Fallout 3!! Who's psyched?

I might be psyched if there was more to see than a shiny, new, web page to show for it. There are no screenshots, no involvement from the people who made the first 2, and absolutely no details on gameplay or story whatsoever.

There just isn't anything to be excited about yet.
Well at least they have the site up. I mean ever since they aquired the game this is the first I have seen from them about it.
[quote name='Buster Rod G']I might be psyched if there was more to see than a shiny, new, web page to show for it. There are no screenshots, no involvement from the people who made the first 2, and absolutely no details on gameplay or story whatsoever.

There just isn't anything to be excited about yet.[/QUOTE]

True, but it's a new FALLOUT! C'mon, man, F*A*L*L*O*U*T!!!

Yeah, there's a chance it might suck, but with Bethesda behind it I've gotta think it'll be at least decent.

Well at least they have the site up. I mean ever since they aquired the game this is the first I have seen from them about it.

Me too, that's why I'm excited! Been hearing about this for years, and the website going live finally means the time is getting closer!

This game is gonna be sweet, I mean Fallout with the gamebryo engine and made by Bethesda. That is gonna be awesome.
All I ask, still be turn based. I can't imagine playing a Fallout game that wasn't turn based.

Or allowing me to shoot and fight almost anyone I want to. I loved the first two Fallout games, my favorite CRPGs of all time, hands down -- but I'm skeptical of a new Fallout without much of the original creative team behind it.
[quote name='keithp']
Me too, that's why I'm excited! Been hearing about this for years, and the website going live finally means the time is getting closer![/QUOTE]

You know, Interplay had a website up for Fallout 3, too. Just one page just like this one Bethesda has up. I want to see a new Fallout as much as anyone, but I'm wary because I've gotten my hopes up and been burned before.
[quote name='Buster Rod G']You know, Interplay had a website up for Fallout 3, too. Just one page just like this one Bethesda has up. I want to see a new Fallout as much as anyone, but I'm wary because I've gotten my hopes up and been burned before.[/QUOTE]
There is a world of difference between Interplay and Bethesda however. Also what do you think the over-under is that this gets a console release as well?
[quote name='Buster Rod G']You know, Interplay had a website up for Fallout 3, too. Just one page just like this one Bethesda has up. I want to see a new Fallout as much as anyone, but I'm wary because I've gotten my hopes up and been burned before.[/QUOTE]

Bethesda bought all the rights to Fallout from Interplay for around 6 million about a week ago... I *HIGHLY* doubt they are just going to not capitalize on those and never release Fallout 3. That's a ridiculous notion, at this point... we'll see plenty of Fallout games from Bethesda.

I'm thinking that there was too much bullshit to deal with through Interplay, so Bethesda bought all the rights to deal with it as they see fit.

There is a VERY awesome 2 page article on the Fallout series in the new Game Informer, where they interviewed one of the people who worked on Fallout 1 + 2, and he said he loved Bethesda's work, it captures the open ended feeling they wanted perfectly, and that there is no other developer he'd want working on the game other than them.

There has been strong hints that Fallout 3 will use the Oblivion engine.

This doesn't have the original creative team, but Bethesda's track record with RPG's is excellent and I'm really not worried at all that they will pull off an awesome game. I also don't think they would have spent 6 mil to release a shitty game.
I trust them to make a good game, the problem is making a good Fallout game -- that takes some doing. Fallout has gained such a cult following that everything is going to be picked apart by Fallout fans when a new game comes out.

Personally -- I want them to officially release a d20 or WoD rules version for Pencil & Paper Fallout goodness.
[quote name='t0llenz']I trust them to make a good game, the problem is making a good Fallout game -- that takes some doing. Fallout has gained such a cult following that everything is going to be picked apart by Fallout fans when a new game comes out.

Personally -- I want them to officially release a d20 or WoD rules version for Pencil & Paper Fallout goodness.[/QUOTE]

That's not really a problem, as Bethesda can just use their clout from Oblivion to get a whole new legion of fans to buy their new games, as long as it's still an awesome game.

I know they will do the name justice, but I know as soon as details come out and it's not exactly like the first two the hardcore fans will piss their pants in anger and boycott it - it won't hurt sales.

I don't think Shadowrun is going to have any problem having huge sales, and diehard Shadowrun fans are so against the game from what I've seen that it's not even funny.

Fallout, to me, was always about open endedness, a good story, and the atmosphere... everything else was just icing on the cake. Everyone knows Bethesda can make an awesome open ended world and a decent story, so, for me, they just have to capture the atmosphere and the style of the first two games. The teaser website with the picture makes me think they've got that down.

