Fantastic Four - Not so Bad!


20 (100%)
I'm not sure why so many people hated this movie - it wasn't that bad. I mean it wasn't as good as X-men or Batman Begins but it was enjoyable for what it was. Plus, Jessica Alba is so freaking hot it's just unbelievable.
The reason we didn't enjoy it is because Jessica Alba as the Invisible Woman merits some on-camera nudity from her. The lack thereof makes us hate it.
And here I thought the thread would be about the positive outcomes of your last four bowel movements. :roll:
Cheesy, brainless entertainment. I still can't get past the fact that Dr. Doom was a plastic surgeon though.
[quote name='2Fast']Cheesy, brainless entertainment. I still can't get past the fact that Dr. Doom was a plastic surgeon though.[/quote]

Yeah, the Dr. Doom character was the only one I think they messed up. His electricity powers were totally out of nowhere and he just didn't seem all that evil. Like you know Magneto is evil from the way Ian MacKellen played him and The Joker was clearly a psychopath because of Jack Nicholson - they should have found someone a little more distinguished to legitimize the role - the bad guy in these types of movies is usually the most important part...
From what I've seen and heard the reason people were so upset with the movie wasn't because it was horrible, but because it could've been SO much better. The Fantastic Four are one of Marvel's big guns, with a ton of history and, most importantly, potential. While I enjoyed the film for what it was, I can easily understand fans' harsh words when they imagine a Fantastic Four film that is developed carefully, with a great director, script, and budget.
[quote name='Ricochet']From what I've seen and heard the reason people were so upset with the movie wasn't because it was horrible, but because it could've been SO much better. The Fantastic Four are one of Marvel's big guns, with a ton of history and, most importantly, potential. While I enjoyed the film for what it was, I can easily understand fans' harsh words when they imagine a Fantastic Four film that is developed carefully, with a great director, script, and budget.[/QUOTE]

Especially with coming out 6 months after The incredibles which characters were similar (HA!) but had excellent writing, acting and great director.
[quote name='javeryh']Yeah, the Dr. Doom character was the only one I think they messed up. His electricity powers were totally out of nowhere and he just didn't seem all that evil. Like you know Magneto is evil from the way Ian MacKellen played him and The Joker was clearly a psychopath because of Jack Nicholson - they should have found someone a little more distinguished to legitimize the role - the bad guy in these types of movies is usually the most important part...[/quote]

Agreed on all points.
After growing up reading the comics, I too really enjoyed it for what it is, and aside from Dr. Doom, I still can't figure out why it gets so much flak. Could it have been better? Absolutely, but it's still a really fun movie, and Alba is indeed smoking hot in it.
not so bad? once again i'm glad to know i'm about to start working in an industry with an audience that has such low standards. thanks for making my job a whole lot easier!
Besides the fact they spent more time arguing with each other then fighting crime or whatnot my main problem with the movie was Doctor Doom was nowhere near evil enough, more like a guy who got honestly screwed by Richards and just sort of cracked.
This movie sucked. The only high spots of the film is Chiklis (even though the suit looked like burnt latex) and Evans (IMO, he nailed the cockiness of Johnny Storm), the rest is a sea of shit. But thats what you get with Rothman running Fox.
Honey and Into the Blue, nuff said.

Doom, waste of screen time.
Johnny Storm, waste of screen time. (maybe a few good one-liners)
The Thing, semi-waste of screen time.

yes, it was more soap opera than superhero, again....waste of screen time.
[quote name='darkmere']not so bad? once again i'm glad to know i'm about to start working in an industry with an audience that has such low standards. thanks for making my job a whole lot easier![/quote]

Well, I certainly didn't pay to see it and I'm approaching a year without going to the movies and if you didn't count SWIII I haven't been to the theater on a semi-regular basis (10 movies a year) since Spiderman 2 whenever that was. Movies are much more enjoyable at home and I think this is the growing trend especially since HDTVs are getting cheaper and bigger. Even though there are always movies I want to see, I seriously doubt I'll ever go to the theater again. :D
It was ok. My complaints are that it was too "plastic" (like it was an MTV and E! collaboration project), the dialogue was hideous, and they focused too much on a love story and not enough on the Fantastic Four and their powers or story arch. It's still a good mindless movie to watch every now and then though.
I liked FF better the second time when I saw it at home on DVD. Its a very good popcorn flick with the only major problem being the Dr.Doom character.

