Fable:The Lost Chapters xbox- rare?


CAG Veteran
My local K-Mart still has a couple sealed copies. Is a new Lost Chapters for Xbox rare? Should I pick them up? I don't see them much in stores.
[quote name='Jagwarlord']Ok, so it's super common. I just don't see it much in my area.[/QUOTE]

Heard of ebay? Why not check with them before posting here?
[quote name='gizmogc']Heard of ebay? Why not check with them before posting here?[/quote]

I saw a couple new copies for sale on ebay for over $20, thats why I questioned thier rarity.

I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Some of you seriously need to leave your mothers basement
[quote name='Jagwarlord']I saw a couple new copies for sale on ebay for over $20, thats why I questioned thier rarity.

I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Not you but others that posted in this thread trying to be funny.[/QUOTE]

Can't we all just get along? Fable isn't rare by any means. But there hasn't been any recent deals for it. It'll probably go clearance in the next couple months, so it might be better to hold out on those copies at KMart.
[quote name='Jagwarlord']I saw a couple new copies for sale on ebay for over $20, thats why I questioned thier rarity.

I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Some of you seriously need to leave your mothers basement[/QUOTE]

Retail is $20...new copies on ebay are $20...You are questioning its rarity why?
If anyone here is a fucking nerd it would be the guy asking if Fable was rare so he could determine if its worthy enough for him. Because if its not rare, why should anyone buy it?
[quote name='Jagwarlord']I saw a couple new copies for sale on ebay for over $20, thats why I questioned thier rarity.

I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Some of you seriously need to leave your mothers basement[/quote] fuck YOU YOU fuckING fuckER I fuckING fuckED YOU THE fuck THE UP, fuck! :whistle2:x

Damn dude, you're a really cool guy that I bet everyone loves and wants to be around
Does it matter why he wants to buy Fable? Guy asked a legitimate question about a game. If you don't know or have anything useful to add to the discussion, why don't you just stay away?
[quote name='depascal22']Can't we all just get along? Fable isn't rare by any means. But there hasn't been any recent deals for it. It'll probably go clearance in the next couple months, so it might be better to hold out on those copies at KMart.[/quote]

This was the answer I was looking for. Thank you

Atleast one of you is over 12...:roll:
You just have to understand that people are sick of other people starting new threads and asking is __________ game rare? It has been done way too much and people won't hesitate to flame a new thread.
Well I don't visit this forum that much to know that this question has been asked over an over. Those people getting worked up over somthing this stupid need to go outside and experience life.
[quote name='Purkeynator']You just have to understand that people are sick of other people starting new threads and asking is __________ game rare? It has been done way too much and people won't hesitate to flame a new thread.[/quote]

Well, while I agree that there has been far too many "is _______ game rare?" threads created lately (I've seen at least 3 different threads in the last day and a half), that's no excuse for the rudeness of many in this thread. It was a legitimate question by the OP. A simple "yes" or "no" wouuld have sufficed. There is really no reason to come into a thread pertaining to such a question and being a smartass. If people are sick of the question, simply avoid the thred altogether, and leave it for people who actually would like to post intelligent responses to such a question.
[quote name='Jagwarlord']Well I don't visit this forum that much to know that this question has been asked over an over. Those people getting worked up over somthing this stupid need to go outside and experience life.[/QUOTE]

We, the community of Cheap Ass Gamer, appreciate your suggestion and will immediately file it in the "Useless" file.
[quote name='Jagwarlord']Well I don't visit this forum that much to know that this question has been asked over an over. Those people getting worked up over somthing this stupid need to go outside and experience life.[/QUOTE]

Says the one starting a thread asking if an Xbox game is rare without even checking ebay :roll:
[quote name='gizmogc']Says the one starting a thread asking if an Xbox game is rare without even checking ebay :roll:[/quote]

Maybe I'm misguided, but I'm pretty sure Ebay isn't exactly a reliable source for whether or not a game is "rare." That's like buying a diamond from a pawn shop owner because he tells you it's "real."
Guys, chill. This guy asked a fair question. I remember when I first joined CAG, I posted a deal from defender's site, but at the time I didn't know he owned it. I got laughed at, but in the end people said things like, "Hey, good looking out" or, "Its alright man." Now people are like, "WHAT - THE - fuck?! R u NEWB???? YOU STUPID IDIoT, WHY YOU ASK THE SaME QUESTION REPOST!!111!" Alright, well, maybe its not that bad, but still it comes across like that. I think people need to calm down, be more friendly.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']Maybe I'm misguided, but I'm pretty sure Ebay isn't exactly a reliable source for whether or not a game is "rare." That's like buying a diamond from a pawn shop owner because he tells you it's "real."[/QUOTE]