To be honest, I expect this game to end up being Oblivion (since it'll probably use the engine) but with guns and a new setting, and that's perfectly fine for me. I just doubt they will make it turn based, since if they keep it like Oblivion, people will already say "Hey, if you loved Oblivion, you'll love Fallout 3, since it's got guns!" and ka-ching, instant sales. I really can't think of an RPG that has been strictly turn based on the PC for quite some time, so I don't think Bethesda is going to go back into the past to use that.
Aww, shucks. I know I did love Fallout in that format.

But, in the end -- if it's got a fun and open-ended plot in the Fallout universe with good gameplay, I'll be happy. I've been wanting more from the Fallout series for years now and anything would be appreciated.

You know what would be neat, on a slightly related note? Fallout 1 or 2 ports to home consoles -- or better yet, what about Fallout 1/2 on the DS! I think turn-based Fallout 1/2 would work pretty neatly on the DS...
[quote name='t0llenz']Aww, shucks. I know I did love Fallout in that format.

But, in the end -- if it's got a fun and open-ended plot in the Fallout universe with good gameplay, I'll be happy. I've been wanting more from the Fallout series for years now and anything would be appreciated.

You know what would be neat, on a slightly related note? Fallout 1 or 2 ports to home consoles -- or better yet, what about Fallout 1/2 on the DS! I think turn-based Fallout 1/2 would work pretty neatly on the DS...[/QUOTE]

Someone just recently re-released a three pack for PC, I saw it on GoGamer... has Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics all on one DVD. It's pretty cheap too, like $15 when it was on their 48 hour sale (I've seen it show up a few times).

I wouldn't want them on the DS because they would be censored as hell ;) Part of Fallout, to me, is the in your face vulgarity and attitude of the atmosphere.
I got Fallout 1&2 for $10 at CompUSA 5 years ago...I also got Unreal Tournament for free that night, but that's besides the point. Was Fallout Tactics any good?
[quote name='t0llenz']I got Fallout 1&2 for $10 at CompUSA 5 years ago...I also got Unreal Tournament for free that night, but that's besides the point. Was Fallout Tactics any good?[/QUOTE]

I enjoyed it, it's more of a Tactics game in the Fallout universe with an emphasis on combat... it seems a lot of fans were split on it, some people really liked it, while some people hated it.
It needs to be turned based to keep that Fallout feel. It also needs to be third person and with an isomatric view, even if it just the zoomed out view. Fallout is all about tactics, atleast for me. I loved winning impossible battles by being cheap and using everymove to it's full potential. An example is attacking an enemy and moving enough spaces away so that they cannot reach you. Like when you attack ants or scorpions, you can shoot and move away. If you have enough points you can never get hit. I also wonder about the story, although the game is more about setting they really need to make the story good becuase just being open ended is not really a new feature anymore.
I think fallout could be just as good in real time. With the Oblivion engine it makes me think about Fallout having the combat and atmosphere of STALKER (to some extent). Would Fallout be that bad as an FPS/RPG with a great atmosphere and a huge open ended world (just like the originals in that respect I guess)? If Fallout took STALKER, polished it, added more content (like at Oblivions level), added a better story, and of course a deep RPG system I would be very happy.

I just hope you won't have to travel 1000 miles of barren wasteland inbetween towns.

I heard something about a Fallout MMORPG at one point I thought. I hope to god that was bad information. I hate MMOs...
I was just going to ask- is Bethesda doing the Fallout MMO too?

Or is that still even in the works? I would imagine at 6 million bucks for the Fallout license Bethesda will milk the franchise quite a few times, especially if it sells well.
[quote name='keithp']I was just going to ask- is Bethesda doing the Fallout MMO too?

Or is that still even in the works? I would imagine at 6 million bucks for the Fallout license Bethesda will milk the franchise quite a few times, especially if it sells well.[/QUOTE]

Interplay is doing the Fallout MMO, they still are, as Bethesda has given them the ok to keep working on it, as I assume Bethesda has no intentions of going into the MMO field.

Anyone who thinks it'll have an isometric view and may be turn based is just fooling themselves. Bethesda's greatest works have all been first person and I doubt they'll choose this time to go into uncharted territory. Smart money says the Oblivion engine will get an overhaul. While I'm sure they want to keep Fallout's hardcore fans in mind, Bethesda will do what they want to do with the series and if it's a good game, all new fans will buy it.

Just like the Shadowrun example I used earlier... the hardcore fans will be against it, but for every hardcore fan against Shadowrun there are 4 other people who have never played a Shadowrun game who are willing to buy a copy.

