Ever loved a movie that everyone dislikes?


Ever loved a movie or game but you have been embarassed to tell others because it is just so bad, so gay to everyone else
Bend it Like Beckham. I have yet to find a person who has seen this movie, and I have yet to figure out what it means to "bend" whatever it is Beckham bends.
Dune (1984)- Most people can't even watch 10 minutes of it.

Notable mention =
* The Princess Bride

Both of which were seen at a more impressionable age and they both did just that.
Thin Red Line, Natural Born Killers, and others that don't come to mind.

More common is me not liking a movie others love (Dances with Wolves GAG!)
[quote name='blueaurora']
* The Princess Bride


Dude. Talk to a girl sometime. They all fucking love this movie.
[quote name='Strell']Huh?

Dude. Talk to a girl sometime. They all fucking love this movie.[/QUOTE]

it's true

when i found out my gf hadn't seen it i gave it to her for her birthday and she 'awwwww'ed about fifty times in the first hour
[quote name='blueaurora']"HELLO! My name is Indego Montoya.... Prepare to die!..."

Or was that my acting career? :lol: :lol:[/QUOTE]

mandy patinkin rules
[quote name='Kendro']Bend it Like Beckham. I have yet to find a person who has seen this movie, and I have yet to figure out what it means to "bend" whatever it is Beckham bends.[/QUOTE]
Saw it, loved it. I believe "bend it" refers to that backwards bendy move he does when kicking in a hail mary kind of goal that makes him seem disjointed.
[quote name='blueaurora']Dune (1984)- Most people can't even watch 10 minutes of it.

Notable mention =
* The Princess Bride

Both of which were seen at a more impressionable age and they both did just that.[/quote]

Dune = the worst movie ever , that movie is a big bad joke
[quote name='Kendro']Bend it Like Beckham. I have yet to find a person who has seen this movie, and I have yet to figure out what it means to "bend" whatever it is Beckham bends.[/QUOTE]

Maybe it's where you live because this movie's launched Keira Knightley into the spotlight here and the British Indian in it got a role on "ER". Bend is a Brit expression and I think it has something to do with kicking well.
My entry is "Dude Where's My Car?".
[quote name='blueaurora']I thought the "bend" had to do with the curling dip his kicks tend to take per is style of striking.[/QUOTE]

I'm thinking this is on the right track. I'd wager it had to do with kicking the ball such that it bends in mid air, cuz you put a lot of spin on it. Very useful for strikers when you're trying to score, and also helpful during penalty kicks.
A lot of people claimed to not like Butterfly Effect when it came out but I think it's built up more of a following since then. Sky High, I also enjoyed, What the Bleep Do We Know?. For games, probably Red Faction, and the 007 shooting games. They may suck for single player, but they are an essential staple, when it comes to multiplayer with me. Obscure, Stolen, and the Xenosaga series, were all roundly dismissed.
[quote name='DJ K8E']A lot of people claimed to not like Butterfly Effect when it came out but I think it's built up more of a following since then. Sky High, I also enjoyed, What the Bleep Do We Know?. For games, probably Red Faction, and the 007 shooting games. They may suck for single player, but they are an essential staple, when it comes to multiplayer with me. Obscure, Stolen, and the Xenosaga series, were all roundly dismissed.[/QUOTE]

The Butterfly Effect was complete shit.

007 shooting games? Goldeneye is still my favorite FPS of all time. And I used to play Agent Under Fire with a 30-pack of High Life Light every Thursday in my dorms...those were good times.

I really liked Hulk. I can't seem to understand why I'm the only one, even after repeated viewings while looking for things to hate. It's a movie based on a comic that was pretty outrageous to begin with, and I think it's really well-done. I wish someone could convince me otherwise.

These threads are hilarious.
[quote name='blueaurora']I thought the "bend" had to do with the curling dip his kicks tend to take per is style of striking.[/QUOTE]
yeah, it's supposed to be his signature kick to the goal when he does a free kick
[quote name='Strell']Huh?

Dude. Talk to a girl sometime. They all fucking love this movie.[/QUOTE] Hey, I love that movie. Er ... :oops:

Can't think of anything myself. The best I can do is say I love movies many people have never heard of. The internet distorts the perception of what "everyone" likes or dislikes, too. So it'd be hard to say.

EDIT: Have none of you even seen Bend It Like Beckham? Wow.
[quote name='ahmedmalik']Ping Pong
Memories of Murder
The Host

NO ONE dislikes Oldboy.
[quote name='jPoD']NO ONE dislikes Oldboy.BODY LIKES MILHOUSE[/QUOTE]

I really don't have anything useful to add to the thread.
[quote name='jPoD']NO ONE dislikes Oldboy.[/QUOTE]

I don't know. While I didn't hate "Sympathy For Mr.Vengeance" I didn't love it. Fairly slow and for a movie I REALLY like that built up I'd give it to "In Dreams".
The Adventures of Pluto Nash.

A bad case of "If They Mated" between Beverly Hills Cop and Total Recall. It's as crappy as you think and yet I'm compelled to watch it. :drool:
I really dug "Bend It Like Beckham". It was up there with "The Green Machine" which is a british remake of "The Longest Yard" done by the people behind "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" and "Snatch".

The one movie that I dig but everyone hates is "Ready To Rumble". As a wrestling fan, its dumb as shit but Landau cracks me up in it. I watch it anytime it plays on tv
The bend refers to curving the ball towards the goal during a corner kick I believe. My pick is Starship Troopers. It is is in my top 5 and I don't know of anyone else that has an attitude above average towards it
[quote name='Sporadic']*raises hand*

The ending is just too absurd.[/QUOTE]

I dont understand how anyone could dislike it. Pure brilliance.
Someone already said it, but I will go with Starship Troopers. A very guilty pleasure, I could watch it over and over.

Dune wasn't horrible if you read the book and use them as reference.
[quote name='jonlubbe']A few of them actually.

Cabin Boy, Dirty Work, Jersey Girl, and of course Starship Troopers.[/quote]

Love the first 3 and even own them on dvd. ST not so much.

I'll throw out The Big Hit & Kung Pow.
[quote name='jlarlee']The bend refers to curving the ball towards the goal during a corner kick I believe. My pick is Starship Troopers. It is is in my top 5 and I don't know of anyone else that has an attitude above average towards it[/QUOTE]

Is this site really this soccer-ignorant that "bending" has to be explained over and over again? Hey, could somebody tell me what these things called "free throws" are in basketball?

Movies I love that everybody hates:
- Starship Troopers - YES! Totally agree, awesome movie.
- Point Break
- Titanic (How did 10 billion people pay money to see this multiple times in theaters and then all decide they hated it a few months later?)

Do we have a thread for movies that you feel pressured to like because everybody loves them, but no matter how hard you try you hate the movie? My submissions would be:
- Pulp Fiction (and all Pulp Fiction clones including Jackie Brown, etc)
- Sideways
bread's done