Fantastic Four: Rise of Silver Surfer High-quality trailer

the t-1000 LIVES AGAIN!!!

I'm still convinced Jessica Alba is the worst casting decision in these Fantastic Four movies. She was absolutely HORRIBLE in the first. Still, I loved this trailer. Nothing beats Johnny's "...I JUST bought this tux" line.
[quote name='evanft']Man, the first FF movie was awesome, so this one should be, too!!! OH YAY!!!!!


i totally agreed with you until: /sarcasm
I'm still amazed that not only did they add the Silver Surfer to the series but that his role is big enough to warrant title space. My concern though is that they're introducing a whole new character when the original four characters never went beyond one dimensional caricatures in the original abysmal film. Of course, they're probably going for an action over substance approach and in that sense, it looks fucking AMAZING!
[quote name='basketkase543']I'm still amazed that not only did they add the Silver Surfer to the series but that his role is big enough to warrant title space. My concern though is that they're introducing a whole new character when the original four characters never went beyond one dimensional caricatures in the original abysmal film. Of course, they're probably going for an action over substance approach and in that sense, it looks fucking AMAZING![/QUOTE]

Good, I hope they just go straight for balls to the wall action the whole time.

I'm sick of these comic book movies emphasizing the characters over the actual action scenes and the huge superhero vs supervillain battles.
[quote name='Roufuss']Good, I hope they just go straight for balls to the wall action the whole time.

I'm sick of these comic book movies emphasizing the characters over the actual action scenes and the huge superhero vs supervillain battles.[/QUOTE]

But for those scenes to be at all meaningful, they need to have a well developed context. You can't root for heroes you don't care for and that's why the first film sucked.

Superman Returns was weak because Singer focused too much on character and not enough on the action that makes superhero films exciting. X-Men 3 on the other hand, was nothing but action and poorly developed characters so all of the action fell flat.

Then you have films like Spider-Man and Batman Begins with kick-ass action sequences and characters that have actual depth: motivation, flaws, fears, conflicts, etc. You need to have SOME character development for a film to work.
[quote name='Roufuss']Good, I hope they just go straight for balls to the wall action the whole time.

I'm sick of these comic book movies emphasizing the characters over the actual action scenes and the huge superhero vs supervillain battles.[/quote]

You clearly have never read nor been a fan of said comics.
I'll honestly be happy with this movie if Johnny, Ben and Surfer are awesome. I expect Reed to be boring beyond belief, but that's in character for Reed entirely. And with Alba as Sue, I imagine she'll suck too (not that Sue is a real exciting character to begin with). But as long as Johnny and Ben stay perfect and Surfer is pretty accurately awesome like he is in the trailer, I can honestly say I'll enjoy this film. Cause that's definitely partially what made me enjoy the first movie despite it's flaws. Johnny and Ben were absolute perfection.
[quote name='hiccupleftovers']You clearly have never read nor been a fan of said comics.[/QUOTE]

I have, but it's probably because I have read Fantastic Four for years and years when I was a kid that all of this stuff where they re-explain the characters and their dynamics bores the shit out of me. I already know who these people are, and they really aren't going to tell a different story, so I just want to see them kick ass.

I just have a feeling they are going to strip the Surfer of the power cosmic and we won't be seeing him shoot blasts out of his hands.

This trailer sets the bar for some awesome action scenes, though. Just how much CAN they do with just the FF and the Surfer?
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