If Bethesda patterns Fallout 3 sort of like Oblivion, well it's a given people who liked Oblivion will check out Fallout 3 especially once people tag it as "Oblivion with guns". That shit would sell like crazy on the 360. Turn based, isometric viewpoint in this day and age will alienate more sales than it'll produce, and I'd rather Bethesda does what they feel is right, Fallout 3 sells big, and we see lots of other Fallout based games.
[quote name='Roufuss']Bethesda bought all the rights to Fallout from Interplay for around 6 million about a week ago... I *HIGHLY* doubt they are just going to not capitalize on those and never release Fallout 3. That's a ridiculous notion, at this point... we'll see plenty of Fallout games from Bethesda.[/QUOTE]

I understand that, I just don't feel a new website is anything to get excited over. I've seen it before and it ended in disappointment. Sure the game will probably be released this time, but I'm not going to get excited for something that could end up like Brotherhood of Steel.

To be honest, I expect this game to end up being Oblivion (since it'll probably use the engine) but with guns and a new setting, and that's perfectly fine for me. I just doubt they will make it turn based, since if they keep it like Oblivion, people will already say "Hey, if you loved Oblivion, you'll love Fallout 3, since it's got guns!" and ka-ching, instant sales. I really can't think of an RPG that has been strictly turn based on the PC for quite some time, so I don't think Bethesda is going to go back into the past to use that.

That's part of what scares me. I don't really want to see Fallout 3 turn into just "Oblivion with guns!" Maybe its just because I don't like Oblivion that much(I don't hate it, but from what I've played it didn't do much to really draw me in either), but I'm just not sure Bethesda are the ones to be making this game. I want to be excited for it, but until I see something more, something to show me that the game is on the right track, I'll remain skeptical about how well it'll actually turn out.
There's a tech demo trailer of the OLD Black Isle version of the game at GameTrailers. It looked like they were pretty much going with a look like 1 and 2, but I think maybe the PC and NPC graphics were 3D.

Looking forward to seeing what Bethesda comes up with!
The Van Buren tech demo became available today for download on No Mutants Allowed. This is what Fallout 3 was going to be before it was canned.


You didn't think we were done, did you?

No Mutants Allowed is proud to present Black Isle Studio's Van Buren tech demo (Van Buren is BIS' cancelled Fallout 3 project), you can download it via our fileserver.

A few very basic notes:
1. Installation is basically unpacking the RAR file and clicking .exe. There is some waiting time the first time you load it.
2. Don't forget that this is a pre-alpha tech demo from 2003: the combat is pretty much unimplemented (sucky realtime only), the graphics are really basic. Also, most people will want to change the resolution, which can be done after the first time you run it. See instructions here
3. The file is a whopping 241 MB, but don't be disappointed that it doesn't offer a full night's worth of gameplay (though in true Fallout style, it offers a lot of different paths to victory).
4. Also in true Fallout style, the demo is very, very buggy. Expect frequent crashes.

Since this is probably the last time we will be posting on Van Buren, let me take this opportunity to send out a thank-you to the Van Buren staff and everyone who ever worked for Black Isle Studios. Gentlemen (and ladies); it was an honour and a privilege to watch you work and a pleasure to play your games. We salute you.
[quote name='Kayden']Now if only it doesn't suck as much as the first two!

*runs and hides in OTT*[/QUOTE]

Aside from the obvious troll implications, care to elaborate?
[quote name='keithp']Aside from the obvious troll implications, care to elaborate?[/quote]

I tried playing both 1 and 2. I had a real fun time making the characters, however, I found battle combersome, slow and obnoxious. However, the game was like 10 years old when I finally got around to playing it. It was sorely dated, pixelated and only ran at like 640x480, so that could have had to do with it as well. I couldn't play either for more than an hour.
[quote name='Kayden']I tried playing both 1 and 2. I had a real fun time making the characters, however, I found battle combersome, slow and obnoxious. However, the game was like 10 years old when I finally got around to playing it. It was sorely dated, pixelated and only ran at like 640x480, so that could have had to do with it as well. I couldn't play either for more than an hour.[/QUOTE]

I'm not going to rag on you for your reasons, I actually agree. I still find Fallout 1 and 2 playable, but there are plenty of other games (namely anything using early 3d tech) that are unplayable and pretty dated.

