F.Y.E. massive STORE CLOSINGS: Cash in those store credit slips ASAP!!!


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Hi everone,

Well you knew it had to happen sooner or later. How can any store give you $27 for a game like Lotus Extreme Challenge, $26 for Room Zoom and countless other outrageous deals and survive?

Well, they don't. Not for long, anyway.

I recently bought some games for $9 which fetch $20+ at FYE and headed down to my local store to trade them in for obscene amounts of credit (like I diid during the TRU $5 sale...got $575 in store credit from FYE for about $40 in purchases).

Well, the manager at the store tells me they aren't taking trades because the store is CLOSING. All games are 20% off, so I make the most of it and snag Mech Assault 2 for $40.

Then I head down to another FYE about 30 miles away at another mall and....guess what..they've already closed down permanently (was there about 4 weeks earlier and had no clue).

I finally find another FYE subsidiary store (different name, same company) and the manager tells me FYE is CLOSING more than 2/3 of ALL its stores nationwide.

I told him about all my good deals they've given me in the past and, being a gamer, he had a pretty good laugh and couldn't believe how much I scored in credit from the TRU sale. Even acknowledged himself it's probably why they're going under.

Another FYE in the area closed down about four months ago, so these closings were not really unforseen. However, I had absolutely no idea it would be on this large of a scale.

Just wanted to give anyone with outstanding credit at FYE (and I know there are a TON of fellow CAG like me who do) to scoop up what you can FAST while there's still a store near you. Too bad you can't swap the credit for gift cards...that way you'd still have the Web site to order from.

Not sure if the store closings will affect other stores owned by Transworld Entertainment (Coconuts, etc.) since we have none here and the manager wasn't sure, either.

A sad day for all of us CAGs for sure, but I think we all kinda KNEW it was coming given the insane trade-in prices. I mean, WTF, $26 for Room Zoom??? Games I traded in during the TRU sale were still seen sitting on the shelves at insane prices four months after I traded them in.

Hopefully this info gets out to everyone with FYE credit. If you know anyone, pass the word along as a common courtesy.

Really sucks because I was going to use a mass amount of my credit on the PlayStation Portable and some nice games for it when it hits later this year.

Not many big new releases, either, in the next few months so I'm left to pick up whatever old stuff they've got left.
Wow, that;s going to leave a big hole in my mall. Too bad I never bother to deal with the trade in's here.....always went to GameRush.
One FYE store (Record Town) recently closed down where I lived and the clearance, complete with a massive 'Everything Must Go' sign sucked. Games and DVDS were 20% off and I still ended up paying over $20 for an old Dragonball Z movie.

The best deal they had was 66% off all storage shelves and 25% off game accessories was cool.
In one of the malls by me, the FYE moved from prime location near one of the exits, to another smaller one inside the building (probably to save on rent) but maybe to get more traffic since we now have a "Mallmart". There are three within a 15 minute drive from my house, so I'm sure at least one of them will stay open. I've bought a couple games from them, but they weren't great deals (just hard to find games).
Guys, don't everyone go nuts over this news. I just called my local FYE in NYC and they're still open and taking game trade-ins. Obviously some stores will still be left. So, don't fly off the handle just yet :)
Is there an online list of the stores closing? I got pissed a few months ago and walked out/quit from the FYE I worked for, so this is somewhat good news! :evil:
I was in FYE over the weekend and was staggered by how high their prices were. I'm sorry to see them go since they did good trade-ins and buy-backs.

i luv it for many reasons
and i called my 2 closest seeing if the ds is in stock now which it hasnt for a while and both places had girls that answered that i could tell were shitting themselves when i asked if they were closing down since they haven't heard of it and asked where i heard this. i have 5 fye's within a close driving distance to me so i'm not worried.
Speaking as a former TWMC employee, they tend to close down stores with no advance warning to employees, especially those that are the run of the mill register monkeys. It's not until the district manager level that this information becomes known, and even then s/he may only choose to divulge it to select store managers.

I severly doubt that they'd be closing any significant percentage of their stores, possibly some consolidation, reorganization, or removal of store lines (like they basically did with The Wall, Camelot, and a few other of the smaller chains they ate up). They make quite a bit of money moving crap, and would have had a very profitable FY last year if it weren't for that price fixing lawsuit that they lost.

