Evil Dead II Blu-Ray $5.99, FSSS

Awesome price on my favorite horror movie of all time.

FWIW the 25th anniv is 10.99 (7.99 at best buy) and has some amazing features.
[quote name='plus1zero']Awesome price on my favorite horror movie of all time.

FWIW the 25th anniv is 10.99 (7.99 at best buy) and has some amazing features.[/QUOTE]

Actually Best Buy had it at 7.99 last week, i just went in yesterday and the price was dropped to 5.99 so i got my price adjusted.
The 25th anniversary edition was $5.99 on amazon like 2 days ago, not sure why they increased it since they usually match BB's deals throughout the week.
Maybe the price increase was due to demand, I just dont know

I really am trying to understand why the following for this movie is so big. I had a room mate in college who loved the Evil Dead franchise and while I thought it was okay I just never really understood why it was so popular. I'm not saying it was bad I was just wondering why it appeals to so many
[quote name='plus1zero']FWIW the 25th anniv is 10.99 (7.99 at best buy) and has some amazing features.[/QUOTE]

It also has a new encode that is supposedly significantly better than the one on this release (I haven't seen them both personally to be able to compare, just going by what I've read). I'd skip this version and get the 25th anniversary one, even if it is a few dollars more.
[quote name='GBAstar']Guys,

I really am trying to understand why the following for this movie is so big. I had a room mate in college who loved the Evil Dead franchise and while I thought it was okay I just never really understood why it was so popular. I'm not saying it was bad I was just wondering why it appeals to so many[/QUOTE]

If you have to ask, you'll never know!
[quote name='irc_email']If you have to ask, you'll never know![/QUOTE]

Okay good answer. I just figured it was a "Other people liked it so I do" type thing. I mean I would imagine that the majority on this site are too young to have seen it when it was initially released so odds are it was a favorite that was passed down.
Could be they first saw Evil Dead on the sci-fi channel, that's where I first saw it. Or it could be they were exposed to the awesomeness of Bruce Campbell when the Adventures Of Brisco County Jr. aired on network, and then later in saturday morning syndication on TNT and then looked backward at his previous works.

The first time most people likely saw it is when it was released on VHS in the 90s by Anchorbay and then it spread through word of mouth.

After ED1, people want to see Evil Dead 2, except this time there is a conscious stream of black comedy to match the gore and up the enjoyability.
[quote name='GBAstar']Guys,

I really am trying to understand why the following for this movie is so big. I had a room mate in college who loved the Evil Dead franchise and while I thought it was okay I just never really understood why it was so popular. I'm not saying it was bad I was just wondering why it appeals to so many[/QUOTE]

There is no answer to this question. You just have to like it. Evil Dead 2 is in my top 10 favorite movies, maybe top 5. It's funny, scary, silly, gory, slapstick and gruesome all at the same time. And Bruce Campbell is the biggest and coolest badass of all time.
[quote name='Ravenous']Damnit, I just got that on amazon for $7.99 as filler and they just shipped it yesterday. How do we report this to see if theyll match?[/QUOTE]

If they've already shipped, you're not likely to get a match out of them at this point.
It's a shame BB is OOS for shipping. After comparing the two releases it looks like the 25th Anniv. version has a better video transfer and (just as importantly) the Swallowed Souls: The Making Of EDII Documentary.
[quote name='guardian_owl']Could be they first saw Evil Dead on the sci-fi channel, that's where I first saw it. Or it could be they were exposed to the awesomeness of Bruce Campbell when the Adventures Of Brisco County Jr. aired on network, and then later in saturday morning syndication on TNT and then looked backward at his previous works.

The first time most people likely saw it is when it was released on VHS in the 90s by Anchorbay and then it spread through word of mouth.

After ED1, people want to see Evil Dead 2, except this time there is a conscious stream of black comedy to match the gore and up the enjoyability.[/QUOTE]
I remember my dad had it on VHS. I would always sneak it out at night. So it does have that 'i shouldn't be watching this but I am' nostalgia to it for me. Right up there with the xxx VHS's I would also sneak out
The version in the OP dropped another few cents to 5.73. I'd probably spend the extra pennies and get the newer version though.
It's definitely worth it to get the 25th anniversary edition, all carried over special features + a new 90 minute documentary and a much improved transfer over the anchor bay release.
i have the anchor bay one and saw this one was 5.99 and considered it. The blu-ray.com review for both was 3.5 video so didn't bother.
Dammit. Was going to pick it up at BB at lunch today after checking availablity yesterday and seeing a few stores having it, but as of this morning there are none available at ANY store nearby. Oh well, you snooze you lose dickhead. I guess.
Deepdiscount is having a B1G1Free sale right now, Evil Dead 2 25th Anniv. BD is included.

I picked up ED2-25th + Amelie BD for $14.51 shipped.

You can also pair it with the likes of Memento, Jacob's Ladder, Cujo, Frailty, Gangs of New York, and other similarly-priced BDs.

Speaking of Amelie, who do I have to raise from the dead to finally get The City Of Lost Children on BD???
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