Ebay will tell you what the market price is for it. If there are numerous copies for $20 not being purchased then the game is obviously not rare. A diamond analogy is a poor one. The Fable at K-Mart is the same Fable on ebay.
[quote name='gizmogc']Ebay will tell you what the market price is for it. If there are numerous copies for $20 not being purchased then the game is obviously not rare. A diamond analogy is a poor one. The Fable at K-Mart is the same Fable on ebay.[/quote]
Not quite true. While it is possible to skim ebay and see that many copies are $20 (or whatever the price of the game may be), it is not an end-all-be-all source of information. For instance, I recently purchased a game off of ebay (Killer 7, if you're wondering) for under $10 shipped. The game ranged anywhere from $5 for a copy (which I saw purchased) to $35 or $40 for a copy (which again, I saw purchased). Am I to believe the "market price" is $5,$35, or somehwere in between? While I do agree quick searching may help to give you an average selling price for a copy, we all know (at least those who use Ebay) that prices for the same item in the same condition can vary wildly, and as such, should not be taken as your final source of information. This is why I have a problem with people being a dick to the OP, who had mentioned that he searched ebay, saw some copies for more than the selling price at K-Mart, and was looking for information from people who actually know (as opposed to trusting a source which is trying to SELL the item to him). Although I do agree the diamond analagy is not exactly the same (it popped into my head, so I wrote it), I do stick by the general idea: trusting the person who is trying to sell something to you as your primary source of information regarding "market price" is not the best idea. But, point taken on the diamond analogy, gizmogc.
[quote name='joshythegreat18']Not quite true. While it is possible to skim ebay and see that many copies are $20 (or whatever the price of the game may be), it is not an end-all-be-all source of information. For instance, I recently purchased a game off of ebay (Killer 7, if you're wondering) for under $10 shipped. The game ranged anywhere from $5 for a copy (which nobody had purchased) to $35 or $40 for a copy (which again, nobody had purchased). Am I to believe the "market price" is $5,$35, or somehwere in between? While I do agree quick searching may help to give you an average selling price for a copy, we all know (at least those who use Ebay) that prices for the same item in the same condition can vary wildly, and as such, should not be taken as your final source of information. This is why I have a problem with people being a dick to the OP, who had mentioned that he searched ebay, saw some copies for more than the selling price at K-Mart, and was looking for information from people who actually know (as opposed to trusting a source which is trying to SELL the item to him). Although I do agree the diamond analagy is not exactly the same (it popped into my head, so I wrote it), I do stick by the general idea: trusting the person who is trying to sell something to you as your primary source of information regarding "market price" is not the best idea. But, point taken on the diamond analogy, gizmogc.[/QUOTE]

The OP never mentioned ebay until his third reply, or post #10 until it was suggested. Most comments before he mentioned ebay were not 'dick comments'. When he came back tell us we were fuckers and losers living in our mothers basements, then yes, we all should be dicks to the OP for now and ever more.

My local K-Mart still has a couple sealed copies. Is a new Lost Chapters for Xbox rare? Should I pick them up? I don't see them much in stores.

Obviously anyone checking ebay should also check the completed auctions, not the ones currently going. However if you see several for $20 BuyItNows, its safe to assume the game selling for $20 at K-Mart is not rare, and is not gonna net you any profit.
Gizmo, I do agree that the comment about losers living in mother's basement was uncalled for (regardless of what people had wrote about the OP's original question). I just don't think there was any need for people to respond to the OP as they did. We've all had questions at one time or another that others considered "stupid" or "uneducated." I just believe it would have been common courtesy to respond more "kindly" to the question, that's all. As for "safely assuming," you know what they say about that (assuming, that is). Some people will buy anything on ebay for whatever price (I've seen things go on ebay for far more than they were worth), and some people will sell things to get rid of them without knowing what they really have. All I'm saying is that a valid question was asked, and that people could just be more kind when responding to the question.
It's kind of sad that the guy just asked a simple question and now it's becoming such a problem. Granted, there are these threads every so often, but who cares? If you dont like them just dont respond.
People really need to calm down. What's been going on around here lately that everyone has a giant stick up their butt?
[quote name='daroga']People really need to calm down. What's been going on around here lately that everyone has a giant stick up their butt?[/quote]

It's pretty much been like this since 2004.
[quote name='Rozz']It's pretty much been like this since 2004.[/quote]About some things, yeah. I remember when hoarding was a hot-button topic around here. Ironically, it seems that recently that's been an accepted topic whereas people can't ask a simple (if not somewhat silly) question without getting chewed out over it.

It seems to be the same members, though, jumping all over people and being real jerks. Settle down, guys, ok? We're all just here to have fun and relax a bit. This ain't life-or-death.
[quote name='daroga']About some things, yeah. I remember when hoarding was a hot-button topic around here. Ironically, it seems that recently that's been an accepted topic whereas people can't ask a simple (if not somewhat silly) question without getting chewed out over it.

It seems to be the same members, though, jumping all over people and being real jerks. Settle down, guys, ok? We're all just here to have fun and relax a bit. This ain't life-or-death.[/QUOTE]

Exactly, think before you post something.
Is Zelda - Twilight Princess for Wii rare? My Wal-Mart only had 2 copies left and Best Buy was sold out!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111
[quote name='Jagwarlord']I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Some of you seriously need to leave your mothers basement[/quote]

Mr. Warlord, being that you are asking about the rarity of a videogame with a fantasy setting on a videogame website, I can already tell that you are a jock. And we all know that as a jock, it is your duty to give nerds a hard time.

I applaud you on your fine work here, and wish you a good day. I said good day sir!

- Ron Mexico (a fellow jock)
[quote name='daroga']People really need to calm down. What's been going on around here lately that everyone has a giant stick up their butt?[/QUOTE]

We're all getting sick of living in our mothers' basements! The stress of it is making us cranky. :)
[quote name='Jagwarlord']I saw a couple new copies for sale on ebay for over $20, thats why I questioned thier rarity.

I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Some of you seriously need to leave your mothers basement[/quote]

1. Fable is not rare.
2. It helps to actually try looking for information yourself as opposed to asking other people to do it.
3. Take that attitude back to gamefaqs.

And for those people that are tired of seeing 'Is this game rare" threads, just dont post in them or open them if it annoys you that much. Its not like any of you own the forum (but I think we know who does! :)), so calm down when people post some less than genius threads.
[quote name='Jagwarlord']I saw a couple new copies for sale on ebay for over $20, thats why I questioned thier rarity.

I just asked a question, I wasn't looking for a bunch of fucking attitudes. fucking nerds some of you are. Some of you seriously need to leave your mothers basement[/quote]

*I* live in the attic, mind you.
bread's done