Fallout 3: GOTY $29.99 at Amazon

[quote name='SmileyMcSmiles']GOTY Freezing/Crashing Fix:

OK guys, check out what I found...and I've tested this for the last 4 hours or so. I found what actually seems to be a valid fix for the PS3 version of GOTY freezing issues.

Before I decided to trade my game in to Amazon, I found this topic on gamefaqs by a user named GLAMPIRE. What he wrote seemed to make sense, so I gave it a shot...why the hell not, right?

I deleted my Game Data and reinstalled the game. The trick is to not start playing the game when you think you can start playing (assuming the game is finished installing to the HDD). Virtually everyone did this, myself included because one only assumes the game is done installing.

But the fact is, is that it's not. You will notice the HDD light on the PS3 remaining active because it is still installing. So after you delete the original Game Data install, insert the game disc, let it install all the way. You can either stay on the Main Menu Screen or start your game up and pause it immediately. You will notice the HDD activity. Leave it alone for the next 40-45 minutes until it completely installs.

45 minutes later I noticed that the framerates were smooth...and over 4 hours into my game (on Mothership Zeta) no frame stutter or freezing. Many others in that topic report playing for hours with no frame issues or freezing/crashes as well.

Give it a try...all I know is that it has worked. And I was so pissed at this game for sooooo long that I bought the PC version (which is the best version)...but after this fix, I'm thinking of keeping my PS3 version after all.

Here's the link to the fix...give it a try. Worked wonders for me.


nice find. i'm surprised Sony or Bethesda doesn't have a solution to the freezing problems. funny if this became an official fix so they don't have to release a patch for it. let the gamers fix it themselves and so we did. cheers.
Ordered. A huge Fallout/Wasteland fan, but I left my Fallout 3 CE in my backlog when I heard they were making DLC -- I refuse to spend money on downloads, and figured they'd make a GOTY edition. Fallout 3 will soon be mine :)
bread's done