False demostic violence accusations used against mother


from glennsacks.com
[False domestic violence accusations aren't] only a boyfriend/girlfriend [or husband/wife] thing.

My then-17 year old daughter was out of control. Sneaking out her bedroom window not once, but twice in the same night, with two different guys, more than once. Our neighbor finally told us what was going on; her bedroom is upstairs so I had no idea she could do this undetected.She had no sense of responsibility whatsoever, did no chores, and her language was as vulgar as it gets. When I tried to discipline her, she would threaten to call the police and "make an injury" on herself to blame on me. And one day, she made good on that promise.

I came home from shopping one Sunday to find three police cruisers in my driveway and my daughter standing amongst them with a big red welt-like mark on her neck. She'd told them I'd tried to strangle her. I later found out she'd taken her purse strap to make the "injury." Incidentally, the reason she did this was because I removed a large bottle of rum from her bedroom and poured it out. I remember her saying, "Your ass is going to jail, just watch." I was in such shock that I could say little except, "This can't be happening" and trying in vain to explain the situation to the cops. Then one said, "turn around" and I did and was promptly handcuffed and taken to jail.

I have NEVER laid a finger on any of our children, nor has my husband. He wasn't at home at the time, and I cannot tell you how it felt to be in the back of a squad car going downtown for doing absolutely nothing wrong (save for raising a spoiled child.)
It was her word against mine, and for some reason, I lost. I received a simple assault charge and was given a year's

When I returned home that night, she had this awful "told you so" smirk that made me wish I was back in the jail, for that's what my home had become since she began her rule.
I haven't the words to describe how this made me feel. All the way to the station, the cops driving me wondered aloud how I "could've done that to that sweet girl." It was the stuff of nightmares.
My question is: wouldn't that be considered child abuse instead of domestic violence?

Anyway, this kind of business has been happening for years, specifically to men. At this point any woman can claim domestic violence and use it as a means to push someone out of the house, a marraige, their child's life, etc. I have no problem with people who actually commit it getting arrested, however stories like this are just sickening.
[quote name='HovaEscobar']from glennsacks.com

My question is: wouldn't that be considered child abuse instead of domestic violence?

Anyway, this kind of business has been happening for years, specifically to men. At this point any woman can claim domestic violence and use it as a means to push someone out of the house, a marraige, their child's life, etc. I have no problem with people who actually commit it getting arrested, however stories like this are just sickening.[/quote]

At least they treat the accused better then paypal treats sellers

Seriously though, there are also cases (more rarely but it happens) where cops or judges always side with the defendant in the face of overwhelming evidence (lookup the sad case involving Judge Richard Palumbo)

It just seems that with these kind of cases all reason leaves the door, and instead of calming everyone down and taking a long hard look at the facts the authority figures instead react based on either expediency or their own personal sense of truthiness. In many areas of America the local executive and legislative govt agents are drunk with power, they need to be reigned in and retrained. If not they will continue to ruin lives, empower sociopaths, and enrich noone but the lawyers. We need to remind government agents that they are not arbiters of justice and they cannot take the place of juries.
Is this your new shtick? Getting some article and writing a slightly-related post about the unreported plight of men in America?
Okay, I'm just trying to introduce a new type of discussion into this forum. If y'all aren't welcoming of this type of discussion ( which I wouldn't be surprised ) then okay.
[quote name='HovaEscobar']Okay, I'm just trying to introduce a new type of discussion into this forum. If y'all aren't welcoming of this type of discussion ( which I wouldn't be surprised ) then okay.[/quote]
Don't get all pouty and whiny when people don't immediately take to your discussion.

For a discussion, we need two sides, so does anyone want to stand up and defend the daughter? I certainly won't. I've been on the receiving end of false allegations before, I know how damaging they are. I'd kick the girl out of the home.
[quote name='Quillion']Don't get all pouty and whiny when people don't immediately take to your discussion.

For a discussion, we need two sides, so does anyone want to stand up and defend the daughter? I certainly won't. I've been on the receiving end of false allegations before, I know how damaging they are. I'd kick the girl out of the home.[/QUOTE]

indeed, one to do that, I would give them up for adoption.
[quote name='Quillion']Don't get all pouty and whiny when people don't immediately take to your discussion.

I'd like to see more details. Was she found guilty (how?) or was there a plea bargain? Did she at least not have to raise the kid anymore?
[quote name='HovaEscobar']Okay, I'm just trying to introduce a new type of discussion into this forum. If y'all aren't welcoming of this type of discussion ( which I wouldn't be surprised ) then okay.[/quote]

I don't have a problem with this article or a discussion about it, I was just wondering about the kind of anti-woman and/or "men are oppressed" theme that seems to be the basis of at least the last few topics you've posted here. You're kind of shoehorning that ideology into this thread when the article isn't really related. This is more of an extremely disrespectful and maybe antisocial child issue.

I know I'm not the only one getting that vibe from your recent posts.
[quote name='VipFREAK']I'd have kicked her out and then laughed at her when I saw her make the news on tv.[/quote]

Not if you were a parent.


If you have a 17 year old leaving your house twice a night to have sex, something happened to her really bad before that night.

Perfect 16 year olds don't suddenly become bottom feeding 17 year old sluts.

I know the effect is really neat to focus on, but has anybody bothered to look up the cause?
bread's done