Ever had a franchise ruined for you?


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I was reminiscing today about how one of my favorite games ever was Rayman 2. I still don't know why I bought it. I had never heard of it and I'm not really big into trying new things. Anyway I ended up pouring so much time into that game. One of the first games I bought for Gamecube was Rayman 3 (at full price no less), expecting to be wowed again. Instead I was given a sub-standard platformer with the wonkiest camera EVER. It felt like the game had no soul and I remember it being a real pain in the ass to control too. I was crushed and sold the game after beating the second checkpoint.

I also remember absolutely loving the shit out of DKC. It really seems like Nintendo loves beating the Donkey Kong franchise up though. Each DKC got progressively worse in my opinion. The last one had WAY too much stuff to do and the plot was almost a complete rehash. DK64 was released and I almost pooped my pants in excitement. It was an awesome game when I was still such a mark for the series. Looking back on it, I have no idea why they kept introducing new Kongs every time with no explanation. To make matters worse, they took the DKC3 collect-a-thon problem and actually made it WORSE. The game is notorious for being a pain in the ass to finish. It only got worse unfortunately. The world was "treated" to DK Barrel Blast and they've gone so far as to actually take him out of the inner-circle in Mario Party.
I loved the Rush series when it was on the N64... and when I heard of L.A. Rush coming out a few years ago, I was really excited for it. :D

Then I saw a preview of it on MTV, and it made me disgusted to see what it had become. :cry:
I say bomberman, the great story mode with 2 players on the SNES and Saturn. And now this crap coming out.

Also Megaman X4 was the last megaman I enjoyed.
[quote name='Moxio']The problem here is that you were watching MTV. :nottalking:[/quote]

Well, the game was crap... and, and I was young, m'kay!?

That preview of L.A. Rush was shown during a, then, new episode of 'Pimp My Ride'... go figure. ;)
You guys bring up a ton of good examples (I couldn't agree more with DKC...though I did like the first two a LOT). I'd have to say to some extent Dance Dance Revolution. I still buy every new version that comes out, but it seems to me the more they add to the formula the less fun it it becomes. Do we really need wacky hand motions for the Wii version along with "gimmick" arrows (very fitting name Konami!). No....I don't think it makes the game better. In fact, the original ones where they just had a ton of songs (English and Japanese) were by far the most fun. DDR is fun to dance with...no gimmicks required!
I don't think Rayman 2 will have aged well if I were to play it again.
Sonic is ruined after 06, it's playable, but you really have to try hard to do so. It seems like it just needed more bug testing. The silver boss battle is broken.
Def Jam: Icon ruined a franchise and a studio. That game was just horrible, even my friends that don't play games say that all they had to do was apply those graphics to the DJ:FFNY engine. That's one sequel where laziness would of been an improvement. No hud in a fighting game? It's just crazy because even the graphics from FFNY could hold their own today.
Final Fantasy, definitely. It seems like the series took a turn for "lowest common denominator" territory after VI, with side trips to Hot Topic along the way.
Crash Bandicoot 3. I beat it about 2 weeks after beating Crash 2. I was disappointed to find out that I basically played the exact same game. No seriously, the EXACT SAME game.

Also, Mega Man X6. I got X7 and X8, but X6 was the last one that was manageable. X5 should've been the last X game, but they screwed it up so badly it's just a laugh.
Dino Crisis. The first one was good and I was addicted to the second one, but then the third one came out. Serious?! Who needs dinosaurs with reverse skin?.....In space? Not to mention it had a terrible camera to boot.
MK went down the drain once then starting making it 3D, the games were some what fun but nothing compared to MK3 and Ultimate MK3.

THPS sucked after 4, once they started allowing the character to get off his board and run around it really didn't make much sense. Now you have to climb up a building to get to a skate spot? What is that all about.

The first Halo had a great single player (which I still go back and play with friends from time to time), and fun multiplayer, every one after that just couldn't live up to that and the story just got less and less interesting.

NBA Street, dropped off after NBA Street 2.
Kingdom Hearts was one of my favorite games on the PS2.

Everything got worse in the 2nd game other than the graphics(big whoop). I doubt I return to the series after seeing the direction they decided to go to.
[quote name='KingBroly']Also, Mega Man X6. I got X7 and X8, but X6 was the last one that was manageable. X5 should've been the last X game, but they screwed it up so badly it's just a laugh.[/quote]
From what I heard X5 really was supposed to be the last X game. But Capcom wanted to milk the series more. Of course I could be completely wrong on that. Anyway, I agree with you that X6 was manageable. I did have some fun playing it after I unlocked Zero. But anything after that was horrible.

