F U Target Nazi Scum!


25 (100%)
I just had a run in with the Target Nazis at the Livonia. MI store.

Yesterday I got a raincheck for Wario Ware(GBA) on sale for 19.99, and used it to get 34% off Mace griffin($7 after discount) and Auto Modellista($10 after discount). I went back there today and was told to wait while the electronics clerk checked with someone named Joe. She then told me they don't give rainchecks on "Temporary price cut" merchandise, only on "sale" merchandise. Then I asked the proverbial rhetorical question to the local idiot:
Isn't the definition of a sale a temporary price cut?

to which I got the reply:
I've been with target since 1991 and we've never given rainchecks for temporary price cut merchandise

Of course my response was "If you knew this before hand then why did you have to pick up the red phone and whisper into it?" which brought the standard reply, "I don't make the rules, corporate does!" To which I said," No, the person you just talked to made that rule, who is he?". She told me his name and I went to the Service counter to locate him but he was "unavailable".

So much for the raincheck policy at Target. Nowhere did it say NO RAINCHECKS on the merchandise price sign. I realize they have the right to do whatever they want, but I've never had this problem before. Can anyone tell me if this is really company policy, or just a bunch of bunk?
Well, I have never worked for Target, but I do believe that has always been their policy. Rainchecks are given for "sale" items, but "temporary price cuts" are treated differently. A "sale" will generally last a week, I believe the "temporary price cuts" last longer. I wouldn't sweat it, just wait for a good "sale".
I'm a little confused. How did you use a raincheck for one game to get a discount on 2 different games? I want an Automodellista for $10.:)
You know, there's still a difference between someone who's rude - even verbally abusive - and someone who wants to kill everybody of a different race.
Ive tried to get rainchecks on some furniture once, no go on price checks. But hey, Im not about to bash target for making it a little hard to take advantage of their loophole.
You can get rainchecks for PRICE CUTS, but the rainchecks offer 0% off. It is not a sale. therefore you raincheck-hunters won't find what you're looking for.

it is people like you that make such an obnoxious fuss trying to force stores to honor the raincheck-scam/loophole policy when the whole concept of what you're trying to do is very-shady at best, not illegal, not unethical, but definitely not defensible.

you know exactly what you are up to and no one has a right to judge your actions, but stupidity will lead to the end of target's policy if you don't learn to walk away and come back another day.

and you think they're NAZIs for trying to prevent their store from being scammed. yeah, right. idiotic.

I'm not against your actions, just your attitude. there are plenty of people here who do exactly what you do, and if they don't get what they want, they are smart and come back later, try another day or try another target, until someone gives them the raincheck they want. the other CAGers will get pissed off at you because if you keep confronting management or questioning their actions they will contact corporate and with 1 call possibly end the raincheck policy allowing you to use the rc for any other item than the product mentioned in it.

so learn to keep your cool. and try again later. don't get your mommy to do it for you, like someone else here did, and don't "explain the scam" to management like another CAGer did. and in this instance, you were in the wrong. price drops are not sales.
I'm not trying to condemn you, just wake you up.

don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
don't bite the hand that feeds you.

blah blah blah, you get the point.

I'm not defending him, but if you get a raincheck for a temp price cut it will list the percentage off & it's not 0%. I got 41% off Mario Golf for a temp price cut & expect to do the same for Soul Calibur 2.
Strange thing: The sign was gone for the game and when the person was scanning the price it came out to be $49.99, but i knew the deal would last another few days.

However when I asked for another raincheck, they entered "9801 + item #" & the price came out as $29.99. So I'm guessing rainchecks are good until the day they end even if the price doesn't show up when they scan it.

In the most extreme scenario: I got a raincheck for Lost Kingdoms 2 (game on clearance) marked down from $6.98 to 1 cent for a 100% discount. I won't be using this coupon at anytime haha cuz that's just too risky & dumb.
Mr. Rhee is 100% correct. There are a growing number of people on this board that need to stop fucking whining when they have bad luck on a particular (and sometimes borderline shady) deal. Everybody here has success on some deals, and many times failure. Oh well, you aren't out anything, they aren't taking money out of your wallet...worth a try, right? Take it like a man, and wait for the next deal. Don't just come here and say store X sucks because you didn't get the deal.

The only time I have been legitimately upset with a retailer so far was on the Best Buy $5 Platinum Hits deal, and only since they did something so illegal in charging me out the ass for the games days after the transaction. You can read about that in the relevant thread. I got it resolved through my credit card company, and I still shop at Best Buy, shit, they've got some good deals sometimes.
[quote name='secretvampire']There are a growing number of people on this board that need to stop fucking whining when they have bad luck on a particular (and sometimes borderline shady) deal. [/quote]

Hey, you and Mr. Rhee (whom I respect greatly) need to chill. Yes, I think they're freaking Nazis for LYING to me. I got a raincheck for the same deal the day before from a regular in electronics and the receipt said :
SUBSTITUTION: use this raincheck to receive the same discount 34% off another item in the same catagory- i.e., a Toy for a Toy, A DVD for a DVD, etc.
Then the very next day a different clerk has a 'secret' conversation with someone on the red phone and denies me the raincheck. Then tries to blow me off by saying corporate makes the rules, not me. This is a flat out lie. Store managers and department managers have a wide discression in transgressions to company policy as evidenced by the fact that I received a raincheck for the same merchandise the day before. There's nothing 'borderline shady' about this. They clearly state their offer of discount on the raincheck.