True story: I spoke with some people involved with the film (who I wont name) after I saw it the 1st time. I told them that I would have kept Doom on the ship in the beginning but would not have given him powers. Then out of jelousy that they all got powers but him, he goes nuts and makes the suit( still a big change from the comics). These "involved people" all agreed my idea was better. Well at least I got free tickets and a DVD signed by Chris Evans ;)
[quote name='javeryh']Well, I certainly didn't pay to see it and I'm approaching a year without going to the movies and if you didn't count SWIII I haven't been to the theater on a semi-regular basis (10 movies a year) since Spiderman 2 whenever that was. Movies are much more enjoyable at home and I think this is the growing trend especially since HDTVs are getting cheaper and bigger. Even though there are always movies I want to see, I seriously doubt I'll ever go to the theater again. :D[/QUOTE]
my comment had nothing to do with theater vs. home theater...i've seen some sweet ass home theater setups and no doubt you can have a better experience without leaving the comfort of your own home. i was referring to the dropping standards of audiences. formula for a hit film:

jessica alba + underwear + crappy over the top cg effects = hit film

what about story? character development? acting? all overrated. the job left to me is merely to provide eye candy.
The movie was pretty bad IMO.

Think about the point of the film - What did the FF accomplish in the movie? Their first big rescue event on the bridge was something that was caused BY THEM! All they did was clean up their own mess. And the big ending where they "save the city"? Dr. Doom never even intentioned to hurt anybody but the FF. He didn't have some master plan to destroy the earth or to destroy the citizens of the city. Instead, he went straight against the FF and it was the FF who really reaked havok on the city.

And Dr. Doom? What the hell was his motivation throughout the film? The writers completely nixed any reference to Latveria and completely turned him into a one-dimensional villain whose sole impetus for action is greed.

The ONLY redeeming factor of the film was Johny Storm, who they pulled off fantastically from the great effects to his character. Everything else was a complete waste of my money.
[quote name='darkmere']my comment had nothing to do with theater vs. home theater...i've seen some sweet ass home theater setups and no doubt you can have a better experience without leaving the comfort of your own home. i was referring to the dropping standards of audiences. formula for a hit film:

jessica alba + underwear + crappy over the top cg effects = hit film

what about story? character development? acting? all overrated. the job left to me is merely to provide eye candy.[/quote]

Haha yeah, I just reread my last post and it has nothing to do with anything. :D You are right about dropping standards - if I'm not completely annoyed by a movie then it gets a thumbs up from me but I'm easily annoyed by anything that's not scifi, action or comedy. I won't watch anything that's drama, horror, war or anything taking place in the past...
[quote name='javeryh']I won't watch anything that's drama, horror, war or anything taking place in the past...[/QUOTE]
you're missing a lot of great cinema then. up until about 5 years ago i wouldn't touch it if it wasn't action or comedy, and i still do watch mostly those two genres, but expanding my taste in film was a life changing experience for me. i became so interested in film that i decided i had to make movies for a living.

don't get me wrong, it's great if you can enjoy a popcorn flick, but i hate when i look at the movies coming out this summer and it's just so obvious people could care less about story, they just want big stars and pretty visuals.
Fantastic Four was an awful movie. Probably the worst Marvel film with the exception of Hulk. Nothing can ever be worse than Hulk.
[quote name='sevdustflyer']Fantastic Four was an awful movie. Probably the worst Marvel film with the exception of Hulk. Nothing can ever be worse than Hulk.[/quote]

Hulk was pretty bad but it was better than Daredevil - that's the worst one, IMO :D
[quote name='javeryh']Hulk was pretty bad but it was better than Daredevil - that's the worst one, IMO :D[/QUOTE]