As long as there are malls, I've got the sneaking suspicion that FYE or some variant will stick around. They don't get people on price, they get them on the convienence of 1-stop shopping, that they won't have to leave the mall to pick up the latest CD. Personally I've got issues with the way they run things and the way the treat employees, but they're in it to profit, and that's the god they're living up to right now.
[quote name='josekortez']Is there an online list of the stores closing? I got pissed a few months ago and walked out/quit from the FYE I worked for, so this is somewhat good news! :evil:[/quote]

Is there a good story behind it? Or your did co-workers/manager just suck?
I just spoke to 2 stores in NJ and they heard nothing about closing and they still take videogames.

:::runs to the mall to pick up a couple copies of Room Zoom:::

2 successfull Room Zoom trade ins = Resident Evil 4 on Jan 11. :lol:
Alright, anyone here ever traded games into the store in NYC on 52nd and 6th? Someone here must have because they have 5 used copies of Motor Trend for Xbox and little else :) Well, the manager there was a total dick today and wouldn't take any of my games claiming he had tons of them already and didn't need them (which was b.s. because they had zero copies of Pro Race Driver and Room Zoom). I'm wondering if anyone here knows of a list that might have been sent around telling FYE not to take certain games? Or maybe something else? Anyway, I'm pretty steamed.
[quote name='rarebucky']I'm wondering if anyone here knows of a list that might have been sent around telling FYE not to take certain games? Or maybe something else? Anyway, I'm pretty steamed.[/quote]

I think so. Yesterday when I went to trade in some games the woman behind the counter pulled out a sheet and did a quick glance at the games I brought in.

And on that note, if any of you got Wing Commander Prophecy for a 'low' price at TRU you can trade it in to FYE for $15 (which is more than what they sell a new copy for).
I also think it's possible they are refusing certain high trade in value games. When I went to trade in Room Zoom and Motor Trend last week, the manager said they aren't taking any more of that game yet there were no copies of either in the game section.
Went into my local one today and it looked like business as usual. No 20% off or anything, yet I'm still tempted to cash in on my credit.
i called 3 around the midwest not one of them heard anything about them closing. So just might be a rumor or a certain city closing .
You should be able to use your store credit slips to buy gift cards. I've done it several times. However, sometimes the store will make you buy in round $5 increments (e.g. they may not let you buy a $32.68 gift card but would make you buy a $35 instead). Gift cards can be used on FYE.com and Coconuts.com
I have no idea where any FYE's are around me. I'd love to take advantage of a possible closing store over the weeks.

Once, there was a Wherehouse Music around, and I kept going back every week, starting at 30 percent off everything, then the 70 percent off everything sale. :D

Store was basically empty, though. But it's where I got X-Files seasons 1, 3, 5, and 6 for like, 40 dollars each.
[quote name='DigitalSpace']Any CAGs in the Portland area know if the Lloyd Center store is closing or not?

The last thing I ever bought at an FYE was an Anthrax CD (Return Of The Killer A's) on clearance for $4.99. \m/ I don't remember how long ago that was.[/quote]

I don't think it is. I was there the other day and the manager didn't mention anything to me about it and he always does my trade-ins. Of course, he may just not know.

[quote name='BigDirty']would have had a very profitable FY last year if it weren't for that price fixing lawsuit that they lost. [/quote]

eh? what lawsuit? I thought it was Coumbia House and BMG that lost the lawsuit?
[quote name='Bune'][quote name='DigitalSpace']Any CAGs in the Portland area know if the Lloyd Center store is closing or not?

The last thing I ever bought at an FYE was an Anthrax CD (Return Of The Killer A's) on clearance for $4.99. \m/ I don't remember how long ago that was.[/quote]

I don't think it is. I was there the other day and the manager didn't mention anything to me about it and he always does my trade-ins. Of course, he may just not know. [/quote]

Ah, thanks. I wouldn't be surprised if it didn't close, since it's the only FYE in the area if you don't count the 3 Wherehouse stores.
I have no idea if my local FYE is closing, but I can tell you that the closest Coconuts to me IS closing. I was in there last Friday, and the employees there had just found out 2 days prior.

