They havent patched it and arent going to. Bethesda honestly has horrible customer service, they always have. They release broken games and they only patch it to the point where its playable and never completely patch a game. This happens everytime they make a game, its released, its broken, some months later they only fix the largest of game breaking bugs and then never address the game again leaving a vast majority of players with a buggy game because they dont test or optimize shit before they release it. I dont think bethesda has ever released a game that didnt have serious problems at launch.
I still remember being psyched for fallout 3 and I pre ordered the collectors edition and was all set to play and game kept constantly crashing. It took them 3 months to put out a patch that fixed it, they would have gotten it out quicker if they werent so busy pimping the DLC for game.
[quote name='Feeding the Abscess']What were the Oblivion GOTY bugs, out of curiosity?[/QUOTE]
Same ones fallout 3 has since its basically the exact same game just reskinned. They both have slow downs randomly, memory leaks where the game goes into 1 frame per minute till system locks up, game crashes, pc version crashes on a regular basis if you have xfire running just like oblivion did, system crashes and so on.
I have the ps3 GOTY edition though. I never played any of the DLC so I got the GOTY when it came out. The core game of fo3 runs fine for the most part, its the DLC that run like complete shit. 1 or 2 of them were fine but the others were awful. I remember the one DLC I was damn lucky I backed up my save for some reason a hour before cause I entered this event and the npc I was supposed to kill wouldnt do anything and I couldnt move because he was supposed to walk up to me so I was stuck and the game autosaved at that spot. Like 18 hours of gaming would have gone down the tubes right there if I hadnt backed up my save.