Theatrical cut? Its the second to worst behing Electra. Director's Cut? One of the better Marvel films behind X-men 1&2 and Spiderman 1&2 (which isn't saying much).
[quote name='fart_bubble']Theatrical cut? Its the second to worst behing Electra. Director's Cut? One of the better Marvel films behind X-men 1&2 and Spiderman 1&2 (which isn't saying much).[/quote]

Really? I'm not sure which one I saw - I rented it and hated it.
[quote name='javeryh']Hulk was pretty bad but it was better than Daredevil - that's the worst one, IMO :D[/QUOTE]

I'm gonna have to jump in and say Punisher (most recent version) is the worst marvel film so far.
[quote name='seebelow']After growing up reading the comics, I too really enjoyed it for what it is, and aside from Dr. Doom, I still can't figure out why it gets so much flak. Could it have been better? Absolutely, but it's still a really fun movie, and Alba is indeed smoking hot in it.[/QUOTE]

I don't know, maybe because Sue whines more like a teenager with Johnny in it and in the comics she was more a motherly figure, this also helping make sense as to why she married Reed. No CGI for the Thing when that's what should've been done. I really wish FOX hadn't made that $1 million FF before this to keep the rights and lost them. I mean I can hope ANY other studio would've done a better job.
I avoided Punisher like the plague, because John Travolta is in it. I've never liked him, but after Battlefield Earth I refuse to watch anything he's in. I thought Daredevil was pretty good, especially the director's cut. And I enjoyed Fantastic Four for what it was - of course, I wasn't nit-picking it because I never was a big comic reader.

I think it's funny that some people get all bent out of shape about people enjoying mindless movies. Why can't I "switch off" and enjoy something like Fantastic Four or League of Extrordinary Gentlemen every once in a while? Movies are made for entertainment, and sometimes I just want to watch a flashy action flick. I might be up for something more intellectual the next time I watch a movie, but as long as whatever I watch entertains me it's served its purpose.
[quote name='basketkase543']I'm gonna have to jump in and say Punisher (most recent version) is the worst marvel film so far.[/quote]

That's probably the winner but I haven't seen it (and I don't plan on it)...
[quote name='sevdustflyer']Fantastic Four was an awful movie. Probably the worst Marvel film with the exception of Hulk. Nothing can ever be worse than Hulk.[/quote]

Go and sit through Elektra. That's Marvel's answer to Catwoman. Jesus was that a bad movie.

Hulk was a terrible movie as well. Ang Lee IMO is one of the most overrated directors of our time. I've only seen one movie I even remotely liked of his and that was Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. He was a terrible decision to direct Hulk. Man woman...whatever the hell the title was to his other movie sucked as well.

Daredevil was at the tops of my list for worst Marvel movie, but it's really not that bad compared to those two and the Director's Cut on DVD is actually pretty good.

Fantastic Four truly did not recieve the just treatment it deserved. As much as I love Alba, the movie without a doubt sucked. It was painful to watch. The movie was an assault on the eyes and the CGI was rather bland. (minus the beauty Alba)
[quote name='basketkase543']The movie was pretty bad IMO.

Think about the point of the film - What did the FF accomplish in the movie? Their first big rescue event on the bridge was something that was caused BY THEM! All they did was clean up their own mess. And the big ending where they "save the city"? Dr. Doom never even intentioned to hurt anybody but the FF. He didn't have some master plan to destroy the earth or to destroy the citizens of the city. Instead, he went straight against the FF and it was the FF who really reaked havok on the city.

And Dr. Doom? What the hell was his motivation throughout the film? The writers completely nixed any reference to Latveria and completely turned him into a one-dimensional villain whose sole impetus for action is greed.

The ONLY redeeming factor of the film was Johny Storm, who they pulled off fantastically from the great effects to his character. Everything else was a complete waste of my money.[/quote]

Thank you.
I kinda liked Punisher. It was mindless, blow stuff up, entertainment. Plus Travolta dies a horrible death in it, which sealed the deal for me.
The Punisher is definitely in the middle of the road of Marvel movies. The worst two are probably Elektra and the Hulk. The Hulk is so incredibly bad and boring that as much as I tried to sit through it, I couldn't. I came back to it a little later and saw the giant water Nick Nolte monster near the end - that sealed it for me.