20% off DVDs/games, 25% off CDs, 50% most instruments/accessories. It's great if you're looking for CD/DVD storage, or want to get a deep discount on a $50 game, but for most of the items they stock, it just drops the prices to what they would be somewhere else. They also told me that the actual closing will be later THIS month, so I'm guessing that the discounts will be unlikely to increase any further. =(

[quote name='godzilla123']I just spoke to 2 stores in NJ and they heard nothing about closing and they still take videogames.

:::runs to the mall to pick up a couple copies of Room Zoom:::

2 successfull Room Zoom trade ins = Resident Evil 4 on Jan 11. :lol:[/quote]

please explain 2 room zooms= re4?
they giving 25 each for a 10 dolla room zoom?
[quote name='cag1000'][quote name='godzilla123']I just spoke to 2 stores in NJ and they heard nothing about closing and they still take videogames.

:::runs to the mall to pick up a couple copies of Room Zoom:::

2 successfull Room Zoom trade ins = Resident Evil 4 on Jan 11. :lol:[/quote]

please explain 2 room zooms= re4?[/quote]

He means he'll get $52 in trade-in credit at FYE for two copies of Room Zoom he probably got for between $5-10 each, giving him Resident Evil for for the great price of between $10-20.

That's why we all loved FYE so much...their prices may be high, but it equals out based on what you can get in trade-in credit, espially when you pick up certain games which FYE just LOVES to overpay for for some reason.
[quote name='Survivor Charlie']My FYE isn't closing but the rumbling is that my local Suncoast will close. 50% markup on everymovie, DVD or otherwise... I wonder why?[/quote]

Funny thing is, those being 50 percent off makes the prices equal to just about any other store's price with Suncoast's heavy pricing system.
The only reason to buy anything at Suncoast is if you just can't find it anywhere else. I think I've only bought three things from them, ever:

Evil Dead Special Collector's Edition
Evil Dead II Collector's Edition in the tin case
Army of Darkness Limited Edition

And that was just a special case where no one else within an hour of my town carried them...and the prices with shipping online came out to be about the same at the time. :p
To SadieDee and any others who were interested, there were too damn many lazy teenagers working at my former FYE who had their school buddies come in to visit when they should have been working. The last straw for me was when one of them turned over a mop bucket in the back storeroom and expected me to clean it up because she was too busy talking on her cellphone to one of her idiot friends on company time, to which I replied and I quote, "F--- that."

Surprisingly, though, that wasn't what made me quit. The next day, after I talked the situation over to the manager who claimed she would speak to the teenager about her behavior the next time she came, another teenager got pissed when I told her that there weren't any positions open. Her mother came in and blasted me and the manager, so I told her there was only one way to solve the problem: the teenager could have my job. So I hurled that flimsy nametag onto the counter, clocked out for the last time, and took my shirt off and dropped it on the floor as I walked out.

I'd been working there for about 3 years on and off. A week before I left, I got a free $25 gift card for my exemplary customer service from the district manager. But I refuse to share air with teenagers at another workplace. I'm 25, and I've been to college, so screw them and screw FYE.

Interestingly, there are a few FYE stores in our area that refuse to hire teenagers because they have such a high turnover rate and low work productivity. This tidbit came from a few managers I still talk to at other stores...
It was a part-time position. And truthfully, I had enjoyed working there in the past, but it didn't turn out so hot on the last go round.
[quote name='josekortez']Interestingly, there are a few FYE stores in our area that refuse to hire teenagers because they have such a high turnover rate and low work productivity. This tidbit came from a few managers I still talk to at other stores...[/quote]

Huh. I was very dedicated and hard-working as a teenager, and worked at the same store for three years in various positions. As I have gotten older I have gotten increasingly lazier.
Suncoast will continue to stay in business because they do carry a lot of things that other stores can't get, and they can order in anything they don't have in stock. While I'm sure the rise in online business has hurt suncoast a bit, if you like anime, it's usually worth it to skip the online discount to get the dvds. I've ordered online from reputable places like right stuf and received stuff that looked second rate, with cheap irregular boxes and inserts, illustrating exactly why I got it so cheaply. Suncoast is also the only chain store that gets manga in as soon as it's available in the U.S.
[quote name='atreyue']Suncoast will continue to stay in business because they do carry a lot of things that other stores can't get, and they can order in anything they don't have in stock. While I'm sure the rise in online business has hurt suncoast a bit, if you like anime, it's usually worth it to skip the online discount to get the dvds. I've ordered online from reputable places like right stuf and received stuff that looked second rate, with cheap irregular boxes and inserts, illustrating exactly why I got it so cheaply. Suncoast is also the only chain store that gets manga in as soon as it's available in the U.S.[/quote]

