F.E.A.R. + the two expansions for $9.99 on Steam!

I just saw this on Steam. The listing is kind of misleading if you don't look at the full description. Normally they list a game and each expansion separately or they add complete to the name, so I didn't realize that it came with all the expansions. Good deal for $10, but I'll probably wait for a good sale since I already own these on disc. The AI in FEAR is still amazing, it makes for a much more dynamic firefight in an otherwise linear game as opposed to the shooting gallery of many other FPS's.

It's funny, if they listed a game for $1, I'd wait until it was on sale for $0.50.
[quote name='msdmoney']I just saw this on Steam. The listing is kind of misleading if you don't look at the full description. Normally they list a game and each expansion separately or they add complete to the name, so I didn't realize that it came with all the expansions. Good deal for $10, but I'll probably wait for a good sale since I already own these on disc.

It's funny, if they listed a game for $1, I'd wait until it was on sale for $0.50.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, that confused me at first since I would have expected them to sell the expansions at $5 or something along with the $10 for the main game.

BTW, it's a 17GB download for anyone interested.
[quote name='xGunCrazyx']Think I'll wait for the eventual sale. Hoping they might do a deal with FEAR 1 and 2[/QUOTE]

That'd be nice, but I already have FEAR2 :pc: on Steam from the Target clearance, so a FEARful pack wouldn't help me much. :p
Loved the first fear. The AI and scares were better in it IMO. The only problem with the game was that it should have been called F.E.A.R. - Office Assault.
Great price, I was looking for the Fear Plat collection awhile back but found out it was OOP for some reason. I actually then found a cheap copy of Fear Files for the 360 but would actually rather play them on the PC.

But like everyone else, my backlog is too huge to pay full price even at 10 bucks. I can wait the 7 months till xmas to get it durring the inevitable xmas sale.
Hey guys, it's $10 for an awesome game and two expansions that may or may not be awesome. Stop your whining.

For the record, I liked Perseus Mandate a lot. I have Extraction Point, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
oooo this makes me happy, I have yet to play Fear or fear 2 (I know, I'm way behind) Waiting for a pack or sale. I want to play this badly. :)
I played FEAR 2 first and it was amazing. I JUST bought Fear 1 and the expansion disc for Xbox 360 in Gohastings sale they did a week or so back for around $12 total. >.< I should have waited. I could have had it cheaper and on PC. :(
Oh well.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Hey guys, it's $10 for an awesome game and two expansions that may or may not be awesome. Stop your whining.

For the record, I liked Perseus Mandate a lot. I have Extraction Point, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.[/QUOTE]

Yep, I liked Perseus Mandate too. I found it for around 5 bucks a while back. I thought it would be bad based on some of the reviews from people, but I actually enjoyed it too. It seems to have a small community of people playing the multiplayer too. Had fun with that as well.
Wow that isn't even the sale price.

Most people probably aren't getting this for the multiplayer, but the multiplayer portion (called F.E.A.R. Combat) is free. I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's the same as the retail version's multiplayer.
Might just jump on this. Haven't played Fear in a long while and never did pick up the expansions, and $10 for the whole shebang seems pretty reasonable.
They aren't really expansions, they are standalone spinoffs that were developed by a second studio without Monolith's permission (there was a long legal battle) and their story is not considered canon by Monolith. Personally, no interest in them. I am also worried for FEAR 3 because it's not being developed by Monolith either, so I wonder whether it will suck... :(
Seems like a pretty good deal with all the expansions and I'm interested to play since I've never played any of the Fear games. Like most I'll wait for a sale though, too much backlog and I try not to buy any games full price on Steam.
Wow, really good price. But I've already played and beaten it twice, so I'm not in a huge hurry to play it again. But I will pick it up the first time it goes on sale.
FEAR Gold was the first game I bought when I finally got a gaming PC three years ago. I actually enjoyed XP more than the main game.
[quote name='Chuplayer']Hey guys, it's $10 for an awesome game and two expansions that may or may not be awesome. Stop your whining.