Target has the right to do whatever they feel like, it's their store, not mine. However, having obtained rainchecks for "temporary price cuts" items in the past, not to mention the previous day, and then to be told they never do it and it's corporate policy irks me because I know full well the man at the other end of the red phone just made the decision to deny me, not some printed page in a rule book somewhere.

I was merely curious to find out if this is actually Target company policy while venting a little frustration. If you think it's whining, then just remember: opinions are like assholes![/quote]
it is people like you that make such an obnoxious fuss trying to force stores to honor the raincheck-scam/loophole policy when the whole concept of what you're trying to do is very-shady at best, not illegal, not unethical, but definitely not defensible.

Sorry Mr. R but I really have to take issue with this. It is NOT a loophole, i's not a scam, and it is far from shady by any means. It's Target's policy to allow a customer to substitute an item for the same discount when they are out of stock of another sale item. Target expects me to abide by their rules when returning merchandise, shouldn't they abide by their own rules in letting people obtain merchandise? Consistency may hobgobble a small mind, but it also sows seeds for fairness in trade.

My problem is that I see no difference in a 'sale' and a 'temporary price cut' and neither does the Target main computer. They are for all practical purposes, the same thing. The fact that they are catagorized differently by the store employees is irrelevent because the computer will dutifully print a raincheck offering the discounted 'sale' price until a certain date, or on another item.
I don't know if people realize this or not, but just to make you aware: Most games have a profit margin of between $3 and $7 max. Stores make almost nothing on them. I didn't believe it until I saw the invoices.

So, just as an FYI, if you think a store is just making "less money" when you use a loophole to get $10 off a game you want really bad, you are wrong. They are losing money.

I'm not going to argue with you on this point, except to say that it is pretty obvious that this is not Target's intent (the loophole). You want to be a stickler and hold them to the specifics of the fine print go ahead, but the next time you find yourself arguing with your girlfriend and wanting to say "You know that's not what I meant" just keep your mouth shut because you've already given up your right.

Right is right, and wrong is wrong, whether you do it to a homeless kid with no parents or a giant corporation that may or may not ever notice.
Yes, Target does suck. I think they make up the rules as they go. I tried to get them to price match a game the CC had on sale and was told they do not price match. CC is next door btw. I have not attempted the 'rain check' strategy... mainly because I hate going in that store. Its run by a bunch of idiots and don't want to spend my money there.
The no price match policy just started a few months ago, I found out through my mom who works for the company. A fun side note to my mom working there however is that I get a 10% discount on anything so needless to say I buy most of my stuff(video games, movies, etc.) there and will continue to do so despite some/most of their policies I dislike, particularly returns/exchanges.
STFU. Plain and simple. I worked for the company for 4 years, and no it's not supposed to happen. If the guest gets particularly bitchy, then yes they can have one but not as a rule. Advertised merchandise only. No price matches since last November I believe.
There are people on CAG that go to Target, look for sales in the PC game section, hide the remaining games and then ask for a raincheck on the game, in order to use the raincheck on console video games. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. When it doesn't work, they come to CAG to bitch.

bmulligan, you said that you went there two days in a row and tried to get the same deal. 1st day worked, next day didn't. maybe, just maybe, you were responsible for your local Target keeping a watchful eye.

maybe, the clerk that gave you the deal the 1st day, got in trouble, or reprimanded, or warned to watch out for this person when they come back. and watch out for others. learn to keep your cool when you're denied and/or spread out your visits. maybe your target will now deny other CAGers the same loophole because you got too greedy. greedy's not the right word, but perhaps you'll understand what I'm saying.

as I've said before, this is Cheap Ass Gamer, not Dumb Ass Gamer.

Think about the BestBuy $5 Platinum Deal. Many people got a few $5 games, but when a few greedy people placed orders for 3 of each Platinum, then created new accounts to do it again and again and again, BB pulled the plug and the deal died.

Not recommended, but if you're going to rob a bank, don't come back the next day to try it again. Wait a while or go to another location. simple concept to grasp, but most people may not see how this applies to the target raincheck loophole and other similar deals.

if you do go back the next day and they stop you, don't confront them because you will make them more aware of what's going on. you will kill the deal. Target killed the Pricematch policy because it was severely abused. they will not even pricematch other targets and not even their own store's previous prices. 10+ targets in my marketplace and they do not even pricematch whatsoever. corp will learn about the loophole and kill it.

and yes, you're right: opinions are like assholes.

but remember this: some stink and some don't.

take advantage of as many deals/loopholes as you want to, that's great. I partake of many deals, offers, coupons, whatever... but I don't complain when it doesn't work.


time to find more deals.

