Fallout New Vegas Classic Pack Contest (OVER)

Alright well I Have A Code For The Fallout New Vegas Classic Pack DLC.
If You Want to Enter All You have to do is make a post stating why you should get the dlc:

From GameStop: The Classic Pack, my personal favorite, featuring an armored Vault 13 suit, a Vault 13 canteen, a weathered 10mm pistol with some added punch and five stimpacks.

WInner Will Be Contacted Whithin the Hour

And The Winner Is:

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I'm broke as hell right now.
Have always loved Fallout games.
Stick up for New Vegas constantly, no matter how many people whine about glitches that aren't even present anymore.
That gear sounds awesome and I'd love to outfit my wastelander with it.
Honestly, I figure it will be out eventually after the last story DLC comes out, but I'd like to have it before then. Got FNV for both the 360 and PS3. Did the same with Fallout 3. I'm hooked on those games for months at a time.

Not a real reason why I should win, don't have one of those.
I guess I don't really have a good reason other than I've been looking for a reason to START playing New Vegas. I got it on a deal, but I've been almost scared to begin the game knowing how much it will absorb my time for such a long period (in a good way, of course). Getting the DLC for it would push me over that hill and I would begin the epic journey that I have come to expect from the Fallout franchise.
well to be honest i hate fallout but my GF is addicted, never know she may enjoy it if she is even up that part yet and its all she plays. well cheers for the opertunity bro
Love the game! Just about to beat it, and was going to start on the hardcore playthrough so the canteen would be helpful!
I am not entering this contest. I just wanted to say that it's nice to see someone giving something away on this site that doesn't require people to go to your website and leave a comment on an article, or to retweet some crap, or to like something on facebook. What we have here is just an old fashioned giveaway...very nice.
I'd like to win the code because i miss my vault suit from Fallout 3 :D
(and i've just bought New Vegas, so it would be nice to start the game with that pack ^^ )
need the dlc, coz m thinking to buy the game... i dont buy games unless i have dlc for them, coz everything is too expensive... if people hav oney to buy the game, they should have money for the DLCs... i dont have like i see many ppl have... i deserved it they dont. that why i should have it and win... also i didn win any game or addon for over 3 years... guess m out of luck... and this is the time here and now that my luck will start working for me!

thanks of advance for the The Fallout New Vegas Classic Pack DLC
I personally think that I should get the dlc because I play hardcore mode and water is a necessity. My character is short of purified water and has been drinking a lot of dirty water.

Now if you truly care about the well-being of my character, then you would give me the DLC because the classic pack contains a Vault 13 Canteen, which will hydrate my character every 5 minutes. It never runs out of water and is consumed every 5 minutes automatically WITHOUT giving radiation.

So please, think about my character. He has done the Mojave Wasteland plenty of good. In fact he is level 28 and his title is Last Best Hope of Humanity.

Plus I will love you long time. Rinaldo knows what that's like don't you baby?
You should give it to me because I've play every Fallout game (except for Tactics). See, I even know about Tactics.
why should i get it? well for a start i miss my vault 13 jumpsuit from FO3, it just isn't the same without it. and the fact i'm playing the game on hardcore and the hardest setting and i am able to kill deathclaws, avoid boomers bombs and wipe out the remaining members of the brotherhood of steel without a problem.....but then i go keel over and die of dehydration without saving for ages! so that vault 13 canteen would be a f**king god send!
Ive spent quite a few hours on FNV, and would love any additional content to spice up the full feel of the game. :) I love contests too!
love the fallout game series..got the game from TRU with the free guide instead of GS..starting a hardcore playthru while i wait for the lonesome road dlc..and a canteen and armored jumpsuit would be nice to take on my travels thru the mojave avoiding deathclaws
Because I actually need it. CURRENTLY playing with Hardcore [On] and on Very Hard. The constant need for H20 is relentless. I need the classic pack!!!

Because I actually need it. CURRENTLY playing with Hardcore [On] and on Very Hard. The constant need for H20 is relentless. I need the classic pack!!!

I'm out of water and forced to eat fruit to stay alive in the desert. My limbs are crippled and if you don't help me, I may very well die.

Well my wife finally bought it for me .... now its just sitting at home waiting for me to get back from deployment .... ooohhh sooo close to getting home!!!! 2 more months baby ... wwwooooooooo!!!! Oh yea plus that would be awesome to have on my 1st playthru ...
I'm a big fan of Fallout series, I have the Mercenary pack but this pack would be very very helpful playing on hardcore. thanks
id like to have it because i recently lost my job and cant afford to buy any codes or anything.
Please select me as the winner of this contest, because:

I have no cash flowing in, spend a great deal of the day acquiring bing rewards points, as well as swagbucks. I bought the game when it was on sale for $9.99.

It's been a while since I've played Fallout, and I could use the extra help.

It'd be an incentive to start up New Vegas.

And last, but not least is the fact that you're a super duper member of CAG! :)
bread's done