I sorta expect Ghost Rider to join these two at the bottom...
[quote name='gofishn']I kinda liked Punisher. It was mindless, blow stuff up, entertainment. Plus Travolta dies a horrible death in it, which sealed the deal for me.[/QUOTE]

Hrmmm, Travolta dies...that could sway me towards it. I always said I'd watch that firefighter movie he was in if someone could confirm for me that he dies a fiery death in it, but sadly from what I understand that doesn't happen. :cry:
Punisher would of been a kick ass film if they just stuck to Garth Ennis's script instead of changing almost every damm thing that Ennis wrote.
[quote name='darkmere']you're missing a lot of great cinema then. up until about 5 years ago i wouldn't touch it if it wasn't action or comedy, and i still do watch mostly those two genres, but expanding my taste in film was a life changing experience for me. i became so interested in film that i decided i had to make movies for a living.

don't get me wrong, it's great if you can enjoy a popcorn flick, but i hate when i look at the movies coming out this summer and it's just so obvious people could care less about story, they just want big stars and pretty visuals.[/quote]

Yeah, I just don't have time to watch a lot of movies so when I actually do I try and stick to genres I know I will like.
[quote name='javeryh']Yeah, I just don't have time to watch a lot of movies so when I actually do I try and stick to genres I know I will like.[/quote]

That's very true. Finding the hour and a half to two hours it takes to sit down and watch a movie is often very difficult, so the risk/reward on such a proposition makes it far, far safer to just stick with the known commodities.
I thought it was pretty bad...for most of the movie they are bitching about their powers and trying to get rid of them, then at the end there is a fight...
Can we get one superhero movie where there isnt a female lovestory? there isnt one and it dragged down alot of these movies cause it just doesnt fit the story at all.
i dunno why so many people hated punisher, you have to go into a movie like expecting violence and not to much of a story. The unrated or directors cut was pretty good. I really enjoyed the whole Kevin Nash/Punisher scene and when the Punisher used the Bow and Arrow. I recommend it if you wanna veg out and turn off the brain for a lil.
[quote name='argyle']I think it's funny that some people get all bent out of shape about people enjoying mindless movies. Why can't I "switch off" and enjoy something like Fantastic Four or League of Extrordinary Gentlemen every once in a while? Movies are made for entertainment, and sometimes I just want to watch a flashy action flick. I might be up for something more intellectual the next time I watch a movie, but as long as whatever I watch entertains me it's served its purpose.[/QUOTE]
i know what you mean, but learning about how films are made is a double-edged sword. it's hard to enjoy them the way you used to. i just find a lot of what people find acceptable is because it has a hot actress or pretty visuals...the art of storytelling seems to be fading away. to me, story comes first.
[quote name='javeryh']Yeah, I just don't have time to watch a lot of movies so when I actually do I try and stick to genres I know I will like.[/QUOTE]
expand your horizons and you might be rewarded. i feel like a broken record, but give chunking express a try. it's kinda a romantic film (the mrs. will like it), but it has the vibe of an action flick. it's subtitled, but not hard to follow. great team too...wong kar wai directing, chris doyle shooting, and tony leung dream team.
[quote name='darkmere']expand your horizons and you might be rewarded. i feel like a broken record, but give chunking express a try. it's kinda a romantic film (the mrs. will like it), but it has the vibe of an action flick. it's subtitled, but not hard to follow. great team too...wong kar wai directing, chris doyle shooting, and tony leung dream team.[/quote]

I don't care if it's the Wyld Stallions of movies - there's no way in hell under any circumstances I am reading a movie for 2 hours - there are already plenty of great books that I'd rather read. Sorry. :D

Also, maybe big stars, special effects and a bare bones plot you don't have to think about for one second after leaving the theater is what makes a great movie - I think you keep talking about a film or something... ;)
decent flick, but I've already forgotten most of it and much of it was pretty silly. Electra was worse than F4, and Daredevil: Director's Cut is pretty good, though I would have left out a few of the scene's added back in such as Bullseye's (lame) arrival at the airport.
bread's done