[quote name='Mr Rhee']Not recommended, but if you're going to rob a bank, don't come back the next day to try it again. [/quote]

You keep liking the raincheck deal to stealing, robbing, or cheating, which it is not. It is not a loophole either. I received the raincheck on one day so I assumed there would be no problem the next.

you know, the holier-than-thou attitude is just as contemptible and annoying as the whining.
Nazi: A member of the National Socialist German Workers' Party, founded in Germany in 1919 and brought to power in 1933 under Adolf Hitler.

Therefore, Target employees are NOT Nazis.

Dude...learn to f'ing deal. Things don't always work out in your favor in life. You're trying to take advantage of something that's against store policy...you don't have any right to be upset when they won't let you.

It's people like you that screw over the rest of us.
Dude...learn to f'ing deal. Things don't always work out in your favor in life. You're trying to take advantage of something that's against store policy...you don't have any right to be upset when they won't let you.

I guess gothic_walrus has never had any fun with hyperbole. You should look it up after you make sure you got the definition of Nazi typed in correctly, because I'm sure an anal-retentive compulsive person like yourself will always double check. Better yet, look up facetiousness while you're at it 'cause you don't seem to recognize that either.

Man, some of you people are too full of hate. You need to take out some aggression on a FPS and call your doctor. Nobody's F-ing it up for the rest of you or trying to screw you over. Sorry, I guess you do know how to exaggeratie for emphasis after all!!
I guess gothic_walrus has never had any fun with hyperbole.
Yep, except he doesn't seem to have a problem with empathy. There are holocost survivors and thier relatives who still consider this a sensitive issue. The fact that you take it so lightly to throw the term around to discribe people who actually adhere to rules is disconcerting at best.

You should look it up after you make sure you got the definition of Nazi typed in correctly, because I'm sure an anal-retentive compulsive person like yourself will always double check. Better yet, look up facetiousness while you're at it 'cause you don't seem to recognize that either.
Facetious or not, it's still in bad taste. That's what they've been trying to tell you.

Man, some of you people are too full of hate.

Actually, some of us are to full of compassion and empathy. We find it distasteful to throw out such comparisons.

You need to take out some aggression on a FPS and call your doctor. Nobody's F-ing it up for the rest of you or trying to screw you over.

I could care less what you do. What you're doing isn't outside the law, nor is it immoral. But the whining you've done about it is in bad taste. That's the only issue I have.
[quote name='Mr. Rhee']
and yes, you're right: opinions are like assholes.

but remember this: some stink and some don't.
How many non-stinking assholes have you come across?
There are holocost survivors and thier relatives who still consider this a sensitive issue. The fact that you take it so lightly to throw the term around to discribe people who actually adhere to rules is disconcerting at best.

HEY! Johnny-not-so-Swift- It's called using hyperbole purposefully for the sake of humor or jest. If you think I meant it as a literal comparison, then perhaps you should revisit your highschool english teacher and have her hold hands with you while reading up some 17th century examples of satire. And please don't give me any liberal-feel-good-don't-offend-anyone lip. You just offended me, so your piousness is built on a mud foundation.

Thanks to the people who have explained to me that Target's policy is NOT to give rainchecks for 'price drop' merchandise. I did not know this. Any rational person who got a raincheck in the past for such merchandise could reasonably assume that they were being lied to in a similar situation to my own.

Apologies to the Nazis, Jews, and assholes I may have offended. Now would someone please lock this thread? The ones who keep their assholes consistantly cleaner than the rest of us are sh*tting all over the place.
Just because something is said in jest does not make it any less hurtful.

Attack me if you must, say whatever harsh words you feel you must.
Since this is by nature a temporary medium, vent your anger if you have to, as it will likely be forgotten in the course of the next few weeks.
It was not meant as an attack on you. Only as a retort to the implication that I not empathertic to the Jewish plight, or that any flippant remark about Nazis is insulting to the Jewish people as a whole. Surely you can't speak for the entire Jewish culture and sit in judgement of any intentionally overstated comparison between Nazis and Target employees as being 'hurtful' to Jews, can you? Wait, I guess you already have...... your name isn't Moses, is it? No, I doubt it.

I also doubt that any jew would be stupid enough not to acknowledge the obvious use of exaggeration to illustrate a point and would in no way infer that my irk of one target pissant could actually compare to the systematic slaughter of their entire race. Such a man would cease to be a man because his sensitivity level would obviously be in a super-heightened state comparable to a schizophrenic, a severely mentally deranged individual, or a member of a super-race of aliens able to recieve low energy thought transmissions over long distances. My guess is the latter of the three, but I could be wrong.

Please forgive my comparisons of you to schizophrenics and the mentally ill, I wouldn't want to insult them either.
thanks for flamewar 101, back to the cheapass deals :)

We just need to remember we're all friends, here, one big cheapass family.
bread's done