CriscoKidd, I thought KH2 was much better then the 1st(well except for that 4-5 hour intro world..). But to each their own I guess.
For those that disliked the Mega Man X series after X4, did you guys play X8? I think it gets overlooked alot.

I'm not a big fan of the Final Fantasy series like I used to be back in the SNES & PS1 era. I wouldn't say it's ruined for me, but I definatly don't look forward to new titles like I used to.

And like most gamers Sonic is ruined for me. But I still have hope for Unleased.
The Shining Force series was the greatest thing to ever happen to the Genesis but the cruel bastards at Sega turned it into a hack/slash rpg.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']From what I heard X5 really was supposed to be the last X game. But Capcom wanted to milk the series more. Of course I could be completely wrong on that. Anyway, I agree with you that X6 was manageable. I did have some fun playing it after I unlocked Zero. But anything after that was horrible.

CriscoKidd, I thought KH2 was much better then the 1st(well except for that 4-5 hour intro world..). But to each their own I guess.[/quote]

If you beat X5, it's impossible to not say "This is the last X game."
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']The Nintendo franchise for me has been ruined by the Wii. Try that one on.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say the Wii killed them for me, more just that they feel even more like rehashes since they don't have next gen graphics. They really just felt like more GC sequels to the franchises with waggle tacked on (other than Metroid where it was used well).

So not really the Wii, but more just getting sick of the franchises after 20+ years with them and it being worsened by the franchises not getting their usual next gen improvements.
[quote name='bobo2k4']The Shining Force series was the greatest thing to ever happen to the Genesis but the cruel bastards at Sega turned it into a hack/slash rpg.[/QUOTE]

I was going to say the same exact thing. Shining Force 1,2, and 3 were great then Sega ruined the series.
I liked Star Ocean 2 but Star Ocean 3 made me sick. I thought Sly Cooper was the best platformer to come out in years but then Sly 2 did away with most of the good stuff, and was basically Sly Mario 64.
Getting a double cheeseburger at McDonald's w/o the bun ruined that franchise for me. You realize how much beef flavor they put in the bun.
Kessen III.

Not a bad game, they just sucked out the whacky plot and interactive story-driven gameplay elements in favor of a hardcore RTS with army cusomization menu hell.

If I want a real RTS I'll fire up the PC for some Starcraft or C&C Red Alert 2 - I'm on the console because I want hour long bursts of mindless fun.
Smuggler's Run 2.

The first was simple whacky fun - the second one they tried to make more serious but you couldn't see anything and the missions sucked.
Final Fantasy XII
Valkyrie Profile 2
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
Star Ocean 3

I'm pretty certain I'll think of more later.

[quote name='metaly']Dragon Quest VIII did it. Oh boy, it hurts me to say that.[/QUOTE]
I think you and my boyfriend are the only two DQ nerds in the world who were disappointed by the game. :lol:
[quote name='dmaul1114']I wouldn't say the Wii killed them for me, more just that they feel even more like rehashes since they don't have next gen graphics. They really just felt like more GC sequels to the franchises with waggle tacked on (other than Metroid where it was used well).

So not really the Wii, but more just getting sick of the franchises after 20+ years with them and it being worsened by the franchises not getting their usual next gen improvements.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say Nintendo did much with any of their series on Gamecube either. Nintendo has essentially been making the exact same games since the 80s and some of them have minor improvements over time while others get worse. In any case they aren't keeping up with the times. Additionally you're example of Metroid doesn't fit that much because Nintendo didn't make it (it was developed by Retro Studios). With that being said I can't say any of their franchises have been ruined for me because that haven't done anything horrible to them, they just haven't gotten better.

Sonic is definitely the biggest example. It never should have gone 3d, plus the characters all become horribly lame with abysmal dialog.

