000 bucks on game systems
Hey, I live in Evansville also. Wow, I didn't realize there were that many Evansville, IN people on here. I am getting a Wii and I would like to pre-order it from a good store and not some crappy no-guarantee until christmas store. But if not, I will most likely be at Wal-Mart for hours before or some place that has a midnight sale on the 18th, since that would be the most logical. I would love to get it from GameCrazy to get 12 free rentals but since they don't know how many they are getting in I'm not sure I should take that risk. They were like 4 or 5 days late just getting the Black DS Lites in. Oh well, if anyone has a good suggestion on what to do let me know.
That bit about the destitute duo seems pathetic at first, but I bet they were buying the systems to sell for a profit on ebay (hopefully so they could feed themselves or afford other such necessities, but probably to buy the rock.

Yeah, there is no way I would ever pay $600 dollars for a Sony launch console of my very own, not considering their history of malfunctioning hardware. But I am more than willing to camp overnight to get a system, so that I might make some quick cash off of someone who is willing to may ridiculous prices for such a risk. Hey, I'm a poor college student who needs all the income he can get.

Especially if I want to afford the Wii, the console I really want. Nintendo has a pretty good track record of launching with hardware that actually works, so I'm not worried about getting a buggy unit. Although I too think it may be possible to get a Wii by just walking into a store, I don't want to take the chance. I will be very sad indeed if I'm not sword-slashing away with Link over Thanksgiving break. Plus, call me crazy, but I sort of find it exciting to wait outside a store all night for a new system. It's kind of like Christmas eve for (nearly) adults. Not to mention that the people at Best Buy were getting WASTED all night for 360, if you like that sort of thing.
[quote name='Mike24']Hey, I live in Evansville also. Wow, I didn't realize there were that many Evansville, IN people on here. I am getting a Wii and I would like to pre-order it from a good store and not some crappy no-guarantee until christmas store. But if not, I will most likely be at Wal-Mart for hours before or some place that has a midnight sale on the 18th, since that would be the most logical. I would love to get it from GameCrazy to get 12 free rentals but since they don't know how many they are getting in I'm not sure I should take that risk. They were like 4 or 5 days late just getting the Black DS Lites in. Oh well, if anyone has a good suggestion on what to do let me know.[/quote]

Is GAmecrazy taking preorders now? May put one in if that is the case. Nice to keep your bases covered.
Long ago they took Wii Pre-orders but had to stop because their boss or whoever said that they don't know how many they are going to get in and didn't want another screw up like Sony (PS2) or Microsoft (XBox360) did and they GameCrazy would be in trouble, not being able to fulfil all the pre-orders. I could have told them that to begin with. When will these stores learn? That's why it may have to be Wal-Mart for me...and if it is a midnight sale I don't mind waiting from 6 or 7 PM. Heck, if they don't sale them until 8AM or so that day I will be there at 4 or 5 :cool:
Wow...really surprised to see Evansville on the main page. So....you guys are the ones who keep getting the deals before I get there. I'm taking names, people....heh. Not sure what my Wii plans are. For gamecube, I waited at the eastside walmart for like 4 hours. I know for a fact that they sold all that they had. On a lark, I decided to go to the henderson walmart and see what their situation was and they had no line whatsoever and a big ol stack of cubes. So...maybe I'll just go to henderson.
Henderson Co. CAG here... I may stick to this side of the bridge for my Wii as well, and hopefully I'll be able to snag one on a day off shortly after release.
Most of the people just think that there's no way a system will make it across the Ohio on time, so they all go to Evansville. lol

agapens - if you frequent Book Broker, I'm the one who takes all the deals before you get there. ^_^

Maybe I'll see some of you around.

/got a DS Wi-fi USB kit for $20 at the Broker
//we need to have an Evansville CAG party
[quote name='Sailorneorune']

agapens - if you frequent Book Broker, I'm the one who takes all the deals before you get there. ^_^


Do you work at Book Broker or do you just go in a lot?

I go there every sunday with my wife, if you do work there you probably know who I am (hint: I'm English)

No intention of buying a Wii though, still have a bloody cartload of PS2 games I need to get through before I even consider buying a new system.
Hmm, if you were at the Wal-Mart on the Eastside for 4-5 hours for GameCube then I possibly was there too. But for the life of me I can not remember if I waited at the East side or the West side Wal-Mart. I live on the West side so it would have made sense to be there but for some reason I was thinking I possibly was at East. All I remember was that we were all in this room for like 4 hours and they kept playing the SAME DANG VIDEO TAPE over and over and over for us so would wouldn't get bored, which was nice in a way but watching the same movie was kind of torture IMO. It was Shrek, which is a good movie but not good enough to sit through 3-4 times in a row, lol. But basically in your opinions do you think that waiting at wal-mart very early is the safest bet, compared to other stores since Wal-Mart is open 24/7? Like I said I would still love to get it from GameCrazy to get free rentals, but since they aren't taking pre-orders at the moment, and may never, then I probably won't take that chance. What do you guys think?

PS: Book Broker rocks! :applause:
I don't work there (I work in Henderson, doing tech support), but I make it a point to go every time I get paid. Once in a while, some gems pop up in there.

Maybe I've seen some of you there and didn't even know it... (hint: I'm a short white girl with mousy brown hair who hangs around the Dreamcast section a lot - with all apologies to Zipomatic)

The DS Wi-fi kit I picked up was one of the best deals I had gotten in a while, and the South Park season 8 I bought from there last time was mint.

They're also having a $3 used manga sale, but they had no Outlanders... I did get Shaman King and Steel Angel Kurumi though.

So to make a long story short, I just go there a lot. :)
It is cool to see that there are a few site members from around the Evansville/Henderson area. I guess I know I now that I need to be quick about getting to local stores to get in on posted deals!

I guess none of you are very thrilled about the prospect of camping out for either system, which is very understandable. Myself, I'll be stationed overnight at eihter Best Buy or Target, not sure which. I'll have a cooler full of beer and a fold ou table for some card playing (euchre all the way). May even bring one of those portable fire pits if my friend comes with his truck. I look at it as just another excuse to stay up all night drinking casually and having a good time with friends, albeit in the bitter cold. Maybe I'll fly some sort of CAG insignia so you all can come look us up.
Hello fellow Evansvillers... I'm from across the other bridge over in Carmi, Illinois. I'll probably be going to my local Wal*Mart to get my Wii - since I work there! ;)

I didn't know we had such a large community of CAGs from the E'Ville area. Perhaps we should have a get together (perhaps I can finally play 10 Player vs. Tetris DS!)
bread's done