But you really are missing something great. I didn't see the battle as slow and cumbersome, but rather calculated and strategic.
[quote name='Kayden']I tried playing both 1 and 2. I had a real fun time making the characters, however, I found battle combersome, slow and obnoxious. However, the game was like 10 years old when I finally got around to playing it. It was sorely dated, pixelated and only ran at like 640x480, so that could have had to do with it as well. I couldn't play either for more than an hour.[/quote]

I had issues with Fallout 2 when I first played it due to its dated graphics and lack of features that many other newer games of its type had (ie: quest log). Once I gave it some time though it really grew on me. I don't know if I've ever played a game that had so much personality, felt so open ended and contained so many references to pop culture. It was a fantastic game and after playing the Van Buren demo for a few minutes my dissapointment at it's cancellation is worse than ever. I just hope that Bethesda does justice to the license with it's take at Fallout 3.
I hope the graphics don't look like an ugly, characterless tech demo that's only good at rendering landscapes (see Oblivion).
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']If they do a console release, I can only hope they dont gimp the interface like they did with Oblivion D:[/quote]

I hope they don't gimp alot of things for a multi port release, fallout needs depth, strategy, a dark humor laden, futuristic, witty retro style in a depressing setting. I think that theme song on the site is AWFULLY epic for a fallout game. I think the artwork is nice, however.
I am so glad they are actually doing this, no more rumors its being made. I can die peacefully, even if I don't ever play this game.
Ya, that trailer is epic. The ending quote is probably my favorite in all of videogame history :)
Are you guys kidding? I'm a Fallout nut, and when they said "teaser" I assumed a little more than a demostration of the engine. I'm happy the whole trailer is done with the game engine, and all, but after a MONTH of mystery, I have just as many questions.

You can tell me that it was stupid to expect anything else from something that says "TEASER" in its very title. I'll tell you that its' stupid to have a month-long anticipation in hopes of a StarCraft II - like announcement. They revealed nothing. Until I see a screenshot of gameplay, I will not be as easily swayed as this.

(Yeah, yeah, I'm a fucking nerd that wants to have his cake and eat it too. Oblivion != Fallout, and I love the latter and could not care less about the former. There's a good chance they will fuck up my favorite PC RPG of all time, and they have a shitload of expectation of what NOT to get rid of. Lack of turn-based combat in Fallout 3 is more than likely be a "no, thanks" from me. If it's Oblivion with Fallout skin, then it's a travesty, and I'll be straight up angry and unkind.)
This trailer was more to show that they have the mood of the games down. That intro was just like the intro to F1, even used the song that Black Isle wanted to use instead of Maybe.

I'm constantly switching my mind on if this is an in-game movie, using the game engine or if it's a pre-rendered thing. Only reason why I think this is because the geometry inside the bus is extremely simplistic, like it was done low-poly style for the in-game engine.
[quote name='Logain8955']This trailer was more to show that they have the mood of the games down. That intro was just like the intro to F1, even used the song that Black Isle wanted to use instead of Maybe.

I'm constantly switching my mind on if this is an in-game movie, using the game engine or if it's a pre-rendered thing. Only reason why I think this is because the geometry inside the bus is extremely simplistic, like it was done low-poly style for the in-game engine.[/QUOTE]

The producer has stated that it's all in-game.
[quote name='Logain8955']This trailer was more to show that they have the mood of the games down. That intro was just like the intro to F1, even used the song that Black Isle wanted to use instead of Maybe.


The only reason for this teaser is to show the die hard fans that Bethesda has a handle on what makes Fallout, well, Fallout.

The point of this was to show they know what they are doing so the fans simmered down, as well as announce a date.
Okay, more info--

These are highlights taken from the July issue of GameInformer which features Fallout 3 on the cover:

Seems some people got their magazine and shared them with us.

Here they are:

- Game runs on an evolved version of the Oblivion engine. Third person view has been reworked since the verdict was that the Oblivion version was bad.

- Game starts with your birth and your mother's death in a vault hospital. This is essentially the character customization part of the game. Your father hands you up to have your DNA analyzed and you get to pick out all your character traits. Your dad takes off his mask to reveal similar traits to the ones you picked.

- You grow up in the vault and as you grow you get your first book titled "You're Special" which allows you to choose you baseline stats for each of your 7 primary aptitudes. You'll also get your first weapons and wrist computer (menu) as you get older and take tests to determine the initial layout of your skills and traits.

- Every aspect of character creation is based on S.P.E.C.I.A.L. system. Of your 14 skills you can tag 3 to grow at a faster rate than the rest as you level up.

- Battle system is called the Vault-tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.). The article states. "While you'll certainly be able to tackle enemies in real time using first person shooting, V.A.T.S. lets players pause time and select a target at their leisure". Battle system still uses action points, but once you've used them up you'll still be able to fight targets in real time while they charge back up.

- Game is still violent and gory. One of the featured screens is of a guy's head exploding in super gory detail. Apparently all gory deaths in the game will be in slow motion.

- More than one way to play the game. Go balls out and kill people, or sneak past situations, or perhaps talk your way out of situations.