Other examples include Halo 2 & 3, Condemned 2, and Burnout Paradise.
[quote name='RPGuy']Final Fantasy, definitely. It seems like the series took a turn for "lowest common denominator" territory after VI, with side trips to Hot Topic along the way.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for making me spit coffee through my nose. I like a witty Hot Topic reference.
[quote name='Dead of Knight']
Final Fantasy XII

Don't quite get this one. Not that you hate it, I get that, but that it could kill the FF franchise for you, considering that each entry is it's own self contained game(for the most part) and 12 was such a radical departure from the rest. Also add in that the guy who envisioned the whole game is gone, and I don't see how you could expect a ff12 to happen again(better for you).
Hmmm, I'd like to say Final Fantasy but I can't. While 11 and 12 didn't interest me, I'm looking forward to 13.

If anything though it has to be Dynasty Warriors though. Dynasty Warriors pretty much made sure I got a PS2. I loved the hell out of Dynasty Warriors 2, and when I lost it in a breakup, I picked up Dynasty Warriors 4. Only to find out it was pretty much the same except for character graphics. I know it's based on the classic "R3K" story so there really isn't much they can do with it. I dunno maybe by the time the Xbox 2880 and PS9 are out I'll pick it up again.
The Sonic franchise was ruined for me thanks to Shadow the Hedgehog and everything following it.

MegaMan just... don't even talk to me about that series.
the xenosaga games definitely tarnished xenogears for me. having a franchise flat out ruined rare.. games are the only medium where the sequels constantly get better. also, usually if they put out one clunker, they redeem themselves later on.

more examples.. twisted metal, tomb raider, etc..
[quote name='Dead of Knight']I think you and my boyfriend are the only two DQ nerds in the world who were disappointed by the game. :lol:[/quote]

Count me in too (even tho I'd never played a previous DQ, I won't be playing them in the future...)
[quote name='greyzieoriental']I say bomberman, the great story mode with 2 players on the SNES and Saturn. And now this crap coming out.

Also Megaman X4 was the last megaman I enjoyed.[/QUOTE]

Same here, x4 just was a lot of fun while managing to answer a few plot points that dangled around for years

[quote name='KingBroly']If you beat X5, it's impossible to not say "This is the last X game."[/QUOTE]

Agreed, X5 was the end, no matter what ending you got they all had a sense of finality to them. Anyway my number 1 pick for a ruined franchise is Star Fox. Man oh man what the hell has happened since Star Fox 64?! I ignore star fox adventures since that was a last minute change and is nowhere near a true star fox but Star Fox Assault was just terrible.

I mean in my head I just can't figure it out, is it that hard to make a plane game where you STAY IN THE PLANE???? The fact that Namco and some of the people who made the excellent Ace Combat series had a hand in that shit is straight up baffling. I want to say oh well there is hope for a future Wii version but after the horrid contols Star Fox Armada got on the DS I think the franchise is just done.

Similar jumping of the shark would be Rogue Squadron 3, ignoring the why fix it if it ain't broke rule they throw in on foot portions to a game that really, really didn't need it. If the control was up to snuff I probably could have ignored it but it was so damn stiff, completely half assed. If that was the direction Factor 5 would have taken the franchise in had they stayed with Nintendo i'm glad they moved on.
[quote name='CriscoKidd']Kingdom Hearts was one of my favorite games on the PS2.

Everything got worse in the 2nd game other than the graphics(big whoop). I doubt I return to the series after seeing the direction they decided to go to.[/quote]

This is EXACTLY what I was going to post.
[quote name='KingBroly']If you beat X5, it's impossible to not say "This is the last X game."[/quote]
I have beat it. But this is just what I heard.

[quote name='Rodimus']For those that disliked the Mega Man X series after X4, did you guys play X8? I think it gets overlooked alot.[/quote]
It's overlooked becuase it wasn't really that great of a game.
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']The Nintendo franchise for me has been ruined by the Wii. Try that one on.[/quote]

I agree (except for Mario Galaxy which is awesome - but not as awesome as everyone claims it to be). I think it's time for a "reboot" of just about every single one of their franchises - I've been playing the same games over and over for 10+ years.
[quote name='javeryh']I agree (except for Mario Galaxy which is awesome - but not as awesome as everyone claims it to be). I think it's time for a "reboot" of just about every single one of their franchises - I've been playing the same games over and over for 10+ years.[/quote]

they're still going to be the same formula. there's a lot more risk involving a reboot than packaging a great idea in a different way. the fact that it's the more of the same is what keeps bringing people back. i feel like resident evil 4 (obviously not nintendo) are the only franchise that has broken the mold. the jumps into 3d extended the lifespan and relevance for a lot of games (mario, zelda, metroid), but where else can they be taken?
I think the Nintendo franchises are designed now for the new generation, they are designed for someone who has never played video games or Nintendo before. What I am trying to say is your really supposed to go through the franchises once then move on, every time Nintendo redesigns their franchises, they are trying to appeal to the new video game players who are buying their first system, there will be new video game players each generation, and these players are Nintendo's target demographic, not the people who have followed mario for 20 years.