For the record, I liked Perseus Mandate a lot. I have Extraction Point, but I haven't gotten around to playing it yet.[/QUOTE]

Whining? I haven't seen anyone whining in this thread, except maybe you about the non-existent whining. Why would you pay full price for anything that you aren't going to have time to use before it inevitably goes on sale (which is almost guaranteed for a game on Steam) and there is no chance of it going out of print?

There are just too many games to play right now, and have been for quite some time, to waste money on old games that you don't have time to play and will definitely be cheaper before you do.
[quote name='hpv']Whining? I haven't seen anyone whining in this thread, except maybe you about the non-existent whining. Why would you pay full price for anything that you aren't going to have time to use before it inevitably goes on sale (which is almost guaranteed for a game on Steam) and there is no chance of it going out of print?[/QUOTE]

It's an awesome price for an awesome amount of content, and people are still saying it's too much. I don't care if you've got a backlog or not. This is a tiny fraction of what I paid for the disc versions last year.
[quote name='Chuplayer']It's an awesome price for an awesome amount of content, and people are still saying it's too much. I don't care if you've got a backlog or not. This is a tiny fraction of what I paid for the disc versions last year.[/QUOTE]

This is a great price for what you are getting. Definitely should not be missed if anyone has yet to try this excellent game. I've personally never tried the expansion packs that are included, but I'm heavily contemplating on picking this up for them and for a Steam copy of the original for convenience.

Thanks OP.
Glad to help. :)

I'm trying to get as many games consolidated on to Steam as possible so I don't have to go digging for CDs and DVDs to install and play them. :)
[quote name='Chuplayer']It's an awesome price for an awesome amount of content, and people are still saying it's too much. I don't care if you've got a backlog or not. This is a tiny fraction of what I paid for the disc versions last year.[/QUOTE]

So you're whining because people don't want to pay more than they have to for something that they aren't going to use before it will DEFINITELY be on sale, all because you paid way more last year?

Please, shut the fuck up. No one (not one, I've read the entire thread TWICE) has said this is "too much." A few people said they'd wait for a sale, entirely understandable since this is Steam and if they've waited this long to buy FEAR they can wait a little bit longer. But the majority of people commenting on the price have said that it's a great price and those who don't already own it have said that they will wait for a sale anyway because they have too much shit to play now, most likely because they're not stupid enough to throw away money on things that are entirely worthless to them now.

Now move along, you've dug your clown hole deep enough for one day.
Back at the very end of my pirating days I played FEAR. It was awesome. Now I want to buy it because a) it's awesome, b) I feel bad for pirating it back in the day, but I don't want to buy it because a) It was actually pretty frightening. Do I want to put myself through that again? And b) I know it'll go on sale in two months.

;_; what do I do?
It depends on how badly you want to play the game. Many people buy games when they release at $59.99 MSRP. Others, like myself, wait for an inevitable sale, since most games decrease in value. (They do so horribly quickly these days.)

Ask yourself, can I wait "two months" for it to go on sale?
I'll wait for it to go on sale too, though $10 is certainly a great price. My Steam backlog is more than 50 games, so I'm in no rush. Sorry Chuplayer.
[quote name='dabamus']Glad to help. :)

I'm trying to get as many games consolidated on to Steam as possible so I don't have to go digging for CDs and DVDs to install and play them. :)[/QUOTE]

All you need to do is use NOCD cracks. No need to look for your CD/DVD's and no need to rebuy games. ;)
[quote name='mogamer']All you need to do is use NOCD cracks. No need to look for your CD/DVD's and no need to rebuy games. ;)[/QUOTE]

Yes, I know that. This still simplifies the process. :p
In for the original and the two expansions that come with it!
can't wait to play these out

thanks OP!
This is an awesome price. I just got around to playing through Half-Life 2, so when I'm done with that, I'll probably pick this up.
I want to get this, but I just know they will do a Total F.E.A.R. package of some sort in the future.
bread's done