You couldn't have ordered from right stuf, you probably got bootlegs from unreputable sources. Place like right stuf, deepdiscountdvd.com etc. sell the same $30 dvd's that suncoast sells, often for just $17. For sales, right stuf sometimes even sells 100+ box sets for 30-50.
[quote name='"cavalier"'][quote name='cag1000'][quote name='godzilla123']I just spoke to 2 stores in NJ and they heard nothing about closing and they still take videogames.

:::runs to the mall to pick up a couple copies of Room Zoom:::

2 successfull Room Zoom trade ins = Resident Evil 4 on Jan 11. :lol:[/quote]

That's why we all loved FYE so much...their prices may be high, but it equals out based on what you can get in trade-in credit, espially when you pick up certain games which FYE just LOVES to overpay for for some reason.[/quote]

Would you mind sharing other games that FYE loves to overpay for other CAG? thanks
My FYE didnt show any indication of closing down. Yet the store sucks so I wouldent lose any sleep over it if it did, yet it will bring a tear to my eye because we cant buy any more $5 games and get $25 credit
[quote name='atreyue']Suncoast will continue to stay in business because they do carry a lot of things that other stores can't get, and they can order in anything they don't have in stock. While I'm sure the rise in online business has hurt suncoast a bit, if you like anime, it's usually worth it to skip the online discount to get the dvds. I've ordered online from reputable places like right stuf and received stuff that looked second rate, with cheap irregular boxes and inserts, illustrating exactly why I got it so cheaply. Suncoast is also the only chain store that gets manga in as soon as it's available in the U.S.[/quote]

Isn't suncoast also owned by best buy?

I remember that bestbuy bought media play and I got the prospectus and it had suncoast in the material as well. They subsequently sold media play but I still think best buy owns suncoast (either directly or subsidiary).
seriously!? Anyone know if the paramus one is closing? I got a gift card and I have to return something?
For any San Fernando Valley CAGers, the Topanga Plaza FYE is definitely closing but does not have a sale on video games. I have no idea why they aren't discounting games... In fact, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was still priced at $40! If you're looking for anything besides games, CDs are 25% off and DVDs are 20% off. But considering FYE's exorbitant prices, these discounts still make the items more expensive than you could find elsewhere...
[quote name='rapsodist']For any San Fernando Valley CAGers, the Topanga Plaza FYE is definitely closing but does not have a sale on video games. I have no idea why they aren't discounting games... In fact, Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was still priced at $40! If you're looking for anything besides games, CDs are 25% off and DVDs are 20% off. But considering FYE's exorbitant prices, these discounts still make the items more expensive than you could find elsewhere...[/quote]

You think that's bad. My fucking blockbuster is charging 49.99 for corvette xbox and all the greatest hits games...oh yeah those'll sell morons.
I don't have time to check my two fye yet. I went to BB and got two copies of Room Zoom for 6.99 each. I will try to see if I could get that crazy credit at fye. If I could, then it is a new game for me (Sudeki 4)?
[quote name='newbie2000']I don't have time to check my two fye yet. I went to BB and got two copies of Room Zoom for 6.99 each. I will try to see if I could get that crazy credit at fye. If I could, then it is a new game for me (Sudeki 4)?[/quote]

Don't you mean Suikoden IV?
[quote name='rarebucky']Alright, anyone here ever traded games into the store in NYC on 52nd and 6th? Someone here must have because they have 5 used copies of Motor Trend for Xbox and little else :) Well, the manager there was a total dick today and wouldn't take any of my games claiming he had tons of them already and didn't need them (which was b.s. because they had zero copies of Pro Race Driver and Room Zoom). I'm wondering if anyone here knows of a list that might have been sent around telling FYE not to take certain games? Or maybe something else? Anyway, I'm pretty steamed.[/quote]

I think you're making a big deal out of your own greediness. You're trying to scam them into taking your games for more than you paid for them. You shouldnt be mad. Even if they dont have items on the shelves, they might have them stocked away.
bread's done