F*ck you Nintendo!

Sanosuke Sagara

7 (100%)
Oh man, I was so close; so freakin close! I was gonna buy a ds lite at luanch but nintendo had to go and fuck it all up. A black ds lite, but only in europe? You can go to hell! I could live without that gay blue and navy blue, but black? NOT happening. Until you come out with a black one in the u.s., you just lost your $129.99 bitches!
[quote name='Sanosuke Sagara']Until you come out with a black one in the u.s., you just lost your $129.99 bitches![/quote]

Like they care about something as insignificant as YOUR $130. Get over yourself.
[quote name='Sanosuke Sagara']Until you come out with a black one in the u.s., you just lost your $129.99 bitches![/QUOTE]

Way to miss out on countless hours of awesome gaming over a superficial detail. Go buy a PSP and be sure to tell us all how awesome and innovative their games are.
My guess is they are going to launch a whole bunch of colors for the DS lite when they launch the Revolution.

I meant Wii. Didn't even realize I called it Revolution earlier.
I gotta admit I'm a little disappointed at the US launch treatment from Nintendo for one of their consoles, YET AGAIN. 1 flipping color? Granted, white would be my runner-up to black anyway but still, I'd prefer black.
[quote name='Vegan']Man if you can't even figure out how to get a DS Lite from Britain...[/QUOTE]

Personally, I'm using store credit to pay for mine and I'm pretty sure gamestop's store credit isn't international.
[quote name='Sanosuke Sagara']Until you come out with a black one in the u.s., you just lost your $129.99 bitches![/QUOTE]

Does Nintendo give a shit?

I hate gay blue. How in the hell does Nintendo expect me to support a blue that has sex with other blues of the same gender?
[quote name='TimPV3']I hate gay blue. How in the hell does Nintendo expect me to support a blue that has sex with other blues of the same gender?[/quote]
You can not tell me you don't want to sleep with this



Those sexy, sexy curves.
I say, grow up.

No matter what color you get, it's stil the same DS, plays the same games, and is just as fun. It's an f'in game system for cripes sake.

I would get Black if it was available, but oh frickin well. I'll live with white.
[quote name='Ultimate Matt X']I'm waiting for homophobe pink myself. :)[/quote]

If they had a pink one, I would have bought it. Eh, white is good enough for me. I'm addicted to this thing too BTW. In the month or so I've had it I've already bought nearly $400 worth of games and accessories for it.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']Personally, I'm using store credit to pay for mine and I'm pretty sure gamestop's store credit isn't international.[/quote]

Use it on $130 worth of DS games. I could do that right now, easily, if only I had the money.
Is it more gay to complain about the color of a system, or more gay to buy a system in a particular color so it'll match one of your "outfits".

Get over yourself.
[quote name='clockworkgreen']Is it more gay to complain about the color of a system, or more gay to buy a system in a particular color so it'll match one of your "outfits".

Get over yourself.[/quote]

Hell, I'm happy enough that we're getting it for $130. I don't mind the white, matched da Ipod, so trendy I be.
I kinda prefer black (to match my ipod and psp) but i believe the white one would be better for my wife to try to play it, then i may get a black (or red) later once they release it here... so i'll prabably get the white one.. can't wait :)
Well so long as we are feeding the troll, I'm going to happily take the white because if the black iPods have taught me anything its that dark enamel colors love to scratch.

Also, Bitches.

That is all.
So I have to just ask this....

Did the OP expect everyone to join in on his half assed boycott? Or was this done as an attempt to be wicked cool?
[quote name='terribledeli']So I have to just ask this....

Did the OP expect everyone to join in on his half assed boycott? Or was this done as an attempt to be wicked cool?[/QUOTE]

I dunno. Sometimes I don't think you can win no matter what you do. But being pissed over a color?
[quote name='Sanosuke Sagara']It's called a rant folks. And yes, I did expect some supporters. Where the fuck are you? Black Power![/QUOTE]

Oh my. I hate to paraphrase one of those miserable "blue collar" comedians, but I suppose I must.

'Next time you have a thought...just let it go.'
"In other news, corporate business today was brought to its knees by one man wanting a black handheld videogame. Millions everywhere are up in arms, refusing to buy McDonalds, and realizing that they have become a nation of livestock meant only to feed the dual monsters of bureaucratic government and capitalism. "

Thanks douche bag, now I'll never get to play with my Wii...
Take it from one who owns a dark (navy blue) DS Lite, that is as close to black as you can get right now. It looks black for about 5 seconds after you finish polishing it. Then, it looks like black had an orgy with fingerprints. Maybe you'll be cool with black, but it'll never look as good as the photos make it out.
[quote name='Sanosuke Sagara']It's called a rant folks. And yes, I did expect some supporters. Where the fuck are you? Black Power![/QUOTE]

Rant? Hardly. More like verbal diarrhea.

If you wanted more support, you could have provided some information. Perhaps citing US sales of the DS against those in Europe, trying to prove that a US audience is a little more deserving of the color. Or even maybe getting some numbers showing that the black iPod nano sells much more than the white version?

Instead, you liken a color to a sexual preference.
I'll join you Sanosuke Sagara. I've had enough of Nintendo. DOESN'T ANYONE GIVE A fuck ABOUT THE RULES ANYMORE?! THIS ISN'T NAM! THIS IS LEAGUE PLAY SMOKEY! mark it dude.
[quote name='troa11']Take it from one who owns a dark (navy blue) DS Lite, that is as close to black as you can get right now. It looks black for about 5 seconds after you finish polishing it. Then, it looks like black had an orgy with fingerprints. Maybe you'll be cool with black, but it'll never look as good as the photos make it out.[/QUOTE]

The OP wears white gloves like Rayman all the time. So this doesn't apply to him.
I wanted a navy blue or black one too but then I realized the problem with black. The PSP looks hot when it's clean and the black DSL does too. The thing is, I don't really use my PSP so it's easy to keep clean.;)
sorry but color does matter would u drive around a hot pink car?

Maybe some people dont wanna walk around with a girlish blue ds.
I was going to wait for the black lite too.. but the testimonials about fingerprints and my itching, burning desire for new nintendo hardware may make me give in and pick up a white ds lite.
[quote name='Sanosuke Sagara']I could live without that gay blue and navy blue, but black? [/QUOTE]
So basically, you hate gays AND you're racist towards the Blue Man Group. Well then, it seems that we are at a disagreement, I'm sure you all know what this means, the only way a CAGer can solve disputes... DANCE FIGHT!!! WOO!!!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to find the Blue Man Group to take my place in this dance fight.
[quote name='Skelah']sorry but color does matter would u drive around a hot pink car?

Maybe some people dont wanna walk around with a girlish blue ds.[/QUOTE]
That's not the point. It'a launching in white over here.

Personally, I'd be more upset that the Navy isn't comming over here than the black. While I'd like to compare the two side-by-side, I think I'd still prefer the navy over the black, even thought black would've been my first choice to import from Japan.

Navy rules all--but if any color prevents you from owning arguably the best game system ever created, you're just pretty stupid.
[quote name='Pratt75']Are you serious? This should get a cheapy for worst thread ever.[/QUOTE]

i want it in BLACKWATCH PLAID!


remember back in the day when you got your SNES and it was fucking ugly but you could give a flying fuck what the hell it looked like - sure it looked like a goddamn space toaster for crustin' hotdog buns but WHATEVER - SFII fucking rocked my world...
bread's done