Everything is political, now up Vaccinations ! The new stupid, thanks republicans


7 (100%)
I mean have we no shame anymore, is America going back to the Stone Age, where religion, superstitions, and baseless assumptions rule the day?

At least there is hope Darwin was right, that stupidity hopefully will die off.  When we are free of stupid republican right wing-ism maybe humans can finally be a better species.

Deny pollution, deny climate change, deny human's negative affects, deny science, deny facts,  hate minorities, love murderous sniper movies about killing people where we had no reason to be at in the first place..... etc etc.

We are a laughing joke if there ever was one.   Tomorrow stupid, republican argue that the sun revolves around America and the world revolves around us.

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Oh, it gets even better! There's a Republican dip who's arguing that people in restaurants shouldn't have to wash their hands after they use the restroom if they don't want to do it. Asshole, I wash my hands after using the can every time and I don't even prepare food professionally. I do it because it's hygienic and smart and courteous. I don't make excuses about "free-dumb" because I'm not a dickhead scrambling to justify my awful behavior with self-serving patriotism.

Vaccination is currently voluntary. It's kind of weird that stating something like sticking a needle in your arm should be voluntary - and not forced upon you by the State - is controversial.

It's also more than a little creepy.

They need to vaccinate you, that way they can implant tracking devices, and know everything you've ever done.

Republicans know that this is wrong and can be interpreted as the mark of the beast, and they are fighting it.


At least there is hope Darwin was right, that stupidity hopefully will die off. When we are free of stupid republican right wing-ism maybe humans can finally be a better species.
You can throw "Darwinism" at homosexuals too you know... and the poor... and those born with birth defects.

Or I suppose like everything else you could just cherry pick things that "republicans" stand by and support.

You can throw "Darwinism" at homosexuals too you know... and the poor... and those born with birth defects.

Or I suppose like everything else you could just cherry pick things that "republicans" stand by and support.
Part of being a Liberal is being hypocritical.

They need to vaccinate you, that way they can implant tracking devices, and know everything you've ever done.

Republicans know that this is wrong and can be interpreted as the mark of the beast, and they are fighting it.

I thought that vaccination rates were highest in the South, traditionally conservative strongholds. Either way, I actually think vaccinations are a good thing.

I thought that vaccination rates were highest in the South, traditionally conservative strongholds. Either way, I actually think vaccinations are a good thing.
Some people said that making the Jewish people of Germany wear yellow stars was a good thing too.


? That's not remotely the same thing. You're a strange dude.
Marking someone with a tracking device that is implanted by injection is pretty close to the same thing, except it's not visible.

Why else would government want to require everyone to get vaccinations? If it's not a tracking device, it must be something.

Some people said that making the Jewish people of Germany wear yellow stars was a good thing too.

Marking someone with a tracking device that is implanted by injection is pretty close to the same thing, except it's not visible.

Why else would government want to require everyone to get vaccinations? If it's not a tracking device, it must be something.
LMAO...dude, I'm starting to like you because you're so ridiculous, it's become obvious at this point that you're not serious. And even if you were, you'd just amount to somebody's crazy old grandpa who suffers from dementia. It's hysterical, man. I basically see this when you post now.


As for vaccines...my logical take on it is I have to trust science and modern medicine on this one. That's not to say there couldn't be conspiracies and backdoor dealings going on (ie. creating diseases and cures simultaneously to make money...look up the free indie game Presentable Liberty if you want a good story along those lines).

But from where I sit, life expectancy has gone up and childhood mortality has gone down since the advent of vaccinations. That's proof enough for me that the people dedicating their lives to researching this stuff MIGHT know a little bit more about it than I do.

And as a parent, here's the problem I have with people not vaccinating...you have an expectation of sticking your kid in an environment where they could affect other kids with their preventable diseases. There was a really sad story on this subject about someone's child who has cancer...and being around non-vaccinated kids. It just gets dangerous.

On top of that, parents don't have to disclose if their child has HIV or other serious diseases on his/her private medical file for the school. Soooo...yeah. Gotta love having so many "rights" that you can endanger the health and safety of others. Hmm...that almost makes it seem like those people are infringing on the rights of others because they're so gung-ho about doing whatever the hell they want. But of course that would never happen. People don't do that.

Marking someone with a tracking device that is implanted by injection is pretty close to the same thing, except it's not visible.

Why else would government want to require everyone to get vaccinations? If it's not a tracking device, it must be something.
Damn this is funny. :)
I forgot, being conservative is now being a parody?

Does that mean you have a dumbass account?
Yeah, sorry dude. But you've totally jumped the shark with those last few posts. The jig is up. I'm actually starting to like you because you're so ridiculous there's no way you could be serious. And even if you were, you'd be like somebody's crazy old grandpa who suffers from dementia. Now, we can just say "Oh, Grandpa" and laugh. Basically, when you post now, all I see is this.



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Even though everything is political, it really doesn't matter. If you vote for any of these guys, it's a vote for the other.

There is no difference, they all want the same thing, more government control of all of our lives. 

I like to refer to this as the New World Order.

Even though everything is political, it really doesn't matter. If you vote for any of these guys, it's a vote for the other.

There is no difference, they all want the same thing, more government control of all of our lives.