- Enemies can target you just like you can target them, so you can get injured in very specific points on you body. This in addition to an all new health/radiation system. This new system has you measuring how radiated certain things (like water) are and how they affect you when you consume them.

- Karma system returns

- The game does not scale like oblivion, so if you enter a high level area expect to be promptly murdered.

- Level cap is 20.

- Definite ending to the game, but there are 9 - 12 possible endings.

- There are NPC's you can hire, but this is not a party based game.

Man, this game is sounding GOOD...

I'm *really* glad they ditched the enemies scaling with you that Oblivion had!
As I said in the other thread. I'm concerned that the turn based part of it is completely optional and is merely hiding the fact that it is a shooter.
More info on combat, taken directly from the GI article (full article here- http://www.nma-fallout.com) :

The Vault Tec Assisted Targeting System (V.A.T.S.) is what assures that this first-person game so chock full of guns doesn't become an FPS. "We don't want to be rewarding twitch play", Howard says. "It's not an action game. It's a role-playing game."

While you'll certainly be able to tackle enemies in real-time first-person shooting, V.A.T.S. lets players pause time and select a target at their leisure. Once targeted, a zoomed-in view of that enemy will show all the places you could aim to hit the creature, and the percentage chance you'll succeed. This percentage is based on distance, enemy defense, his cover, as well as your ability with the weapon at hand, among other factors.

Just like in the original Fallout, you'll have a set number of action points, largely based on your agility score. Every combat move you make will deplete this supply, at which point those AP will begin to regenerate in real-time at a rate that also corresponds with your agility. Once you complete all your actions in V.A.T.S. you can continue to attack in real time, but this will dramatically slow the recharge of your action points, thereby encouraging tactical targeting over constant twitch shooting.

As for those specific targets, which area you aim for will have a profound effect on your foe. Hit the arm of a super mutant, and he may not swing that massive cudgel at you with quite the same force as before. Shoot off the antenna of a mutated giant ant, and he'll go crazy and attack his brethren.
fucking awesome - so you can basacially play the game in real time, but to be any good at the game, you'll have to use the turn based system.
Okay, here's the biggest question. I get the feeling that most people on the forums love Fallout for its unique setting and enjoyable environment.

And yet it is being made by the makers of Oblivion.

I'm sorry. Thorough population is no synonym for immersive. Oblivion was fun at times, but it was not immersive in the slightest.

[quote name='RollingSkull']Okay, here's the biggest question. I get the feeling that most people on the forums love Fallout for its unique setting and enjoyable environment.

And yet it is being made by the makers of Oblivion.

I'm sorry. Thorough population is no synonym for immersive. Oblivion was fun at times, but it was not immersive in the slightest.


Well here is my question to you, who else would you like to make the game? In my opinion I really think that Bethesda is an excellent choice. I guess I would like Bioware to make it but it just feels like Bethesda has more money to blow on the game then Bioware does.
[quote name='dtarasev']Well here is my question to you, who else would you like to make the game? In my opinion I really think that Bethesda is an excellent choice. I guess I would like Bioware to make it but it just feels like Bethesda has more money to blow on the game then Bioware does.[/quote]

Is that the metric we're using? We need Fallout so much that "Well... if it must be done by Bethesda, I'll take it." flies?

If Oblivion is Bethesda's finest, a game of geometry and architecture more than a game of role-playing, then I'll take anyone else, because I don't think that a Bethesda Fallout will be Fallout by the definition that most gamers are expecting.

Hell, I'd take a Square Fallout over a Bethesda Fallout. That's right, anime prettyboys with swords running over the wastes looking for cinematic locations to have boss battles, because at least then we'd have a series of more likeable characters. Sure, Bethesda could throw in an evil monologue for a midboss every now and again... but the overall environment they produced in Oblivion simply was not and will not likely be up to Fallout calibur.
Let me phrase it like this:

Fallout 3: It Scales To Your Level, Even At Endgame!

Bandit: *In Hardened, Modified Power Armor wielding Turbo Plasma Lazar and accompanied by a mutant with a gatling lazar and another power-armored buddy with a gauss rifle* "Your money or your life!"
[Pay 100 Chips]
Bethesda stated in the GI article that the fallout 3 universe will have many less NPCs than Oblivion, as it is a wasteland, and also a smaller overall area than Oblivion. They also stated that more unique voices would be used.

I do see your point, though and it is the one thing that worries me is that they'll lose the personality that made fallout so good. If anything, there should be an option to turn off NPC voices and only have it be voiced when more important characters talk (like the old games) becaues that preserves some of the imagination.
bread's done