Don't forget the Wii is a lot of people's first video game console. A lot of people who like Nintendo are those who have been playing Nintendo for 20 years (even though this really isn't the target demographic, it just kind of happened), its not surprising that people who have played through every Mario game made in the last 20 years are starting to get sick of it.

This basically goes for EVERY franchise though, so you really cannot single out Nintendo, but isn't every franchise game just essentially a rehash of the first game? Thats why it is called a franchise. There are tons of franchises outside of Nintendo designed to milk it for all its worth, some of those were already mentioned.

I guess if your a gamer who is sick of everything thats out now you should look for new and budding franchises so at least you get to play that first great game.
[quote name='Chibi_Kaji']It's overlooked becuase it wasn't really that great of a game.[/quote]

Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Many fans of the series (including myself) enjoyed it. With that said I originally passed on it, but then it came highly recommended by Mega Man fans so I decided to give it a shot and boy was I surprised. It was probably the most challenging X game and it really went back to what made the X series so great. I think a lot of people passed on it it due to X7 being awful and this looked too similar.

Game Rankings has it on an average of 7/10 which isn't bad, and assuming you're a Mega Man fan that should count for something.
[quote name='traininvain']they're still going to be the same formula. there's a lot more risk involving a reboot than packaging a great idea in a different way. the fact that it's the more of the same is what keeps bringing people back. i feel like resident evil 4 (obviously not nintendo) are the only franchise that has broken the mold. the jumps into 3d extended the lifespan and relevance for a lot of games (mario, zelda, metroid), but where else can they be taken?[/quote]

I don't know where to take them.... I just don't like what they've been doing lately even though I realize I'm not the target audience anymore.

I loved Wind Waker because it was very different than what had come before it in terms of visuals and gameplay I guess with the sailing but not so much the weapons and dungeons. I was disappointed that Nintendo seemed to release about 2/3 of a game with that one - 3-4 more dungeons and fleshing out the sailing more would have made it probably the best Zelda ever, IMO.

Metroid needs a break - I LOVED Metroid Prime and it's probably the high watermark for how to update/revitalize a series (along with RE4 which you mentioned) but we've had 2 sequels that really didn't evolve anything - at least with RE5 the visuals are getting a significant upgrade. I'd LOVE to see a highly stylized 2D Metroid for Wii - something 3 to 4 times the size of Super Metroid with all new power-ups and bosses. :drool:

I'm less concerned about Mario because Nintendo handles that franchise very very carefully only releasing games every 5 years or so when they get a new idea to build the game around.

I don't know... I guess I've been down on Nintendo lately since I hardly ever play my Wii but if we are going to break up I'd definitely give them the "it's not you, it's me" routine.
[quote name='traininvain']they're still going to be the same formula. there's a lot more risk involving a reboot than packaging a great idea in a different way. the fact that it's the more of the same is what keeps bringing people back. i feel like resident evil 4 (obviously not nintendo) are the only franchise that has broken the mold. the jumps into 3d extended the lifespan and relevance for a lot of games (mario, zelda, metroid), but where else can they be taken?[/quote]

RE4 was awesome, but IMO GTA3 will be the king of series reinvention for a long time to come.
[quote name='Rodimus']Sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Many fans of the series (including myself) enjoyed it. With that said I originally passed on it, but then it came highly recommended by Mega Man fans so I decided to give it a shot and boy was I surprised. It was probably the most challenging X game and it really went back to what made the X series so great. I think a lot of people passed on it it due to X7 being awful and this looked too similar.

Game Rankings has it on an average of 7/10 which isn't bad, and assuming you're a Mega Man fan that should count for something.[/quote]

I rented it when it came out and lost interest within a few hours of playing the game. It was just another Mega Man X game.
While I hate flying games, I really did think that they absolutely killed StarFox's soul too. I played but never cared for the series until I heard it would have foot missions too. They just about made it a Zelda:OoT clone though. They should have made the foot missions as extra content.
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