I like to refer to this as the New World Order.
Then why be so adament about "liberal" and "conservative" talking points? This last post of yours is probably the most sensible thing I've seen from you, haha (which is frightening considering the sentiment). But I generally agree with it.

I made a topic like a year ago or something about ignorance being bliss. And I mostly still believe that. We're not steering this ship. Our vote isn't steering this ship. We're fighting amongst each other and blaming each other, when for the most part (unless you're in the 1%), we're all getting screwed by the same things. It's intentional misdirection at its finest.

Then why be so adament about "liberal" and "conservative" talking points? This last post of yours is probably the most sensible thing I've seen from you, haha (which is frightening considering the sentiment). But I generally agree with it.

I made a topic like a year ago or something about ignorance being bliss. And I mostly still believe that. We're not steering this ship. Our vote isn't steering this ship. We're fighting amongst each other and blaming each other, when for the most part (unless you're in the 1%), we're all getting screwed by the same things. It's intentional misdirection at its finest.
(I'm half drunk, so bear with me)

I think that the people in power want us to be divided.

When we have this degree of division, it makes it easier for them to take away rights, liberties, and freedoms. They have successfully turned us against ourselves. You are either with us or against us, and that is how the politicians are, the media, and even entertainers. When you see these out of touch politicians and celebrities trying to tell us something about life, they are full of shit.

Come and live our lives, like the working man, the single parent, the functioning alcoholic. Now try it without private jets, nannies, millions of dollars, etc. That's what people don't get, and that is what they want. They have influential people to convey their message. Why the hell else does my mother-in-law listen to every word Dr. Oz says like he's the goddamn messiah? If they want to be one of us then sell your mansion, and get a job at Domino's delivering pies like one of us. It's easy to tell people how to live from an ivory tower.

I pick the conservative side most of the time because that is what I am most familiar with. I'm actually a fiscally conservative/socially liberal person. By that I mean save money, kick people off welfare, but let gay people get married. I don't think that any of that really matters because Republicans and Democrats are the same. They don't give a fuck about you and I, they have a group of people that they have to answer to. That is why the gridlock in Washington is acceptable. It doesn't matter. Sure as hell though, as soon as they can blame the other side, they will.

The best thing that we, as human beings, can do is to wake up every morning, try to not be a complete shithead, and go about our business. We can't stop the political machine, because it is going to keep churning until it destroys itself. Either way it's going to take us with it. The people in power want change, they will get change. Until that time, we are going to tear each other apart because they want us as divided as possible.

One bit of credit that I will give to Liberals, at least they have a message. Pretty much the Conservatives just say "Yeah, the opposite of that!" anytime they gets asked a question. I wish they would just stop pretending to be different. Tell us we are going to a One World Government, so we can get on with our lives. I got beer to drink and work in the morning. I don't got time for this shit.

I think that may have been long winded. I'll read it tomorrow and wonder what the hell I was thinking, but I think I just solved all of the world's problems, 15 minutes before bed time.

He should be drunk alot more !!!!!!!!! O:)

But you know what they say, give a man/lady a drink and you will see who he/she really is.  Alcohol is the truth serum

Thats some farking deep thinking shit he just spewed out :bow:

He should be drunk alot more !!!!!!!!! O:)

But you know what they say, give a man/lady a drink and you will see who he/she really is. Alcohol is the truth serum

Thats some farking deep thinking shit he just spewed out :bow:
Sorry I'm an ass to you sometimes. We may not agree on all political things, but the fact is we are both people. We both go to work every day, we both come here because we like video games. It's our jobs to wake up in the morning and do the right thing. I would say that we have a lot more things in common, than we don't.

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I have finally accepted the fact that this is how the world works, and I don't think it can be changed. As long as each and every one of us gets the opportunity to live and enjoy our lives to the fullest extent, without the government or anyone else telling us what we can or can't do on a daily basis, I am OK with it. I don't mean by running around and breaking laws and chaos, but I mean living like people should.

It's like we broke the internet, lol. I don't know where we go from here.
Sorry dude.

Do you think if I should make a post about some crazy ass conspiracy theory and see if we can get it jump started? I can't get on the Reptilian bandwagon, but I can always throw some Illuminati stuff out there.

I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but vaccines would be a pretty good way to infect/inject if a government wanted to.

All that said, vaccines is the one issue where stupid liberals and republicans have found some common ground.  Stupid liberals overthought the whole thing, read and believed some made up studies and a blonde who was trying to figure out why her son had autism.  Republicans on the other hand like to pretend their all for personal freedom.  So then you have a whole bunch of hipsters with infected babies and a whole bunch of hicks telling them they have the right to infect their babies.  

I'm not really into conspiracy theories, but vaccines would be a pretty good way to infect/inject if a government wanted to.

All that said, vaccines is the one issue where stupid liberals and republicans have found some common ground. Stupid liberals overthought the whole thing, read and believed some made up studies and a blonde who was trying to figure out why her son had autism. Republicans on the other hand like to pretend their all for personal freedom. So then you have a whole bunch of hipsters with infected babies and a whole bunch of hicks telling them they have the right to infect their babies.
Hey, you're not allowed to post in this thread, I broke it. :)

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